Mackenzie Class Destroyer







Laid down: 25 Oct 1959

Launched: 27 Jul 1961

Commissioned: 25 May 1963

Paid off for DELEX refit: 28 May 1984

DELEX refit complete: 16 Jan 1985

Commissioned: 16 Jan 1985

Paid off: 03 Dec 1993

Fate: Sunk as an artificial reef on 14 Jul 2000


Built by Burrard's, Vancouver, YUKON was commissioned on 25 May 1963 and, manned by east-coast personnel, sailed for Halifax on 27 July 1963. On 05 Jan 1965, she departed for Esquimalt. On 04 May 1970, HMCS PROVIDER 508, HMCS MACKENZIE 261, HMCS YUKON 263 and HMCS TERRA NOVA 259 departed Esquimalt for a Far East cruise - she carried out exercises with units of the Australian, New Zealand, Japanese and U.S. navies, incidentally making visits to Kobe, Osaka and Sasebo. YUKON was flagship for the NATO squadron in 1974 that was alongside Lisbon when the Portuguese Rebellion started.  Crew members were on the upper deck when the machine gun fire commenced and were told to "hit the deck". On completion of her mid-life refit in 1975, YUKON became a member of Training Group Pacific. Her DELEX refit was carried out by Burrard Yarrow at Esquimalt, between 28 May 1984 and 16 Jan 1985. During her career, YUKON steamed more than 792,000 nautical miles and visited some 30 foreign ports. She was paid off on 03 Dec 1993 and eventually sold to the San Diego Oceans Foundation. On 25 Apr 1999 she left Vancouver in tow for San Diego, where she was to be ceremoniously sunk on 15 Jul 1999 as a sport-divers' wreck, but she flooded in rough weather at the intended site and sank the day before.



RCN Memories:  A Beer and a Haircut Two Bucks



Photos and Documents           Ship's company photos          The Ship's Bell



Commanding Officers


Cdr Robert William J. Cocks, RCN - 25 May 1963 - 05 Jul 1965

Cdr Richard Carle, RCN  - 05 Jul 65 - 01 Sep 1966

Cdr S.I. Ker, RCN - 01 Sep 1966 - 15 Jan 1968

Cdr Peter Gerald May, RCN - 15 Jan 1968 - 12 Sep 1969

Cdr Colin Heggerston Purces Shaw - 12 Sep 1969 - 28 Jan 1971

LCdr John Donald Large - 28 Jun 1971 - 08 Aug 1971

Cdr C. Cortaras - 09 Aug 1971 - 09 Aug 1973

Cdr M.F. MacIntosh - 09 Aug 1973 - 01 Oct 1976

Cdr H. Kieran - 01 Oct 1976 - 15 May 1978

Cdr Neil Ronald Boivin - 15 May 1978 - 22 May 1981

Cdr C.J. Crowe - 22 May 1981 - 25 Jul 1983

Cdr James Kirby Steele - 25 Jul 1983 - 05 May 1984

LCdr A..T. Pinnell - 05 May 1984 - 05 Nov 1984

Cdr M.F. Morres - 05 Nov 1984 - 23 Apr 1986

Cdr Kenneth A. Nason - 23 Apr 1986 - 13 Jul 1987

Cdr K.V. Watson - 13 Jul 1987 - 31 Jul 1989

Cdr D.W. Fitzgerald - 31 Jul 1989  -  31 Jul 1991

Cdr J.G.V. Tremblay - 31 Jul 1991 - 31 Jul 1992

Cdr B.F. Lofthouse - 31 Jul 1992 - 19 Aug 1993

Cdr J.H.A. Lebel - 19 Aug 1993 - 03 Dec 1993



Captain for the day


Captain for the day is a tradition in the RCN where during the ship's Christmas celebrations, the Commanding Officer changes places with the youngest member of the ship's company.


Dale Rawson - 1979


Scott McLeod - 1991



     In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice    

     Lest We Forget     


Reding, Ronald R.

PO1, C.A.F. (Navy)

died - 15 May 1970



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten




























































Urquhart, Glen C.














Young, Ronald M.








Zboril, Ronald M.







