HMC Dockyard, Esquimalt, British Columbia
HMCS GIVENCHY date unknown
HMCS GIVENCHY was a shore establishment - building 124 - in HMC Dockyard Esquimalt 21 Oct 1940 - 03 Mar 1947. From 01 Oct 1943 to 01 Mar 1946 it was a school in for training naval gunners crewing civilian vessels (DEMS Gunners). It also occupied building 77, the old RN College of Canada in late 1942. The buildings in the Dockyard, later to become known as VENTURE, were built to house GIVENCHY and were occupied form 09 Aug 1943 to 03 Mar 1947. The accommodation block, building 29, was officially opened Jul 1943. Building 38 in the Dockyard was taken over by GIVENCHY in Dec 1943 and used until 19 Feb 1944 when it was returned to NADEN. From 1947 to 1954 they were used as a reserve training centre.
AB, RCNVR died - 22 Mar 1943
Invitation to a Ship's Company Dance for HMCS GIVENCHY at the Crystal Gardens, Victoria, BC 09 May 1946
Courtesy of Mike O'Keefe