Exhibition Grounds Halifax, NS
In the early part of the war there was insufficient accommodations and facilities in Halifax to house and train the sailors for the rapidly expanding RCN. In the spring of 1940, of 1,400 naval ratings training in Halifax, only a third were in barracks. That summer, the Navy requisitioned the Exhibition Grounds and erected temporary buildings to house the hundreds of new trainees arriving in Halifax. The RCN Signals School was also established there.
The building at the Exhibition Grounds were commissioned as HMCS STADACONA II on 01 Aug 1940 until 30 Sep 1941. In the summer of 1941 the signal school re-located to St Hyacinthe, Quebec and was commissioned as HMCS ST HYACINTHE.
Photos and Documents
While in training at HMC SIGNAL SCHOOL, Exhibition Grounds, Halifax, NS From the collection of Ross Somerville, Leading Coder, RCNVR Courtesy of Kathy Somerville
Hostilities AG V/S 05 Feb 1941 Visual Signalmen Course, RCN Signals School, HMCS Stadacona II From the collection of John Morrison, CPO Sig, RCNVR Courtesy of Cathy Stroud Click on the above photo to view a larger image
(7) Morrison, John. O/Sig
V/S Course photo - 1941 HMCS STADACONA II
Front row: L-R: E. Brockwell, J. Bates, Chief yeoman Pritchard (instructor), E. Valliant, G. Finch
Middle Row: L-R: W. Archer, G. Rimmer, W. Rex, A. Sloan, R. Trow, E. Penning
Back Row: L-R: E. Hatton, C. Wilson, E. Burnett, E. Williams, J. Condie, W. Richmond, D. Watkins
(LK28) Leading Telegraphist Course - Nov 1940 HMCS STADACONA II Leonard Bate (top row, far left), EML Kennedy (middle row, 2nd from left), Tom Clarkson (middle row, 2nd from right)
From the collection of LCdr Lionel Kennedy, RCN
Courtesy of Barbara Holliday