In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
KENNEDY, Elmer Melvin Lionel - Lionel was born in Russell, Manitoba on 17 February 1920, the son of a Massey-Harris area sales manager, Elmer Kennedy, and his wife, Edith McNichol Kennedy. Lionel's childhood was spent in Russell and Yorkton, Saskatchewan until 1937 when the family moved to Winnipeg. Lionel completed high school at Daniel McIntyre Collegiate, then enrolled in Manitoba Commercial College. Soon after World War II was declared, Lionel left his studies and enlisted in the RCNVR on 22 September 1939 (Service Number V9685) at HMCS CHIPPAWA in Winnipeg. He was given the rank Ordinary Telegraphist on joining because he had obtained an Amateur Radio Operator Certificate when he was seventeen.
After shore training from October through December 1939 at HMCS STADACONA in Halifax, Lionel served for nine months as a Telegraphist on the examination vessel HMCS ANDREE DUPRE (Z03/W03) in Halifax harbour along with his best friend, Leonard Bate. In November 1940, he and Leonard completed a Leading Telegraphist course at Signals School at STADACONA before being assigned to different corvettes. Leonard was assigned to the ill-fated HMCS SPIKENARD (K198) that was sunk in February 1942, taking Leonard and most of its crew down with it. Lionel was assigned to the corvette HMS HEPATICA (K159) that had been built for the Royal Navy in Quebec and made its maiden voyage to Greenock, Scotland, departing 18 December 1940 on Convoy HX97. For the book The Corvette Years: The Lower Deck Story by Edward O'Connor that was published in 1995, Lionel wrote, "our only armament (was) just six depth-charges, a stripped Lewis gun on the bridge and a dummy 4" gun on the forecastle made from the crate our asdic dome had come in and a spar, the lot covered with canvas."
While the ship was undergoing refit at Greenock, in mid-February 1941 Lionel was temporarily assigned to the Clydebank-built Australian destroyer HMAS NIZAM. After commissioning, the NIZAM was to undergo work up with the ships of the Home Fleet at Scapa Flow with Lionel aboard as one of the Telegraphists, no doubt to give him more work experience at sea.
On March 1st, 1941, back at Greenock, Lionel was appointed Acting Leading Telegraphist. For the next ten days out of the Royal Navy's 'working up' establishment at Tobermory, Isle of Mull, Lionel and the HEPATICA crew took part in the ship's training exercises, including four days of exercises with a submarine. The HEPATICA was commissioned into the RCN and joined Escort Group 4, serving briefly as a UK-Iceland escort until June before being assigned to Newfoundland Escort Force for the rest of 1941, escorting convoys between Iceland and St. John's. Lionel recalled, "We only got ashore a couple of times in Reykjavik, Iceland, and the first time I went ashore was with one of the signalmen on a beautiful, sunny summer day. We bought an English/Icelandic dictionary and went looking for local talent - blonde, female types, of course. We never had a chance to try out the lingo; the first obstacle being pronunciation and the second, some of the local parents I fear had got word of our coming and kept their young daughters at home."
Beginning in January 1942, the HEPATICA served on the Newfie-Derry run for the next three months, escorting ships from St. John's to Londonderry, Northern Ireland. Lionel must have shown promise as officer material during that period, for in July 1942 he began officer training at HMCS KINGS, graduating in mid-November 1942 as a Sub-Lieutenant (Service Number 0-38310). He was then assigned to the Bangor-class minesweeper HMCS STRATFORD (J310) for coastal escort duty between Sydney and St. John's from 27 November 1942 until 4 May 1943, during which time he earned his Watchkeeping Certificate.
