Second World War Casualties




Sailors of the RN who died while serving in ships of the RCN will be listed on this page.


For the purpose of the War Graves Commission the War period for the Second World War is defined as 03 Sep 1939 to 31 Dec 1947.



Ultimate Sacrifice by Robert D'Aoust


Those who made the Ultimate Sacrifice in the Royal Canadian Navy, The Royal Canadian Naval Reserve, and the Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve 1939-1947 - 3 volume 4 book set.



Alphabetical Casualty Listing


A   B   C   D   E   F   G   H   I   J   K   L   M


N   O   P   Q   R   S   T   U   V   W   Y   Z


A  -


ABBOTT, Alfred Bruce, Petty Officer

ACASTER, Douglas Haig, Leading Cook (S)

ACTON, Joseph William John, Leading Seaman

ADAM, George Frank, Mechanician 1st Class

ADAMS, Charles J, Able Seaman - Royal Navy

ADAMS, George Manuel, Motor Mechanic

ADAMS, John Cameron, Able Seaman Quarter Rating 3rd Class

ADAMSON, Selwyn Arthur, Leading Coder

ADIE, William Charles, Leading Supply Assistant

ADLINGTON, Howard Hibbert, Supply Assistant

AGAR, Robert James, Leading Cook (S)

AGNEW, John, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class

AKAM, Thomas, Chief Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class

ALDRED, Leslie, Able Seaman

ALEXANDER, Robert Keith, Signalman

ALLAN, George P, Chief Motor Mechanic 4c, V/71161 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 18 November 1947, died

ALLAN, John Mulholland, Able Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class

ALLEN, Frank George, Chief Blacksmith

ALLEN, John Henry, Motor Mechanic

ALLISON, Albert Ernest, Able Seaman

ALLISON, Charles Herbert, Able Seaman

ALMON, Ralph Everett, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class

AMIRO, Irvin Vincent, Telegraphist

AMOTH, Nels, Seaman Cook, FR/58 (RCNR), Takla (RCN), 14 May 1940, died

AMYES, Alfred W B, Electrical Artificer 4c, 21606 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK

ANDERSON, Archibald Frederick, Stoker 1st Class

ANDERSON, Cecil Floyd, Leading Signalman

ANDERSON, Gerald Arthur Lieutenant (P)

ANDERSON, James Cowie, Steward

ANDERSON, John, Steward

ANDERSON, Stewart William, Ordinary Seaman

ANDERSON, William J, Able Seaman, A/5127 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 20 December 1947, died

ANDERSON, William John, Leading Coder

ANDREWS, Joseph Charles, Leading Stoker (M)

ANGELL, Bruce, Able Seaman

ANNABLE, Grant Carl, Ordinary Seaman

ANNETT, Robert Ivan Loucks, Sub Lieutenant (E)

ANSLEY, William Charles, Ordinary Seaman

ANTHONY, James Albert Daniel, Skipper

APOSTOLOS, Archie, Steward

APPLEYARD, Richard Alan, Able Seaman

ARBEAU, Cora, Leading WRCNS, W/3283 (WRCNS), Peregrine (RCN), 14 May 1945, died

ARCHBOLD, Godfrey T A, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Itchen, 22 September 1943, ship loss, MPK

ARCHER, Arthur Ernest, Leading Seaman, Leading Torpedoman

ARCHER, George, Chief Petty Officer, 2556 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK

ARKELL, Joseph William, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector

ARMES, Walter Garnett, Ordinary Seaman

ARMSTRONG, Arthur W, Telegraphist, 2235 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK

ARMSTRONG, Frederick Thomas, Able Seaman

ARMSTRONG, George Albert, Able Seaman Quarter Rating 3rd Class

ARMSTRONG, Hugh, Leading Stoker, A 2547 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

ARMSTRONG, Irvine Carrick, Telegraphist

ARMSTRONG, Robert Oliver, Leading Telegraphist

ARMSTRONG, William M, Engine Room Artificer, 21375 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

ARNOTT, Robert S, Leading Seaman, 2639 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK

ARSENEAULT, Willard George, Leading Stoker

ARTHUR, Charles H, Able Seaman, V 24520 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 1 October 1943, died

ASBRIDGE, William B, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, 1845 Sqn, Formidable, 18 July 1945, air operations, MPK

ASHE, Lawrence, Supply Assistant, V/23106 (RCNVR), St Hyacinthe (RCN), 10 March 1944, died

ASHLEY, Orville William, Able Seaman Quarter Rating 3rd Class

ASHLEY, Robert Pinder, Able Seaman

ASHMALL, Royden George, Telegraphist

ASHMORE, George Alfred, Able Seaman

ASHTON, Percy George, Able Seaman

ASSELTON, John Derrick, Leading Telegraphist

ATTWOOD, Albert James, Leading Steward

AUCOIN, Amedee Patrick, Stoker Petty Officer

AUCOIN, Paul Bert, Steward

AULENBACK, George V, Able Seaman, 2966 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK

AVEY, Sydney Charles, Stoker 1st Class

AYERS, Ernest William, Signalman


B  -


BADOUR, William R, Able Seaman, V 30991 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BAGGS, William Frederick, Able Seaman - Royal Navy
BAHLEDA, Stephen H, Telegraphist, V/49972 (RCNVR), 29th MTB Flotilla (RCN), 14 February 1945, ship loss, killed
BAILEY, Norris B, Able Seaman, V 31265 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BAILEY, Sidney J L, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, SS Britannia, 25 March 1941, (Grebe, O/P), MPK
BAIN, Douglas M, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, SS Empire Wave, 2 October 1941, (President III, O/P), missing
BAIRD, Haddow Frederick, Sub Lieutenant
BAIRD, John Allison, Stoker 1st Class
BAKER, David W, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, 857 Sqn, Indomitable, 16 April 1945, air operations, MPK
BAKER, Elgy Edward, Stoker 1st Class
BAKER, Graham McN, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, ML.447, 28 March 1942, ship loss, killed
BAKER, James, Stoker Petty Officer
BAKER, James D, Lieutenant (E), RCNR, Stadacona (RCN), 11 October 1945, died
BAKER, Owen C, Able Seaman, A 1795 (RNCR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BAKER, Thomas M, Able Seaman, 3265 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BAKER, William Stych, Ordinary Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
BALLANTYNE, Roswell Alexander, Stoker 2nd Class
BANKS, Merl Alexander, Able Seaman
BARBER, John D, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Captor (RCN), 8 June 1945, died
BAREFOOT, Gordon William, Stoker 1st Class
BARK, Wilfred, Sub Lieutenant

BARLOW, Bernard Cecil, Telegraphist
BARLOW, Howard Cliffe, Telegraphist
BARNETT, Charles Austin, Able Seaman Quarter Rating 2nd Class
BARNHART, Gordon F, Leading Stoker, V 8916 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BARRETT, Arthur C, Ordinary Seaman, V/68925 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 3 March 1944, died
BARRETT, Arthur Edwin, Able Seaman
BARRETT, Joseph E A, Leading Telegraphist, V/3309 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 25 November 1946, died
BARRETT, Osborne Gordon, Victualling Chief Petty Officer
BARRIAULT, Joseph E, Able Seaman, A 5115 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BARROW, Israel, Stoker Petty Officer, X 41077 (RCNR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BARSS, Walter Charles, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
BARTEAUX, Inglis Le R, Shipwright 1c, V/26013 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 20 May 1941, died
BARTLETT, Frederick Ernest, Ordinary Seaman
BARTON, William H, Able Seaman, A/3318 (RCNR), Nonsuch (RCN), 25 June 1941, died
BARWIS, William Donald, Able Seaman
BASS, George O, Leading Stoker, A 4319 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BATE, John Redvers, Ordinary Seaman
BATE, Leonard, Leading Telegraphist
BAXTER, Richard Alexander, Petty Officer

BEACH, John A., Leading Air Fitter (O) - Royal Navy

BEANLAND, John, Able Seaman, A/4222 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 10 May 1941, died
BEARD, Thomas Norman Kemp, Midshipman
BEATON, Joseph, Able Seaman, V 26206 (RCNVR), SS Ettrick, 15 November 1942, ship loss (Quebec, O/P), MPK
BEATON, Neil Kenneth, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
BEATTIE, William I, Able Seaman, V 17026 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BEAUCAMP, Gerald J C, Able Seaman, 2807 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BEAUCHAMP, Arthur Charles, Able Seaman
BEAUCHAMP, Joseph Florida Andre, Able Seaman
BECK, Moyle Kitchener, Leading Seaman
BEDDIS, Samuel John, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
BEDFORD, Andrew L, Able Seaman, V 18474 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BEECH, Walter Henry, Chief Engine Room Artificer (Motor)
BELANGER, Alexander Ray, Stoker 2nd Class
BELANGER, Roger, Able Seaman
BELL, Daniel, Able Seaman, Higher Submarine Detector
BELL, David Ovenston, Ordinary Seaman Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
BELL, Donald Alexander, Stoker 1st Class
BELL, John T, Air Mechanic 2c, 22559 (RCN), Griffon (RCN), 21 May 1946, died
BELL, Joseph G, Coder, V 35750 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BELL-IRVING, Richard Morris, Lieutenant (E)
BELLAZZI, Joseph Oliver Fernand, Skipper
BELYEA, Christie Milton, Ordinary Seaman
BENDER, Earl A, Able Seaman, V/60330 (RCNVR), Star (RCN), 26 March 1944, died
BENJAMIN, Stanley, Able Seaman
BENNETT, Harry MacDonald, Able Seaman
BENOIT, Joseph Bertrand Alphonse, Cook (S)
BERGE, Olaf Elmer, Stoker 1st Class
BERKELEY, Alfred George, Ordinary Seaman
BERKELEY, Henry R A C, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, MTB.417, 16 March 1944, ship loss, MPK
BERNIER, Rodrigue, Leading Writer, 40784 (RCN), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
BERNST, Ronald William, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class

BERRISFORD, Gordon H, Ordinary Seaman, V 42923 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BERRYMAN, Jack Gardner, Leading Stoker (M)
BERTRAND, Laurent Joseph Lucien, Chief Petty Officer
BETEAU, Howard Gerald, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
BETTESS, Edward, Able Seaman
BETTS, Roy Harold, Leading Seaman
BEVINGTON, Sidney, Petty Officer - Royal Navy
BIANCO, Anthony Dominic, Able Seaman
BIBLE, John H, Able Seaman, V 12914 (RCNVR), Clayoquot (RCN), 11 November 1943, killed
BIEBER, Edgar Edward, Stoker Petty Officer
BIGGS, Arthur J L, Petty Officer, A/1518 (RCNR), York (RCN), 26 November 1947, died
BILLINGER, Edward J, Able Seaman, V/27176 (RCNVR), Midge, 23 February 1944, killed
BILLINGS, George J, Stoker 1c, A/3104 (RCNR), Discovery (RCN), 27 May 1945, died
BINGHAM, Edward J B, Chief Petty Officer, 1998 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BISHOP, George R, Ordinary Seaman, 3898 (RCN), Naden (RCN), 31 December 1940, died
BISHOP, Robert John, Signalman
BISSETT, John E, Lieutenant Commander, RCNVR, Bytown (RCN), 18 March 1944, died
BISSON, George Paul, Stoker 1st Class
BLAIN, Ronald George, Able Seaman
BLAIS, Joseph Frederic Andre, Leading Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rate 3rd Class, RCNVR
BLAKE, Edward J, Able Seaman, V/56096 (RCNVR), Burrard (RCN), 26 April 1945, died
BLAKEY, Cecil, Chief Stoker, 21174 (RCN), Discovery (RCN), 19 February 1946, died

BLANCHARD, Joseph Homer Leopold, Stoker 1st Class
BLANCHET, Joseph Georges Edmond, Stoker 1st Class
BLAND, John Basil, Stoker 1st Class
BLAYLOCK, Douglas John, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
BLINCH, Harry Clifford, Able Seaman
BLOCHLINGER, John Emile, Stoker Petty Officer
BLOUIN, Joseph Arthur Yvan, Able Seaman
BLUE, Eric Morley, Telegraphist
BLYTH, John McBain, Ordinary Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
BODEUX, Joseph Marcel, Signalman
BODGER, Richard Roy, Petty Officer
BOEHLER, Stanley William, Stoker 1st Class
BOILEAU, Joseph P L, Ordinary Seaman, 3496 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BOISTON, William R, Act/Commander (E), Stadacona (RCN), 24 October 1945, illness, died
BOLIN, Gordon Walter, Able Seaman
BOLITHO, Samuel Symonds, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
BOND, Neil Archie, Able Seaman Radar 3rd Class
BONNELL, Charles Ernest, Lieutenant
BONNER, John Willard, Lieutenant Commander
BOOTH, Robert G, Able Seaman, V 45546 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BOSWORTH, Richard Cooper, Coder
BOTHAM, Robert J, Able Seaman, V 11889 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BOTTOMLEY, Stanley R, Able Seaman, V 12442 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BOUCHARD, Joseph Eugene Paul Emile, Able Seaman
BOUCHARD, Joseph Jean, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
BOUCHER, Edward L, Stoker 1c, V/81154 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 2 April 1946, died
BOUCHER, George Arthur, Able Seaman
BOUDREAU, John Jeremiah, Leading Seaman
BOUDREAU, John Raymond, Able Seaman
BOUDREAU, Leonard James, Stoker Petty Officer
BOUFFARD, Alphonse, Chief Engine Room Artificer, D/25 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 27 March 1944, died
BOUFFARD, Margaret L, WRCNS, W/6621 (WRCNS), Donnacona (RCN), 29 June 1946, died
BOURBONNAIS, Joseph Jean Guy, Stoker Petty Officer
BOURGEOIS, Jacques de L, Ty/Surgeon Lieutenant, RCNVR, Hartland, 8 November 1942, ship loss, MPK
BOUTET, Charles H, Ordinary Seaman, 3340 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BOUTILIER, Ralph Howard, Stoker Petty Officer
BOUTIN, Conrad William, Able Seaman
BOUVIER, Theodore Joseph, Signalman
BOWEN, Stephen David, Stoker 1st Class
BOWMAN, Eric Jack, Able Seaman
BOWRING, Charles F, Able Seaman, X/60871 (RCNR), Naden (RCN), 9 June 1940, died
BOWSER, Donald St Clair, Able Seaman
BOWSER, Fred Douglas, Supply Petty Officer
BOYD, Barney W, Ordinary Seaman, V 34758 (RCNVR), St Hyacinthe (RCN), 3 March 1943, died
BOYD, Harold Kelly, Leading Supply Assistant
BOYER, Frederick J, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Laforey, 30 March 1944, ship loss, MPK
BOYLE, Thomas, Signalman, V 7637 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BRADDEN, James A, Chief Stoker, 21517 (RCN), Scotian (RCN), 20 December 1945, MPK
BRADLEY, Desmond C, Able Seaman, V/63002 (RCNVR), Discovery (RCN), 27 May 1947, died
BRADLEY, Eric, Able Seaman
BRADLEY, Gordon S J, Stoker 1c, V 14603 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 30 January 1943, died
BRAIS, Marcel, Able Seaman, V 4281 (RCNVR), St Cathan, 11 April 1942, ship loss, MPK
BRANDSON, Thomas Leonard, Paymaster Lieutenant
BRANNIGAN, John, Telegraphist, V/2763 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 23 November 1942, died
BRASH, Alexander E A, Stoker Petty Officer, 22246 (RCN), Rockliffe (RCN), 5 October 1947, MPK
BRAULT, Roland, Able Seaman

BREBBER, John G, Leading Stoker, 21501 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BRENNAN, James E S, Engine Room Artificer, V 25371 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BRENNAN, Thomas E, Ordnance Artificer 4c, X 41038 (RCN), Naden (RCN), 13 March 1943, died
BRENTON, George Winsor, Telegraphist
BRETT, Robert Arthur, Ordinary Seaman
BRETT, Walter B, Engine Room Artificer, V 10403 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BREUX, Joseph Yvon Paul, Able Seaman
BREWER, Aldon R, Able Seaman, V/72623 (RCNVR), SS Cornwallis, 3 December 1944, ship loss, MPK
BREWER, Gordon S, Sick Berth Attendant, V 36512 (RCNVR), Hochelaga (RCN), 24 June 1945, died
BRIGHT, Jerome Denny, Ordinary Seaman Radio Direction Finder 2nd Class
BRIGHTEN, Victor Harry, Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class
BRINSON, Fred John David, Stoker 2nd Class
BRISEBOIS, Joseph N H, Stoker 2c, V/32094 (RCNVR), Bytown (RCN), 11 April 1947, died
BRITTIN, Robert Henry, Able Seaman, Acting Seaman Torpedoman
BROADLEY, Harry, Able Seaman
BROCK, George Melbourne, Ordinary Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
BROCKWAY, Harold T, Act/Leading Stoker, P/K 66783, Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BRODIE, Clarence, Able Seaman
BROOKMAN, Stanley Bertram, Ordinary Seaman
BROUGHTON, Arthur Wellington, Ordinary Signalman
BROWN, David Edgar, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
BROWN, David Henry, Leading Seaman, Leading Torpedoman
BROWN, Gordon, Able Seaman
BROWN, Hugh Smith, Shipwright 3rd Class
BROWN, John E, Petty Officer, V/35977 (RCNVR), Nonsuch (RCN), 11 July 1946, died
BROWN, Paul Albert, Able Seaman

BROWN, Robert David, Leading Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 2nd Class
BROWN, Walter James, Able Seaman
BROWN, Wilfred Lawrence, Able Seaman
BROWN, William H, Able Seaman, V/9807 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 21 June 1945, died
BROWN, William Irvin, Stoker 1st Class
BROWNE, Rodney J, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Hermione, 16 June 1942, ship loss, DOW
BROZOVICH, Walter, Ordinary Seaman
BRUCE, William, Leading Seaman, V 25864 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BRUSH, John Clarence, Ordinary Telegraphist
BRUZZESE, Anthony Vincent, Able Seaman
BUCHANAN, George Wood, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
BUCHESKI, William, Able Seaman
BUCKELS, William, Engine Room Artificer 1c, V/67942 (RCNVR), Scotian (RCN), 25 August 1945, died
BUCKINGHAM, Thomas P, Stoker 1c, V/18304 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 20 April 1944, died
BUCKLEY, Donald J, Able Seaman, V/76796 (RCNVR), Discovery (RCN), 18 October 1945, died
BUCZOUSKI, Peter M, Stoker 2c, V/16331 (RCNVR), Hochelaga II (RCN), 15 July 1942, died
BUKER, Clarence T, Stoker 1c, V/63654 (RCNVR), Cataraqui (RCN), 24 September 1947, died
BULL, Armour McK, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Fidelity, 30 December 1942, (Shrapnel, O/P), MPK
BULLOCK, Harold Lorne, Leading Signalman
BURGESS, Ira U, Able Seaman, A 4554 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
BURKE, Gerald Thomas, Leading Supply Assistant
BURN, Albert Edward, Able Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
BURNETT, John H, Stoker, 21619 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
BURNFIELD, George William, Able Seaman
BURNS, Edward Richard, Cook (S)
BURNS, Francis Connolly, Stoker 1st Class
BURROUGHS, Walter Payne, Able Seaman Acting Quarters Rating 3rd Class
BURROW, William Oliver, Leading Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
BURROWS, Ernest Edward, Stoker 1st Class
BURTON, George A, Commander, RCNR, Protector (RCN), 4 October 1944, died
BURTON, Joseph Philippe (aka Lawrence), Skipper
BURTON, William Clarence, Supply Assistant
BURY, James Edward, Stoker 1st Class
BUSSEREAU, Victor R, Lieutenant (E), RCNVR, Rajputana, 13 April 1941, ship loss, MPK
BUTLER, Arthur Herbert, Ordinary Seaman
BUTTERFIELD, Thomas William James, Engine Room Artificer
BUTTON, Edmund Arthur, Stoker 1st Class
BYDWELL, Leslie Wellington, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
BYRNE, John Eugene, Able Seaman, Prob. Anti-Aircraft Rate 3rd Class
BYRON, John, Acting Commander - Royal Naval Reserve


