Restigouche Class Destroyer
Laid down at Davie Shipbuilding Ltd, Lauzon, Que., GATINEAU was the first post-war product of Davie Shipbuilding. Launched two years later, she was towed to Halifax for completion to avoid freeze-up and commissioned at HMC Dockyard, Halifax, on 17 Feb 1959. In Jul 1959, GATINEAU, along with KOOTENAY and HMS ULSTER shared close consort duties for the Royal Yacht BRITANNIA during Great Lakes and St Lawrence Seaway portion of the 1959 Royal Tour. For the next ten years she served at part of the 5th Canadian Escort Squadron (the Barber Pole Squadron). In March 1965, TERRA NOVA and GATINEAU participated in the search for a Royal Canadian Air Force Canadair CP-107 Argus that had disappeared 60 miles (97 km) north of San Juan, Puerto Rico. In Mar 1968 she was the first Canadian warship to become a member of NATO's Standing Naval Force Atlantic (STANAVFORLANT). GATINEAU was transferred west, departing Halifax on 16 Jul 1969; arriving at Esquimalt on 14 Aug 1969 with port visits to Bermuda, Panama, Acapulco and San Diego. On 09 Sep 1969 she began her IRE conversion at Ship Repair Unit (Pacific). The two year conversion introduced the VDS and ASROC to the class and one her re-commissioning on 14 Apr 1971 she was classified as an IRE. She then became part of the Second Canadian Escort Squadron. Her DELEX refit was also carried out at SRU(P) between Sep 1981 and 12 Nov 1982. In Apr 1987 she resumed her duties in Halifax. In Jul 1993, she played host to three visiting Soviet warships and afterward escorted them to sea while carrying out exercises along the way. In the fall of 1993 GATINEAU, along with FRASER and PRESERVE, assisted in the enforcement of UN sanctions off Haiti. Early in 1995 she took part in the NATO exercise Strong Resolve off the coast of Norway, acting as flagship for the four other Canadian ships involved. Apr 1995 found her operating in support of Fisheries and Coast Guard ships off Newfoundland during the "Turbot Dispute" with Spain. She was finally paid off on 01 July 1998. On 18 Sep 2009, DND called for bids for "the removal, dismantling and disposal" of TERRA NOVA and GATINEAU. On 04 Nov 2009, DND announced that Aecon Fabco had won the bid and would tow both vessels to their Pictou Shipyard in Pictou, Nova Scotia. GATINEAU departed Halifax Harbour on 17 Nov 2009, at 10:30am under tow by the tugboat Atlantic Elm and arrived in Pictou on 19 Nov 2009, at 9:30 am for breaking up.
Photos and Documents Ship's company photos The Ship's Bell
Acceptance Booklet after IRE Conversion 20th Anniversary Booklet Re-Activation booklet after DELEX refit
Crossing the Line - Equator - 1981 Ex Far Horizons - 1983 GATINEAU / Huron Coast Transfer - 1987
NATO 1988 Recollections by Phil Miller
RCN Memories: Just Another Day in the Canadian Navy Target Practice Gone Wrong Trip to England - 1968
Commanding Officers
They shall not be forgotten A
Former Crew Members
Photos and Documents
Popular Mechanics Magazine article on HMCS GATINEAU - March 1959
(note: the entire article is not available here - the last two pages are missing form the submission)
A few photos on, from and of HMCS GATINEAU
(1) AB Matheson, 12 Mess, HMCS GATINEAU - 1965 (2) AB.WU Gunn painting ship, HMCS GATINEAU - 1965 (3) Gun's Crew, HMCS GATINEAU - 1965 (4) HMCS GATINEAU conducting a jackstay with HMCS Provider - 1965 (5) HMCS GATINEAU conducting a RAS with HMCS Provider - 1965 (6 & 7) Debris recovered from downed Argo off Puerto Rico - 1965