Lionel was next posted to the stone frigate HMCS NIOBE at Greenock, Scotland on 29 July 1943 to take an HF/DF Course and serve on Captain (D) Greenock's staff until mid-December 1943 when he returned to Canada. In January 1944 he was assigned to the staff of the Deputy Superintendent at HMCS STADACONA in Halifax to set up a calibration base for HF/DF. The day after he began, on January 15, 1944, he was promoted to Lieutenant. When his HF/DF assignment was complete, on 15 May 1944 Lionel was transferred to the shore-based HMCS AVALON at St. John's to serve on the staff of Captain (D) Newfoundland and work on HMCS SERETHA II, an auxiliary ship used in HF/DF calibrations.
Lionel was transferred to Naval Headquarters in Ottawa on 10 June 1944 to serve on the staff of the Director of Signals Division, Captain George A. Worth, OBE, with whom he worked until the war ended. Lionel then returned to Winnipeg and on 28 May 1945 he was honorably discharged from the RCNVR at HMCS CHIPPAWA, the naval reserve division where he had enlisted in 1939.
Lionel was on civy street for about a year before realizing that he preferred life in the military. Rather than rejoin the Navy, on 6 September 1946 he enlisted in the RCAF (Service Number 13747) and was posted to RCAF bases Centralia then Trenton before deciding that he would rather be back in the Navy. He resigned from the RCAF on 6 February 1950 and rejoined the Navy at HMCS PREVOST in London, Ontario on 30 March 1950.
Lionel was not able to enter the RCN as an officer like he been had during the war, but began as an Able Seaman, although with the same service number (0-38310) that he had as an officer during the war. However, recognizing his previous training and service with the RCNVR and RCAF, the next day Lionel was promoted to Petty Officer 2nd Class and was sent for training at HMCS NADEN on the west coast until 11 May 1950. From there Lionel was posted to HMCS GLOUCESTER south-east of Ottawa to specialize once more in HF/DF. In August 1951 he was sent to HMC NRS AKLAVIK to help establish a signals intelligence station there. During his time at the station, on 15 August 1951, he was promoted to Petty Officer 1st Class. He returned to GLOUCESTER at the end of November where he remained until September 1952. His next posting was HMCS CHURCHILL where he was promoted to Commissioned Officer (SB) on 24 July 1954. After taking the Officers Divisional Course at HMCS Cornwallis in January 1955, Lionel was posted to HMCS COVERDALE in February and promoted to Lieutenant (SB) Star on 1 April 1955. The following April, while serving as the Operations Officer at COVERDALE, Lionel was promoted to Lieutenant (SB) and at the end of April 1956 was made Officer-in-Charge of HMC NRS GANDER Newfoundland where he served until July 1959.
The month before departing Gander, Lionel and his wife, Betty, were presented to Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip at the opening of Gander's new international airport on 19 June 1959. Prince Philip, on seeing Lionel's naval uniform, remarked, "What the hell are you doing here? We're a long way from the sea!" Lionel hoped the Queen hadn't overheard her husband's salty language, as he briefly explained the naval radio station function to the bemused prince.
From Newfoundland, Lionel returned to HMCS GLOUCESTER as Operations Officer, remaining there until his next posting in August 1961 at HMCS COVERDALE as Executive Officer. He was promoted to Lieutenant-Commander in November 1962 and the following July took over command of HMCS CHURCHILL until 21 March 1965. During his time as CO of HMCS CHURCHILL, Lionel also served as board chairman of the Fort Churchill military hospital and worked on several other committees during the wind down of the joint US/Canadian military base. Rather than accept the next posting that was offered to him, Lionel opted to retire, and spent the next three months at HMCS CHIPPAWA in Winnipeg before leaving active service in July 1965. He knew that if he did not retire when he did, he would be required to give up the traditional uniform of the senior service and wear the green uniform of the amalgamated Canadian armed forces, which he was loath to do.
Lionel and his family moved to Collingwood, Ontario and after enjoying five months of accumulated leave, he was honorably released from the RCN on 3 December 1965.
