Oberon Class Submarine









Laid down: 27 Sep 1962

Renamed: 15 Feb 1964

Launched: 29 Feb 1964

Commissioned: 23 Sep 1965

Paid off: 21 May 1998

Fate: Converted to a museum in Port Burwell, Ontario.

Ship's sponsor: Lady Myers


Originally laid down as HMS Onyx, she was transferred to the RCN before completion. Commissioned on 23 Sep 1965, HMCS OJIBWA was commissioned at Chatham, U.K. OJIBWA spent her entire career based out of Halifax as part of the 1st Canadian Submarine Squadron. She was paid off on 21 May 1998 to alongside training. In Nov 2012, OJIBWA was mounted on a foundation at Port Burwell, Ontario, and worked commenced to transform her into a Museum.



RCN Memories:     A very short sail with a lifetime of memories     Standby to M-Bare-Ass the Admiral


Photos and Documents          Crew  photos          Launch Pamphlet          Commissioning Book          The Ship's Bell


Welcome Aboard Booklet - 1993



Commanding Officers


LCdr Samuel George Tomlinson, RCN - 23 Sep 1965 - 15 Nov 1966

LCdr John Rodocanachi, RCN - 15 Nov 1966 - 25 Aug 1967

LCdr James Crilly Wood, RCN - 25 Aug 1967 - 08 Aug 1969

LCdr J.E.D. Bell - 08 Aug 1969 - 12 Jul 1971

LCdr Carl Edwin Falstrem - 12 Jul 1971 - 01 Jun 1972

LCdr Ronald Charles Perks - 01 Jun 1972 - 14 Jan 1975

LCdr Lloyd William Barnes - 14 Jan 1975 - 09 Mar 1976

LCdr W.J. Sloan - 09 Mar 1976 - 01 Aug 1977

LCdr J.T.D. Jones - 01 Aug 1977 - 09 Jul 1979

LCdr Kenneth F. McMillan - 09 Jul 1979 - 01 Dec 1979

LCdr J.M. Ewan - 01 Dec 1979 - 30 Jun 1980

LCdr Norm Nicholson - 30 Jun 1980 - 06 Jan 1984

LCdr Ernest Philip Webster - 06 Jan 1984 - 09 Apr 1985

LCdr W.C. Irvine - 09 Apr 1985 - 22 Sep 1986

LCdr J.A.Yvon Plante - 22 Sep 1986 - 03 Aug 1987

LCdr C.D. Soule - 03 Aug 1987 - 30 Apr 1988

LCdr A.L. MacDonald - 30 Apr 1988 - 02 Feb 1989

LCdr R.E. Bush - 02 Feb 1989 - 05 Aug 1989

LCdr R.A. Davidson - 05 Aug 1989 - 05 Dec 1990

LCdr D.C. Marsaw - 05 Dec 1990 - 29 Oct 1993

LCdr P.T. Kavanagh - 29 Oct 1993 - 20 Jul 1994

LCdr J.G.M. Dussault - 20 Jul 1994 - 27 May 1997

LCdr J.R.L. Pelletier - 27 May 1997 - 21 May 1998

LCdr D. Mullholland - OIC - 21 May 1998 - unk



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten
























Irvine, Matthew S.






































Vrooman, David G.











Yakabowich, Nickolas







Former Crew Members


CC = Commissioning Crew - 23 Sep 1965  //  CP1 = Crew photo summer 1988


Abraham, John M. 


Anderson, J., LS - (CC)


Arthurs, D., AB - (CC)


Aspin, J.F., Lt, Ass't Engineering Officer - (CC)


Bell, J.E., Lt, NavO - (CC)


Benoit, Darrel - (CP1)

Boettcher, Cliff - (CP1)

Bourassa, Patrick (Pat) - (CP1)


Brailsford, G., LS - (CC)


Brower-Berkhoven, Isaac


Burnett, L.S., CPO - (CC)


Burningham, A., Sgt, Cook


Byzewski, George - (CP1)


Carney, V.T., LS - (CC)


Chatham, Terry, CSE Coord - (CP1)

Clahane, John - (CP1)

Clory, Joe - (CP1)

Craven, Mike - (CP1)


Degaust, Dan - (CP1)


Dagenais, B.A., AB - (CC)


Davidson, R.G., LS - (CC)


Delorme, Chris - (CP1)


Devitt, P., PO - (CC)


Dietrich, Jeff - (CP1)


Evans, Craig - (CP1)


Ewen, Ronald, Radioman - 1971 - 1973


Finn, Pat, Lt, CSEO - (CP1)

Ford, Jim - (CP1)


Fraser, Robbie - (CP1)

Fyfe, Steve - (CP1)


Gendron, Claude, Chief Cook - (CP1)

Giannou, Dave - (CP1)


Gingras, P., LS - (CC)


Glen, Stu - (CP1)

Gordon, L., AB - (CC)


Gray, Dolly - (CP1)


Gregoire - (CP1)


