A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
They made the Ultimate Sacrifice
AMIRO, Irvin Vincent, Tel, V26054, RCNVR, killed - 29 Apr 1944, HMCS ATHABASKAN - son of Joseph A. and Mary V. Amiro, Pubnico, NS.
Tel Amrio died when his ship, HMCS ATHABASKAN G07, was sunk in the English Channel on April 29, 1944. His body was recovered and he was buried in the Plouescat Communal Cemetery, Finistere, France.
Ships served in: SPECIAL DIVISION RCNVR - Enlisted 21 May 1941. Commenced Active Service 21 May 1941 as an OS, RCNVR HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to STADACONA 21 May 1941 as an OS, RCNVR HMS SIGNAL SCHOOL - Drafted to HMC SIGNAL SCHOOL 01 Jul 1941 as an OS, RCNVR * Rated Ord. Tel 02 Aug 1941 NOIC SYDNEY - Drafted to NOIC SYDNEY 04 Oct 1941 as an Ord. Tel, RCNVR HMCS PROTECTOR - Drafted to PROTECTOR 21 May 1941 as an Ord. Tel, RCNVR * Rated Tel 19 Jun 1942 HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to STADACONA 10 Sep 1942 as a Tel, RCNVR HMCS NIOBE - Drafted to NIOBE 28 Oct 1942 as a Tel, RCNVR HMCS ATHABASKAN - Drafted to ATHABASKAN 04 Feb 1942 as a Tel, RCNVR. Commissioning crew
(IA01) Portrait of Tel Amiro (IA02) Documents from the Service File of Irvin Amiro
Second World War Casualty Index