They made the Ultimate Sacrifice
MCGIBNEY, Frank, Electrical Artificer, 40569, RCN, MPK - 25 Jun 1940, HMCS FRASER - Son of Francis McGibney, and of Sarah Jane McGibney, of Winnipeg, Manitoba; husband of Marie E. McGibney, of Winnipeg.
EA McGibney died when his ship, HMCS FRASER, was in a collision with HMS CALCUTTA 12 miles due west of Pointe de la Coubre light at the Gironde River mouth and sank as a result with the loss of 65 of her crew.
Ships served in: WINNIPEG DIVISION RCNVR - Enlisted in the RCNVR 04 May 1938 as an Acting Electrical Artificer 4th Class, RCNVR HMCS NADEN - Drafted to NADEN 31 Oct 1938 * Discharged from the RCNVR 16 Oct 1938 * Transferred to the RCN 17 Dec 1938 HMCS NADEN - Drafted to NADEN 17 Dec 1938 as an Acting Electrical Artificer 4th Class, RCN HMS VERNON - Drafted to VICTORY 04 May 1939 S.S. MONTCLARE - for passage to the UK departing Montreal for Southampton, UK 04 May 1939 * Lent to HMS VICTORY from VERNON 03-07 Apr 1939 NCS BERMUDA - Drafted to NCS BERMUDA 08 May 1940 HMCS FRASER - Drafted to FRASER
(FMc001-FMc002) Two articles reporting that Frank McGibney, previously reported as safe, is now reported missing // Courtesy of Operation Picture Me (FMc033) Service File for Frank McGibney // Source: The Library and Archives of Canada
Second World War Casualty Index