C  -


CADOTTE, Leo P, Ordinary Seaman, V 32661 (RCNVR), Sorel (RCN), 26 August 1943, killed
CAIRNS, Leonard M, Ordinary Seaman, V/11609 (RCNVR), Haro (RCN), 19 March 1942, died
CALDER, William A, Leading Seaman, 2482 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CALL, George Edward, Stoker Petty Officer
CALLAN, William Edward, Lieutenant
CALLOWHILL, William Henry, Coder
CALVERLEY, William Ernest, Able Seaman
CAMPBELL, Alan Dickson, Able Seaman
CAMPBELL, Alexander Hutton, Stoker 1st Class
CAMPBELL, Donald L, Able Seaman, 3086 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CAMPBELL, Donald Warren, Stoker 1st Class
CAMPBELL, George R, Cook (S), V/73004 (RCNVR), Discovery (RCN), 23 September 1945, died
CAMPBELL, Gordon Keith, Ordinary Seaman
CAMPBELL, James, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class

CAMPBELL, John Russell, Leading Seaman, A4986, Chatham, 02 Apr 1945, Illness 

CAMPBELL, Lawrence Newton, Petty Officer Higher Submarine Detector
CAMPBELL, Lloyd George, Leading Seaman
CAMPBELL, Robert B, Writer, V/6876 (RCNVR), Carleton (RCN), 27 February 1942, died
CAMPBELL, William Franklin, Lieutenant-Commander
CAMPBELL, Woodrow Wilson, Ordinary Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 2nd Class
CANAVAN, Lloyd Frederick, Stoker 1st Class
CANDY, Alexander A, Leading Seaman, 2516 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CANN, Malcolm A, Able Seaman, A 1717 (RCNR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CANT, Daniel, Stoker 1st Class
CARDER, Wilfred Walter, Able Seaman
CAREY, Percival George, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
CARIGNAN, Joseph J B L, Stoker, V 39926 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
CARL, Charles Gordon, Signalman
CARLSEN, Harvey Morris, Stoker 1st Class
CARLTON, Douglas Anson, Able Seaman
CARNAGHAN, Alfred P, Leading Stoker, V/58592 (RCNVR), Hunter (RCN), 15 June 1945, died
CAROLAN, Robert Emmett, Stoker 1st Class
CARR, Ronald J, Able Seaman, V 17515 (RCNVR), SS Ettrick, 15 November 1942, ship loss (Quebec, O/P), MPK
CARRIER, Gordon Albert, Able Seaman, Probationer Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
CARSE, James G, Stoker, 21680 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CARSON, Francis W, Ty/Sub Lieutenant (E), RCNVR, Chanticleer, 18 November 1943, torpedoed, killed

CARSON, Morley Willerton, Ordinary Signalman
CARTER, George Frederick, Able Seaman
CARTER, Robert Henry, Ordinary Seaman
CARTER, Victor Edward, Leading Seaman Higher Submarine Detector
CARTWRIGHT, Gordon David, Able Seaman
CARTWRIGHT, Kenneth, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
CARY, David A, Ty/Sub Lieutenant (A), RCNVR, 899 Sqn, Khedive, 18 August 1944, air operations, MPK
CATHCART, Norman, Able Seaman
CATHRINE, Robert Thomas, Able Seaman
CAVANAGH, Robert Ansley, Able Seaman, Combined Operations
CHADDOCK, Harold Gilbert, Stoker 2nd Class
CHALMERS, George Anderson, Leading Signalman
CHALMERS, Robert James, Telegraphist
CHAMBERLAND, Paul Henri Aloys, Able Seaman
CHAMBERS, Richard S, Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Bytown (RCN), 4 November 1943, died
CHAMPION, Charles Ray, Able Seaman
CHANDLER, Harry Manfield, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
CHANDLER, Ronald, Ordinary Seaman, C/JX 659252, Queen Charlotte (RCN), 29 August 1944, illness, died
CHARMAN, Edgar A, Lieutenant (Sp), RCNVR, Niobe (RCN), 2 September 1945, Holland, died
CHAYCHUK, John, Leading Seaman, V/35434 (RCNVR), Niobe (RCN), 13 January 1945, died
CHEDISTER, Ward D, Leading Seaman, 2661 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CHENOUSKI, Frank, Lieutenant
CHERPETA, John Edward, Able Seaman
CHIPMAN, Lawrence Fairn, Lieutenant (S)
CHIPPENDALE, Joseph T, Leading Seaman, V 18012 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
CHISHOLM, Duncan Forbes, Stoker 1st Class
CHISHOLM, Eric Miles, Leading Seaman Submarine Detector
CHISHOLM, Robert Donald, Able Seaman
CHISOLM, Frederick D, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
CHIZY, Harold Irving, Sick Berth Attendant
CLANCY, Gregory Joseph, Telegraphist
CLANCY, Harold Garfield, Able Seaman
CLARK, Frank, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
CLARK, James A, Able Seaman, A/498 (RCNR), Naden (RCN), 9 October 1941, died
CLARK, John Richardson, Ordinary Seaman
CLARK, Vernon K, Leading Writer, 40809 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
CLARK, William Norman, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
CLARKE, George F, Lieutenant (A), RCNVR, Nuthatch, 18 September 1945, air crash in UK, killed
CLARKE, James E, Stoker 1c, V/14835 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 19 December 1946, died
CLARKE, James Peter, Ordinary Seaman
CLARKE, Ralph L, Telegraphist, 2824 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CLARKE, William, Ordinary Seaman
CLAYTON, Alfred Ernest Joseph, Supply Assistant
CLEGG, Olive I, Leading WRCNS, W/1396 (WRCNS), Protector II (RCN), 17 June 1944, died
CLEMENT, Cyril J, Stoker 1c, V 18276 (RCNVR), Liverpool, 14 June 1942, torpedoed, killed
CLEMO, Frederick John Byron, Able Seaman

CLEVELAND, Lawrence Douglas, 2nd Steward - Merchant Navy
CLIFF, Albert T, Chief Motor Mechanic 3c, A/3689 (RCNR), Givenchy (RCN), 2 June 1945, died
CLINTON, Elmer Joseph, Leading Stoker
CLOUSTON, John D, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Loosestrife, 14 March 1942, overboard, MPK
COATES, Daryl L, Leading Stoker, 21789 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
COCHRAN, John, Leading Stoker, 21983 (RCN), Unicorn (RCN), 23 February 1947, died
COLBECK, Arthur Wayne, Sub Lieutenant
COLE, Albert J, Able Seaman, V 16554 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
COLE, Cyril Edward, Able Seaman
COLE, David, Stoker, V 33190 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
COLE, Harry Charles Beverley, Ordinary Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
COLE, James, Able Seaman, D/JX 173642, Avalon (RCN), 11 August 1943, illness, died

COLE, John Alvah, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class

COLE, John W, Signalman, 3033 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
COLE, William A, Chief Petty Officer, 3559 (RCN), Naden (RCN), 29 September 1945, died
COLEMAN, George W, Stoker 1c, V/64600 (RCNVR), Fort Ramsay (RCN), 11 June 1945, died
COLEMAN, Irving, Sub-Lieutenant - Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve
COLES, Kenneth James, Telegraphist
COLLIER, Chesley, Able Seaman
COLLIN, Alfred James Kenneth, Mate
COLLIN, Joseph Adelard Jean Louis, Stoker 1st Class
COLLINS, Joseph, Able Seaman - Royal Navy
COMISH, John Charles Griffon, Telegraphist

CONDIE, James Ritchie, Signalman
CONN, James Ralph, Leading Steward
CONNERS, Cyril Winfield, Chief Petty Officer Torpedo Cox'n
CONNOLLY, Charles William, Leading Cook (S)
CONNOLLY, John, Stoker 1c, V 22333 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 4 June 1943, died
CONNOLLY, Richard Joseph, Leading Stoker
CONNOR, John Walter, Stoker 1st Class
CONRAD, Elward Rupert, Mate
CONRAD, Everette A, Cook (S), A/4234 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 23 May 1941, died
CONWAY, Archibald Henry William, Leading Seaman Gun Layer
CONWAY, Leo Charles, Able Seaman
COOK, Albert Carlton, Ordinary Seaman
COOK, Clifton D, Leading Seaman, 3289 (RCN), Stadacona (RCN), 5 February 1946, died
COOK, Desmond Bert William Cook (S)
COOK, John Edward, Stoker 1st Class
COOK, John Frederick, Lieutenant
COOK, Thomas Alfred, Ordinary Seaman
COOKE, Dwight Russell, Stoker Petty Officer
COOKMAN, Edgar Anthony, Leading Seaman Leading Torpedoman
COOMER, Frederick William, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
COONEY, Stewart Ray, Steward
COOPPER, Ewart Beaumont, Leading Seaman Submarine Detector
COPP, Garnet Clayton, Stoker 2nd Class
CORBIERE, Vincent Gerald, Able Seaman
CORBIN, William H, Petty Officer, 2531 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CORBY, George R, Engine Room Artificer, V 44500 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
CORCORAN, John V, Shipwright 1c, V/55859 (RCNVR), Givenchy (RCN), 4 April 1944, died
CORKUM, Gordon Francis, Able Seaman
CORNISH, Howard J, Leading Stoker, V 22939 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
CORNWALL, James Anthony, Able Seaman
CORRIGAN, Francis Owen, Supply Petty Officer
COSGROVE, Canniff Timothy John, Able Seaman
COSH, Digby R B, Act/Lieutenant Commander, RCNVR, 881 Sqn, Gannet, 24 June 1944, air crash, killed

COTTON, Stanley L, Writer, V/30787 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 2 August 1944, died
COTTRELL, Sydney Alexander, Able Seaman
COUGHLIN, Clifton Rexford (Tony), Lieutenant Commander
COURNOYER, Roland, Stoker 1st Class
COUSINEAU, Lionel, Stoker 1st Class
COVE, Gilbert Lloyd, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
COWAN, Murray Allan, Leading Stoker
COWE, James Wilson, Chief Motor Mechanic 4th Class
COWLING, Oliver, Ordinary Seaman
COX, Henry John Maria, Stoker Petty Officer
COX, John Daniel, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
COX, Richard H, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
COXON, Thomas, Able Seaman, 2838 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CRAIG, Daniel Allan, Telegraphist
CRAIG, Frederick T, Stoker Petty Officer, A 1053 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
CRAIG, Gordon Robert, Ordinary Telegraphist
CRAIG, Robert P, Commissioned Engineer, RCNR, Scotian (RCN), 13 October 1945, died
CRAIG, Wilson Henry, Ordinary Telegraphist
CRAMP, William John, Stoker Petty Officer
CRANE, Alan C, Engine Room Artificer 4c, 21550 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CRANE, Walter James, Signalman (A.K.A. Crane, James Walton)
CRANG, William Reginald Noel, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class

CRAWFORD, Andrew, Leading Supply Assistant - Royal Navy

CRAWFORD, Gordon Ralph, Petty Officer Leading Torpedoman
CREANEY, Thomas, Able Seaman Layer rating 3rd Class
CRESSEY, Harold Franklin, Signalman
CROCKETT, John L, Leading Seaman, V/1319 (RCNVR), Hochelaga (RCN), 27 March 1945, died
CROFT, Moyle Haliburton, Able Seaman
CROSS, Albert James, Able Seaman

CROSS, Alfred Thomas, Ordinary Telegraphist
CROSSON, Abraham Bullard, Leading Coder
CRYSLER, Donald N, Ty/Sub Lieutenant (A), RCNVR, 732 Sqn, Saker, 24 March 1944, air crash, killed
CUDMORE, Alfred, Able Seaman
CULLIFORD, Doyle Ingram, Stoker 1st Class
CULPEPPER, John Arthur, Stoker Petty Officer
CUMMING, Malcolm, Lieutenant (E)
CUMMINGS, Charles A, Able Seaman, V/33942 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 7 August 1945, died
CUNNINGHAM, Edward A, Able Seaman, 2934 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
CUNNINGHAM, John LS, Lieutenant, RCNVR, 826 Sqn, Daedalus, 13 January 1943, air crash, MPK
CURR, Stanley Raymond, Able Seaman
CURRIE, George Howard, Supply Assistant
CURRIE, William Patrick, Stoker Petty Officer
CYR, Thomas S, Able Seaman, V/69722 (RCNVR), SS Cornwallis, 3 December 1944, ship loss, MPK


D  -


D'ENTREMONT, Joseph Fulgence, Leading Seaman
D'EON, Gerald Joseph, Victualling Assistant
DACEY, John P, Leading Cook (O), V 2723 (RCNVR), Peregrine (RCN), 2 May 1947, died
DALY, John Patrick, Ordinary Seaman

DANBY, William Hardy, Signalman
DANIELS, Michael George, Able Seaman
DAOUST, Joseph Harold Hector, Stoker 1st Class
DARRACH, Ronald Murray, Petty Officer Motor Mechanic
DAVEY, William, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman Probationer
DAVIDSON, Gordon, Able Seaman
DAVIEAUX, Joseph Arthur, Stoker 2nd Class
DAVIES, Allan Morton Kergin, Petty Officer Writer
DAVIES, Leonard L., Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy

DAVIES, William John, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 2nd Class

DAVIES, William Thomas, Able Seaman

DAVIS, Russell S, Ordinary Seaman, V/26270 (RCNVR), Bedfordshire, 11 May 1942, ship loss, MPK

DAVIS, Thomas Edward, Petty Officer Quarters Rating 2nd Class

DAWES, James Calvin, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
DAWSON, Alfred Edward, Stoker 1st Class
DAWSON, Charles Edward, Petty Officer Motor Mechanic
DAY, Alexander Earle, Ordinary Telegraphist
DAY, Joseph C, Engine Room Artificer 4c, V/63558 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 10 September 1944, died
DAY, Stanley G, Leading Victualling Assistant, 40513 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK

De ARMOND, Gordon Lee, Leading Seaman

DE FREITAS, Pervical F M, Lieutenant Commander, RCNR, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

DE LORIMIER, Antoine Elie Edouard, Stoker 1c
DEAN, Alfred C, Leading Stoker, A 5299 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

DEARDEN, Arthur Neil, Ordinary Seaman
DEARLOVE, Kenneth Harry, Signalman
DEEKS, William Richard, Ordinary Seaman
DEEVES, Arthur James, Leading Telegraphist
DEGEER, Carl Gerhard Ludvig, Able Seaman
DELBRIDGE, William C, Electrician, V/16342 (RCNVR), Kings (RCN), 29 June 1942, died
DEMERS, Honore W J, Electrical Artificer, V 39334 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
DEMERS, Roger, Ordinary Seaman
DENIS, William, Telegraphist
DENNENY, James G, Telegraphist, V 33265 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
DENONCOURT, Charles Omer, Leading Stoker
DENSMORE, Wilford Harding , Cook (S)

DES BRISAY, Gordon Montgomery, Signalman

DESCHAMP, Winslow A, Able Seaman, A 746 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
DESLAURIERS, Joseph Jacques Uldege, Stoker 1st Class

DEVINE, Charles Daniel, Petty Officer Writer
DEVINS, James Edward, Stoker 1st Class
DEWAR, Roderick R, Able Seaman, A/525 (RCNR), SS Triglav, 9 July 1942, died
DEY, Neil A, Lieutenant (E), RCNVR, York (RCN), 8 August 1944, died
DIAMOND, John E, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, 753 Sqn, Condor, 10 July 1942, air crash, MPK
DICK, Benson Gordon, Able Seaman
DICKENS, Alex J W, Ordinary Seaman, V 9575 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
DICKENSON, Reginald G., Telegraphist - Royal Navy
DICKS, George Ronald, Petty Officer Radio Direction Finder 2nd Class
DILLABOUGH, Guy, Leading Stoker
DILLEN, Stewart Casselman, Steward
DINNER, Lorne, Supply Assistant, V 23394 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
DION, Albert Jean Germain, Leading Stoker
DITMARS, Eric S, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Salvia, 24 December 1941, ship loss, MPK
DITTLOFF, William, Stoker 1st Class
DOBSON, Andrew H, Lieutenant Commander, RCNR, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
DOCKSEY, Donald C, Able Seaman, 3745 (RCN), Spartiate, 26 November 1942, bus accident, killed
DOHERTY, Wilfred James, Electrical Artificer
DOHERTY, William J, Able Seaman, V/7365 (RCNVR), Bras d'Or (RCN), 19 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
DOIRON, Elmer Joseph, Ordinary Seaman
DOMEIER, Eric C, Able Seaman, 3173 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
DOMPIERRE, Joseph A E, Ordinary Seaman, V/3351 (RCNVR), Montcalm (RCN), 26 September 1940, died
DON, John Rutherford, Telegraphist
DONALDSON, Harold McI, Ordinary Seaman, V 59714 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 19 November 1943, died
DONALDSON, William, Leading Seaman, 2816 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
DONNETT, Daniel Heron, Able Seaman
DONOHUE, Donald Thomas, Ordinary Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
DORAN, Patrick Dixon, Stoker 1st Class
DOUCET, Joseph E G, Able Seaman, V/40673 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 14 May 1947, died
DOUGAN, Harold Edward, Ordinary Seaman
DOUGHERTY, Jerome Garfield, Petty Officer
DOUGLAS, Albert, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
DOUGLAS, James F, Lieutenant (E), RCNR, Naden (RCN), 17 January 1945, died
DOUGLAS, Lionel P, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, ML.1069, 20 June 1942, ML captured, MPK
DOVE, George W, Stoker 1c, V/48174 (RCNVR), Niobe (RCN), 5 April 1945, Belgium, died
DOVE, Jack, Stoker 2c, V 19487 (RCNVR), Grove, 12 June 1942, ship loss, MPK
DOWELL, Charles B, Able Seaman, V 35531 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
DOWNES, Allan, Engine Room Artificer 4c, V/6613 (RCNVR), Acadia (RCN), 16 June 1941, died
DOWNEY, Dale George, Stoker 1st Class
DOWNIE, Bryan Ross, Leading Telegraphist
DRAPER, Herbert Lorimer, Petty Officer
DRESSER, John W, Lieutenant Commander, RCNVR, Star (RCN), 4 May 1945, died
DREW, John Gibbs, Motor Mechanic
DREW, Robert Frederick, Telegraphist
DRODY, William Raymond, Leading Seaman
DUBOC, Joseph A P H, Able Seaman, V/44494 (RCNVR), Chaleur II (RCN), 27 January 1944, died
DUCHARME, Joseph Roger Daniel, Able Seaman
DUDDLES, Stanley Edward, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
DUGGINS, Walter A, Chief Engine Room Artificer, V/22356 (RCNVR), Star (RCN), 8 October 1946, died
DUGUAY, Henri Robert, Cook (S)
DUMBERRY, Lucien J, Telegraphist, V/60835 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 9 February 1945, died
DUMONT, Joseph Edward, Petty Officer Quarter Rating 2nd Class
DUNCAN, Alexander H, Able Seaman, V/53408 (RCNVR), Cicala, 28 May 1944, illness, died
DUNCAN, George F, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, MGB.78, 2 October 1942, ship loss, killed
DUNCAN, James, Ordinary Seaman, Royal Navy
DUNCAN, William, Ordinary Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
DUNCAN, William A, Plumber 2c, V/51811 (RCNVR), Protector (RCN), 28 July 1944, died
DUNELL, George E, Ty/Sub Lieutenant (E), RCNVR, Tweed, 7 January 1944, ship loss, MPK
DUNLOP, Ronald Ewing, Motor Mechanic
DUNN, Robert C, Able Seaman, V 12710 (RCNVR), Givenchy (RCN), 28 April 1943, died
DUNN, Rupert Maxwell, Cook (S)
DUPUIS, Raymond Clifford, Able Seaman
DUPUIS, Ronald Joseph, Able Seaman
DURON, Cyril, Cook (S)
DUVAL, Alfred Henri, Steward
DWAN, Warren T, Able Seaman, V/59375 (RCNVR), Nonsuch (RCN), 8 June 1946, died
DWYER, Joseph Cannon, Lieutenant, RCNVR