(8) HMCS GATINEAU conducting a RAS with HMCS Bonaventure - 1965 (9) HMCS GATINEAU (10) Fo'c's'le RAS team on HMCS GATINEAU (11) Helo making a delivery to HMCS GATINEAU (12) HMCS GATINEAU, HMCS Terra Nova and, HMCS Columbia - Battle of Atlantic Sunday, Bermuda - 1966 (13) HMCS GATINEAU, HMCS Columbia and, HMCS Skeena, Helsinki - 1966 (14) OS.WU Terry Gunn and OS.WU John Devos ashore - 1965
Courtesy of Terry Gunn
HMCS GATINEAU 236 Daily Orders - 02 Jul 1966 - At Sea
A Dog's Life in the Royal Canadian Navy
This write-up was from HMCS GATINEAU'S Daily Orders - the author is unknown
Courtesy of Terry Gunn
(TR09) HMCS GATINEAU (TR10) HMCS GATINEAU - Crossing the Line (Equator) booklet - 1981 (TR11) Crossing the Line ceremony on HMCS GATINEAU - 1981 (TR12) Crossing the Line ceremony on HMCS GATINEAU - 1981. Kip Rumble is the sheriff with the banner across his chest
From the collection of Thomas (Kip) Rumble, C2RM
Courtesy of Sharon Ruble
Exercise Valiant Heritage - Spring 1979
(CH01) HMCS GATINEAU 236 taking a roll en route to San Diego (CH02) Whaler Rowing - Boat crew of HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH03) EW Ray Fiset on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH04) EW Ron Herdman on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH05) Bill Lea and Joe Osborne on HMCS GATINEAU 236
(CH06) Sigs at work - Joe Osborne and Doug Wyile on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH07) Jenny's Side Party at Tamar, Hong Kong (CH08) OOW Manoeuvers with allied warships - Photo taken from HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH09) MSRP Dave Odgers on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH10) Sig Mike Maloche on HMCS GATINEAU
(CH11) RP Joe Feres and SN John Meir on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH12) Stan Fuller doing maintenance in the workboat on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH13) MSBN Johnson in charge of top part ship on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH14) Lizard Stations on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH15) Port Visit to Tia Juana
(CH16) Port Visit to Tia Juana (CH17) Damage to HMCS GATINEAU's VDS caused by a storm en route to San Diego (CH18) Bosn George Roper on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH19) RP Mike Ward and RP Dave Dall on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH20) Stanley Fuller on HMCS GATINEAU 236
(CH21) EW Ray Fiset, EW Ron Herdman and RP Bill Lea on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH22) Sig Joe Osborne on HMCS GATINEAU 236 (CH23) RP Hank Francis on HMCS GATINEAU 236
Courtesy of Clarence Hemeon
(JF01) Fleet in the Strait of Juan de Fuca returning from Exercise Valiant Heritage - Spring 1979 - HMCS GATINEAU 236 lead ship (JF02-JF04) OS.RP Joe Feres reporting from the SPS 10
Courtesy of Joe Feres
(SH408) Newspaper article on HMCS GATINEAU'S re-activation after her DELEX refit (SH409) Exercise Far Horizons 1983 Certificate (SH410) Steve Hlasny on HMCS GATINEAU - 1983. "Week one - First beard since Aug 1958. First leg of trip enroute to San Diego" (SH411) Steve Hlasny, Tyre, Gunderson on HMCS GATINEAU - 1983. "Week two - A few beer with Guns, his last trip" (SH412) Enroute to Pearl Harbor with US Task Force - 1983. Vertep with helo from USS Kansas City