Still a relatively young man when he retired from the Navy, Lionel worked for a brief period in 1966 as a civilian at the Edenvale Transmitter Station 'bunker' of Canadian Forces Base Camp Borden before a more challenging and interesting job came available as Expeditor for Collingwood Shipyard. The position was better suited to his administrative and project management skills and was a job he thoroughly enjoyed until he retired for the last time in 1983. Finally, Lionel was able to devote more time to his former hobbies: rock hunting, stone sculpting, reading, playing bridge, and fishing. In 1983, he and Betty moved to Winnipeg to be near some of their children but returned to Collingwood on Georgian Bay in 1985. As much as he enjoyed being near family and back in the prairie city he knew from his youth, Lionel realized how much he missed being close to a body of water. He and Betty remained in Collingwood until Lionel's sudden death at home on November 27, 1992, at the age of seventy-two. He was admired by all those who were fortunate enough to know him and much loved by his family who miss him still.
(Written by Barbara J. Holliday (née Kennedy))
Ships served in: RCNVR HMAS NIZAM (loaned from HMCS HEPATICA while in refit) * CFR HMCS
KINGS - Served in KINGS 23 Jul 1942 - 14 Nov 1942 as a Prob. SLt, RCNVR
(source: service file)
HMCS SERETHA II - Served in SERETHA II in Jan 1944 (Navy List Feb 1944)
(LK01) Amateur Radio Operator Certificate dated 24 Apr 1937 (LK02) Appointment Certificate to SLt (Temp), RCNVR 08 Dec 1942 with seniority 13 Jul 1942 (LK03) Flimsy for period of service at HMCS KINGS 23 Jul 1942 - 14 Nov 1942 (LK04) Watchkeeping Certificate awarded while serving in HMCS STRATFORD dated 21 Jun 1943 (LK05) Flimsy for period of service in HMCS STRATFORD 27 Nov 1942 - 04 May 1943
(LK06) Flimsy for period of service in HMCS STADACONA 16 Jan 1944 - 14 May 1944 / HMC Dockyard HF/DF section (LK07) Certificate of Service in the Naval Service of Canada (LK08) RCN Certificate of Service Mar 1950 - Jul 1954, page 2 (LK09) Flimsy for period of service at HMCS GLOUCESTER 06 Feb 1956 - 15 Apr 1956 prior to appointment as Officer in Charge HM NRS Gander (LK10) Flimsy for period of service at HMCS GLOUCESTER 08 Sep 1959 - 01 Feb 1961 as communications training officer
(LK11) Flimsy for period of service at HMCS GLOUCESTER 01 Feb 1961 - 13 Aug 1961 (LK12) Flimsy for period of service at NRS GANDER 30 Apr 1956 - 31 Jul 1959 (LK13) Flimsy for period of service at HMCS COVERDALE 16 Aug 1954 - 06 Feb 1956 (LK14) Appointment scroll for appointment to Lt, RCN (LK15) Flimsy for period of service at HMCS COVERDALE 21 Aug 1961 - 08 Jul 1963
(LK16) Flimsy for period of service as Commanding Officer, HMCS CHURCHILL 29 Jul 1963 - 31 Jan 1965 (LK17) While serving as CO of HMCS CHURCHILL, LCdr Kennedy inducted into the Order of the Airborne Ice Worm of the initial degree - for crossing the Arctic Circle by air at 25,000 feet enroute to Alert Wireless Station - 10 Aug 1964 (LK18) LCdr Kennedy was inducted in to Ancient and Honourble Order of Shwailets during his tour of Alert 10-17 Aug 1964 while serving as CO of HMCS CHURCHILL (LK19) Alert Wireless Station - Nov 1963
(LK20-LK21) Record of Service