E  -


EADIE, Clifford John, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
EADIE, Jack John, Ordinary Seaman
EARP, Ralph Neil, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
EAST, Richard Godfrey, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
EASTMAN, Garnett Russell, Telegraphist
EDDY, Donald Cedil, Sick Berth Attendant
EDEN, Donald Albert, Paymaster Sub-Lieutenant
EDHOUSE, Donald William, Stoker 2c
EDMONDS, John C, Stoker Petty Officer, A 2867 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
EDWARDS, Charles, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
EDWARDS, Edward, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
EDWARDS, Norman Jack, Stoker 1st Class
EDWARDS, Norman W, Ordinary Seaman, V 6372 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
EDWARDS, William John, Ordinary Seaman
EGAN, Gerald R, Ordinary Seaman, V/4708 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
EISNER, Eric Ewald, Steward
ELDRIDGE, Herbert David, Leading Seaman
ELLIOTT, Gordon Tait, Ordinary Seaman

ELLIOTT, Odin Arthur, Able Seaman
ELLIS, Gerald Kenneth, Cook (S)
ELLIS, Henry G, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Vernon, 12 January 1942, accident, killed
ELLIS, Melvin Newton, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
ELLIS, Verdun G, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
ELSWORTH, Harold Edward, Able Seaman
ELVISH, James, Petty Officer, V/16443 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 3 April 1945, died
ELVISH, John J, Leading Patrolman, V/16082 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 14 June 1944, died
EMERSLUND, Arnold Goodwin, Telegraphist
ENGLISH, Dermot Thomas, Lieutenant Commander
ENGLOT, Stanley, Chief Motor Mechanic, V/48410 (RCNVR), Chippawa (RCN), 19 March 1947, died
EPPLER, Clifford, Ordinary Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
EPSTEIN, Irving, Able Seaman
ERICKSON, Ingvi Swain, Telegraphist
ESTABROOKS, Vernon W, Able Seaman, 2870 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
EVANS, Albert Kenneth, Leading Supply Assistant
EVANS, David Mierion, Petty Officer Leading Torpedoman
EVANS, Donald Lewis, Ordinary Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
EVANS, Frank L, Able Seaman, V 13257 (RCNVR), ST Empire Amethyst, 13 April 1942, ship loss (President III, O/P), MPK
EVANS, John James, Able Seaman
EVANS, Lewis Brychan, Ordinary Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
EVANS, Llewellyn, Able Seaman, 4397 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
EVANS, William L, Leading Stoker, V 23224 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed


F  -


FANNING, Huntley Allison, Electrical Artificer 3rd Class
FAREWELL, Elmo Retlaw, Ordinary Seaman Submarine Detector
FARNSWORTH, James Glendon, Petty Officer

FAUSETT, Horace Edward, Captain - RAF Ferry Command
FAWCETT, Charles Cavour, Lieutenant
FEAREY, Charles E, Ordinary Seaman, 3389 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
FECTEAU, Ernest, Chief Ordnance Artificer 1st Class
FEENEY, John J, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, 759 Sqn, Heron, 27 June 1945, air crash, killed
FELDMAN, Arthur, Electrical Artificer 4th Class
FENERTY, Morris St G, Petty Officer, 2153 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
FERGUSON, John D, Able Seaman, A/4528 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 6 September 1942, died
FERGUSON, Robert E, Leading Seaman, V/149 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 13 October 1945, died
FERGUSON, Robert S, Ordinary Seaman, 3239 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
FERRON, Kenneth Marshall, Stoker 1st Class
FIANDER, Edgar Lincoln, Stoker Petty Officer
FIDDLER, Roderick, Chief Engine Room Artificer
FILSON, Clayton, Ordinary Coder, V 18077 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 3 April 1943, died
FINLAY, Paul William, Lieutenant
FISH, George Henry, Cook (S)
FISHER, Edmond James, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
FISHER, John Agnew, Able Seaman
FITZPATRICK, William, Able Seaman Leading Torpedoman
FLATH, John Carleton, Lieutenant
FLEMING, Harold Louis, Able Seaman, Acting Quarters Rating 3rd Class
FLEMING, Leo Joseph, Able Seaman
FLEMING, Ronald J, Victualling Assistant, V 25157 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
FLOYD, Ruth, WRCNS, W/4023 (WRCNS), Donnacona (RCN), 28 July 1945, died
FORBES, Garry Ferguson, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Gunner 3rd Class
FORD, Malgwyn Charles, Able Seaman Leading Torpedoman
FORREST, George Arthur Crites, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
FORRON, Jack Edward Albert, Leading Stoker
FORWARD, Albert Edward, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 3rd Class
FOSTER, John Patrick, Able Seaman
FOUGERE, Leo Henry, Stoker Petty Officer
FOURNIER, John Alfred, Leading Seaman
FOWLER, George, Chief Motor Mechanic 2nd  Class
FOWLER, Leonard, Ordinary Seaman
FRALIC, Owen William, Motor Mechanic
FRALICK, Earl Irwin, Able Seaman
FRANCIS, James A, Cook, A 938 (RCNR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
FRANKHAM, David G, Able Seaman, 3313 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
FRANKIN, Charles N, Air Mechanic (E) 2c, V/84175 (RCNVR), Niobe (RCN), 20 December 1945, died
FRANKIN, Walter, Leading Stoker, V/35142 (RCNVR), Tecumseh (RCN), 19 December 1946, died
FRASER, James, Chief Motor Mechanic 3c, V/36147 (RCNVR), Givenchy (RCN), 20 April 1945, died

FRASER, Joseph Pierre Malcolm, Petty Officer
FRAYER, Donald L, Able Seaman, 2809 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK

FRYDAY, George Albert - RCNVR / Queen's Own Rifles of Canada
FRENCH, Donald Frederick, Lieutenant
FREURE, James Ralph, Coder
FRIEND, James Thorpe, Telegraphist
FRIESEN, Louis, Stoker Petty Officer
FRITH, William Alexander, Leading Seaman
FROATS, Donald Macrae, Cook (O)

FROHOCK, John Air Mechanic (A) 2nd Class - Royal Navy

FROST, Lawrence V, Able Seaman, A 1777 (RCNR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
FULLER, Eugene Milton, Able Seaman
FULLER, John H, Leading Stoker, V 17751 (RCNVR), SS Ettrick, 15 November 1942, ship loss (Quebec, O/P), MPK
FULLER, Raymond H, Able Seaman, 3273 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
FULTON, Henry L, Stoker, V 18348 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
FULTON, Hugh Cameron, Lieutenant
FYSON, Gordon R, Assistant Cook (S), V/75506 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 4 April 1944, died


G  -


GAAL, Joseph Stephen, Able Seaman
GABOUREL, Lloyd Austin, Able Seaman
GAETANO, Valentino Joseph, Able Seaman
GAGNE, Gerald Louis, Leading Seaman Torpedo Detector 3rd Class
GAGNE, Joseph Abraham Armar Simeon, Ordinary Seaman
GAGNON, Joseph A A, Able Seaman, V/3393 (RCNVR), Montcalm (RCN), 22 August 1945, died
GAGNON, Omer J, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Firedrake, 17 December 1942, ship loss, MPK
GAGNON, William Miller, Stoker 1st Class
GAIR, Alexander Mowat, Leading Signalman
GALBRAITH, Robert M, Lieutenant, RCNR, RCN Air Section, Dartmouth, 17 July 1947, MPK
GALBRAITH, Stuart, Leading Stoker
GALLAGHER, Anthony, Stoker 1st Class
GALLAGHER, Gerald James, Leading Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
GALLAGHER, Harold Joseph, Leading Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
GALLAGHER, John Fraser, Lieutenant
GALLANT, Frank James, Telegraphist
GAMBLE, John McIlveen, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
GARDEN, Rayburn Vincent, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
GARDNER, Charles J, Stoker 1c, V/41774 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 2 February 1944, died
GARLAND, John Charlie, Ordinary Seaman
GARLAND, Melvin, Able Seaman
GARRARD, William Arthur Bordett, Lieutenant Commander
GARRETT, Dudley Morine, Able Seaman
GARRIOCH, Elmer George, Able Seaman
GARVEY, Donald Neil, Stoker 1st Class
GARVEY, William, Signalman
GATENBY, John K, Air Artificer 2c, 51434 H (RCN), RCN, 20 October 1947, died
GAUDETTE, Joseph E, Assistant Cook, V/3768 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 4 October 1947, died
GAUNT, James E, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Asbury, 3 June 1943, air crash, killed
GAUTHIER, Joseph Alphonse Jean Paul, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class

GAUTHIER, Joseph Andrew Richard Robert, Able Seaman
GAUTHIER, Leonard Edmund, Stoker 2nd Class
GAUVIN, Joseph Magloire René, Ordinary Seaman
GAVEL, Clifford Roy, Lieutenant (Pilot)
GEDDES, Frederick Elmo, Stoker Petty Officer
GEORGE, Douglas, Petty Officer Motor Mechanic
GIBB, James Arthur, Able Seaman
GIBBONS, George F, Chief Stoker, X/21024 (RCN), Givenchy (RCN), 7 September 1945, died
GIBBONS, Marshall Lloyd, Able Seaman
GIBSON, Alvon Robert, Ordinary Seaman
GILBERT, William McCombie, Telegraphist
GILBOE, Arthur Francis, Able Seaman Quarter Rating
GILES, Charles R, Able Seaman, V/27311 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
GILES, David Henry, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
GILL, James, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
GILL, John H, Ordnance Artificer 4c, 40657 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
GILLIS, Daniel Everett, Chief Motor Mechanic
GLASGOW, Charles Edmund, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 2nd Class
GLASGOW, William Allan, Ordinary Seaman
GLAVIN, William A, Cook, A/2551 (RCNR), Venture (RCN), 26 August 1940, died
GOHIER, Joseph Victor Maurice, Able Seaman
GOLBY, Thomas Maitland Wake Lieutenant-Commander
GOLDSMITH, Thomas Henry Hardy, Chief Yeoman of Signals
GOLDSMITH, William E, Able Seaman, 3180 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
GOOD, James H, Telegraphist, V 37733 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GOODLAD, Thomas Alexander Anthony, Able Seaman
GOODMAN, William E, Ordinary Seaman, V/16236 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 5 January 1942, died
GOODWIN, George E, Stoker 2c, V/30924 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
GORDON, Cyril J A, Leading Sick Berth Attendant, V 47603 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GORDON, Gilbert Bernard, Steward
GORDON, Lloyd Murchison, Able Seaman
GOREHAM, Leslie M, Able Seaman, A 4639 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GOREING, Frank, Ordinary Seaman, 4524 (RCN), Chatham (RCN), 24 January 1943, killed
GORING, William Alexander, Able Seaman
GOSNELL, Henry William, Leading Seaman

GOSS, Robert William, Able Seaman
GOUDIE, Owen R. Leading Air Mechanic (O) - Royal Navy

GOUGEON, Joseph Roger, Able Seaman
GOULET, Joseph P L, Steward, V 3952 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GOULET, Robert James, Stoker 1st Class
GOW, Francis R W, Commander, RCN, Stadacona (RCN), 8 November 1942, died
GRAHAM, Alvin John, Signalman
GRAHAM, Douglas George, Leading Supply Assistant
GRAHAM, Earl William, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
GRAHAM, James Alexander, Able Seaman
GRAHAM, John Everett, Able Seaman
GRAINGER, Roy James, Supply Petty Officer
GRAIS, Donald Blais, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
GRANAHAN, Edward John (Jack), Leading Signalman
GRANDY, Charles R, Leading Seaman, V 349 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GRANT, Garfield Leslie, Leading Seaman, Leading Torpedoman
GRANT, George William, Ordinary Seaman
GRANT, John Alexander, Stoker Petty Officer
GRANT, Malcolm Seafield, Lieutenant
GRANT, Robert Grierson, Signalman
GRANT, Ronald E, Able Seaman, V 27279 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GRAVES, Carleton Scott, Able Seaman
GRAVETT, Charles S, Leading Stoker, V 13537 (RCNVR), Tecumseh (RCN), 2 November 1943, died
GRAY, Gordon Tilford, Leading Stoker
GRAY, Harold F, Stoker, V 248 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
GRAY, Robert H, Sub Lieutenant (A), RCNVR, 1841 Sqn, Formidable, 9 August 1945, air operations, MPK
GREEN, George C, Chief Petty Officer, X 2062 (RCN), Naden (RCN), 1 January 1944, died
GREENBLATT, Moses, Telegraphist
GREENWOOD, Clifford Hindle, Ordinary Telegraphist
GREENWOOD, Colwyn J, Bandsman, V/75404 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 12 August 1945, died
GREENWOOD, George A, Lieutenant, RCN, E.F.T.S., 17 October 1946, air crash, killed
GREENWOOD, Thomas H, Leading Patrolman, V/86787 (RCNVR), Peregrine (RCN), 8 April 1947, died
GREER, Robert S, Stoker 1c, V/16155 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
GREGGIO, William A, Telegraphist, V 35778 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GRENIER, Joseph O A, Able Seaman, V/3502 (RCNVR), Chaleur II (RCN), 20 October 1944, died
GRENON, Albert J, Able Seaman, 4467 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GRIFFIN, Earle Frederick, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
GRIFFIN, John Albert, Ordinary Seaman
GRIFFIN, Patrick Bernard, Signalman
GRIFFITHS, Edward Steward, Stoker 1st Class
GRIMM, Raymond J, Assistant Cook (S), V/80296 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 27 June 1944, died
GRIMMON, Calvin Douglas, Leading Seaman
GROGAN, Jack A, Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, 709 Sqn, Vulture, 19 May 1945, air crash, killed
GROSSMAN, Samuel, Sailmaker, V/71410 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 30 July 1945, died
GRUNDY, Florrie, WRNCS Petty Officer, W/4017 (WRCNS), Cornwallis (RCN), 8 July 1947, died
GUAY, Vincent E, Able Seaman, V 18576 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
GUEST, Earlton Gordon, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 1st Class
GUIBAULT, Joseph Rene Celestin, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 3rd Class
GUILBAULT, Joseph W M, Able Seaman, V/61482 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 24 June 1945, died
GUNTER, George E, Ordinary Seaman, V/6498 (RCNVR), Bytown (RCN), 8 February 1941, died
GUTHRIE, David Norman, Ordinary Seaman
GUTHRIE, Robert Milford, Leading Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
GUTTERIDGE, Neville H, Stoker Petty Officer, 21314 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK


H  -


HACKER, John Winston, Stoker Petty Officer
HACKETT, Thomas Joseph, Able Seaman
HALE, William Frederick, Lieutenant
HALL, James, Able Seaman
HALL, John Robert, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
HALL, Richard Stanley, Leading Stoker
HALL, William O, Stoker 1c, V/58610 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 13 June 1944, died
HAMILTON, Delmar, Supply Petty Officer
HAMILTON, George R, Ordinary Signalman, V/35011 (RCNVR), Captor II (RCN), 3 May 1942, died
HAMILTON, John Peter, Lieutenant
HAMILTON, William Ainslie, Engine Room Artificer 5th Class
HAMILTON, William Couttie, Ordinary Seaman
HAMMOND, John Andrew, Stoker 1st Class
HANCOCK, Archibald, Leading Radio Mechanic - Royal Navy
HANCOCK, Charles, Ordinary Telegraphist - Royal Naval Patrol Service
HANCOCK, Ralph Gardiner, Leading Signalman
HANCOCK, Sydney C, Petty Officer, 2622 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HANN, Peter M J, Petty Officer Steward, 40551 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
HANNAM, Kenneth R, Able Seaman, 5097 (RCN), Peewit, 17 November 1945, road accident (Niobe), killed
HARDING, Percival Roy, Able Seaman
HARDY, Sydney Arthur, Ordinary Seaman
HARE, Alphonse Leroy, Telegraphist
HARE, Harvey William, Able Seaman
HARKER, James Sharp, Leading Telegraphist
HARLOW, Hervey R, Lieutenant Commander, RCNVR, Bytown (RCN), 5 February 1941, died
HARPE, William W, Able Seaman, V/61958 (RCNVR), Chippawa (RCN), 23 April 1946, died
HARPER, Melvin R, Ordinary Telegraphist, V/81200 (RCNVR), MTB.461 (RCN), 14 February 1945, ship loss, killed
HARRINGTON, Edgar, Stoker, 21680 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HARRINGTON, Gordon Joseph, Cook (S)

HARRIS, Carl Norman, Ordinary Seaman
HARRISON, Robert McKay, Able Seaman
HARTLEN, Wolfred G, Petty Officer, 3223 (RCN), Stadacona (RCN), 16 April 1943, killed
HARTLEY, Ernest O, Stoker, V 5395 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HARTLEY, John Stephenson, Stoker 1st Class
HARVEY, Barnett, Sub-Lieutenant
HARVEY, Colin Bancroft, Leading Seaman
HARVEY, Stanley Frederick, Petty Officer Higher Submarine Detector
HARVEY, William J, Able Seaman, 3021 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HARVIE, William Aubrey, Cook (S)
HATCHER, Arthur Maurice, Leading Seaman Radio Direction Finder 2nd Class

