A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
The made the Ultimate Sacrifice
ARMSTRONG, Irvine Carrick, Tel, V11273, RCNVR, MPK - 26 Mar 1941, HMCS OTTER - son of Irvine John and Sarah E. Armstrong, Saskatoon, SK; husband of Florence Ruth Armstrong, Driver, SK.
Telegrapher Irvine Carrick Armstrong died on the Otter which was an armed yacht pressed into service early in the war that was destroyed by an accidental explosion off Halifax. Irvine Jr. was born at Brandon, Manitoba and was working as a carpenter when he enlisted on September 15, 1937 at Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.
Ships served in: HMCS OTTAWA - Served in Ottawa 09 Sep 1939 - 12 Jun 1940 as an A/Tel, RCNVR HMCS OTTER - Drafted to Otter 04 Oct 1940 as a Tel, RCNVR
(IA01-IA02) Certificate of Service - pages 1 and 2 (IA03) Casualty Report (IA04) Memo stating that Tel Armstrong is Missing, presumed dead
Second World War Casualty Index