Former Crew Members


(CC) = Commissioning Crew 25 May 1963


Adamthwaite, Dave V., Lt (N), A/OpsO - 1971-1972 


Alexander, J.W., Lt, RCN, Ass't Weapons Officer - (CC)


Alexander, Tom, ABWU - 1969


Alford, C2ERA


Allan, D., LS, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Allen, H., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Amos, R., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Anderson, J., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Anderson, L., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Andres, K., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Andrews, G., PO, RCN - (CC)


Ashcroft, H.C., Lt, RCN, EO - (CC)


Ashton, E., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Bailey, George., OS


Baker, D., PO, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Ball, G., P2RP - 1969


Barbin, R., LS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Barker, G., LSSN - 1969


Bass G., AB, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Bassett, D., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Becevel, Michael, PO2, Commtech - Dec 1981 - Dec 1983 / Dec 1985 - Sep 1987


Beckett, R., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Begon, D. AB, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Belanger, G., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Bennett, ABWU - 1969


Bent, J.L., Slt, RCN -  - (CC)


Berbeck, Robert, Sep 1977 - Dec 1977


Beyette, R., OS, RCN - (CC)


Blanche, W., AB, RCN - (CC)


Bonhomme, P., OSWU - 1969


Bonney, Wayne, OS / ABSN2, RCN - (CC) 


Bostrom, Al., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Bouchard, R., AB, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Bourdages, H., AB, RCN  - (CC)


Boyde, W., LSWS - 1969


Boyle, Fester - 1972


Boyle, John., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Bragg, R., LS, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Bramwell, P., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Brett, R., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Brisseau, LS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Brooks, R., AB, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Brown, Gerry, ABRM - 1974 - 1976


Bryson, J., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Burton, Billy - 1985


Caldwell, W., OS, RCN - (CC)


Callighen, J., CPO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Calvert, D., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Campbell, K.R., Lt, RCN, Supply O - (CC)


Carrie, C., PO, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Carriere, Ron - 1985


Cashaback, Mike, ABSN1, RCN (CC)


Cawley, Brent - Feb 1981 - Feb 1983


Chapman, L., OS, RCN - (CC)


Cherwalk, W., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Cockran, P1FC - 1969


Coleman, P., OS, RCN - (CC)


Collins, H., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Cooke, C., ABSN - 1969


Coriscaden, OSWU - 1969


Corn, Earle, Sig - 1972


Coulombe, M., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Cowling, D., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Cox, A., AB, RCN - (CC)


Crammer, W., CPO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Crockett, R., LS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Crouse, D., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Cruickshank, C.R., CPO, RCN, Cox'n  - (CC)


Crum, B., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Currie, W., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Davies, D., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Davies, T., CPO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Demmon, D., AB, RCN - (CC)


Dewell, H., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Dingley, G., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Doherty, J., PO, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Donner, C., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Downey, C., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Duffy, R., P2FC - 1969


Dumas, S., LS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Dyeer, W., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Emond, G., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Engeland, Mike, Rad Sea - 1985-1986


Ens, H., ABFC - 1969


Essex, Jeff - 1985


Everingham, C., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Ewing, Doug (Chopper), PO2, Sig - 1980


Factor, W., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Feener, J., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Fehr, J., CPO, RCN - (CC)


Ferguson, A., CPO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Ferguson, B., ABBN - 1969


Fitt, C., PO, RCN - (CC)


Flett, Victor, WU - 1969


Foster, J., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Fournel, Gilles - 1985


Freeborn, L., LS, RCN -  - (CC)


Garagan, L., CPO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Gauthier, S., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Gautier, J.V.E., Slt, RCN - (CC)


Geizer, R., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Gerrard, E., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Glover, J., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Goegeon, P., OS, RCN - (CC)


Goodwin, A., PO, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Gour, Donny - 1985


Gowanlock, F., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)

Goyer, J., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Grant, E., CPO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Grant W., OS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Green, E., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Greening, Kevin - 1972


Griffith, A., PO, RCN - (CC)


Guay, J., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Hahn, ABBN - 1969


Harris, W., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Haviland, W., LS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Hawkins, C., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Hawkins, R, CPO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Hayes, R., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Henry, B., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Hillier, E., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Hodgkins, B., Lt, WeaponsO - 1969


Hoffman, L., ABRP - 1969


Hoover, W., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Hopkins, Ted


Hossman (Mortiz), Carin, OJT for SYO - c1993


Howe, M., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Howes, R., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Howick, D., OS, RCN - (CC)


Hutchings, Steve - 1985


Innes, H., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Jakowbowski, Jake - 1985


