A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
They made the Ultimate Sacrifice
MORRIS, Blake Able Seaman, V10304, RCNVR died - 10 May 1941, HMCS FRENCH - son of Albert Edwin and Beatrice Morris of Regina, SK.
Able Seaman Blake Morris of Regina was the son of A.E. and Beatrice Morris who later moved to Peesane, SK. Blake attended Scott Collegiate and was working as a truck driver for Smeeds when he enlisted on September 31, 1939 at Regina on the outbreak of the war. Able Seaman B. Morris died at Camp Hill Hospital, Halifax, Nova Scotia due to acute Lymphatic Leukemia. He is buried in the Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK.
Ships served in: REGINA DIVISION RCNVR - Enlisted 21 Sep 1939. Active service 06 May 1940 PASTEUR (Troopship) - Served in Pasteur 26 Aug 1940 - 20 Sep 1940 as an OS, RCNVR HMCS FRENCH - Drafted to French 20 Nov 1940 as an OS, RCNVR. Rated AB 23 Feb 1941.
(1) Certificate of Service (2) Naval Training and Active Service record (3) Report of Death
Headstone for AB Morris in the Regina Cemetery, Regina, SK
Second World War Casualty Index