River Class / Prestonian Class Frigate




Unofficial wartime badge





Battle honours and awards:  Atlantic  1944



Laid down: 26 Jan 1943

Launched: 28 Oct 1943

Commissioned 11 May 1944

Paid off: 04 Dec 1945

Re-commissioned: 20 Sep 1954

Paid off (into refit): 20 Dec 1957

Re-commissioned: 16 Jun 1958

Paid off: 23 Sep 1966

Fate: Broken up in 1967


Commissioned at Quebec City on 10 May 1944, she arrived at Halifax on 05 Jun 1944 and proceeded from there to Bermuda to work up. Returning in Aug 1944, JONQUIERE was assigned to EG C-2 and after three Atlantic crossings was transferred to EG 26 at Londonderry. She was also based from time to time at Portsmouth and Plymouth, remaining in U.K. waters on A/S patrol until 27 May 1945, when she sailed with ON.305, the last westbound convoy. She was paid off 04 Dec 1945 at Shelburne and later taken to Lauzon for conversion to a Prestonian class ocean escort, re-commissioning 20 Sep 1954. Paid off on 12 Sep 1966, she was purchased by Capital Iron and Metal, Victoria, BC IN 1967 to be broken up. Shortly after purchased the price of scrap metal plummeted and she was not broken up late 1971, early 1972.



RCN Memories:     Beer Stores Secure


Photos and Documents          The Ship's Bell



Commanding Officers


LCdr John Richard Kidston, RCNVR - 10 May 1944 - 12 Mar 1945

A/LCdr Andree Marcil, RCNVR - 12 Mar 1945 - 16 Jun 1945

Lt John Hobart Lincoln, RCNVR - 17 Jun 1945 - 04 Aug 1945

LCdr D.M. MacDonald, RCNVR - 05 Aug 1945 - 18 Aug 1945

LCdr Harold Richard Tilley, RCN - 20 Sep 1954 - 24 Jul 1956

LCdr Charles Delsworth Gibson, RCN - 25 Jul 1956 - 15 Jun 1958

LCdr Ean Victor Pearce Sunderland, RCN - 16 Jun 1958 - 08 Sep 1959

LCdr Howard Victor Clark, RCN - 09 Sep 1959 - 28 Nov 1961

LCdr Robin Laughlin Hughes, RCN - 29 Nov 1961 - 24 Aug 1963

LCdr Albert Peter Campbell, RCN - 07 Sep 1963 - 14 Sep 1965

LCdr D.R. Donaldson, RCN - 15 Sep 1965 - 23 Sep 1966



Captain for the day


Captain for the day is a tradition in the RCN where during the ship's Christmas celebrations, the Commanding Officer changes places with the youngest member of the ship's company.


Larry Zilinski - 1964



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten















Emberly, William G.

















Irvine, Kenneth G.



































Van Camp, Robert S.













Former Crew Members


(C57) - 1957 crew list compiled from various sources by Ernie Paquette


Adamthwaite, Dave V., OCDT (U/T) - Feb 1966 - May 1966 


Allwood, Lt (N)  (C57)

Anderson, AB  (C57)

Anderson, PO  (C57)

Badry, OS  (C57)


Berry, David


Bridge, PO  (C57)


Brooks, Dave, PO2 TAS - 1954-1957 (C57)


Brooks, AB  (C57)

Brooks, CPO  (C57)


Brower, OS  (C57)

Bryan, CPO  (C57)

Bryan, CPO  (C57)

Carlyle, LS  (C57)

Carmichael, Lt - 1954-1957  (C57)


Carrier, AB  (C57)


Cavanaugh, Lt(N), NavO, 1954-1956


Churcher, PO  (C57)

Collins, AB  (C57)


Compton, F., ABAA - 1954-1957 (C57)


Cooke, AB  (C57)


Coots, H., LSAA - 1954-1956


Cornish, LS  (C57)

Cox, AB  (C57)

Crawford, OS  (C57)

Darling, OS  (C57)


Davies, John, ABNS - 1954-1956


Dechenne, AB  (C57)


Dodgson, Jim - 1963


Donovan, Lt  (C57)

Doyle, AB  (C57)

Drever, AB  (C57)


Edwards, Frederick John, Paym/Lt, RCNVR - 19 Jun 1944


Esplin, LS  (C57)


Extence, Alan Barr, Lt (E), RCNVR


Farrell, Marvin William, SLt, RCNVR - 05 Apr 1945


Ferguson, D., P2QM - 1954-1956 


Finson, OS  (C57)


Fluskey, PO  (C57)

Foster, AB  (C57)


Foster, Frederick Campbell, Lt (S), RCNVR - 12 Jul 1945


Fredrickson, AB  (C57)

Fuhr, OS  (C57)

Fummerton, AB  (C57)

Ganton, AB  (C57)

Garrett, LS  (C57)


Giles, PO  (C57)

Glaum, AB  (C57)

Godwin, AB  (C57)


Gohlish, Heinz E., Officer Cadet

Gold, POBN  (C57)


