A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
They made the Ultimate Sacrifice
THRASHER, Mack Philemon, Sto 1c (M), V32411, RCNVR, killed - 22 Apr 1943, HM LCI(L) 256 (HMS HAMILCAR) - son of Edward and Mildred Edna Thrasher, of Chaput-Hughes, ON.
Stoker 1st Class M. P. Thrasher was killed on an Infantry Landing Craft in the Mediterranean when his ship HM LCI(L)-256 was attacked by an enemy aircraft near Djidjelli, Algeria. He was standing at the entrance to the ship's galley when a bomb hit the centre of the ship, as the result of which he was thrown backwards and suffered severe stomach wounds. He was taken to the Military Reception Station at Djidjelli, Algeria, where his death occurred that same day. He was buried at sea off Djidjelli with full naval honours from another landing craft.
HMS Hamilcar was a Royal Navy Landing Craft base at Algiers. It was a former girls convent that was requisitioned by the Navy and re-named HMS Hamilcar.
Note: the (M) for Sto 1c (M) indicates he passed the Auxiliary Machinery Watchkeeping course for Stoker Ratings.
Ships served in: HMCS GIVENCHY - Served in GIVENCHY 20 Jul 1942 - 31 Aug 1942 as a Sto 2c, RCNVR LCI(L)-256 (Royal Navy) - Drafted to LCI(L)-256 10 Mar 1943 as a Stoker 1c, Combined Operations
(1) Portrait of Stoker Thrasher (2) Certificate of Service (3) Naval Training and Active Service record (4-5) Service Summary (6) Report of Death (7) Letter to Stoker Thrasher's mother informing her of the details of he son's death
Second World War Casualty Index