Gregoire, Frank - (CP1)


Haddock, Joe - (CP1)

Halle, Marcel - (CP1)


Hardick, R., LS - (CC)


Harris, Bill - (CP1)


Harrison, Ernie - abt 1972


Hart, Doug, Lt - (CP1)


Hartoon, A., AB - (CC)


Hendry, Peter, OpsO - (CP1)


Hewitt, Jim - (CP1)

Hiscock - (CP1)


Hopkins, G., AB - (CC)


Jackson, G.H., Lt, Weapons Officer - (CC)


Johnstone, P., LS - (CC)


Jones, Elmer - (CP1)


Kearns, D.J., PO - (CC)


Krivoshein, J., AB - (CC)


Kruger, M., PO - (CC)


Laprade, Joe - (CP1)


Logan, Dave - (CP1)


Lucier, G.L., LS - (CC)


Lyle, Ron - (CP1)


MacDonald, A. Drew, LCdr, CO - (CP1)


Mackay, R., PO - (CC)

MacNall, Ian - (CP1)

Malcolm, Gord - (CP1)

Marchant, Mike - (CP1)


McDonald, D.R., LS - (CC)


McVicar, Scott - (CP1)

Miller, Mark (Dusty) - (CP1)


Miniou, Scott, RP/NESOP

Mulholland, Dermot, Lt - (CP1)


Morrison, D.A., AB - (CC)


Neal, D.J., Lt, OpsO - (CC)


Northrup, Jim - (CP1)


O'Connel Dave - (CP1)


Ormsby, G.B., LS- (CC)


Orr, L.E., AB - (CC)


Percy, Tom, Lt, EO - (CP1)

Petrikowski, Conrad - (CP1)


Piche, J.G., PO - (CC)


Rollin, Luc - (CP1)


Ross, J.M., LS - (CC)


Russelo, Carl


Sherring, W.E., LS - (CC)


Singer, Jeff - (CP1)


Slack, John - (CP1)


Smith, Keith - (CP1)


Soper, Mark, Lt - (CP1)


Stauber, K.H., LS - (CC)


Tanguay - (CP1)


Thomas, B., AB - (CC)


Tidd, T., LS - (CC)


Tovey, Brum - (CP1)


Trigg, T., AB - (CC)


Truscott, Randy, Lt, XO - (CP1)


Turner, E.P., LS - (CC)


Valley, Dave, ER - 1973


Walsh, J.J., CERA - (CP1)


Watkin, Murray, POMA - 1965 - 1967 (CC)


Wenzel, Willy - (CP1)


Whittaker, A., PO - (CC)


Wright, Lt - (CP1)



Photos and Documents


The launching of HMCS OJIBWA 72


Source: Government of NS/NSARM/1984-573 Box 1 F/25

HMCS OJIBWA ready to embark weapons


Courtesy of Keith Smith

Former HMCS OJIBWA shown here in the camber at the Gun Wharf, (Jetty Lima for you youngsters), NAD, Dartmouth, last July will be saved from the breakers.  The Minister of Defence, Peter McKay has signed an agreement which turns the Sub over to the Elgin Military Museum in St. Thomas Ontario. The vessel will be towed via a submersible barge similar that used to transport Okanagan last year. Operation will commence as soon as the tug/barge rig arrives. Now apparently in transit. A sister sub, Onondaga is preserved at Rimouski, P.Q. The R.C.N. operated three Oberon Class, O-Boats during the 60s thru 90s when the 'replacement' Upholder/Victoria boats became available. Maybe should have kept the O's going a bit longer says me! 20-20 hindsight.


Source: Capnkens Blog   © Ken Watson RCN 


Courtesy of the CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum

HMCS OJIBWA undergoing refit at Jetty 8. HMCS OKANAGAN outboard. Photo undated


Courtesy of Hugh Muir

HMCS OJIBWA off San Juan Harbour - 1972

(L-R) D. Dean, S. Desprey, R. Bramwell and R. Ewen receiving their dolphins from LCdr Ron Perks, CO, HMCS OJIBWA - 1972


Courtesy of Ron Ewen

LCdr Jim Bell in the Control room of HMCS OJIBWA with Santa Claus (LS Pierre Doutre)


From the collection of CPO1 Gerald Doutre

Courtesy of Brian Lapierre

AB Pierre Doutre in the Motor Room of OJIBWA


From the collection of CPO1 Gerald Doutre

Courtesy of Brian Lapierre





DND / RCN photo # O-16277


Courtesy of the Comox RCAF Museum

HMCS OJIBWA prepare for Christmas




Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax

HMCS OJIBWA passing the downtown Halifax waterfront - undated


DND photo

Placement for the 50th Anniversary of the Commissioning of HMCS OJIBWA celebrations - 2015


Courtesy of Brian Lapierre



Submarine Museum OJIBWA


Paint Ex 2020 .....


and the eviction of Walter Pigeon



Click on the above photo to view the Paint Ex Gallery