HAWN, David Emmanuel, Leading Seaman
HAY, James Clark, Able Seaman
HAYES, Christopher, Leading Seaman
HAZLE, Oliver B, Stoker 1c, V 41401 (RCNVR), LCI.107, 1 September 1943, DOWS
HEALE, Renfred C, Able Seaman, 2689 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HEAN, John D, Leading Signalman, 2278 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HEATHERINGTON, John Thomas, Stoker 1st Class
HEATHORN, Arthur John, Leading Stoker
HEATLEY, James Y, Ordinary Telegraphist, V/23337 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 14 February 1942, died
HEDSTROM, Arnold Douglas, Leading Sick Berth Attendant
HEFFERMAN, William James, Able Seaman
HEIBERG, Kenneth Gordon, Petty Officer Torpedo Gunner's Mate
HELIS, Joseph Frank, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
HEMSWORTH, Harold Joseph, Engine Room Artificer 5th Class
HENDERSON, Hugh Malcolm, Surgeon-Lieutenant
HENDERSON, James M, Signalman, 2939 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HENDERSON, Robert Harry, Signalman
HENDRY, George Ainslie, Surgeon Lieutenant
HENRY, Alexander, Engine Room Artificer 3c, A/4159 (RCNR), Niobe (RCN), 3 December 1944, died
HENRY, Robert, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
HENRY, Robert John, Able Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
HEYCOCK, Selwyn Reese, Able Seaman
HEYMANN, Hans P. (also known as Hugh P Heaton), Writer - Royal Navy
HIBBARD, Arnold Ashley, Ordinary Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
HICKEY, John Chesley, Able Seaman
HICKS, Earl Cameron, Petty Officer Cook (S)
HICKS, Leonard O, Stoker Petty Officer, A 430 (RCNR), Naden (RCN), 2 December 1943, died
HIGGINBOTHAM, John E, Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Givenchy (RCN), 9 February 1945, died
HILL, Donald O, Ordinary Seaman, V/34348 (RCNVR), Tecumseh (RCN), 8 November 1942, died
HILL, Leonard, Engineman
HILLIER, George A, Able Seaman, A 974 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
HILLIER, Walter William, Able Seaman
HILLS, William S, Chief Petty Officer, V/27013 (RCNVR), Venture (RCN), 17 July 1947, died
HILYARD, Edmond, Able Seaman, Acting Anti-Aircraft Rate 3rd Class
HINCHLIFFE, Frank, Convoy Signalman, V/8495 (RCNVR), SS Boston, 25 September 1942, ship loss (O/P), MPK
HINCKS, Peter D, Ty/Act/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Godetia, 7 September 1940, ship loss, missing
HINDS, Edward, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
HIRON, Bernard E, Gunner, RCN, Talapus (RCN), 31 March 1946, died
HOBBIS, William Herbert, Electrical Artificer 3rd Class
HOCKLEY, John Wood, Steward
HODGSON, Albert J, Stoker Petty Officer, V 13798 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
HODGSON, Edward, Leading Stoker, A/2698 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 4 October 1941, killed
HODGSON, John William, Able Seaman
HODGSON, William, Electrical Artificer 4c, V/10356 (RCNVR), Queen (RCN), 24 February 1946, died
HOFFMAN, Martin John, Ordnance Artificer 4th Class
HOLLAND, James R, Signalman, 2882 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HOLLAND, Thomas Vincent, Lieutenant
HOLLOWAY, Arthur G, Cook, 40487 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HOLMES, Arthur Garfield, Able Seaman
HOLMES, Earl Ira, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
HOLMES, Richard C, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Prevost (RCN), 5 September 1945, died
HOOPER, Frederick, Ordinary Seaman
HOOPER, Howard F, Coder, V/25654 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 7 November 1942, died
HOPFE, Kenneth V, Able Seaman, V/32591 (RCNVR), SS Cornwallis, 3 December 1944, ship loss, killed
HOPPER, Jack H, Stoker, V 5469 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
HORLEY, Wallace Cameron, Stoker 1st Class
HORNBY, Lloyd Kempton, Ordinary Seaman
HORNE, Leslie, Able Seaman
HORNSBY, Charles Avery, Lieutenant
HORSFALL, Clifford, Stoker 2nd Class
HORTON, Albert E., Able Seaman - Royal Navy
HOSANNA, Albert, Assistant Cook (S), V/47831 (RCNVR), Griffon (RCN), 6 July 1944, died
HOUGESTOL, John M, Chief Motor Mechanic 3c, V/30656 (RCNVR), Scotian (RCN), 31 March 1945, died
HOUGHTON, David Harvey, Ordinary Signalman
HOUISON, George Douglas, Leading Writer
HOUNSELL, Lionel Raymond Edward, Ordinary Seaman
HOUSE, Robert Arthur Lindsay, Leading Writer
HOWARD, Frederick Chaffer, Telegraphist
HOWATT, John F, Able Seaman, V/48781 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 20 April 1944, died
HOWE, Ernest Frank, Stoker 1st Class
HOWE, Ralph Ingram, Ordinary Seaman
HOWELL, Ernest Henry, Stoker 1st Class
HOWES, Robert R, Engine Room Artificer 1c, V/30125 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 23 February 1942, died
HOWLETT, Robert Floyd, Supply Assistant
HUGHES, David Anderson, Leading Supply Assistant
HUGHES, David J, Ordinary Seaman, V/41353 (RCNVR), Prevost (RCN), 12 September 1942, drowning, MPK
HUGHES, John Joseph, Leading Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
HUGHES, Reginald A, Petty Officer Cook (S), X 41099 (RCN), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
HUGHES, Robert Alexander, Lieutenant
HUGHES, William, Able Seaman
HUKKANEN, William, Able Seaman, V 16102 (RCNVR), MT Montrolite, 5 February 1942, ship loss (President III, O/P), MPK
HULL, Norman F, Stoker 2c, V 18387 (RCNVR), Liverpool, 14 June 1942, torpedoed, killed
HUMPHRIES, Lester, Ordinary Seaman, V/19074 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 20 May 1941, died
HUNT, Howard Alfred, Lieutenant

HUNT, William Edward Davis, Stoker 1st Class
HUNTER, Ian William, Motor Mechanic
HUNTER, Roy Scott, Ordinary Telegraphist
HUNTER, William Alexander, Able Seaman Acting Seaman Torpedoman
HUOT, Robert, Leading Cook (O)
HURD, Harold John, Leading Sick Berth Attendant
HURLEY, Michael Patrick, Stoker 1st Class
HUSON, Earl Frederick Davis, Able Seaman, Layer Rating 3rd Class

HUTTON, Jack L, Leading Signalman, 2199 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
HUTTON, James, Ordinary Telegraphist


I  -


ILLINGWORTH, Joseph W, Electrical Artificer 4c, V 24433 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 28 March 1943, died
IRVINE, Clarence Edward, Surgeon Lieutenant
IRVINE, George W, Petty Officer, 2119 (RCN), Naden (RCN), 21 August 1944, died
IRVINE, John Moshein, Able Seaman
IRVINE, Leonard Clayton, Able Seaman, Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
IRVING, James Crawford, Leading Coder
IRWIN, William Charles, Able Seaman
IZARD, Theodore Douglas, Lieutenant (E)


J  -


JACK, John H, Cook (S), V/26482 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 19 September 1947, died
JACOBS, Robert Archibald, Lieutenant
JACQUES, Carlton Joseph, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class

JAINES, George F, Act/Leading Stoker, P/KX 88543, Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
JAMES, Charles, Chief Stoker, A/2013 (RCNR), York (RCN), 5 September 1945, died
JAMES, John H, Able Seaman, A/1324 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 29 January 1944, died
JAMES, John Lloyd, Stoker 1st Class
JAMIESON, Robert David, Leading Seaman
JAMIESON, Rowland Craig, Warrant Officer (SB)
JANOS, Joseph Frank, Able Seaman, Acting Seaman Torpedoman
JANS, William F, Able Seaman, V/66589 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 17 August 1944, died
JARVIS, Edmund Arthur, Petty Officer Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 1st Class
JASPER, Lawrence Cyril, Ordinary Signalman
JAYNES, George Earl, Stoker 1st Class
JEACOCK, Richard George, Shipwright 4th Class
JEANNOTTE, Reynold Joseph, Telegraphist
JEFFERY, Singleton C, Leading Patrolman, A 1464 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 10 December 1943, killed
JENKS, Keith Ward, Ordinary Telegraphist
JEWETT, George Sidney, Chief Petty Officer
JOBIN, Joseph Romeo Gaston, Leading Seaman, Acting Seaman Torpedoman
JODOIN, Lawrence James, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rate 3rd Class
JOHNSON, Alan R, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, 760 Sqn, Heron, 22 May 1942, air crash, killed

JOHNSON, Alexander Milton, Stoker 1st Class
JOHNSON, Elswood Svein, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
JOHNSON, Garfield F, Able Seaman, A/2538 (RCNR), Niobe (RCN), 22 May 1941, died
JOHNSON, Maurice Walter, Coder
JOHNSON, Richard Riley, Leading Stoker
JOHNSON, William Basil, Able Seaman

JOHNSTON, Beverley, Electrician
JOHNSTON, Frank L, Ty/Midshipman, RCNVR, Rajputana, 13 April 1941, ship loss, MPK
JOHNSTON, Howard Elmer, Motor Mechanic
JOHNSTON, James McKinley, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 2nd Class
JOHNSTON, John Stewart, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
JOHNSTON, Joseph Neil, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
JOHNSTON, Lawrence Richard, Able Seaman
JOHNSTON, William A, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Itchen, 22 September 1943, ship loss, MPK
JOHNSTONE, Robert David, Assistant Cook
JONES, Ackland H, Ordinary Seaman, 3421 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
JONES, Alfred E, Ordinary Seaman, 3422 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
JONES, Donald Owen, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
JONES, Francis Llewellyn Lloyd, Midshipman
JONES, George C, Vice Admiral, RCN, Bytown (RCN), 8 February 1946, died
JONES, Glyn, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
JONES, Harold Beatty, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
JONES, Hugh John Frederick, Petty Officer
JONES, John Cameron, Leading Steward
JONES, Kenneth D, Stoker 1c, A/546 (RCNR), Avalon (RCN), 19 February 1945, died
JONES, William James, Lieutenant
JORDAN, Donald, Able Seaman Leading Torpedoman
JORDAN, Russell Hugh, Stoker Petty Officer
JUGGINS, William C, Ordinary Seaman, V/34093 (RCNVR), Ingonish (RCN), 17 December 1942, died
JUSTICE, Robert McLaren, Stoker 2nd Class


K  -


KAISER, William P, Ordinary Seaman, V/35908 (RCNVR), Chippawa (RCN), 27 December 1942, died
KARNS, Robert John, Stoker 1st Class
KARTNER, Walter, Ordinary Seaman, 4905 (RCN), Niobe (RCN), 11 December 1945, died
KAY, John Bowick, Warrant Officer, (Special Branch)
KEATING, William Dougald, Able Seaman
KEAYS, Albert L, Able Seaman, V/15175 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 31 July 1942, died
KEEFER, Charles A, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Lulworth, 26 August 1941, drowning, died
KEEPING, Robert, Able Seaman, A 1178 (RCNR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
KELLOCK, Robert W, Leading Cook (S), V 25374 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 15 February 1943, died
KELLY, Fraser J, Lieutenant Commander, RCNVR, Bytown (RCN), 13 June 1942, died
KELLY, James Aubrey, Leading Seaman
KELLY, James G, Engine Room Artificer 3c, 21390 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
KELLY, John Richard, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
KELLY, Kenneth Joseph, Able Seaman

KELLY, Lionel David, Steward
KELSEY, Lorne Stanley, Able Seaman
KEMP, Arthur Eugene, Coder
KEMPSON, Walter M., Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
KENDALL, Robin Dirk Harding, Stoker 1st Class

KENDRICKS, Peter R., Civilian Dockyard Worker

KENNAH, Willette Roy, Signalman
KENNEDY, Archibald, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
KENNEDY, Barnard J, Ty/Act/Lieutenant, RCNVR, 763 Sqn, Nightjar, 16 January 1945, air crash, MPK
KENNEDY, Gerald F, Cook (S), V/37827 (RCNVR), Fort Ramsay (RCN), 23 May 1945, died
KENNEDY, Robert Makin, Able Seaman
KENNEDY, Ronald Edward, Ordinary Seaman
KENNEDY, Thomas Robert, Leading Stoker
KENNEDY, Wilfred J, Engine Room Artificer 4c, V/47378 (RCNVR), Scotian (RCN), 1 February 1945, died
KENNY, James Arthur, Able Seaman
KENT, Donald A, Chief Petty Officer, 3729 (RCN), Hamilton (RCN), 12 May 1944, died
KER, Frederick Southam, Sub Lieutenant
KERR, David A, Able Seaman, A/3277 (RCNR), Naden (RCN), 9 October 1941, died
KERR, Ian, Leading Seaman
KERSHAW, Robert, Chief Engine Room Artificer 2c, A/1456 (RCNR), Avalon (RCN), 31 December 1942, fire, DOI
KETTLE, Alfred Smedley, Chief Petty Officer Torpedo Cox'n
KIDSON, Weldon A, Leading Stoker, A 1797 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
KILGOUR, William G, Midshipman, RCN, Training Course, Portsmouth Naval Base, 30 August 1942, died
KILLAM, David Allison, Lieutenant
KILN, Alec Ronald, Leading Seaman
KING, Albert Edward, Radio Artificer 5th Class
KING, Arthur Haliburton, Ordinary Seaman

KING, Kalmon Kaye Joseph, Able Seaman
KING, William L M, Surgeon Lieutenant, RCNVR, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
KINNEY, Glen Everett, Stoker 2nd Class
KIRKPATRICK, Stanley Melburn, Telegraphist

KIRKWOOD, Francis Lussier, Flying Officer - RCAF 
KIRKWOOD, Thomas Andrews, Ordinary Seaman
KITCHEN, Cyril Frederick, Leading Stoker
KITCHING, Stuart Templeton, Ordinary Telegraphist
KNEELAND, Melvin Leverne, Stoker 1st Class
KNIGHT, Herbert Russel, Leading Seaman
KNIGHT, Raymond Edward, Ordinary Seaman
KNOWLES, John Chesworth, Petty Officer Submarine Detector
KNOX, John G, Engine Room Artificer 4c, A/3464 (RCNR), Burrard (RCN), 27 October 1945, died
KOBES, John Robert, Leading Seaman
KONSMO, Ole Burnett, Cook (S)
KORNING, Ib, Telegraphist
KOSTENKO, Nicholas, Telegraphist
KOSTER, John Bernard, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
KOSTYK, Harry, Stoker 1c, V/61451 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 2 December 1945, died

KOWBEL, Harry, Able Seaman
KOWBEL, Morris, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 2nd Class
KRUYFF, Dirk J, Engine Room Artificer 4c, V/27875 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 4 July 1946, died
KUZENKO, Harry William, Able Seaman
KYLE, Kenneth H, Able Seaman, 3182 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
KYNMAN, Albert, Chief Petty Officer


L  -


L'ABBE, Paul E, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Donnacona (RCN), 15 February 1946, died
LA BARRE, Joseph A, Stoker 1st Class
LAAK, Mike, Leading Seaman, V 13193 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
LABONTE, Ernest, Stoker 1st Class
LAFLAMME, Joseph Wilbrod Guy, Ordinary Signalman
LAIDLAW, Basil Matthew, Stoker Petty Officer
LAING, John McGregor, Leading Stoker
LAING, Wallace Waddell, Ordinary Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class

LAIRD, Wilson James, Lieutenant, South Saskatchewan Regiment (former Boy Seaman, RCN)
LAMB, Thomas H, Engine Room Artificer 4c, 21552 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
LAMBERT, Frederick B, Stoker 2c, V 8812 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 23 March 1943, killed
LAMBERT, James Albert, Shipwright 1st Class
LAMON, John M, Lieutenant, RCN, RCN Air Section, Dartmouth, 17 July 1947, MPK
LAMOUREUX, Andre, Leading Seaman Quarters Rating 3rd Class
LAMOUREAUX, Romeo Joseph, Able Seaman
LANCASTER, Earl Franklin, Able Seaman
LANDRIGAN, Frederick, Stoker, V 22710 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
LANE, Arthur D, Able Seaman, V 19252 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
LANE, Stuart C, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, MTB.310, 14 September 1942, ship loss, Operation Agreement, DOW