Jennings, K., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Jensen, B., ABSN - 1969


Jewer, L., AB, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Johnston, M., OS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Keeping, L., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Kenny, E., OS, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Kerry, ABWS - 1969


Kilby, M., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Kimber, Norman., AB/LSWU, Weapons, RCN - 25 May 1963 - 1964 (CC)


Kimet, G., LSST - 1969


King, D., OS, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


King, R., AB, RCN - (CC)


Knott, Michael, AB. NET(C) - 21 Jan 80 - 13 Dec 1982 


Kohls, E., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Kostello, Guy - 1985


Kozier, LSWS - 1969


Kyle, Tim, Sig - 1980


Labonte, F., OS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


LaFleur, G., OS, RCN - (CC)


LaFleur, P., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Lagadyn, W., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Lamb, D., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Lang, Dean - Paying off crew


Langland, Kristof


Lanham, D., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Lasko, R., OS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Laur, G., OS, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Lavigne, G., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Lawrence J., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Lebreque, Mario - 1986


Leclerc, Yoland - 1985


Leigh, H., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Lemieux, C., OS, RCN - (CC)


Lewis, D., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Little, Don


Locas, G., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Low, J., OS, RCN - (CC)


Macdonald, R., LSBN - 1969


MacDonald, W., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Machin, W., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Mackinnon, J., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Mac Millan, Don, Radioman - 1972


Manning, V., LS, RCN - (CC)


Marsden, OSWU - 1969


Martel, W., LS, RCN - (CC)


Martin, J., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Martin, P., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Matheson, J., AB, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


McDougall, Keith, MSER3, P2ER, P1ER, Aug 1976 - Jan 1982   


McFarland, Doug - 1980, 1988-1990


McGillivary, B., LSWS - 1969


McGinley, Bob - 1985


McGregor, D., OS, RCN - (CC)


McLaren, W., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


McLeod, W., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


McKenna, W., OS, RCN - (CC)


McLaughlin, D., OS, RCN - (CC)


McLean, Bob (Smokey), Yeoman


McNeil, E., OS, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


McNeil, J., AB, RCN - (CC)


McPhadein, G., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


McPhail, P., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Michaud, I.M., Slt, RCN - (CC)


Mierau, H., LS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Millar, B., OS, RCN - (CC)


Miller, Jim, ABBN - 1969


Milligan, J., PO, RCN - (CC)


Millman, H., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Milson, Carl - 1985


Mitchell, T., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Moleman, G., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Monroe, L., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Montgomery, W., OS, RCN - (CC)


Moodie, R., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Moore, Art D. - 11 Nov 1964  


Moore, M., AB, RCN - (CC)


Moran, E., P2WU - 1969


Morgan, F., ABWS - 1969


Moyer, D., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Murch, Dennis, OS-LS RM 1983-1988

Murphy, G., LS, Bos'n, RCN  - (CC)


Murray, D., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Murray, G., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Murray, W., PO, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Niblett, J., PO, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Nickels, J., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Nisbet, C., AB, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Nolan, D., AB, RCN - (CC)


O'Boyle, Pat - 1972


Oliver, J., AB, RCN - (CC)


Pakenham, W., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Palframan, John, AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Paltridge, D.G., Lt, RCN, Navo - (CC)


Park, K., OS, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Paxton, J., ABSN  Pepin, R., LSWS - 1969


Pearson, R., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Pesch, W., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Peterson, D., OS, RCN - (CC)


Peterson, D., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Pichette, P., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Pinnell, Terry, LCdr, XO/CO/XO - Dec 1983 - Dec 1985


Plourde, R., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Poirier, J., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Price, D., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Price, J., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Quelle, Greg -1985


Quilter, Leslie R., ET


Randall, R., LS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Rawson, Dale - 1979-1980


Reynolds, A., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Richardson, H.L., Slt, RCN  - (CC)


Rioux, G., AB, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Ritchie, E., LS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Roberge, R., OS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Robertson, LSSN - 1969


Rochford, D., AB, RCN - (CC)


Rochlow, W., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Ross, C2WS - 1969


Rostek, F., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Ryan, T., LS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Saab, D., AB, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Saunderson, J., PO, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Savage, J., AB, RCN - (CC)


Schendel, G., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Schimmel, J., PO, RCN - (CC)


Seeburger, Mark


Seefeldt, V., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Seib, K., OS, RCN - (CC)


