They made the Ultimate Sacrifice


James Edward Thomas


Sub-Lieutenant, O-72640, RCNVR


Born: 07 Jun 1922, Saint John, New Brunswick


Died: 07 Sep 1942 at sea


Book of Remembrance


THOMAS, James Edward, SLt, RCNVR, MPK - 07 Sep 1942, HMCS RACCOON - Son of Capt. Edward Arnold Thomas, and of Katie W. Thomas, of Saint John, New Brunswick


SLt Thomas died when his ship, HMCS RACCOON, which was on convoy escort in the St. Lawrence River off the Gaspé Peninsula, was hit and sunk by two torpedoes from U165. All 37 hands were lost.


Prior to joining the Navy, James Thomas worked as a Banker for the Royal Bank of Canada.


Ships served in:

SAINT JOHN DIVISION RCNVR - Enlisted 25 Jun 1941. Commenced Active Service 27 Aug 1941 as a Prob. SLt, RCNVR

HMCS STADACONA - Appointed to STADACONA 27 Aug 1941 as a Prob. SLt, RCNVR

NOIC SAINT JOHN - Appointed to NOIC SAINT JOHN 04 Jan 1942 as a SLt, RCNVR

HMCS CARIBOU - Appointed to CARIBOU 20 Jul 1942 as a SLt, RCNVR

HMCS RACCOON - Appointed to RACCOON 07 Aug 1942 as a SLt, RCNVR




(JET001) SLt James E. Thomas and OS Arthur G. Holmes Believed Lost at Sea  //  Courtesy of Operation Picture Me

(JET002) Service file for James Thomas  //  Source: The Library and Archives of Canada



Second World War Casualty Index