(SH413) USS Kansas City and aircraft carrier USS Coral Sea. Nose HMCS GATINEAU in the foreground - 1983 (SH414) Fueling the fleet enroute to Pearl Harbor - 1983. USS Kansas City refueling USS Coral Sea (SH415) HMCS GATINEAU arrives along STBD side of USS Kansas City for RAS. USS Coral Sea already RASing on the PORT side - 1983 (SH416) (Standing) J. Osmond, R. Young, P. Chmielewski, Ed Boulter on HMCS GATINEAU - 1983 (SH417) "Guns retires and flies home from Pearl Harbour". A mess dinner for Guns and presentation from the Chief and POs of HMCS GATINEAU - 1983
(SH418) Mess diner in honour of Guns on HMCS GATINEAU - 1983. "Take the picture and lets eat" (SH419) Mess diner in honour of Guns on HMCS GATINEAU - 1983. Gunderson, LCdr Oakley, XO, D. Tyre, J. Ovens (SH420) "Coming up on Diamond Head on last time" - 1983. CPO2 Gunderson (SH421) CPO2 Gunderson being piped ashore from HMCS GATINEAU - 1983 (SH422) LS.FC Buck Taylor - the East Pig - on HMCS GATINEAU - 1983
(SH423) Exercise Far Horizons 1983 - Third leg of trip, heading north to the Aleutians. Task Force destroyers astern of HMCS GATINEAU (foreground) (SH424) USS Roark in heavy seas approaching the port side of HMCS GATINEAU - 1983 (SH425) USS Coral Sea and USS Midway - 1983 (SH426) HMCS GATINEAU exercising with USS Enterprise - 1983 (SH427) HMCS TERRA NOVA and HMCS RESTIGOUCHE RASing with HMCS PROVIDER. HMCS GATINEAU in foreground.
(SH428) Steve Hlasny on HMCS GATINEAU - Week 3 of beard growth - 1983 (SH429) Toyohiko Kotegawa, Japanese Navy, and Steve Hlasny on HMCS GATINEAU - 1983. Toyohiko is visiting GATINEAU for a few days enroute from Kure to Yokosuka, Japan (SH430) JDS Komana - 1983 (SH431) Three ships of the JDS - our host ships at Yokosuka, Japan - 1983 (SH432) Don Duncan and Steve Hlasny - 1983. "Same Jetty and Bridge where we tied up at 31 years ago, in 1952, when I was on the CRUSADER
(SH433) HMCS GATINEAU hosting the families of the JDS host ships - 1983. Dave Cowling, Dave Tyre, Kotegawa and his wife and children, Earl Sornsen, C1WS/Cox'n, Frank Reeves, P2RM, Steve Hlasny, Gord Spargo (SH434) HMCS GATINEAU hosting the families of the JDS host ships - 1983. JDS Chief, Dave Cowling, Dave Tyre, Kotegawa's wife and children, Earl Sornsen, C1WS/Cox'n, Frank Reeves, P2RM, Steve Hlasny, Gord Spargo (SH435) The next day we were hosted by the Chiefs and POs of the JDS - 1983 (SH436) Invited out for an evening at Kotegawa's - 1983 (SH437) Hiroshima from the station - 1983
(SH438) Monument at the site of the Atomic Bomb drop - 1983 (SH439) Bomb that remained standing after the atomic bomb was dropped - 1983 (SH440) Out with a bunch of our mess mates the night before sailing for Shanghai - 1983 (SH441) Arriving in Shanghai 06 May 1983 for port visit 6-9 May. First Canadian warship to visit Shanghai since HMCS Crescent in 1949 (SH442) Our bus tour of Shanghai and our Chinese tour guide - 1983
(SH443) In front of our tour bus - Chinese sailors wanted a photograph taken (SH444) Tour of Shanghai - 1983. Touring Shanghai - they close two road lanes to vehicle traffic. Don and Earl up ahead breaking traffic for me (SH445) Tour of Shanghai - 1983. On our way to the Gardens. Does anyone work? (SH446) Tour of Shanghai - 1983. In front of the Peace Hotel (SH447) Tour of Shanghai - 1983. Peace Hotel souvenir