Senholt, D., OS, RCN - (CC)


Serres, G., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Shaw, E., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Sherlock, D., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Shoveller, R., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Sideroff, V., AB, RCN - (CC)


Sidey, J., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Simpson, Frank - 1969


Singer, G., CPO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Skaalrud, D., ABWU - 1969


Skirten, H., PO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Smile, L., P2SG - 1969


Smith, B., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Solomon, L., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Soucy, G., CPO, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Spence, D., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Spriggs, K., LS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Spink, R., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Stafford, G., LS, RCN - (CC)


Stevens, P., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Stevens, R., AB, RCN - (CC)


Stewart, D., LS, RCN - (CC)


Stow, Peter, OpsO - 1969-1970


Strachan, J., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Stratton, J., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Tait, J., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Taylor, Gerald (Gerry), CR, RCN


Taylor, W., OS, RCN - (CC)


Tessier, H., LS, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Thomas, LCdr, XO - 1969


Thomas, R., ABFC - 1969


Thorton, H., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Thom, Jim, AB, Sig - 1980


Titus, C., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Todd, R., AB, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Underhill, J., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Urhig, W., OS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Vansickle, D., PO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Vipond, G., LS, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Walton, George Harvey


Watson, A., PO, Supply Dept., RCN - (CC)


Watson, Bob, Lt (N), SYO - 25 Jul 1983 - 05 Jul 1985


Wayne, (Soupy), AB - Sig - 1980


Weaver, R., CPO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Westfall, LSFC - 1969


Whaley, R., P2WU - 1969


White, A., CPO, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Wigle, R., OS, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Willan, H., AB, Eng. Dept, RCN - (CC)


Wills, Al, FC - Jul 1983 - Sep 1984


Wind, J., OS, RCN - (CC)


Wright, Mike - 1983


Wright, W., PO, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Wylie, Doug


Yanda, W., AB, RCN - (CC)


Yorko, J., CPO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Young, A., AB, Weapons, RCN - (CC)


Young, P., OS, Bos'n, RCN - (CC)


Young, W., CPO, Weapons, RCN - (CC)



Photos and Documents




Paying Off



Crossing the Line

Equator - 1977

Crossing the Line

Equator - 1982



Crossing the Line

Equator - SOPLOY 1986

Crossing the Line

Equator - SOPLOY 1991



HMCS YUKON 263 in Vancouver prior to commissioning. Note that she is not flying an ensign or commissioning pennant

HMCS YUKON 263 - undated

Crossing the Line (Equator) Certificate for P2BN Kellrman, HMCS YUKON - 18 Sep 1967 during the 1967 Australian Cruise


Courtesy of Bill Kellerman


HMCS YUKON's Weapons Underwater (WU) crew, on the beach, Punta Arenas Costa Rica, 1969


Courtesy of Tom Alexander, ABWU

Mortars on HMCS YUKON 263

Courtesy of Tom Alexander, ABWU

HMCS YUKON 263 in Victoria Harbour for New Years 1971


Photographer - Lt(N) J.P. Carrier

HMCS YUKON - 2 Mess - Sigs and Sparkers - 1972

Courtesy of Brian Jones

HMCS YUKON - 2 Mess - Sigs and Sparkers - 1972

Left to right, Don "Brutus" MacMillan, Fester Boyle, Earle Corn and Kevin Greening

Courtesy of Brian Jones

Stu Olsen and Mike Wright in the main cafeteria on HMCS YUKON circa 1983

Courtesy of Dave Tomblin

"Last tot on board HMCS YUKON"

Doug Wylie, Bob "Smokey" McLean yeoman and George Harvey Walton

Courtesy of George Harvey Walton

Stoker's table on the YUKON in the early 1980s.

Courtesy of Dale Rawson

Officers and men of HMCS YUKON bow their heads in prayer during the ceremony that marked the lowering of the White Ensign and raising of the new Canadian Flag, February 15, 1965. 

Source: CROWSNEST Magazine, Vol 17, No.3&4, March/April 1965

Newspaper article on the collision between HMCS YUKON and USS Kitty Hawk

Date and newspaper unknown

Newspaper article on the collision between HMCS YUKON and USS Kitty Hawk

Wed., January 19, 1983

Cartoon about the collision between HMCS YUKON and USS Kitty Hawk

HMCS YUKON 263 - undated


RCN Photo


Front Row (L-R) AB Jim Thom, PO2 Doug "Chopper" Ewing, PO2 Gerald "Red" or "Rooster" Macomb

Back Row (R-L) LS Tim Kyle (in hat), AB Wayne "Soupy" - the two on the left in the back are reservists and names are not known.

