A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
They made the Ultimate Sacrifice
HUNTER, Ian William, M.M., V12919, RCNVR, MPK - 14 Feb 1945, 29th MTB Flotilla - son of William and Sarah S. Hunter; husband of Verdun E. Hunter, all of Calgary, AB.
Motor Mechanic I. W. Hunter was killed in an accidental explosion on a motor torpedo boat in Belgium, his body was not recovered. He joined the R.C.N.V.R. on January 10, 1942 and was a partner in a general tractor supplier in civilian life.
Ships served in: HMCS NONSUCH HMCS FRENCH - Served in French 11 Apr 1942 - 22 May 1942 as a Sto 1c, RCNVR ML Q090 - Served in French 11 Apr 1942 - 22 May 1942 as a Sto 1c, RCNVR HMMGB 16 HMMTB 731 29TH MTB FLOTILLA - Drafted to the 29TH MTB FLOTILLA 08 Dec 1943
(1) Newspaper article on the death of MM Ian Hunter (2) Certificate of Service (30 Naval Training and Active Service record (4) Report of Death (5) Service Summary (6) Letter to Ian's mother giving details of the explosion at Ostend.
Press release on the destruction of 5 MTBs of the 29th MTB Flotilla and Casualty List
Second World War Casualty Index