LANG, Robert Alexander, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
LANGFELD, Leslie Bruce, Leading Seaman
LANGHAM, Edward M, Act/Leading Stoker, P/KX 56315, Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
LANGTON, Thomas Lloyd, Stoker 1st Class
LANKTREE, William, Leading Stoker, V 16333 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
LAPP, John Raymond, Stoker Petty Officer
LARIVIERE, Joseph Arthur Adrien Gerard, Able Seaman
LAROCQUE, Alexander J, Ordinary Seaman, V/35466 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
LATIMER, Ernest George, Petty Officer Quarters Rating 2nd Class
LATREILLE, Theodore Joseph, Stoker 1st Class
LAURIE, William Drennan, Leading Seaman
LAURIN, Lucien Joseph Albert, Ordinary Seaman Lay Rating 3rd Class
LAWRENCE, Frank William, Petty Officer
LAWRENCE, John Campbell, Lieutenant
LAWRENCE, Ralph Miles, Lieutenant
LAWRENCE, Robert G, Stoker 2c, V/79550 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 24 January 1945, died
LAWRENCE, Thomas Edward, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
LAWSON, Louis Douglas, Stoker 1st Class
LAWSON, Robert F, Lieutenant Commander, RCN, Hochelaga (RCN), 24 February 1941, died
LAYTON, Paul Chisholm, Leading Writer
LE DREW, Frederick, Leading Stoker (M)
LE DREW, Rexford S, Acting Engine Room Mechanic 4th Class - Royal Navy
LE GARE, Hector, Able Seaman
LE PAPE, Olive I F, WRCNS, W/4206 (WRCNS), Hochelaga (RCN), 21 April 1944, died
LEA, Eric Edward Stoker 1st Class
LEARD, Wellesley Everett, Able Seaman
LEATHERBY, Frederick E., Leading Seaman - Royal Navy
LEDOUX, Louis, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 3rd Class
LEE, Donald Fletcher, Petty Officer Quarters Rating Second Class
LEE, Frank Edward, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
LEE, Jack Morden, Leading Seaman
LEES, Reginald S, Engine Room Artificer 3c, V/8365 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 15 November 1946, died
LEFEVRE, Ernest E, Able Seaman, A/2661 (RCNR), Protector (RCN), 13 October 1942, died
LEGAULT, Marcel, Stoker, V 5387 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
LEGENDRE, Jean-Marie, Stoker Petty Officer
LEHAM, Herbert F, Photographer, V/25469 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 26 March 1946, died
LEITCH, Dugald, Leading Seaman
LEMAY, Marcel George Alphonse, Able Seaman
LEMESSURIER, Gordon H, Petty Officer, V/32595 (RCNVR), Givenchy (RCN), 13 March 1944, died
LEMIEUX, Joseph E, Stoker Petty Officer, 21248 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
LENNOX, Allan John, Telegraphist
LEONARD, George J, Ordinary Seaman, V/39249 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
LEROUX, Leo Joseph, Able Seaman
LEROY, Charles Edgar, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 2nd Class
LESLIE, Kenneth Lloyd, Stoker 1st Class
LESTER, Harold Robert, Ordinary Telegraphist
LEVICK, Cyril L., Leading Supply Assistant - Royal Navy
LEVINE, Reginald L., Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
LEVY, St Clair, Able Seaman
LEWANDOWSKI, Stanley Steve, Stoker 2nd Class
LEWIS, Bernard A, Commissioned Gunner, RCN, Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
LEWIS, John Ceredig Lloyd, Paymaster Lieutenant
LEWIS, Joseph, Able Seaman
LEWIS, William Erskine, Able Seaman Anti Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
LEY, James Ernest, Leading Seaman
LEYLAND, Ernest Albert, Stoker 1st Class
LIABØ, Halvor Vilhelm, Chief Engine Room Artificer
LIDDLE, Eric, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
LIGHTHALL, Augustus Eastman, Chief Petty Officer
LILLYMAN, Raymond F, Ordinary Telegraphist, V 38537 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
LIND, Mekkel George, Stoker Petty Officer
LINDSAY, James, Stoker Petty Officer, 28289 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
LINNELL, George V, Coxswain, O 42180 (RCNR), Givenchy (RCN), 29 September 1943, killed
LINWOOD, Donald J, Signalman, V/31171 (RCNVR), Niobe (RCN), 14 July 1945, died
LITALIEN, Joseph R, Stoker 1c, V/68648 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 1 April 1944, died
LITTLE, Herbert M, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, 768 Sqn, Heron, 6 June 1945, air crash, killed
LITTLE, Sheldon Boyd, Stoker 2nd Class
LIVINGSTONE, John Franklin, Stoker Petty Officer
LLOYD, Walter John, Able Seaman
LOCKE, Oscar J, Stoker, V 32028 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

LOCKHART, John Alden, Quarters Rating 3rd Class, SS MAPLECOURT (DEMS)
LOCKWOOD, Harold Laverne, Ordinary Seaman
LOGAN, Clifford Melvin, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 3rd Class
LOGUE, John, Plumber 1c, V/58849 (RCNVR), Star (RCN), 19 June 1946, died
LOGUE, William S, Stoker 1c, V/733 (RCNVR), Firedrake, 17 December 1942, ship loss, MPK
LONEY, Donald Chares, Stoker 1st Class
LONG, Charles Wesley, Stoker 1st Class
LONG, Gordon Pierce, Ordinary Seaman Anti Aircraft Gunner 3rd Class
LONG, Jeffrey Alfred, Ordinary Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
LONG, Ronald J, Able Seaman, V 22684 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
LONSBERRY, Frederick Murray, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
LOPUCK, Antoni, Leading Stoker, V 24712 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
LOVAT, Peter Kenneth, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
LOVE, John F, Stoker, V/19486 (RCNVR), Grove, 12 June 1942, ship loss, MPK
LOVE, Walter McGiffen, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
LOVELL, Alec Stewart MacVicar, Stoker 1st Class
LOWER, William C, Able Seaman, 3498 (RCN), SS Lisieux, 28 November 1940, died
LOWTHER, Thomas D, Chief Petty Officer, X/61657 (RCN), Cornwallis (RCN), 30 July 1944, died
LUCAS, Donald Owen, Stoker 2nd Class
LUCAS, Henry Baker, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
LUCAS, William Eldon, Steward
LUCHAN, Edmund V, Stoker, V 18543 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
LUND, George A, Skipper, RCNR, Stadacona (RCN), 23 October 1947, died
LUNDRIGAN, John, Stoker 1st Class
LUSTY, Frank Oswald, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
LYDEKKER, John Ryck Wolfe, Sub Lieutenant, Royal Naval Reserve
LYNCH, Budd Frederick, Assistant Victualling
LYNER, George R., Air Mechanic (E) 1st Class - Royal Navy

LYONS, Francis E T, Able Seaman, V/73098 (RCNVR), SS Cornwallis, 3 December 1944, ship loss, MPK
LYONS, Nelson, Stoker 1st Class


M  -


MABEY, Elmer Allister, Telegraphist
MACARTHUR, David Alexander, Ordinary Seaman
MACAULAY, Malcolm, Skipper, RCNR, Protector, 28 September 1940, died
MACAVOY, Gerald William, Petty Officer Cook (O)
MACCORKINDALE, Robert John, Ordnance Artificer
MACCORMACK, Murray A, Stoker Petty Officer, A 1078 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

MACDONALD, Alexander, Stoker 2nd Class
MACDONALD, Arthur Andrew, Leading Supply Assistant
MACDONALD, Ashley Kilburn, Able Seaman
MACDONALD, Donald Malcolm, Leading Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
MACDONALD, Duncan Alexander, Able Seaman
MACDONALD, Herbert Colquhoun, Chief Stoker
MACDONALD, John Stuart, Stoker Petty Officer
MACDONALD, Kline M, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Rapid, 19 March 1945, shore gunfire, killed
MACDONALD, Thomas Allan, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
MACDOUGALL, Elton West, Stoker 1st Class
MACDOUGALL, Gordon W, Shipwright 4c, 40667 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK

MACDOUGALL, James Bernard Edward, Fireman - Merchant Navy
MACEACHERN, William Campbell, Able Seaman
MACFARLANE, Robert John, Signalman, V/50139 (RCNVR), Chatham (RCN), 12 October 1942, MPK
MACGREGOR, Duncan, Stoker 1st Class

MACKAY, William Anderson, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class

MACKENNEY, Arnold Valentyne, Supply Assistant
MACKENZIE, Alexander, Able Seaman
MACKENZIE, Charles Alexander, Petty Officer Layer Rating 1st Class
MACKENZIE, Harry K, Telegraphist, 25137 (RCN), Stadacona (RCN), 7 October 1946, died
MACKIE, Ronald, Able Seaman, 3263 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MACKLIN, Franklin George, Leading Signalman
MACLACHLAN, George Alan, Lieutenant
MACLACHLAN, Lauchlan J, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Whittaker, 1 November 1944, torpedoed, MPK
MACLANDERS, Vernon Earl, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 2nd Class
MACLAREN, David James, Lieutenant
MACLAREN, Ian Pearson, Lieutenant
MACLAUCHLAN, John Seeton, Telegraphist
MACLEAN, Alexander MacI, Able Seaman, A/2982 (RCNR), Acadia (RCN), 5 September 1942, died
MACLEAN, James Alfred, Able Seaman
MACLEAN, James Douglas, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
MACLEAN, John Arthur, Chief Engine Room Artificer
MACLEOD, Gordon Irwin, Signalman
MACLEOD, Lowell F, Able Seaman, V/57942 (RCNVR), Queen Charlotte (RCN), 25 February 1946, died
MACMASTER, Alexander P, Petty Officer, V 7954 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MACMILLAN, Alexander, Leading Sick Berth Attendant
MACMILLAN, Duncan R, Sick Berth Attendant, V/24847 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
MACMILLAN, Joseph F, Engine Room Artificer, V 17743 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MACMILLAN, William R E, Act/Stoker 1c, V/11654 (RCNVR), Bramble, 31 December 1942, ship loss, MPK
MACNEIL, John Rory, Stoker 1st Class
MACNEILL, Philip G C, Motor Mechanic, FR/437 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 23 March 1942, died
MACPHAIL, John Angus, Coder
MACPHAIL, Sidney John, Stoke 1st Class
MACRAE, Ralph Ralph, Leading Seaman
MACWILLIAM, Jack Ernest Ian, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
MADDEN, William Patrick, Leading Stoker
MADOLE, Carl Hubert, Ordinary Seaman Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
MAGILL, James F, Ty/Lieutenant (E), RCNR, P.514, 21 June 1942, ship loss, MPK
MAGILL, John F, Lieutenant (E), RCNR, Avalon (RCN), 21 June 1942, MPK
MAGRI, John, Able Seaman, FR/748 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 22 June 1946, died
MAGUIRE, John Wesley, Leading Stoker
MAHER, Edward, Ordinary Seaman
MAHONEY, John Daniel, Lieutenant (SB)
MAINGUY, Philip S, Ordinary Seaman, V/62370 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 12 June 1944, died
MAJOR, Paul S, Lieutenant Commander, RCNVR, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MAKARSKY, Lee William, Leading Writer
MALLETTE, Joseph Adelard Maurice, Steward
MALONE, Thomas de la Hunt, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
MANSELL, George A, Ordinary Seaman, V 62037 (RCNVR), Griffon (RCN), 2 August 1943, killed
MANSFIELD, William Edmund Roy, Ordinary Seaman
MANSON, Donald Stuart, Ordinary Seaman
MANSON, John Lovell, Cook (O)
MANZELL, William, Able Seaman, 4000 (RCN), MV Victolite, 11 February 1942, ship loss (President III, O/P), MPK
MARA, John J, Petty Officer, 2439 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MARCOTTE, Joseph Leo Paul Able Seaman Gun Layer 2nd Class
MARKHAM, Gerald A, Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Spikenard (RCN), 10 February 1942, ship loss, MPK
MARKS, Walter H., Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
MARMON, Thomas, Leading Seaman, V 5586 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MARQUIS, John M, Chief Stoker, A/795 (RCNR), Donnacona (RCN), 5 January 1946, died
MARR, David, Petty Officer Telegraphist

MARRYATT, Ralph Emmerson, Able Seaman

MARSHALL, Albert Walter, Petty Officer Cook (Officer)
MARSHALL, Ernest, Petty Officer Steward, V 25258 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 5 June 1943, killed
MARSHALL, William J, Lieutenant (E), RCNVR, Bytown (RCN), 9 January 1944, died
MARTEL, Joseph Gregoire Bernard, Able Seaman
MARTIN, Adam McK, Engine Room Artificer 4c, V 24875 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 13 December 1943, died
MARTIN, James H, Coder, 22685 (RCN), Avalon (RCN), 13 December 1947, died
MARTIN, Jean M, Leading Stoker, 21416 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MARTIN, Kenneth Wesley, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
MARTIN, Merle G, Cook, V 25198 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MARTIN, Sidney F, Petty Officer Cook, 40406 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MARTINDALE, Ralph Omar, Ordinary Seaman
MARTYN, Frederick N F, Stoker 2c, 21741 (RCN), Naden (RCN), 17 August 1940, died
MASON, Charles Roy, Leading Seaman
MASON, Dudley Herbert, Stoker 1st Class
MASON, Glenn Campbell, Stoker 1st Class
MASON, Stirling Cashman, Lieutenant
MASSON, Andre, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
MASSON, James Ronald, Ordinary Seaman
MASTERS, Robert G, Petty Officer, V/22282 (RCNVR), St Hyacinthe (RCN), 12 May 1947, died
MATTHEWS, George Herbert, Able Seaman
MATTHEWS, Paul Joseph, Stoker 1st Class
MATTHEWS, Russell G, Able Seaman, V/66944 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 9 July 1945, died
MATTHEWS, Thomas H, Able Seaman, 3136 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MAUGHAN, Edward J, Leading Seaman, V/9377 (RCNVR), SS Cornwallis, 3 December 1944, ship loss, MPK
MAY, Clarence Lemuel, Able Seaman
MAY, George Edward, Stoker Petty Officer
MAYNARD, William H, Steward, A 826 (RCNR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MAZIERE, George, Able Seaman Acting Quarter Rating 3rd Class
MCAFEE, Robert, Leading Stoker, V/32579 (RCNVR), Queen (RCN), 1 April 1945, died
MCALLISTER, William J, Able Seaman, 3389 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MCBRIDE, John Lytle, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
MCCAIG, Allan Robert, Stoker 1st Class
MCCALLUM, Harold F, Stoker, V 16351 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MCCALLUM, Lothrop Edward, Leading Seaman
MCCAPPIN, James Henry, Stoker Petty Officer
MCCARROLL, Thomas George, Stoker 1st class
MCCARRON, Francis Joseph, Able Seaman Radar 3rd Class
MCCARTHY, John Michael, Able Seaman
MCCAULEY, James L, Ordinary Seaman, V/16559 (RCNVR), Bedfordshire, 11 May 1942, ship loss, MPK
MCCLELLAN, John Forbes, Able Seaman, Acting Seaman Torpedoman
MCCLUSKEY, Henry Richard Theodore, Able Seaman
MCCONNELL, James C, Sick Berth Attendant, V 6389 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MCCONNELL, Lawrence Michael, Leading Seaman Submarine Detector
MCCONNELL, Russell Henry, Sub Lieutenant
MCCORMICK, John, Stoker 1st Class
MCCOWELL, Leo D, Stoker Petty Officer, V/61856 (RCNVR), Protector (RCN), 12 July 1944, died
MCCRINDLE, Robert Reynolds, Ordinary Telegraphist
MCCRINDLE, William Donald, Able Seaman
MCCUE, Thomas Bernard, Steward
MCCUTCHECON, Jared V, Surgeon Lieutenant Commander, RCNVR, Adamant, 8 June 1945, road accident, died
MCCUTCHEON, William Albert, Leading Writer
MCDERMOTT, Joseph Gerald, Stoker Petty Officer
MCDONALD, John Hugh, Able Seaman
MCDONALD, Richard Alexander Angus, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
MCDONALD, Ronald Joseph, Able Seaman Lay Rating 3rd Class
MCDONALD, William Augustus, Leading Supply Assistant
MCDOUGALL, Donald Thompson Corran, Signalman
MCDOUGALL, William Henry Bradshaw, Ordinary Seaman
MCDOWELL, Andrew Vincent, Stoker 2nd Class
MCEWEN, Dennis William Andrew, Leading Telegraphist
MCFARLAND, George, Leading Steward, V/35996 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 28 October 1945, died
MCFAULDS, Ronald David, Assistant Cook
MCGARRY, Frank W, Lieutenant (A), RCNVR, 768 Sqn, Corncrake, 8 September 1945, air crash, killed
MCGAW, Dorn Macquarrie, Able Seaman
MCGETTIGAN, Emmett Patrick, Leading Cook (S)
MCGIBBON, John Donald, Ordinary Seaman
MCGIBNEY, Frank, Electrical Artificer 4th Class
MCGILVRAY, Peter, Warrant Engineer, RCNR

MCGRATH, James Donald, Leading Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
MCGRATH, Joseph, Able Seaman
MCGRATTON, James P, Convoy Signalman, V/2349 (RCNVR), SS Boston, 26 June 1942, MPK
MCGREGOR, William, Leading Stoker
MCGUIGAN, John Donald, Leading Steward
MCHUGHEN, Lawrence J, Telegraphist, V 3733 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 25 April 1943, killed
MCILDOON, Edward, Leading Seaman, 2819 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MCINNES, William Samuel, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
MCINTYRE, Thomas James, Leading Cook (S)
MCIVOR, Donald E, Act/Stoker 1c, V/328 (RCNVR), Bramble, 31 December 1942, ship loss, MPK

MCKECHNIE, Morton Hugh, Able Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
MCKENNA, John A, Ordinary Seaman, V/1540 (RCNVR), LCT (L) (No Number Available), 19 August 1942, Operation Jubilee, killed
MCKENZIE, Roderick L, Stoker, A 5720 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MCKEOWN, John E, Leading Stoker, V 7939 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MCKERCHER, Clair G, Petty Officer Steward, 40857 E (RCN), Naden (RCN), 8 November 1947, died
MCKINNEY, Lawrence A, Able Seaman, V 5833 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MCKINNON, Alexander, Chief Stoker, V 5710 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MCKINNON, Desmond S, Chief Stoker, 21202 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MCLACHLAN, Donald, Engine Room Artificer 4, V/33472 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 5 May 1945, died
MCLACHLAN, George Hallern, Stoker 2nd Class
MCLAREN, John C, Leading Cook (S), V/8496 (RCNVR), Star (RCN), 17 October 1945, died
MCLAUGHLIN, Russell L, Petty Officer Writer, V/34407 (RCNVR), Ferret, 19 May 1945, died
MCLEAN, Daniel Haddow, Able Seaman
MCLEAN, John M, Stoker 1c, A/3017 (RCNR), Naden (RCN), 24 August 1941, died
MCLELLAN, Allan J, Able Seaman, A/4167 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 23 May 1947, died
MCLEOD, Ian Stanley, Lieutenant
MCLEOD, Norman, Petty Officer, V/15155 (RCNVR), Discovery (RCN), 14 December 1946, died
MCLEOD, William Charles, Stoker 1st Class
MCLUSKIE, William R, Victualling Assistant, V 25209 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MCMAHON, Jack Bernard, Stoker 1st Class (M)
MCMURDO, Stephen Blake, Leading Signalman
MCMURTRY, Alexander E, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MCNAB, Archibald A, Ordinary Seaman, V/13691 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 5 October 1941, died
MCNEIL, Donald Bertrand, Warrant Engineer
MCNEIL, John James, Stoker 2nd Class
MCNEILL, Bernard James, Able Seaman, Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
MCNEILL, Donald, Chief Engine Room Artificer
MCNENEY, James R, Yeoman of Signals, 3036 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MCPHAIL, Archibald Bernard, Motor Mechanic
MCPHEE, John D, Lieutenant Skipper, RCNR, Armentieres (RCN), 4 May 1944, died
MCPHEE, John J, Supply Assistant, V/49993 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 15 January 1946, died
MCPHERSON, Clifford A, Able Seaman, V 19396 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MCPHERSON, Harold, Stoker 1c, V 26554 (RCNVR), Algerine, 15 November 1942, ship loss, DOW
MCQUEEN, William, Shipwright 3c, V/50144 (RCNVR), Chippawa (RCN), 23 December 1945, died
MCQUIGGAN, Ronald A, Ordinary Seaman, V/79563 (RCNVR), St Hyacinthe (RCN), 14 July 1944, died

