From time to time, Huff Duff required calibration. This involved taking simultaneous visual and radio bearings of a distant transmitting station on relative bearings around the compass at intervals not exceeding 5 degrees. To accomplish this, a ship would generally be anchored in open water and simultaneous visual and radio observations would be made on a transmitting station. This station was located on a small auxiliary vessel chugging slowly around the ship. Conversely, the calibration could also be accomplished with the ship being swung relative to a fixed radio station. For HF/DF calibration, special auxiliary vessels were available on both the East and West coasts of Canada. Two of these were HMCS Seretha II at St. John's, Newfoundland and HMCS Merry Chase on the west coast. There were many different wireless exercises carried out during patrols. One such exercise took place with an aircraft. First, the aircraft was located using DF and the bearing was then passed on to the aircraft using W/T. Then the aircraft would home in on the ship. The usual routine was for the aircraft to transmit its call sign along with five second dashes on 375 kc. The ship would take the bearing. The bearing and the time was passed to the aircraft on 3925 kc. (Source: JPROC Research Paper - Naval Radio Operations During World War II)
Commanding Officers
Skp John Norman McLeod, RCNR - 14 Jan 1944 - unk
They shall not be forgotten
Former Crew Members
Ball, Reuben John, Skpr, RCNR - 21 Apr 1944
Marshall, John Samuel, Slt, RCNVR - Jan 1944