A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
They made the Ultimate Sacrifice
PARKER, Andrew Faulkner, Chief Skipper, O-57478, RCNR, MPK - 26 Mar 1941, HMCS OTTER - Son of Alvin and Lottie Parker, Parrsboro, NS; husband of Vilda C. Parker, Parrsboro, NS.
Andrew Parker a former Maritime seaman, he was born at Parrsboro, N.S., on November 07, 1905. Skpr. Parker attended the Marine School at Yarmouth, and obtained both his Mate's and Captain's certificate. He entered the Navy at Halifax in 1940, and was aboard H.M.C.S. Otter when that ship was burned off Halifax on March 26, 1941. Parker went to sea when he was sixteen years old and seen service both before the mast and on steam vessels, holding certificates for both. Once he was shipwrecked between Halifax and Newfoundland. In 1927 he married Vilda Cavanagh, by whom he is survived with two children, Jack and Florence, at Parrsboro, N.S. Sometime after his death, his widow received a citation from the Minister of Naval Services which read in part as follows: "The conduct of certain individuals has been noted for commendation, and Chief Skipper Parker is among them. It is reported that he took charge of a life raft of H.M.C.S. Otter, encouraged the men, and sustained their spirits until he succumbed from Exposure." (Source: Operation Picture Me)
Ships served in: HMCS STADACONA - Enlisted 06 Aug 1940 as an A/Mate, RCNR * Rated Chief Skipper, RCNR 09 Oct 1940. Seniority 06 Aug 1940 HMCS ARROWHEAD - Served in ARROWHEAD 09 Oct 1940 - 19 Jan 1941 as Ch Skpr, RCNR. HMCS OTTER - Drafted to OTTER 20 Jan 1941 as Ch Skpr, RCNR
(AP01-APO2) Attestation form (AP03) Record of Service - page 2 (AT04) Casualty Report (AT05) Casualty report
Second World War Casualty Index