MCRAE, Harry Smith, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
MCTAGGART, David A, Telegraphist, 2710 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MEACOE, William Arthur, Coder
MEADOWS, Charles B, Telegraphist, 3012 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MEADWELL, Richard George, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
MELNITZKY, Theodore, Cook, V 33169 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MELOCHE, Joseph O, Telegraphist, V 32525 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MELROSE, David, Able Seaman
MENGONI, Eric Joseph, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 3rd Class
MENNELL, William Reginald, Able Seaman
MENZIES, Archibald Nelson McLeod, Able Seaman
MENZIES, Joseph Blair, Chief Petty Officer Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
MERCHANT, Joseph G, Electrical Artificer, V 223372 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MERK, George Adam, Steward
METCALFE, Donald Irving, Electrical Artificer 3rd Class
MEURANT, Andrew Richard Louis, Stoker 2nd Class
MEYN, Paul Frederick, Leading Stoker
MILBURN, John Robert, Ordnance Artificer 4th Class
MILES, George William Victor, Leading Seaman
MILLAR, James R, Ordinary Seaman, 3475 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MILLAR, Victor, Able Seaman Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
MILLER, Earl Glawson, Stoker 1st Class
MILLER, Glen Eric Reid, Able Seaman, V/38035 (RCNVR), Chatham (RCN), 6 November 1944, died
MILLER, James B, Able Seaman, 2592 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MILLER, Lloyd Gregory, Able Seaman
MILLER, Lloyd Kenneth, Able Seaman
MILLER, Lorne Harley, Able Seaman
MILLER, Ronald Clyde, Radio Artificer 3rd Class

MILLS, Archie William, Coder
MILLS, Ernest George, Chief Engine Room Artificer
MILLS, Frederick J, Ordinary Seaman, 3231 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MILLS, Michael S, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, MGB.67, 10 September 1941, surface action, killed
MILLS, Murray Keith, Ordinary Seaman
MILLS, Robert J, Ordinary Seaman, 3885 (RCN), Niobe (RCN), 21 March 1941, died
MILTHORPE, Patrick Reginald Fairburn, Lieutenant, RCNR
MITCHELL, Donald William, Ordinary Seaman
MITCHELL, George Thomas, Stoker 1st Class (M)
MITCHELL, Patrick Allen, Leading Seaman Seaman Torpedoman
MITCHELL, William W, Able Seaman, 3266 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MOFFAT, Cyril Baillie, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
MOFFATT, George C, Stoker 2c, V/902 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 9 December 1942, died
MOHR, Leslie A, Able Seaman, V/10278 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 26 September 1942, died
MONACHAN, John Martin, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
MONKLEY, Harry Frederick, Able Seaman Lay Rating 3rd Class
MOONEY, Francis Joseph, Stoker 1st Class
MOONEY, John Lawrence, Cook (S)

MOORE, Albert Arthur, Stoker Petty Officer
MOORE, Arthur James, Yeoman of Signal
MOORE, Harold Bater, Leading Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class

MOORE, Henry Albert James, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
MOORE, Lloyd G, Able Seaman, V 10541 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MOORE, Lloyd M, Leading Stoker, A/2241 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 24 March 1945, died
MOORE, Robert, Telegraphist - Royal Navy

MOORE, Ronald J, Able Seaman, V 273 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MOORE, William William, Able Seaman
MORE, Andrew, Able Seaman
MORE, Francis E B, Lieutenant, RCNR, York (RCN), 9 June 1945, died
MORGAN, Edward G L, Lieutenant, RCNVR, 1838 Sqn, Illustrious, 7 November 1944, air crash, MPK
MORGAN, Ralph, Engine Room Artificer 4c, A/4280 (RCNR), York (RCN), 1 March 1945, died
MORIN, Joseph Georges Edouard Vincent Morin, Ordinary Seaman
MORLEY, William, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 3rd Class
MORLEY, William, Leading Signalman, V/12585 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 27 November 1941, died
MORRIS, Blake, Able Seaman
MORRIS, Raymond Harold, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
MORRIS, Wilbur Lamb, Leading Stoker
MORRISON, Daniel Angus, Able Seaman
MORRISON, David Adamson, Ordinary Seaman
MORRISON, Ewan, Leading Seaman Quarters Rating 3rd Class
MORRISON, Francis Alexander, Stoker Petty Officer
MORRISON, George A, Stoker 1c, V/25797 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 2 October 1942, died
MORRISON, Harry, Stoker 1st Class
MORRISON, Melvin Clarence, Stoker 1st Class
MORROW, David James, Lieutenant

MOSS, Cecil Richard, Ordinary Seaman Submarine Detector
MOSSEY, Timothy D, Telegraphist, V 39601 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
MOTLEY, David Charles, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
MOUNTAIN, William Tudor, Able Seaman
MOYER, Frederick J, Stoker 1c, V/62219 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 29 December 1945, died
MUCHMORE, John Vincent, Stoker 1st Class

MUGFORD, Robert Burns, Able Seaman, RCNR - HMCS ALLAVERDY
MULCAHY, Daniel, Stoker 1st Class
MULLER, Howard Joseph, Leading Stoker (M)
MUMFORD, Leonard Kempster, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
MUNRO, Gordon W, Leading Seaman, 2995 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MUNRO, William James, Sub-Lieutenant
MURPHY, Gerald William, Ordinary Seaman
MURPHY, Harry, Engineman
MURPHY, John William, Engine Room Artificer 2nd Class
MURRAY, Glenn Stewart, Stoker 1st Class
MURRAY, James Burton, Able Seaman
MURRAY, Leon James Ashworth, Stoker 1st Class
MURRAY, Wallace H, Stoker, 21569 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
MUTCHESON, John Edwin, Ordinary Seaman
MYLES, Orville R, Stoker Petty Officer, A 2405 (RCNR), Goderich (RCN), 14 August 1943, killed
MYLREA, Russell E, Stoker, 21597 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK


N  -


NADEAU, Joseph Raoul Rolland, Able Seaman
NAISH, Clifford Henry Wesley, Able Seaman
NARES, Ramsay A, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Fearless, 23 July 1941, ship loss, MPK
NASH, Robert Arthur, Sub-Lieutenant
NAYDO, Michael John, Able Seaman
NEARY, Alexander J, Leading Stoker, V/26063 (RCNVR), Protector (RCN), 23 December 1945, died
NEATH, John Frederick Earl, Able Seaman Acting Seaman Torpedoman
NEIL, John David, Lieutenant (Engineer)

NEIL, Percy Thomas, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
NEILSON, Andrew Louis, Leading Stoker
NELSON, Howard J, Leading Patrolman, A/6002 (RCNR), Burrard (RCN), 27 December 1945, died
NELSON, Raymond Milton, Able Seaman
NELSON, Terrence Dominic, Signalman
NESBITT, John W, Ordinary Signalman, V/75306 (RCNVR), Unicorn (RCN), 13 July 1945, died
NEUFELD, Arthur, Stoker 1st Class
NEWBIGGING, William Ivan, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rate 3rd Class
NEWHOUSE, John S, Leading Telegraphist, 3681 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
NEWMAN, Clifford Jerome, Engine Room Artificer 5th Class
NEWSTEAD, Kenneth E, Cook, V 34708 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
NICHOLAS, Joseph Russell, Leading Stoker
NICHOLS, Percy Merrill, Able Seaman

NICKERSON, Charles Osborne, Able Seaman
NINIAN, Thomas Maxton, Ordinary Telegraphist
NIXON, Francis Robert Woodcock, Paymaster Commander
NOBLE, Wilfred JAMES, Steward - Royal Naval Patrol Service
NODWELL, Joseph Winslow, Ordinary Seaman
NORMAN, Christopher John Birdwood, Midshipman
NORMAN, Harry, Telegraphist - Royal Navy
NORRIS, Cyril A, Telegraphist, 2686 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
NUDD, Royston W, Shipwright 4c, V/37377 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 1 June 1942, died


O  -


O'CONNOR, Thomas P, Stoker Petty Officer, A 5884 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
O'GORMAN, Michael Bernard, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
O'HARA, Wallace Ian, Ordinary Seaman
O'LEARY, Stanley Michael, Supply Assistant
O'NEILL, Redmond T, Able Seaman, V/64366 (RCNVR), SS Seacliffe Park, 30 November 1944, MPK
OAKLEY, Victor Sydney, Telegraphist
OKE, Frederick George, Leading Sick Berth Attendant
OLAND, Richard H, Captain, RCN, Stadacona (RCN), 6 September 1941, died
OLIVER, Robert, Engine Room Artificer
OLSON, Clarence J, Ordinary Seaman, 3326 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
OLSON, Lloyd Allyn, Telegraphist
OLSON, Ole A, Stoker, 21555 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
ORIBINE, David, Able Seaman, V 8627 (RCNVR), SS Ettrick, 15 November 1942, ship loss (Quebec, O/P), MPK
ORME, William Leslie, Petty Officer
OSBORNE, Robert J, Leading Stoker, V 23435 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
OSSACHUK, John, Stoker 1st Class
OTTAWAY, Eric Stone, Stoker 1st class
OUELLETTE, Joseph Emmett Victor, Able Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
OVERY, Ernest K, Stoker Petty Officer, 21344 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
OWEN, Stanley, Able Seaman, V/22007 (RCNVR), Quebec, 11 November 1942, MPK
OWENS, William K, Stoker Petty Officer, V/4762 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
OXBOROUGH, George William, Leading Seaman Higher Submarine Detector
OZON, Gerald Thomas, Steward


P  -


PADDON, James Weymuth, Able Seaman
PAGE, Ivan Edward, Ordinary Signalman
PAGE, Orville Stephen, Stoker 1st Class
PAGE, William F, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Naiad, 22 May 1941, bombing, killed
PAGE, William L, Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PAGEOT, Joseph Henri, Steward
PAIGE, John Ernest, Stoker Petty Officer
PAITHOWSKI, Michael Joseph, Stoker Petty Officer
PALMER, Ralph Barry Nelson, Able Seaman
PANKIW, James, Ordinary Seaman, V/91702 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 17 August 1945, died
PAQUET, Joseph Adolphe Rosario, Leading Steward
PARADIS, Paul Vincent, Able Seaman, Quarters Rating 2nd Class
PARENT, Ernest J, Ordinary Seaman, V 48292 (RCNVR), St Hyacinthe (RCN), 8 July 1943, died
PARK, William Robert, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Gunner 3rd Class
PARKER, Andrew Faulkner, Chief Skipper

Parker, Jack - Civilian Purses
PARKER, Jack Reginald, Lieutenant
PARKER, Kenneth L, Leading Stoker, V/32001 (RCNVR), Star (RCN), 14 April 1945, died
PARKER, Robert B, Stoker Petty Officer, V 25396 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

PARKER, Victor Clarence, Able Seaman
PARNELL, George F, Engine Room Artificer, 21405 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PARSONS, Howard Norman, Petty Officer Higher Submarine Detector
PARSONS, John George, Ordinary Seaman
PARTINGTON, Richard, Leading Seaman
PASQUANTONIO, Ralph J, Stoker Petty Officer, A 1228 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PASTOREK, John, Ordinary Seaman, V 46082 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PATERSON, Charles W, Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Stadacona (RCN), 14 January 1943, died
PATERSON, John Archibald, Sick Berth Attendant

PATERSON, Robert Laurence, Signalman
PATTERSON, Cecil Camille, Ordinary Telegraphist
PATTERSON, Percy William, Leading Stoker
PATTERSON, Robert Douglas Masterman, Engine Room Artificer 5th Class
PAUL, Gordon Mckenzie, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
PAUL, Kenneth Boyd, Leading Stoker
PAYANT, Joseph R N G, Ordinary Seaman, V 57103 (RCNVR), St Hyacinthe (RCN), 28 August 1943, died
PAYNE, Albert James, Able Seaman
PAYNE, Harry Alvin, Leading Seaman Radio Direction Finder 2nd Class
PAYNE, Sydney R, Leading Stoker, V 16137 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PEART, Hilbert Joseph, Able Seaman
PECK, James Philip Christopher, Sub Lieutenant
PEDDIE, Roy Norman, Steward
PEDWELL, Jack Aldon, Leading Stoker
PEGNEM, John C, Petty Officer Instructor, 3227 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
PELLETIER, Joseph Emile Richard, Able Seaman
PENN, Clarence S, Able Seaman, V/17064 (RCNVR), LCI(L).264, 24 June 1944, road accident, died
PENNEY, George W, Shipwright 3c, V/54785 (RCNVR), Peregrine (RCN), 31 May 1947, died
PENNEY, Selby J, Able Seaman, A 991 (RCNR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
PEPPLER, Stanley, Able Seaman

PETTIGREW, Hugh, Captain - Merchant Navy

PETTIGREW, Jack R, Stoker

PETTIPAS, Guy Dennis, Stoker
PETTITT, John Bertrum, Stoker 1st Class
PETTS, Clifford, Leading Seaman, V 7403 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
PHILLEY, James C, Sub Lieutenant, RCN, Merganser, 8 February 1946, air crash, MPK
PHILLIPS, Caswell Ivan, Leading Stoker
PHILLIPS, James George, Ordinary Seaman
PHILLIPS, John David, Able Seaman
PHILLIPS, Ronald Keith, Ordinary Seaman

PHILLIPS, Ronald Redhead, Ordinary Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
PICKETT, William Nutter, Able Seaman
PICKUP, Deryck H, Ordinary Coder - Royal Navy
PIDLASKI, Nicholas, Ordinary Seaman, V 41014 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PIKE, Brenton James, Able Seaman
PILLING, Eric R, Able Seaman, V/87056 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 9 April 1946, died
PILON, Joseph Germain, Stoker 1st Class
PIONTEK, Jack Wallace, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
PIPER, Douglas E, Able Seaman, V/56085 (RCNVR), Hunter (RCN), 1 October 1945, died
PLOTT, John, Leading Stoker
POMEROY, Alfred John, Chief Petty Officer - Royal Navy
PONDER, Harold R, Able Seaman, 3632 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
POOK, William F, Leading Cook, V 48425 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
POOL, Ralph Bradford, Shipwright 4th Class
POOLE, Donald James, Petty Officer Layer Rating 3rd Class
POOLES, Donald Hamilton, Telegraphist
POPE, Rufus C, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
PORTER, Harold Steven, Ordinary Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
PORTER, John Clifford, Chief Motor Mechanic 3rd Class
PORTER, John David, Able Seaman

PORTER, William H, Chief Engine Room Artificer, V/33072 (RCNVR), Belmont, 31 January 1942, ship loss, MPK
PORTER, Robert N T, Lieutenant, RCN, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
POTHIER, Charles Louis, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
POULAN, Augustine J, Able Seaman, A/1126 (RCNR), Venture (RCN), 7 March 1942, died
POULIOT, Joseph D, Engine Room Artificer 4c, A 2901 (RCNR), Avalon (RCN), 8 January 1943, killed
POUND, Francis John, Able Seaman
POUPART, Joseph TP, Ordinary Seaman, V 55394 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 18 July 1943, died
POWELL, John E, Surgeon Lieutenant, RCNVR, Avenger, 15 November 1942, ship loss, MPK
POWELL, Stephen Bruce, Ordinary Seaman
PRATT, William Russell, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
PRESSNER, Edward Julian, Steward

PRICE, Albert Edward, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
PRICE, John, Lieutenant
PRICE, John Roberts, Chief Petty Officer Torpedo Gunner's Mate
PRISKE, Sydney R, Petty Officer, 2999 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PROCTOR, Auston W, Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Recoil, 28 September 1940, ship loss, MPK
PROSCH, Joseph L, Stoker, A 3552 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PROWSE, Louis Henry, Stoker 2nd Class
PRUDHOMME, Frank Eugene, Leading Cook (S)
PRYOR, Albert Lorne, Ordinary Seaman
PUDNEY, William S D, Signalman, V 27871 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
PULFORD, Robert W, Stoker 1c, V/66130 (RCNVR), Discovery (RCN), 20 December 1947, died
PURCELL, Harold L, Lieutenant (E), RCNR, Donnacona (RCN), 21 November 1942, died
PURCELL, Herbert Augustus, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
PURDY, Clifford Irwin, Coder
PURDY, Gordon Francis, Stoker 1st Class
PURVIS, Henry, Ordinary Seaman


Q  -


QUESNEL, Joseph L R, Able Seaman, V/60161 (RCNVR), Hochelaga (RCN), 22 July 1945, died
QUIGLEY, Lloyd Peter William, Able Seaman

QUILTY, William Joseph, Fireman - Merchant Navy
QUINLAN, Francis, Supply Assistant, 40653 (RNC), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed


R  -


RALPH, George, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
RAMESBOTTOM, Edward, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
RANDALL, Earl K, Sick Berth Petty Officer, 40422 (RCN), Stadacona (RCN), 11 July 1947, died
RANDALL, George, Chief Engine Room Artificer
RANDALL, Walter Gordon Leading Seaman Quarters Rating 2nd Class
RASMUSSEN, Clifford John, Ordinary Seaman Anti-Aircraft Gun Layer
RATHBONE, John Charles Henry, Supply Assistant
RATTLEY, Philip A. Acting Electrical Artificer 4th Class - Royal Navy

RATTRAY, Alexander H W, Ordinary Seaman, V/79825 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 23 January 1945, died
RAYMOND, Paul Joseph Russell, Able Seaman
RAYNER, Robert Frank, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
REA, Clifford Laureano, Stoker 1st Class
READING, William J, Signalman, 3634 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
REAL, Clare Andrew, Layer Rating 3rd Class, Able Seaman
RECH, Mary, WRCNS, W/3431 (WRCNS), Protector (RCN), 24 July 1944, died
REES, Henry V., Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
REGALBUTO, Charles Cerino, Ordinary Seaman
REID, Daniel MacFarland McLeod, Leading Seaman
REID, Edward R, Able Seaman, V 24959 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
REID, Melville James, Stoker 1st Class
REID, Robert B, Act/Ordnance Artificer, 21639 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
REINHART, Wilford, Able Seaman, V 2187 (RCNVR), SS Elmdale, 1 November 1942, ship loss (President III, O/P), killed
RENAUD, Maurice Joseph, Stoker Petty Officer
RENDALL, George W, Shipwright, V/39429 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 14 October 1942, MPK
RENNIE, John Ernest, Chief Petty Officer
RENNIE, William Allen, Sick Berth Attendant
RESNIK, Harold, Ordinary Telegraphist, V/5921 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 17 June 1941, MPK
RETIGAN, Francis V, Assistant Cook (S), V 49758 (RCNVR), Protector II (RCN), 22 May 1943, killed
REYNOLDS, Frank Clarin, Lieutenant (g)
RICE, Stanley Norman, Stoker 1st Class
RICHARDS, Donald Patterson, Victualling Assistant
RICHARDSON, James McN, Lieutenant Skipper, RCNR, Naden (RCN), 8 March 1942, died
RICHARDSON, Jasper J, Coder, V 830 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
RICHARDSON, William Edward, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class

RICHES, Clifford, Able Seaman Leading Torpedoman
RICHMOND, Wallace C J, Signalman, V/9804 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
RIDDELL, Lyle C, Chief Engine Room Artificer, V/69086 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 28 October 1944, died
RIDGE, Derick, Lieutenant (E), RCNVR, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
RIDOUT, William George, Lieutenant
RIECKE, Harry C, Petty Officer, V 10435 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
RIENDEAU, Joseph Arthur Lucien L, Able Seaman
RIGBY, John Joseph, Ordinary Seaman
RIGBY, Robert C, Ordinary Telegraphist, V 41295 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
RING, Norman Eldon, Able Seaman
RIPLEY, Ralph C, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Fanling, 16 February 1942, ship loss, killed
RISING, Jack Humphrey, Ordnance Artificer 4th Class