Courtesy of Tim Kyle

Ex Horizon View 81


Crossing the line (Equator) on HMCS YUKON enroute to the Far East.




(2) Neptune's Doctor - Harry Learning (3) King Neptune - CPO2 Fred Laidlaw, Combat Chief, is King Neptune. Ship's XO - LCdr Richard Harrison - is directly behind King Neptune. Neptune's Queen is Ray Fiset


Courtesy of Mike Engeland

AB NET(C) Michael Knott in front of Cooks Monument during the Australia Trip in 1982


Courtesy of Michael Knott

HMCS Kootenay - Sparker / Sig Branch


Nimitz Beach Hawaii 1985


Back Row (L-R) - Carl Milson, Unknown, Yoland Leclerc, Jeff Essex, Bob McGinley, Les Calder, Donny Gour

Middle Row (L-R) Greg Quelle, Ben Chenier, Billy Burton, Gilles Fournell, Steve Hutchings, Ron Carriere

Front Row (L-R) Guy Kostello, Jake Jakowbowski


Courtesy of Mike Engeland

"Tanning Stations" on HMCS YUKON en route to Hawaii in 1985

Courtesy of Mike Engeland

Crossing the line on HMCS YUKON - Soploy 86 en route to Australia

Mario Lebreque - "No way he was getting away"

Courtesy of Mike Engeland

HMCS YUKON 2634 circa 1975

Courtesy of Sid Dobing

Courtesy of Brian Dobing

Dale Rawson - HMCS YUKON's "Captain for the day"

Cdr (Ordinary Seaman) Dale Rawson with Ordinary Seaman (Cdr) Boivin, December 1979

Courtesy of Dale Rawson

Christening of Mike McDougall on HMCS YUKON - 25 Feb 1979


Top photo: PO2 Keith McDougall, Padre J.F. Coutts holding Mike McDougall and Betty McDougall


Middle photo: Ship's bell of HMCS YUKON during the christening of Mike McDougall


Bottom photo:  PO2 Keith McDougall on quarterdeck of HMCS YUKON while Padre J.F. Coutts pours the christening water into the harbour. Officer of the day with AB Boyd as the side is piped


Courtesy of Keith McDougall

Tot time in 2 Mess on HMCS YUKON - circa 1972

Courtesy of Brian Jones

HMCS YUKON entering Sydney, Australia, 1967

Courtesy of Don Little

The christening ceremony of Dean Jones on HMCS YUKON in Halifax, 1974




Courtesy of Brian Jones

Newspaper article on HMCS YUKON 263's transfer from Halifax to Esquimalt dated 05 Jan 1965

Courtesy of Art Moore

HMCS YUKON Beer / Cigarette Card

Courtesy of Art Moore

A souvenir from Italy

Courtesy of Art Moore

HMCS YUKON crossing the Arctic Cirlce - circa 1972/73

Courtesy of Pat O'Boyle

Unknown and John Palframan storing ship

HMCS YUKON circa 1964-65

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

Al Bostrom and Dave Davies

HMCS YUKON circa 1964-65

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

HMCS YUKON on Gatun Lake, Panama circa 1964-65

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

Uknown, Al Bostrom, L. Solomon, George Bailey

HMCS YUKON circa 1964-65

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

G. Dingley on HMCS YUKON circa 1964-65

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

John Boyle on HMCS YUKON circa 1964-65

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

Urhig, Dingley, Kiley on HMCS YUKON circ 1964-65

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

Norm Kimber, Al Laidlaw by the Little Mermaid statue, Copenhagen, Denmark

HMCS YUKON circa 1964

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

Norm Kimber with HMCS YUKON in the background, circa 1964-65

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

Unknown, Wayne Harris and Jim Grady

HMCS YUKON circa 1964-95

Courtesy of Mike Cashaback

HMCS YUKON 263 c1966-67

Courtesy of David Shirlaw

Invitation to HMCS YUKON's Paying Off Dinner

Courtesy of Dean Lang


YUKON today.  Dive photos of the former HMCS YUKON at Mission Bay in 2013




Courtesy of Photographer: Michael Kazma © 2013

Copyright Owner: Michael Kazma / Shark Chums