Goyder, David, SLt, RCN - Sep 1962 - Dec 1963


Grant, OS  (C57)

Grieg, AB  (C57)

Griffin, LS  (C57)

Guilbault, LS  (C57)

Guthrie, CPO  (C57)

Hahn, LS  (C57)

Haldane, P1  (C57)


Hall, OS  (C57)


Hamlin, John Haig, Lt, RCNVR - 08 May 1944 / 10 May 1944


Harrison, LS  (C57)

Heilscher, LS  (C57)

Henderson, OS  (C57)


Hepburn, POER  (C57)

Hill, LS  (C57)

Hillyer, PO  (C57)


Hlasny, Stephen, LSRP - 1954-1956


Hodge, William John, A/Lt, RCNVR - 08 May 1944 / 10 May 1944


Hold, OS  (C57)


Howell, Hector Mansfield, SLt, RCNVR - 16 May 1945


Hutchinson, LS  (C57)

Jackson, Chaplain  (C57)

Jackson, CPO  (C57)


Jensen, Carl, ABQM - 1955


Jerome, AB  (C57)

Jessop, AB  (C57)

John, Paul, Lt (N), XO  (C57)

Johnson, LS  (C57)

Johnston, LS  (C57)

Jones, AB  (C57)

Kellington, Lt (N)  (C57)


Kidson, CPO  (C57)


Kidston, John Richard, LCdr, RCNVR - 20 Mar 1944 CO / 10 May 1944


King, L., AB  (C57)

King, W., AB  (C57)

Klatt, OS  (C57)

Knox, AB  (C57)


Kozan, AB  (C57)

Lawson, PO  (C57)


Lennox, Duncan Craig, Lt, RCNVR - 20 Mar 1944 / 10 May 1944


Lenz, LS  (C57)

Logan, AB  (C57)

Lundy, AB  (C57)

MacCorriston, AB  (C57)

Mackie, L., AB  (C57)

Mackie, R., AB  (C57)

Maddocks, PO  (C57)

Maier, OS  (C57)


Mann, ??, ABTAS - 1954-1956


Matheson, OS  (C57)

Mathews, AB  (C57)

McComb, PO  (C57)

McDonald, ABQM - 1954-1956


McNeil, PO  (C57)


McPherson, ABSW - 1954-1956


Mein, OS  (C57)


Michon, Joseph Jean, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 08 Jun 1944


Milton, AB  (C57)


Mochel, PO2VS - 1954-1956


Molyard, CPO  (C57)

Montgomery, LCdr  (C57)


Morin (Moran??), John St. Clair, SLt, RCNVR - 05 May 1944 / 10 May 1944


Morran, AB  (C57)

Morrison, AB  (C57)

Mowbray, AB  (C57)

Muir, AB  (C57)

Murzak, OS  (C57)


Mynott, Jack - 1944


Negrich, Ray, LSSG  (C57)

Nelson, AB  (C57)


Nicholls, Walter J., HSD 


Oikawa, OS  (C57)

Olson, AB  (C57)


Olynick, PO  (C57)


O'Neill, LS  (C57)

Paquette, E., ABRP - 1954-1957  (C57) 


Patriquin, AB  (C57)


Patterson, ABSM - 1954-1956


Patterson, Mervyn Alexander, SLt, RCNVR - 10 Apr 1944  / 10 May 1944


Patton, AB  (C57)

Penny, OS  (C57)

Peters, AB  (C57)

Pickell, PO  (C57)


Quilter, Leslie R., ET

Rasmussen, AB  (C57)

Ratcliffe, LS  (C57)

Reeve, AB  (C57)

Reihill, AB  (C57)


Robins, N., P2AA - 1954-1956


Robinson, Franklin Scott, SLt, RCNVR - 10 Apr 1944 / 10 May 1944


Robinson, G. (Robby), AB.NS, RCN - 1954 (Commissioning crew)


Ross, AB  (C57)

Roth, OS  (C57)

Rouke, PO  (C57)

Roy, OS  (C57)

Rudd, AB  (C57)

Rudd, AB  (C57)


Salter, Albert Evans, SLt (E), RCNVR - 03 Jun 1944


Scott, AB  (C57)


Scratchley, John

Scudamore, CPO  (C57)

Sears, AB  (C57)

Shankland, Leigh, AB.CR

Shwydky, AB  (C57)


Sismus, ABTAS - 1954-1956


Smallbones, OS  (C57)

Smalley, LS  (C57)

Smith, AB  (C57)


Smith, Lt - 1954-1957 (C57)


Sorensen, Earl, LSAM - 1954-1956


Southin, CPO  (C57)


Sparkes, K., LSAM


Spooner, AB  (C57)

Stacey, AB  (C57)

Starrett, LS  (C57)

Stevens, PO  (C57)


Stew, George E., Signalman


Stillborn, POER  (C57)

Stith, AB  (C57)

Stohl, PO  (C57)

Stranbrook, PO  (C57)

Sumner, CPO  (C57)


