A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
They made the Ultimate Sacrifice
DENSMORE, Wilfred Harding Cook (S), V76094, RCNVR, MPK - 18 Mar 1945, HMCS GUYSBOROUGH - Son of George Ettinger and Ruby Densmore, Densmore's Mills, Nova Scotia.
Cook Desmore died when his ship, HMCS GUYSBOROUGH, was torpedoed and sunk by U-868 in the Bay of Biscay with the loss of 53 of her crew.
Ships served in: HMCS HALAGONIAN - Enlisted 22 Dec 1943. Commenced Active Service 22 Dec 1943 as an Ass't Cook, RCNVR HMCS HUNTER - Drafted to HUNTER 29 Dec 19432 as an Ass't Cook, RCNVR * Rated Cook (S), RCNVR HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to HMCS STADACONA 07 Nov 1944 as a Cook (S), RCNVR HMCS PEREGRINE - Drafted to PEREGRINE 26 Jan 1945 as a Cook (S), RCNVR HMCS GUYSBOROUGH - Drafted to GUYSBOROUGH 14 Feb 1945 as a Cook (S), RCNVR
Documents from the Service File of Wilfred Densmore
Second World War Casualty Index