(LK22) Tel Lionel Kennedy - Lionel wearing an HMCS STADACONA cap tally. The photo is printed as a postcard and showing mailing info for HMCS ANDRE DUPREE - back of photo (LK23) Tel Lionel Kennedy ashore in unknown location (LK24) Portrait SLt Lionel Kennedy, RCNVR - 20 Nov 1942 (LK25) Lt Lionel Kennedy in Collingwood, Ontario while visiting fiancée, Betty Gallacher, and her family after Betty's discharge from RCAF and while Lionel posted to Naval Headquarters, Ottawa - Feb 1945 (LK26) AB Telegraphist Lionel Kennedy at HMCS GLOUCESTER 30 MAR 1950. He was promoted to PO2 on 31 Mar 1950 prior to departing for training at HMCS NADEN
(LK27) Sketch of HMC Dockyard 1939 Sketch drawn by Lionel Kennedy c1983
HMCS STADACONA II (Exhibition Grounds, Halifax)
(LK28) Leading Telegraphist Course - Nov 1940 Leonard Bate (top row, far left), EML Kennedy (middle row, 2nd from left), Tom Clarkson (middle row, 2nd from right)
(LK29) Tel Leonard Bate (right) with Tel Lionel Kennedy on HMCS ANDRÉE DUPRÉ - between May and Oct, 1940 (LK30) Tel Lionel Kennedy with unknown shipmate onboard HMCS ANDRÉE DUPRÉ
Wartime memories - submitted by Barbara Holliday - "My Dad, E.M. Lionel Kennedy, told me years ago that Len was his best friend and that they served together early in the war as telegraphers/radio operators in the RCNVR. They became friends while they were attending signals school at HMCS Stadacona in Halifax in the last months of 1939.
According to what Dad had told me, the photo of Dad and Len would have been taken on board the HMCS ANDRÉE DUPRÉ at some point in the nine month period after January 1940 when he and Len were posted to the refitted trawler as Telegraphists. The ANDRÉE DUPRÉ was used as an examination vessel for Halifax harbour, checking manifests and cargo of merchant ships that came into the harbour. In December 1940 Dad was posted to HMCS HEPATICA for convoy duty and most likely Len was posted to the SPIKENARD at the same time."
(LK31) "On board HMCS HEPATICA 1st May 1941" L-R: Wilf, Chat, Murphy with guitar. Lionel in back - back of photo (LK32) L/Tel Lionel Kennedy with unknown shipmate who is a signalman onboard HMCS HEPATICA, St. John's, Nfld. Note both Lionel and his shipmate are wearing RCNVR WINNIPEG cap tallies (LK33) Unknown sailor on HMCS HEPATICA off Labrador. HMCS ARROWHEAD in the background
(LK34-LK36) Unknown merchant ships in convoy (LK37) Ailsa Craig, Scotland
Photos taken between 27 Nov 1942 and 03 May 1943
(LK38-LK39) Unidentified Allied sub in Harbour, St. John's, Nfld - Winter 1942-43. Photos taken from HMCS STRATFORD J310 (LK40) Aux. Minesweeper J0? - either SUDEROY IV or SUDEROY VI - at St. John's, Nfld. Winter 1942-43. Photo taken from HMCS STRATFORD J310 (LK41) Unknown sailor on the bridge of HMCS STRATFORD J310 (LK42) SLt Kennedy on the bridge of HMCS STRATFORD J310
(LK43) Part of the crew of HMCS STRATFORD J310. SLt Kennedy, standing, far right (LK44) Ship's mascot for HMCS STRATFORD J310 (LK45) Lt R.J.C. Pringle, RCNVR (left) CO and SLt Kennedy (right) on the bridge of HMCS STRATFORD J310 (LK46-LK47) Unknown officers on HMCS STRATFORD J310
(LK48) Unknown officer on HMCS STRATFORD J310 (LK49) SLt Kennedy on watch on HMCS STRATFORD J310 (LK50) Lt R.J.C. Pringle, CO on the bridge of HMCS STRATFORD J310 (LK51) Unknown RCNR SLt on the bridge of HMCS STRATFORD J310
(LK52) Ship's Company photo HMCS STRATFORD J310, St. John's, Newfoundland Censor stamp dated 16 Aug 1943
Crew of HMCS STRATFORD after Lt. Pringle transferred to command of HMCS COLLINGWOOD and Sub-Lt. Lionel Kennedy transferred to HMCS NIOBE. Commanding Officer, Lt. D.W.G. Storey, RCNVR, seated fourth from left.