Tanner, Joe, Cook, RCN - 1960


Trahan, AB  (C57)

Trick, LS  (C57)

Tyler, LS  (C57)

Wall, AB  (C57)

Wallace, LS  (C57)

Wallace, LS  (C57)

Walters, AB  (C57)

Warner, PO  (C57)

Watson, (Doc), POET  (C57)

Weber, Lt (N)  (C57)

Westman, AB  (C57)


Wilkins, Jerry, LSQR - 1954-1956


Williams, PO  (C57)


Wilson, Thomas Stevenson, A/LCdr (E), RCNR - 27 Mar 1944 / 10 May 1944


Yates, A., AB  (C57)

Yates, E., AB  (C57)


Zilinsky, Larry, ABRC - Feb 1964 - Dec 1964



Photos and Documents


HMCS JONQUIERE K318 making smoke

From the collection of Kenneth Dawson

Courtesy of Randy Dawson





(RB02) Don German and Ross Broomer (right) on HMCS JONQUIERE circa Aug 1945

(RB03) Ross Broomer on board HMCS JONQUIERE circa Aug 1945

From the collection of Ross Broomer, Leading Stoker, RCNVR

Courtesy of John Broomer





Courtesy of Hugh Muir

HMCS JONQUIERE 318 - undated


DND / RCN photo

Colourized photo of HMCS JONQUIERE 318

From the collection of Norman Bowers

Courtesy of Geoff Gambee


From the collection of Joe Tanner

Benjamin Bertram May - rear, 1st on right

Courtesy of Steve Hlasny

The end is near


Purchased by Capital Iron and Metal, the former HMCS JONQUIERE is being towed to Capital Iron and Metal, Victoria to be broken up, 10 Aug 1967


"The scrap market tanked after we bought the ships (JONQUIERE and Stettler) and we didn’t cut them up until late 1971 and early 1972"


© / Courtesy of Ron Greene, Capital Iron and Metal








(SH65) HMCS JONQUIERE 318 entering San Diego harbour, Oct 1954 - "I commissioned the JONQUIERE in Luzon, Quebec, 1st crew after it's conversion to a Prestonian class frigate. We stopped in Halifax for two weeks - then enroute to Esquimalt we stopped at Nassau, Bahamas; Guantanamo Bay, Cuba; Kingston, Jamaica; Balboa, Panama; Acapulco, Mexico, and San Diego, California."

(SH66) Information pamphlet on the occasion of JONQUIERE's commissioning after refit - 16 Jun 1958

(SH67) Film actress Rosa Rosal on board HMCS Ontario at Manila with crew members of HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH68) Hands from HMCS JONQUIERE, 6 mess - L-R: Sparks K. LSAM, unknown, Tempelton J. LSRC, Reynolds H. LSLR,  unknown, Sorenson E., LSAM

(SH69) Relaxing at sea on the quarterdeck of HMCS JONQUIERE







(SH70) JONQUIERE sailors Charlie Watkins & Jerry Wilkins ashore

(SH71) Charlie Watkins & Jim Lyttle on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH72) Harry Reynolds on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH73) JONQUIERE sailor Jim Fedema ashore

(SH74) Crews from RCN ships participating in parade (nearing the intersection of Hasting and Granville) in Vancouver, BC







(SH75) Spud Larter and MacDonald on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH76) Spud Larter, Pearl Harbour, 1955

(SH77) Steve Hlasny, serving in HMCS JNQUIERE, ashore in Vancouver

(SH78) Steve Hlasny "Days of Wine and Roses" on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH79) Sailors on the quarterdeck of HMCS JONQUIERE (1) unknown, (2) Don Little, (3) Chester, (4) unknown, (5) Steve Hlasny, (6) Spud Larter, (7) Mann, (8) George Goossen, (9) unknown, (10) John Davies, (11) unknown, (12) unknown  (13) Jim Lyttle, (14) unknown, (15) unknown, (16) unknown - Click here to view the photo with everyone numbered







(SH80) "Must have had an extra tot" - Steve Hlasny on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH81) (L-R) unknown, Dave Brooks, Charlie Watkins on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH82) The reserve squadron at Munro Head - Photo taken from HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH83) (L-R) unknown, unknown, Steve Hlasny, Spud Larter on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH84) (L-R) John Davies, unknown, Spud Larter, Steve Hlasny on HMCS JONQUIERE






(SH85) Jake Balfour (6'6") and Steve Hlasny (6'5") ready to go ashore in San Diego, CA during a port visit by HMCS JONQUIERE - 1955

(SH86) Norman Bone in the whaler on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH87) Spud Larter on HMCS JONQUIERE

(SH88) Up Spirits - Quarterdeck of HMCS JONQUIERE 318 - 1955.   Front row first on left, ABQM Carl Jensen; 4th from left LSRP Jim McTavish; Front right corner LSRC John (Ike) Templeton.   Back row 2nd from the left, LSRP S. Hlasny; 3rd from the left LSLR Harry Reynolds


From the collection of Steve Hlasny, CPO2.LT