RISING, Theodore Estabrooks, Ordinary Seaman
RITZER, Edward Ralph, Stoker 1st Class
ROACH, Francis A C, Supply Assistant, V/1913 (RCNVR), Carleton (RCN), 15 October 1946, died
ROACH, James O, Lieutenant Skipper, RCNR, Stadacona (RCN), 1 August 1943, died
ROBB, Donald H, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Bonaventure, 31 March 1941, ship loss, killed
ROBBINS, Edward Gorton, Sub-Lieutenant
ROBERTS, Alexander Wark, Able Seaman
ROBERTS, James Elder, Warrant Engineer
ROBERTS, John Clark, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
ROBERTS, Raymond Leslie, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
ROBERTS, William Francis, Cook (S)
ROBERTSHAW, Eric, Able Seaman Seaman Torpedoman
ROBERTSON, Charles A, Chief Motor Mechanic, V/14735 (RCNVR), Discovery (RCN), 15 November 1944, died
ROBERTSON, Charles Kenneth, Able Seaman
ROBERTSON, Donald Morrison, Able Seaman
ROBERTSON, Douglas Peter, Stoker Petty Officer
ROBERTSON, Earl James, Coder
ROBERTSON, Henry Wilson, Leading Stoker
ROBERTSON, Ian Anderson, Able Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
ROBERTSON, Robert G, Telegraphist, V/24172 (RCNVR), Guysborough (RCN), 17 March 1945, ship loss, MPK
ROBERTSON, Robert M, Ordinary Seaman, V 7831 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 20 December 1943, died
ROBERTSON, Theodore M, Chief Stoker, 21497 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
ROBERTSON, Thomas, Leading Seaman
ROBERTSON, William, Stoker 1st Class
ROBERTSON, William D, Stoker, 21566 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
ROBINSON, Edmund Charles, Leading Telegraphist

ROBINSON, Elwin, Telegraphist
ROBINSON, Frederick V, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Walker, 27 February 1944, overboard, MPK
ROBINSON, Walter Victor Dignum, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 2nd Class
ROBSHAW, George Albert, Able Seaman
RODER, William M, Stoker, V 51026 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
RODGER, Louis R, Ordinary Seaman, V 52807 (RCNVR), St Hyacinthe (RCN), 26 May 1943, died
RODSETH, John Normann, Able Seaman
ROGER, Leo Anthony, Stoker 1st Class
ROGERS, Douglas Lawrence, Petty Officer
ROGERS, Nickoli, Cook
ROGERSON, George Stanley, Sick Berth Attendant
ROLLET, Theodore F C, Able Seaman, V/66506 (RCNVR), Hunter (RCN), 14 November 1945, died
ROLLS, Raymond Burton, Able Seaman
ROOP, Roy Munroe, Able Seaman
RORISON, Robert James, Stoker 2nd Class
ROSE, John William, Chief Petty Officer Steward
ROSIE, George, Leading Stoker, V 10616 (RCNVR), SS Ettrick, 15 November 1942, ship loss (Quebec, O/P), MPK
ROSS, Charles A, Lieutenant, RCNVR, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
ROSS, Duncan Boston, Lieutenant (Engineer)
ROSS, James F, Lieutenant (A), RCNVR, 1842 Sqn, Indefatigable, 30 July 1945, air operations, MPK
ROSS, Norman R, Writer, V/14284 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 2 May 1941, died

ROSS, Patrick Leo, Ordinary Signalman
ROSS, Reginald L, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Penylan, 3 December 1942, ship loss, MPK
ROSS, William Garfield, Stoker Petty Officer

ROTHWELL, Peter T. Temporary Active Air Mechanic 4th Class - Royal Navy

ROURKE, Thomas James, Petty Officer Motor Mechanic
ROUTH, John Meredith, Motor Mechanic - 29th MTB Flotilla
ROWE, Frederick Everett, Leading Seaman

ROWE, Gordon John, Able Seaman Quarter Rating 3rd Class
ROWE, Robert Everett, Able Seaman

ROWELL, David B, Able Seaman, V 8359 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
ROWORTH, George C, Electrical Artificer 4c, V/761 (RCNVR), Bytown (RCN), 21 April 1945, died
ROWSE, Edward G, Leading Seaman, 2926 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
ROY, Frank Norrie, Steward
ROY, Joseph W R, Commander, RCN, Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
RUDD, George, Leading Stoker
RUDD, John S, Leading Coder, V/13701 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
RUEL, Herman Joseph, Skipper
RUFFO, Dominic, Able Seaman, V 32017 (RCNVR), SS Ettrick, 15 November 1942, ship loss (Quebec, O/P), MPK
RUMPEL, Oscar Hedley, Lieutenant
RUSS, Frank A, Petty Officer Telegraphist, X 2739 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
RUSSEL, Hugh D S, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Traveller, 4 December 1942, ship loss, MPK
RUSSELL, Lorne M, Able Seaman, A/3007 (RCNR), Naden (RCN), 23 December 1940, died
RUSSO, Anthony F, Leading Seaman, V 5505 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
RUTHERFORD, Clark Anderson, Lieutenant-Commander
RUTHERFORD, Garnet Ellis, Able Seaman
RUTHERFORD, Norman W., Petty Officer Radio Mech - Royal Navy
RUTT, George A E, Signalman, X/2151 (RCN), Captor Ii (RCN), 19 January 1946, died
RUTTER, James Andrew, Coder
RYAN, Norman Vincent, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman


S  -


SAMPSON, Adelard J, Leading Patrolman, V/67414 (RCNVR), Peregrine (RCN), 3 June 1947, died
SAMPSON, Francis Leonard, Able Seaman Quarters Rating 3rd Class
SAMPSON, Michael C, Stoker Petty Officer, A/871 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 26 October 1944, died
SANDERS, Leslie, Able Seaman, 3494 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SANDERSON, Earl Henry, Able Seaman
SANDERSON, George F, Sick Berth Petty Office, V/34475 (RCNVR), Ontario (RCN), 17 January 1946, died
SANFORD, Maurice K, Shipwright, V 51714 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
SANGER, Lewis J, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
SAULNIER, Joseph Melbourne, Able Seaman, Acting Radio Direction Finder 2nd Class
SAUNDERS, Arthur Robert, Able Seaman
SAUNDERSON, Donald B, Lieutenant (S), RCNVR, Stadacona (RCN), 9 September 1945, died
SAVAGE, Francis H, Able Seaman, V 6676 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

SAVOIE, Maurice Arthur, Stoker 2nd Class
SAVOY, Alfred Theodore, Able Seaman
SCALES, Alfred Eric, Ordinary Seaman
SCHILLER, John Vincent, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
SCHMIDT, Alfred Hugo, Stoker 1st Class
SCHOFIELD, Darcy J M, Cook, V/48962 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
SCHRYBURT, Edward Arthur, Petty Officer
SCHWARZ, John A, Ty/Act/Lieutenant, RCNVR, Whittaker, 1 November 1944, torpedoed, MPK
SCIBAN, Henry Albert, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
SCUDAMORE, Fred H, Stoker Petty Officer, V 7156 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
SCULLY, Frank Joseph, Surgeon-Commander
SEALEY, Walter Bertie, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
SEAMAN, William John, Stoker 1st Class
SEARLE, Frederick J, Chief Petty Officer, X/61678 (RCN), Bytown (RCN), 30 April 1945, died
SEATH, Richie Oulton, Coder
SECORD, Gerald Frederic, Able Seaman Anti Aircraft Gun Layer
SELKIRK, Robert D, Artificer 3c, V/48953 (RCNVR), Hunter (RCN), 16 October 1947, died
SENECAL, Jean George Lionel, Able Seaman Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
SENNETT, John Peter, Stoker 1st Class
SENYK, Steven, Stoker 2nd Class
SEWELL, Edward R, Ordinary Seaman, V 37824 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 23 June 1943, died
SEXTON, Harold J, Seaman, RNPS, LT/JX 315755, Avalon (RCN), 2 August 1945, killed
SHADFORTH, Hubert George, Lieutenant-Commander
SHAFFER, Thomas W, Chief Motor Mechanic, A/540 (RCNR), Naden (RCN), 5 February 1941, died
SHARP, Ronald V W, Able Seaman, V/36099 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 29 July 1944, died
SHATFORD, George Arnold, Motor Mechanic
SHAVE, Chesley Norman, Chief Engine Room Artificer
SHECHOSKY, John, Able Seaman, V/52394 (RCNVR), Chippawa (RCN), 27 October 1946, died
SHECKLETON, Robert John, Able Seaman
SHEFLIN, John Edward, Supply Assistant
SHELLEY, Ralph Thomas, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
SHELLEY, William Henry, Able Seaman Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
SHEPPARD, David George, Leading Signalman
SHEPPARD, Henry Joseph (Harry), Able Seaman Submarine Detector
SHEPPARD, Robert R, Sub Lieutenant (A), RCNVR, 1845 Sqn, Formidable, 22 March 1945, air crash, MPK
SHEPPARD, Thomas P, Ty/Sub Lieutenant (Sp), RCNVR, Avenger, 15 November 1942, ship loss, MPK
SHEPPARD, Thomas W., Able Seaman - Royal Navy
SHERIDAN, Lawrence M, Engine Room Artificer 4c, V/32072 (RCNVR), Sorel (RCN), 1 May 1944, died
SHERLOCK, Albert Victor, Leading Steward
SHIBLEY, Francis Roy, Supply Assistant
SHIELDS, Walter Edward, Sub-Lieutenant
SHILLITO, John George, Able Seaman
SHIMMIN, Alfred George, Leading Supply Assistant

SHINEWALD, Sydney James, Telegraphist
SHORTT, Douglas J O, Sub Lieutenant, RCN, 766 Sqn, Macaw, 11 March 1946, air crash, MPK
SIGSTON, George Dennis, Gunner (T)
SIGURDSON, John, Ordinary Seaman, V/88746 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 5 October 1944, died
SILK, James Ernest, Leading Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 2nd Class
SILLERS, John Alfred, Telegraphist
SILVESTER, Charles V, Petty Officer Victualling, 40604 (RCN), Columbia (RCN), 24 November 1941, killed
SIMARD, Joseph Hidola Michel, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
SIMONS, Clinton Le Roy, Ordinary Signalman
SIMPKIN, Donald H, Leading Victualling Assistant, 40525 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SIMPSON, Frederick William, Able Seaman
SIMS, Hartman W, Leading Seaman, V 17059 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
SIMS, John R, Ordinary Coder, V/61235 (RCNVR), Bytown (RCN), 12 August 1944, died
SINCLAIR, Eric W, Able Seaman, V/41902 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
SINGLETON, John Clifford (Jack), Able Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
SITEMAN, Johnson D, Stoker 1c, A/1882 (RCNR), Protector (RCN), 19 January 1941, died
SIWAK, Anthony S, Telegraphist, V/81938 (RCNVR), Protector (RCN), 25 April 1946, died
SKINNER, Edward L, Able Seaman, 3306 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SKINNER, Edwin A, Petty Officer, V/51709 (RCNVR), Unicorn (RCN), 2 January 1946, died
SKINNER, Eric M, Telegraphist, V/992 (RCNVR), Star (RCN), 27 September 1945, died
SKINNER, Richard J, Able Seaman, A/744 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 14 October 1942, MPK
SKURO, Stephen, Able Seaman, V/700 (RCNVR), York (RCN), 25 April 1945, died
SKYVINGTON, Francis George, Sick Berth Attendant
SLADE, Richard Stanley, Lieutenant
SLAUENWHITE, Donald, Leading Stoker, V 25787 (RCNVR), SS Ettrick, 15 November 1942, ship loss (Quebec, O/P), MPK
SLAUNWHITE, Harry Melvin, Able Seaman
SLINGSBY, Clifford Frederick, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finding Operator 2nd Class
SMARDON, Walter Edwin, Leading Telegraphist
SMART, John Morris Gregory, Lieutenant
SMITH, Adam John, Able Seaman Quarter Rating 3rd Class
SMITH, Albert J, Engine Room Artificer 3c, X/41106 (RCN), York (RCN), 18 April 1945, died
SMITH, Alexander Dyer, Able Seaman
SMITH, Alexander L, Chief Motor Mechanic 4c, A/1541 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 17 January 1945, died
SMITH, Arthur John, Petty Officer Telegraphist
SMITH, Arthur Stanley, Able Seaman
SMITH, Cedric de H, Leading Signalman, 2533 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SMITH, Charles Dunsmore, Ordinary Seaman

SMITH, Frank E, Lieutenant Skipper, RCNR, Stadacona (RCN), 23 December 1943, died
SMITH, George B, Electrical Artificer 4c, B 3332 (RCNR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SMITH, Gerald John, Stoker 2nd Class
SMITH, Gordon E, Able Seaman, V 3220 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SMITH, Harold Wesley, Able Seaman
SMITH, Howard A, Able Seaman, V/61608 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 24 October 1945, illness, died
SMITH, John G, Lieutenant Commander (E), RCNR, Stadacona (RCN), 8 May 1945, died
SMITH, John M, Commander, RCN, Discovery (RCN), 19 September 1947, died
SMITH, John Norman, Lieutenant Commander
SMITH, Joseph W, Petty Officer Cook, V 25646 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
SMITH, Kenneth Gordon, Cook (S)
SMITH, Kenneth Harry, Able Seaman
SMITH, Larry Douglas, Petty Officer, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
SMITH, Leslie C B, Ordinary Seaman, V/8524 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 18 February 1941, died
SMITH, Lloyd Wesley, Able Seaman Radar 3rd Class
SMITH, Murdo, Lieutenant, RCNVR, West York (RCN), 23 December 1944, died
SMITH, Richard Alfred, Stoker 1st Class
SMITH, Robert, Able Seaman, 3317 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SMITH, Robert B, Ordinary Seaman, V 266 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SMITH, Roseville St. Clair, Stoker 1st Class
SMITH, Thomas Alfred, Leading Cook,
SMITH, Thomas Bernard, Able Seaman Acting Layer Rating 3rd Class
SMITH, William Roy, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
SMITHSON, David B, Able Seaman, 3279 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SMITHSON, Stanley Lawrence, Stoker 1st Class
SMRKE, Anthony, Ordinary Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
SMYTH, Angus Donald, Stoker 1st Class
SNOW, Anthony R, Ordinary Seaman, V/6600 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 26 December 1940, died
SNOWFIELD, Daryl L, Ordinary Seaman, V/50337 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 18 January 1944, died
SNOWSELL, Ernest W, Able Seaman, 3308 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
SNYDER, Arthur Douglas, Petty Officer
SNYDER, Robert B, Leading Stoker, V/24772 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 20 January 1944, died
SOMMERFELD, Samuel Whitney, Able Seaman Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
SORENSON, Svend Solberg, Ordnance Artificer 4th Class
SORRELL, William Wallace, Able Seaman
SOUCISSE, Paul Edward, Coder
SOUTHALL, Harry Kenneth, Able Seaman
SPEAR, Wilfred David, Able Seaman
SPENCER, Frederick, Ordinary Seaman
SPICER, Robert Boyd, Stoker Petty Officer
SPIKESLEY, Douglas A, Yeoman of Signals, 3027 (RCN), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
SPINNEY, Wilbur R, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Ontario (RCN), 3 June 1945, died
SPOFFORD, Roy J, Leading Patrolman, V/77870 (RCNVR), Carleton (RCN), 27 March 1947, died
ST. LAURENT, Joseph Ludger Marcel, Able Seaman
ST. PIERRE, Jean P, Able Seaman, V/4210 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 13 May 1945, died
STAFFORD, John Hamish, Leading Coder
STAINES, Frederick Chares, Supply Assistant

STANDING, Thomas, Leading Seaman, 2415 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
STANLEY, James Clifford, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
STANTON, Cyril A.W. Air Mechanic (E), 2nd Class - Royal Navy

STARK, Horace G, Telegraphist, V 6408 (RCNVR), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
STASIN, John Joseph, Ordinary Signalman
STEEVES, Francis Ronald, Writer
STEFIUK, George, Leading Seaman
STEPHEN, Donald, Leading Telegraphist
STEPHEN, Gordon Kent, Lieutenant
STEPHEN, Samuel Stewart, Able Seaman
STEPHENS, Gordon H. Leading Radio Mechanic (AW) - Royal Navy

STEPHENS, Oswald Bertman, Stoker 1st Class
STEPHENS, Richard H, Stoker, 21659 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
STEPHENS, William Dawson, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 3rd Class
STEPHENSON, Carmen E, Leading Seaman, V 5646 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
STEPHENSON, Francis W, Petty Officer, 3873 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
STEVENS, Charles P R, Ty/Lieutenant (A) RCNVR, 1772 Sqn, Indefatigable, 28 July 1945, air operations, MPK
STEVENS, Cooks N G, Chief Petty Officer, 40565 (RCN), Naden (RCN), 5 July 1947, died
STEVENS, Cyril E, Ordinary Seaman, V/63143 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
STEVENS, Earle M, Ordinary Seaman, V 49040 (RCNVR), Cornwallis (RCN), 21 May 1943, died
STEVENSON, Elmer Howard, Stoker 1st Class
STEVENSON, James Charles Ronald, Leading Seaman Acting Gunner's Mate
STEVENSON, Robert Gordon, Stoker 1st Class
STEVENSON, William L, Ordinary Seaman, V 46021 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
STEVER, Imelda, WRCNS, W/3419 (WRCNS), Protector (RCN), 24 July 1944, died
STEWART, Albert Mathers, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
STEWART, Beverley George, Able Seaman, Acting Seaman Torpedoman

STEWART, David Heggie, 2nd Engineer Officer - Merchant Navy
STEWART, John Lorne, Able Seaman Gun Layer W.
STEWART, Joseph Edward, Stoker 1st Class
STEWART, Kenneth William, Able Seaman

STEWART, Laughlin Elwood, Able Seaman Gun Layer
STEWART, Lloyd J, Steward, V/32989 (RCNVR), Queen Charlotte (RCN), 28 May 1942, died
STEWART, William George, Signalman
STILNOVICH, Matthew, Motor Mechanic, FR 84 (RCNVR), Naden (RCN), 17 December 1943, died
STINCHCOMBE, Arthur Roland, Ordinary Telegraphist
STOCK, Howard J, Ordinary Coder, V/23654 (RCNVR), Hyacinthe (RCN), 13 August 1942, died
STOCKMAN, Ernest Osward, Lieutenant (E)
STODDART, Charles John, Stoker 1st Class
STOREY, John Edmund, Lieutenant (E)
STRACHAN, Edward E, Telegraphist, V/50046 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
STRANGE, William R, Stoker, V 12898 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
STRATHY, George H K, Ty/Act/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Ajax, 12 October 1940, surface action, killed
STREDDER, Frederick O, Paymaster Commander, RCNVR, Stadacona (RCN), 10 June 1941, died
STREET, Leslie G., Able Seaman - Royal Navy
STREY, Garfield J, Able Seaman, V/16600 (RCNVR), Glendevon (RCN), 3 March 1945, MPK
STRICKLAND, Stanley George, Able Seaman
STRINGER, Joseph, Able Seaman, V/35344 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
STRINGER, Wilfred I B, Surgeon Lieutenant Commander, RCN, Naden (RCN), 13 December 1947, died
STROM, Alton, Air Mechanic (A) 2c, V/78627 (RCNVR), Owl, 20 December 1945, died
STUART, Charles J, Captain, RCNR, Discovery (RCN), 2 November 1945, died
STUART, George Alexander, Able Seaman Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
STUART, George Eaton, Leading Steward