Click on the above photo to go to the ship's company photo page for HMCS STRATFORD
(LK53) Lt Lionel Kennedy (left) with fellow officers. Location unknown (LK54) Friends / fellow officers of Lionel Kennedy. Location unknown (LK55-LK56) Gift exchange with unknown Wren and Officers. Date, location and occasion unknown
(LK57) Lt. Lionel Kennedy& fiancée, RCAF WD Betty Gallacher, with other WDs outside Nova Scotian Hotel, Halifax - dated on reverse Wed. 19 April 1944
(LK58) Invitation to farewell party for Commander Don Blackmore to be held in Wardroom of HMCS GLOUCESTER on 20 January 1961 (LK59) RS401 Course, completed Feb 1961. Front L-R: PO1 'Boots' Dunbar; Cdr Don Blackmore, CO; Lt. Lionel Kennedy, Ops Officer & Course Officer; and CPO Wood // 2nd Row L-R: Darowski, Cotterell, Ewen, Bursey // 3rd row L-R: Webb, Graham, Hillaby, Todd, Maclellan. ( Names on back of photo ) (LK60) RS Course 1961 - Front L-R: CPO John 'Boots' Dunbar; Lt. Lionel Kennedy, Ops Officer & Course Officer; unknown SLt; unknown PO. Front row, standing, 1st on right, Boyd (Spider) Webb (LK61) HMCS GLOUCESTER sailors performing Sunset Ceremony at Parliament Hill on 1st of July 1961 (LK62) Lt Lionel Kennedy, Ops Officer, leading march past in front of the Administration/Training Building at HMCS GLOUCESTER.
(LK63) RS Course photo at HMCS GLOUCESTER - Summer 1961 - CPO John (Boots) Dunbar front left. Remainder unknown
NRS GANDER 1956-1959
(LK64) Wardroom function after the annual inspection of the base by Commodore Plomer and party. Commodore Plomer (right); Commander Art Hewitt (centre), unknown US Navy Lieutenant (left) (LK65) Wardroom function after the annual inspection of the base - Sep 1958. Back row: VAdm Harry DeWolf (4th from left); Cdr Hewitt (2nd from right); Cmdre James Plomer (1st on right). Front row: Lt. Lionel Kennedy (host) (centre) Others unidentified. (LK66-LK67) Letter of thanks to Lt Kennedy from Cmdre Plomer after his inspection of NRS Gander
(LK68) Invitation and instruction card for the Royal Visit of HRH Queen Elizabeth II for the official opening of the Gander airport 19 Jun 1959 (LK69) Guidance for guests invited to the official opening of the Gander airport terminal by HRH Queen Elizabeth II (LK70) Guidance to guests who will be presented to HRH Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Phillip
HMCS COVERDALE Aug 1954 - Feb 1956, and Aug 1961 - Jul 1963
(LK71) Lt Lionel Kennedy received his CD from LCdr William R. Howard, CO, HMCS COVERDALE - 1954 (LK72-LK73) Christmas 1954 at HMCS COVERDALE. Both photos are the same - second photo has some personnel named (LK74) OS (for the day) William R. Howard, CO of HMCS COVERDALE visiting the home of Lt Lionel Kennedy - Christmas Day 1954 (LK75) HMCS COVERDALE Christmas dinner menu - with autographs of various personnel
(LK76) Camp Borden Nuclear Warfare Course 1954-55. Lt Lionel Kennedy (3rd row, 3rd from left) attended course while serving in HMCS COVERDALE (LK77) List of course attendees on back of photo
(LK78) Sailors practicing sending and receiving semaphore on the Mill Creek dam behind HMCS COVERDALE ca 1960. It was built by the Department of National Defence in 1959 to serve as an emergency water supply in case of forest fires.