(SH448) Shanghai memorabilia (SH449-SH451) Luncheon at the Peace Hotel. Earl, how did we end up with all the Grimes? (SH451) L-R: Duncan, Parish, Cowling, Gray, Cram, Powell, Bruuels, Holm, Steve Hlasny, Earl taking photo (SH452) Leaving Shanghai. "Looking back at Shanghai with the Bun and the Peace Hotel as we leave"
(SH453) Steve Hlasny bids farewell to Shanghai (SH454) Leaving Shanghai. Chinese Patrol boat 687 and Ex-Soviet Romeo Class submarine "patrol type" (SH455) Leaving Shanghai. Luda Class DDG 131, speed 36 knots. 1st Chinese design and build. Completed 1974 (SH456) Exercise Far Horizons 1983 - 5th leg of the trip. Port visit Pusan, Korea, 11-13 May 1983. Korean War memorial at entrance to the UN Cemetery in Pusan (SH457) Wreath laying ceremony - 13 May 1983. CPO1 Hunter, CPO2 Hlasny and Capt. George D2 lay a wreath in honour of the war dead
(SH458) Wreath laying ceremony - 13 May 1983. Wreath laying party representing Capt. George D2 (SH459) Wreath laying ceremony - 13 May 1983. Commanding officers of 2nd Sqn ships on the right. Gen Withers CDS, WIP's and D2 on the left (SH460) Wreath laying ceremony - 13 May 1983. General salute to the war dead (SH461) Port visit Chinhae, Korea 13-15 May 1983. Busing the baseball team out to the game (SH462) Earl - "Here comes da coach"
(SH463) "Runners Up" HMCS GATINEAU'S baseball team (SH464) Port visit Chinhae, Korea 13-15 May 1983. Sightseeing and shopping - A Turtle ship. Bottom photo - Harry Holm, Steve Hlasny, Bob Morrow (SH465) Exercise Far Horizons 1983 - 6th leg of the trip. Port visit Hong Kong - 19-23 May 1983. Ships berthed at HMS Tamar (SH466) The new Prince of Wales building at HMS Tamar (SH467) Hong Kong - Kowloon - Jenny's Side Party painting our ships - May 1983
(SH468) Kowloon - May 1983 (SH469) Floating restaurant at Aberdeen, Hong Kong. Duncan, Olsen, Hlasny, Reeves, Sullivan (SH470) Exercise Far Horizon 1983 - 7th leg of the trip. Port Visit Manila, Philippines - 25-28 May 1983 (SH471) Decorative shuttle taxis, Manila, Philippines, May 1983 (SH472) Steve Hlasny and Bill Tindell with their shopping hosts - PO1 Pilar H Pojol, CPO Elu, Manila, Philippines, May 1983
(SH473-SH476) Exercise Far Horizons 1983 - 8th leg of the trip - Manila to Pearl Harbor. At sea, enroute to Pearl Harbor after departing Manila - Hand to Bathe. Water temp 88 degrees Fahrenheit. The ship's boat was for safety and there was a marksman with a rifle on the bridge for sharks.
(SH477) "My first Vertrep". Steve Hlasny gets hoisted aboard a helo off HMCS GATINEAU. "Earl and I get a ride into Pearl Harbor 1 day early" (SH478) HMCS GATINEAU (closest ship) (SH479) HMCS PROVIDER being screened by the ships of the 2nd Squadron (SH480) 3 Mess HMCS GATINEAU - Mike Burns, Henry Smith, Mike Eakins, Bob Dunn, Knobby Clarke, Earl Sorensen, Rich Staff, John Tata, Steve Hlasny, Doug Bullens, Bob Morrow and a token American (SH481) 11 Mess (Stoker`s Mess), HMCS GATINEAU in 1985
(SH481) Memorial for USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor (SH482) Exercise Far Horizons - Final leg of the Voyage. Course North East, with following seas - "Pineapple Express"
Courtesy of Steve Hlasny, CPO2LT
The End
Former HMCS GATINEAU 236 under tow to Pictou, Nova Scotia to be broken up - 17 Nov 2009
Source: Shipping News from Halifax by Mac Mackay
Former HMCS GATINEAU 236 at AECON/FABCO Fabrication & Module Yard in Pictou, NS just prior to being broken up. Photo taken 05 Jul 2010 Photographer: Barry Gerrard Courtesy of / © Barry Gerrard 2010
Click on the above photo to view a larger image