STUART, Lionel Everett, Stoker 1st Class
STUBBS, John Hamilton, Lieutenant-Commander
STYRING, Walter L, Commander, RCNR, Stadacona (RCN), 10 May 1945, died
SULLIVAN, Samuel, Telegraphist, V/5794 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
SUTHERLAND, Hugh J G, Lieutenant (E), RCN, Avalon (RCN), 29 October 1943, killed
SUTHERLAND, Jackson R, Ordinary Seaman, V/91354 (RCNVR), Nonsuch (RCN), 8 October 1944, died
SUTHERLAND, John Watt, Able Seaman Layer Rating 3rd Class
SUTHERLAND, Robert, Telegraphist
SUTTON, Arthur W, Ty/Lieutenant, RCNVR, 1830 Sqn, Illustrious, 24 January 1945, air operations, MPK
SUTTON, Kenneth R, Paymaster Lieutenant, RCNVR, Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
SWALES, Leroy S, Steward, V/17781 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
SWALM, Charles Harrison, Lieutenant
SWANN, William J, Leading Seaman, V/50072 (RCNVR), Chippawa (RCN), 25 November 1945, died
SWART, Dirk Cornelius, Stoker Petty Officer
SWEENEY, Charles Henry, Leading Seaman Layer Rating 2nd Class
SWEENEY, Michael, Telegraphist
SWEET, Charles Edwin, Chief Petty Officer
SWETNAM, Percy, Chief Petty Officer, 2081 (RCN), Givenchy (RCN), 7 April 1945, died
SWINDLEHURST, John Coleman, Ordinary Signalman
SZUSZWAL, Nick, Able Seaman, V/77144 (RCNVR), SS Cornwallis, 3 December 1944, ship loss, MPK


T -


TAGG, James, Engine Room Artificer, V 24237 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
TANNER, James Arthur, Able Seaman
TANZEY, Daniel, Ordinary Seaman - Royal Navy
TAPP, Anthony A, Chief Petty Officer, V/49377 (RCNVR), Givenchy (RCN), 9 November 1944, died
TAPPER, John, Able Seaman, A/1075 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 14 October 1942, MPK
TARASOFF, Frederick, Able Seaman
TARDIF, Henri A, Shipwright 4c, A 4070 (RCNR), Stadacona (RCN), 11 December 1943, died
TARDIF, Louis P J, Able Seaman, V/3577 (RCNVR), Montcalm (RCN), 21 April 1946, died
TAYLOR, Albert Douglas, Telegraphist
TAYLOR, Ernest Francis, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
TAYLOR, Frederick Francis Monroe, Able Seaman, Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
TAYLOR, Glenwood Lawrence, Ordinary Seaman

TAYLOR, Harold Joseph (Scotty), Able Seaman
TEMPLETON, Thomas M, Leading Seaman, V/14540 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
TERRY, John M, Able Seaman, V 22544 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
TERWILLEGAR, Norman A, Ty/Surgeon Lieutenant, RCNVR, Abdiel, 9 September 1943, ship loss, MPK
THERRIEN, Joseph H C, Shipwright, V/49265 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
THIBAUBEAU, Placid Leonard, Ordinary Seaman
THIBODEAU, Joseph E, Pilot Officer, 51454 H (RCN), Donnacona (RCN), 11 August 1947, died
THIBODEAU, Simon Joseph, Ordinary Seaman
THICKE, Charles F, Able Seaman, 4386 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
THOMAS, James Edward, Sub Lieutenant
THOMAS, Percy Jack, Ordinary Signalman
THOMAS, Roger Charles, Telegraphist
THOMPSON, George W, Convoy Signalman, V 23251 (RCNVR), SS Emile Franqui, 16 December 1942, (President III, O/P), ship loss, MPK
THOMPSON, Harry, Stoker 1st Class
THOMPSON, Herbert Albert, Able Seaman
THOMPSON, John, Cook (S)
THOMPSON, Peter, Telegraphist
THRASHER, Mack Philemon, Stoker 1st Class (M)
THURSFIELD, John S, Leading Radio Mechanic, P/MX 124820, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, MPK
THURSTON, Charles R, Ty/Act/Lieutenant, RCNVR, 1840 Sqn, Indomitable, 13 April 1945, air operations, MPK
TIPE, Carl L, Stoker, V 23468 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
TODD, David, Engine Room Artificer 3rd Class
TODD, Hugh Lamour, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finder 2nd Class
TODD, James Warner, Ordinary Coder
TODOS, William, Able Seaman, 3398 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
TOPP, Charles J, Stoker Petty Officer, V/516 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
TOURVILLE, Joseph S L, Leading Seaman, V/3791 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 21 June 1947, died
TOWERS, John R, Signalman, 4215 (RCN), York (RCN), 16 July 1946, died
TOWNSEND, Daniel Thomas, Warrant Engineer
TRAINOR, Alfred Noel, Petty Officer Steward
TREMAINE, Leonard R, Leading Telegraphist, V/25009 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 15 July 1942, died
TREMBLEY, Joseph Antonio, Able Seaman
TRENHOLM, Frank Robert, Ordinary Seaman
TRUDEL, Camille Gerard, Stoker 1st Class
TRUDEL, Joseph Mailly Rodrigue, Stoker 1st Class (M)
TUCCI, Albert, Able Seaman
TUKE, Donald William Dearness, Sub Lieutenant (E)
TUPKAL, William S, First Officer, V/44303 (RCNVR), Tecumseh (RCN), 19 July 1944, died
TUPPER, Allister Robertson, Ordnance Artificer 4th Class
TURNER, Alan Thomas, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
TURNER, Alexander, Able Seaman, V 27586 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
TURNER, Verne LeRoy, Stoker 1st Class
TUTTY, Willard J, Stoker 1c, V/44285 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 27 March 1944, died
TUZO, Joseph A, Cook (S), V/41437 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 11 May 1944, died
TWEEDIE, John Samuel David Dixon, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
TYNDALL, William David, Ordinary Seaman


U  -


UNDERWOOD, John C, Able Seaman, 3072 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
UNGER, Abraham, Able Seaman
UPTON, Charles Michael Augustine, Ordinary Coder
URQUHART, Donald Leroy, Able Seaman
URQUHART, Harold F, Stoker Petty Officer, V/25850 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK


V  -


VAILLANCOURT, Fernand, Sick Berth Attendant, V/42867 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
VAIR, James Alexander, Leading Steward
VALIQUETTE, Raymond J, Petty Officer, V/3386 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
VAN OOYEN, Dirk, Steward
VAN SICKLE, Harold A, Ordinary Seaman, V 39844 (RCVNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
VARNEY, Douglas Charles, Engine Room Artificer 5th Class
VAUGHAN, Alan McC, Ty/Surgeon Lieutenant, RCNVR, Indefatigable, 1 April 1945, bombing, killed
VEINOTTE, Joseph Victor Wilkins, Supply Petty Officer
VENNE, Joseph R B, Victualling Assistant, 40577 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
VERGE, Howard G, Lieutenant Skipper, RCNR, Stadacona (RCN), 25 January 1946, died
VEY, John Wellington, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
VIKSTROM, Jack Richard, Able Seaman
VILA, John W, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Stadacona (RCN), 20 December 1947, died
VINCENT, Eldon Gilbert, Leading Stoker


W  -


WAGAR, Donald Frank, Able Seaman Acting Submarine Detector
WAITSON, Maurice, Able Seaman
WAKELEY, Stanley Gordon, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
WALDEN, Richard Willard, Able Seaman

WALKER, Alan Mackenzie, Lieutenant
WALKER, George E, Able Seaman, V 22442 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
WALKER, James, Able Seaman
WALKER, Merrill D, Leading Patrolman, V/69072 (RCNVR), Bytown (RCN), 21 December 1945, died
WALKER, Robert Thomas, Able Seaman
WALKER, Samuel Charles, Telegraphist
WALKER, William L, Stoker, 21275 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WALKLEY, John Molson, Lieutenant
WALL, Edward Thomas, Stoker 1st Class
WALL, Herbert A, Able Seaman, X/61701 (RCN), Stadacona (RCN), 19 August 1941, died
WALLACE, Clifford D, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Quebec, 19 August 1942, Operation Jubilee, MPK
WALLACE, Peter William, Able Seaman Acting Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
WALLACE, Wilbert C, Ordinary Seaman, V/24983 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
WALLACE, William C, Convoy Telegraphist, V/17063 (RCNVR), SS River Afton, 5 July 1942, ship loss (President III, O/P), MPK
WALLINGTON, Spencer, Leading Stoker
WALSH, Patrick D, Leading Stoker, 21787 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
WALSH, Patrick Joseph, Leading Cook (S)
WALTERS, Gordon William, Able Seaman
WALTERS, Leslie F, Leading Seaman, 2855 (RCN), Protector (RCN), 12 April 1943, died
WAMBACK, Harding Robertson, Skipper, RCNR
WARD, Howard Hartnell, Leading Seaman Torpedo Detector 2nd Class
WARD, Leslie, Lieutenant (SB)
WARD, Ronald J, Able Seaman, V/56358 (RCNVR), Chippawa (RCN), 4 April 1947, died

WARD, Vernon Miller, Able Seaman

WARD, Victor A, Signalman, V/5911 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
WARE, William John, Telegraphist
WARNER, Gordineer W, Leading Stoker, A 2802 (RCNR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
WARREN, Alexander L, Lieutenant, RCN, Stadacona (RCN), 16 October 1947, died
WARWICK, Claude C, Able Seaman, V/107691 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 1 March 1945, died
WATERHOUSE, Douglas Reginald, Signalman
WATKINS, Harry, Signalman, 3031 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WATSON, Albert E, Chief Petty Officer, X 161 (RCN), Burrard (RCN), 20 July 1943, killed
WATSON, Horace H, Chief Petty Officer, 2862 (RCN), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
WATSON, John C, Lieutenant (E), RCNVR, Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
WATSON, Kenneth William, Ordinary Seaman
WATSON, Leonard, Able Seaman
WATSON, Matthew, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
WATSON, Norman Russell, Stoker 1st Class
WATSON, Reginald John, Telegraphist
WATSON, Wilfred, Electrical Artificer 4th Class
WATT, Conway James, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
WATT, John Arthur, Motor Mechanic
WATT, Thomas, Stoker Petty Officer
WATTS, Dan James, Steward Probationer
WAZNE, Michael, Able Seaman, V/82349 (RCNVR), Griffon (RCN), 20 September 1946, died
WEATHERBIE, James A, Stoker 1c, RCNR, A/590, Niobe (RCN), 20 January 1942, died
WEAVER, Leslie E, Air Artificer 2c, N/51745 (RCN), RCN, 24 September 1947, died
WEBB, Donald H, Stoker 1c, V/33948 (RCNVR), Fort Ramsay (RCN), 8 November 1942, died
WEBB, Horace Merle, Leading Seaman Quarters Rating 2nd Class
WEBB, Niles Lytell, Signalman
WEBB, Valentine G, Stoker Petty Officer, 21195 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WEBB, William Laurence Albert, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 2nd Class
WEBBER, Bernard, Ordinary Seaman
WEISER, Lincoln E, Stoker, 21666 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WELLINGTON, William E, Petty Officer Motor Mechanic, V/62372 (RCNVR), 29th MTB Flotilla (RCN), 14 February 1945, ship loss, killed
WELLS, Aubrey Calland, Leading Seaman
WELLS, Edgar H, Yeoman of Signals, V/25099 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 8 June 1944, died
WELLS, James H, Air Mechanic (A) 1c, V/78960 (RCNVR), Niobe (RCN), 20 December 1945, road accident, died
WEST, Robert E, Stoker, V/37893 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
WESTCOTT, James Herbert, Able Seaman Layer Rating 2nd Class

WHALEN, George, Fireman - Merchant Navy 
WHALLEY, Rev Clement K, Chaplain 3c, RCN, Protector (RCN), 21 May 1945, died
WHARTON, Leonard Arthur, Able Seaman
WHEATLEY, Joseph S, Petty Officer, V/57235 (RCNVR), Tecumseh (RCN), 25 June 1946, died
WHEELER, Thomas Knowles, Stoker 2nd Class
WHEELER, Victor S, Able Seaman, 3268 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WHITAKER, Ronald, Steward, V 32848 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed

WHITBY, Lorne, Able Seaman (Merchant Navy)
WHITE, Clayton Leonard, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
WHITE, Donald Harrison, Ordinary Seaman
WHITE, Donald Winchester, Able Seaman
WHITE, Robert, Signalman
WHITE, Robert Borden, Stoker 1st Class
WHITE, Robert E, Able Seaman, V 16866 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
WHITEFORD, Matthew G, Cook (S), V/592 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 29 May 1945, died
WHITEHEAD, Arthur John, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
WHITEHEAD, Bruce Mansell, Sub Lieutenant
WHITEHEAD, Frederick G B, Lieutenant, RCNVR, Corinthian, 23 May 1942, MPK
WHITEHOUSE, Eric, Regulating Petty Officer
WHITING, Basil Evans, Able Seaman

WHITMORE, Gordon S, Able Seaman, 4471 (RCN), Naden (RCN), 15 November 1943, died
WHITTEMORE, Edwin George, Cook (S)
WHYMARK, Milton Elwood, Able Seaman, Seaman Torpedoman
WHYTE, John William, Able Seaman
WIGHT, Alan E, Stoker, 40555 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WILCOX, Russell Harold, Stoker 1st Class
WILKES, Harry Steward - Royal Navy

WILKIE, Agnes Wightman, Nursing Sister
WILKIE, Claude O, Able Seaman, A/376 (RCNR), Armentieres (RCN), 11 July 1940, died
WILKINSON, Horace Edward, Leading Stoker
WILKINSON, Ralph D G, Sailmaker, 2281 (RCN), Stadacona (RCN), 4 March 1945, died
WILKINSON, William H, Mechanician, V/22426 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 24 September 1945, died
WILLIAMS, Harvey A G, Engine Room Artificer, V/21917 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 20 May 1944, MPK
WILLIAMS, James Joseph, Leading Seaman
WILLIAMS, Kenneth Walter, Engine Room Artificer 4th Class
WILLIAMS, Robert, Able Seaman, 2805 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WILLIAMS, Roland George, Leading Supply Assistant
WILLIS, Daniel C, Able Seaman, 3175 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WILLIS, Stanley T, Leading Stoker, 21989 (RCN), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
WILSON, Archibald Whetstone, Stoker 1st Class
WILSON, Charles M, Petty Officer, 2371 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WILSON, Donald Alexander Kenneth, Sub Lieutenant
WILSON, Ernest, Lieutenant
WILSON, George R, Act/Engine Room Artificer 4c, 25041 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WILSON, John E, Able Seaman, D/JX 140946, Naden (RCN), 1 January 1945, illness, died
WILSON, Murray Francis, Able Seaman
WILSON, Robert H, Able Seaman, V/599 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
WILSON, Roderick Arnold, Chief Stoker

WILSON, Ronald A, Petty Officer, V/10251 (RCNVR), Stormont (RCN), 21 August 1944, MPK
WILSON, Ross M, Ty/Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, 766 Sqn, Landrail, 9 September 1942, air crash, killed
WILSON, Thomas, Engine Room Artificer 3c, A/571 (RCNR), Givenchy (RCN), 15 May 1944, died
WINCH, Wilmer J, Leading Stoker, V 22870 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
WINDSOR, Frank L, Able Seaman, V/8662 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
WINTHROPE, William J, Ty/Surgeon Lieutenant, RCNVR, Campbeltown, 28 March 1942, ship loss, killed
WISEMAN, Carl W, Electrical Artificer 3c, V/25582 (RCNVR), Stadacona (RCN), 11 July 1944, died
WITNEY, Alfred Edward, Ordinary Seaman
WOOD, John Alfred, Able Seaman
WOOD, Joseph E, Stoker 1c, V/58890 (RCNVR), Hunter (RCN), 27 January 1947, died

WOOD, Roy Macdonald, Stoker 1st Class
WOODCOCK, Richard Alexander, Able Seaman
WOODLEY, Herbert Albert, Leading Steward
WOODMAN, Donald Frank, Telegraphist
WOODS, Harold George, Telegraphist
WOODS, Mervyl H, Able Seaman, V/50658 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
WOODS, Norman George, Ordinary Seaman
WOODS, Stanley E, Able Seaman, 3094 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
WOODWARD, Rodney Trevors, Able Seaman Submarine Detector
WOOLLEY, Hector A B C, Ordinary Signalman, V/8285 (RCNVR), Avalon (RCN), 12 December 1942, fire, killed
WOOLRIDGE, George L, Able Seaman, V/51989 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
WORMWORTH, Thomas Claude, Able Seaman
WORTMAN, Robert Chambers, Able Seaman
WRAGG, George F, Electrical Lieutenant, RCN, Naden (RCN), 6 October 1944, died
WRIGHT, George B, Lieutenant, RCNR, St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed
WRIGHT, Gordon W, Ty/Electrical Sub Lieutenant, RCNVR, Gould, 1 March 1944, ship loss, MPK
WRIGHT, James Bernard, Able Seaman Anti-Aircraft Rating 3rd Class
WRIGHT, Keith Francis, Sub Lieutenant
WRIGHT, Richard Christopher Farr, Stoker 2nd Class
WRIGHT, Thomas, Stoker 1st Class
WYKCOFF, Gordon C, Leading Seaman, V 13349 (RCNVR), St Croix (RCN), 20 September 1943, ship loss, killed


Y  -


YEADON, Robert Lawrence, Able Seaman
YOUNG, Alfred, Able Seaman, 3007 (RCN), Margaree (RCN), 22 October 1940, ship loss, MPK
YOUNG, Donald C, Ordinary Seaman, V/74571 (RCNVR), Donnacona (RCN), 1 March 1946, died
YOUNG, James E, Able Seaman, V/6388 (RCNVR), Valleyfield (RCN), 7 May 1944, ship loss, MPK
YOUNG, James Lawrence, Stoker 1st Class
YOUNG, Thomas William, Able Seaman Radio Direction Finder Operator 2nd Class


Z  -


ZBARSKY, Ralph, Able Seaman Radar Operator 3rd Class
ZINCK, Cyril Milford, Supply Assistant