(LK79) Newspaper article on the Annual Naval Ball held at HMCS COVERDALE. Article dated 28 Oct 1961 LK80) CPO1 Bill Harkness (right) with CTRC Charles F. Popikas, USN at HMCS COVERDALE - 1962 (LK81) CPO1 Bill Harkness - front 1st on left; LCdr George Wortman - front 1st on right. Standing, L-R: C2 Arch Reed; CTRCS John H. Johnsen, USN; CTRC Popikas, USN; PO1 Lamorie; PO1 Bryce "Bennie" Eckstein; and peeking from behind the bar, PO1 Wood(s) at HMCS COVERDALE - 1962 (LK82) Article on the Battle of the Atlantic Sunday parade in Moncton, 06 May 1962. HMCS COVERDALE provided 7 platoons (LK83) Article from the Monton Daily Times on the annual inspection at HMCS COVERDALE - dated 06 Sep 1962
HMCS COVERDALE'S Annual Naval Ball - 19 Oct 1962 (LK84) Receiving ling at HMCS COVERDALE Annual Naval Ball - 1962 (LK85) Names on back of photo L-R: Betty Kennedy, Lt. Lionel Kennedy, X.O. HMCS COVERDALE; Marion Wilkinson and LCDR J. 'Hammy' Wilkinson, CO HMCS COVERDALE; Margaret Reardon and Brigadier Frank Reardon, Canadian Army Reserve; Margaret Smith and Group Captain Ed Smith, CO RCAF Station Moncton; Inspector L.E.R.Defayette, RCMP. (LK86) Newspaper article on HMCS COVERDALE'S Annual Naval Ball - 1962
HMCS COVERDALE'S Annual Naval Ball - 19 Oct 1962 (LK87) LCdr George Wortman left side facing camera (LK88) LCDR J. 'Hammy' Wilkinson, CO HMCS COVERDALE, and wife, Marion, in centre with Brigadier Frank Reardon, Canadian Army Reserve facing camera - remainder unknown (LK89) Unknown couple dancing at the 1962 Annual Naval Ball (LK90) The Stan Jamieson Quartet playing at the1962 Annual Naval Ball (LK91) A fine buffet is laid out for the 1962 Annual Naval Ball at HMCS COVERDALE with those responsible for it looking on
HMCS CHURCHILL Jul 1963 - Jan 1965
(LK92) Article from the Winnipeg Free Press on LCdr Kennedy taking command of HMCS CHURCHILL. Article states (in error) that he was discharged from the RCNVR in Sep 1946 - he was discharged in May 1945 (LK93) Sep 1963 itinerary for inspection by Chief of Naval Personnel, Rear Admiral M. G. Stirling, and HQ party of eleven of HMCS CHURCHILL (LK94) Lt Wilson, XO of HMCS CHURCHILL greeting RAdm Stirling and his party on their arrival at the base. LCdr Lionel Kennedy, CO is standing to the left of Lt Wilson (LK95) Lt Wilson reporting the Chiefs and Petty Officers of HMCS CHURCHILL ready for inspection to RAdm Stirling (LK96) RAdm Stirling inspecting the C&POs of HMCS CHURCHILL
(LK97) RAdm Stirling addressing the C&POs of HMCS CHURCHILL. Officers L-R: RAdm Stirling, LCdr Lionel Kennedy, CO of HMCS CHURCHILL and Lt Wilson, XO of HMCS CHURCHILL (LK98) RAdm Stirling inspecting the Supply Section at HMCS CHURCHILL. Lt Ernest B. Larkin, Supply Officer, to the Admiral's right. The name of the Victualling Storesman in the photo is unknown (LK99) RAdm Stirling with Lt Wilson, guard officer, inspects the guard during his inspection of HMCS CHURCHILL (LK100) Gathering in the Wardroom (officer's mess) at HMCS CHURCHILL after RAdm Stirling's inspection. Seated: L-R: Captain A.O. Solomon, Commander B. Gaynor, Rear Admiral M.G. Stirling, LCDR E.M.L. Kennedy, C.O. HMCS Churchill. Standing: L-R: Lt. E.B. Larkin, Supply Officer, HMCS CHURCHILL; Lt. R.A. Wilson, Executive Officer, HMCS CHURCHILL; unknown civilian; Mr. C. Lamb, A/Operations Officer, HMCS CHURCHILL; unknown HQ officers; HQ Chaplain (P) C.H. Maclean; unknown HQ Commander; unknown HQ Commander; unknown; unknown; HQ LCDR T.J. Bailey; unknown HQ officer (LK101) Thank you letter from RAdm Stirling to LCdr Kennedy
(LK102) LCDR Kennedy 2nd from left with kilted A/Commander D.V. Willoughby, Medical Officer in charge of Fort Churchill Hospital, 3rd from left. RCN POs on either side unidentified. LCDR Kennedy is holding a Malacca cane that belonged to his wife that she agreed he could present to A/Cdr Willoughby as a farewell gift before he left Churchill. Kennedy was Chairman of the Fort Churchill Hospital Board at the time. The two RCN Chief Petty Officers are unknown. Photo taken in the entrance hall at HMCS CHURCHILL (LK103) 2nd from right, Captain Ralph E. Cook, USN; the RCN officers unknown in the wardroom of HMCS CHURCHILL. Photo by Defence Research Northern Laboratory, Fort Churchill (LK104) Lionel & Betty Kennedy New Year's Eve 1963 before attending party at Fort Churchill Officers Mess (LK105) Entrance of HMCS CHURCHILL - 1964 (LK106) Former HMCS / CFS CHURCHILL - photo taken by Barbara Holliday in 1992 - 24 years after the base was paid off (shut down).
(LK106) Fort Churchill PMQs (LK107) Fort Churchill Officers Mess after wedding of Arlene Kennedy to Flying Officer Lloyd Rain, RCAF. L-R: Mrs. Strome Galloway, Colonel Strome Galloway (Fort Churchill Camp Commander) FO Lloyd Rain, Arlene Rain, mother of bride, Betty Kennedy, and father of bride, LCdr Lionel Kennedy, CO HMCS CHURCHILL - Dec 1963 (LK108) Presentation of Polar Bears on the occasion of the closing of the Fort Churchill Officers Mess - 31 Mar 1964. LCdr L. Kennedy presenting polar bear to Colonel Strome Galloway, Camp Commander, Fort Churchill. L-R: LCdr Kennedy, Col. Galloway, Lt R. A. Wilson, Lt E.B. Larkin, Lt L.C. Laurie and Commissioned Officer N.R. Marsaw
Note: Fort Churchill was a United States Strategic Air Command base and support centre for the Churchill Rocket Range
New Years Eve at HMCS CHURCHILL - 1964 (LK109) Back row: Lt G.J. Clark, Supply Officer, officer 2nd from left unknown. Middle row L-R: Woman on left unknown; Reverend Bill Walter; Commissioned Officer Roy Marsaw; LCdr Lionel Kennedy, CO; Lieutenant L.C. Laurie; unknown SLt. Front row (seated) L-R: Dr. Stella Walter, Mrs. Amy Marsaw, Mrs. Betty Kennedy, remaining 3 women unknown (LK110) L-R: LCDR Lionel Kennedy, Mrs. Amy Marsaw, unknown woman, and Lt G.J. Clark - whose collar appears a bit tight
(LK111) HMCS CHIPPAWA Apr 1965 Inspection of HMCS CHIPPAWA by Cmdre Taylor and Capt Dangerfield - Apr 1965. LCDR Kennedy with sword in lower right corner of photo (LK112) L-R: LCdr E.M.L. Kennedy, LCdr F.B.Bradshaw, Cdr R. Godbehere, Cdr Findlay greeting Cmdre Taylor and Capt Dangerfield, Commanding Officer HMCS CHIPPAWA during the Apr 1965 inspection of HMCS CHIPPAWA