St Laurent Class Destroyer




HMCS Ottawa - 23 Sep 1962

Photographer: Walter E. Frost

Source:  City of Vancouver Archives


Battle honours and awards:  Atlantic  1939-45,   Normandy  1944,   English Channel  1944,   Biscay  1944



Laid down: 08 Jun 1951

Launched: 29 Apr 1953

Commissioned: 10 Nov 1956

Paid off: 01 Jun 1963 for DDH conversion

Re-commissioned 21 Oct 1964

Paid off for DELEX refit: 19 Apr 1982

Re-commissioned: 26 Nov 1982

Paid off: 31 Jul 1992

Fate: Broken up in India in 1994


Built by Canadian Vickers Ltd., Montreal, OTTAWA was commissioned there on 10 Nov 1956. In 1957 she was fitted with an experimental deck over her stern to test the feasibility of operating a helicopter from a ship of her type. On 02 Mar 1961, OTTAWA in company with SAGUENAY 206 and, St. Laurent 205 departed Esquimalt for Operations with US Carrier Division 17 off Hawaii; returning to Esquimalt on 04 Apr 1961. She began her DDH conversion at Victoria on 24 May 1963. Re-commissioned on 28 Oct 1964 and destined to be based at Halifax, she left Esquimalt on 02 Feb 1965. In 1968 OTTAWA became Canada's first designated francophone naval unit. She returned to her builder for DELEX refit, 19 Apr to 26 Nov 1982. 


From 04 Aug 1984 until 31 Dec 1984, OTTAWA was part of the Standing Naval Force Atlantic, having relieved HMCS FRASER at a turnover in Lubeck Germany. Port visits during this deployment were: Lubeck, Germany (04-07 Aug), Copenhagen, Denmark, (10-13 Aug), Aarhus, Denmark (17-21 Aug), Hamilton, Bermuda (07-10 Sep), Halifax, NS (20-26 Sep), Charleston, NC (01-22 Oct), Savannah, GA (27-30 Oct), Mayport, FL (30 Oct - 01 Nov), Island of Montserrat (10-14 Nov), New Orleans, LA (20-24 Nov), Mayport, FL (28 Nov -05 Dec). 


From 20 Jun 1988 to 29 Jul 1988, OTTAWA carried out a St. Lawrence River and Great lakes cruise. 


She was paid off on 31 Jul 1992, and on 04 Apr 1994, after being sold to Global Shipping Co., Tampa, Fla., for $243,000.00, she departed Halifax under tow of the Russian Tug (Ukrainian flagged) Sapfir, destined for India to be broken up.



RCN Memories:    Helicopter Flying off Bermuda          The XO's Cap



Photos and documents          Ship's company photos          The Ship's Bell



Crossing the Line - Equator - Feb 1962          Visiting Ships Programme - Expo '67


Welcome aboard booklet - undated


HMCS OTTAWA Transiting the Welland Canal Locks - Jul 1969

Filmed by Bill Hahn, US Army 1963-65


HMCS OTTAWA Op Sched Jul-Dec 1985


HMCS OTTAWA Op Sched 11 Oct 1985 - 02 Apr 1987



The ship's motto:  The motto known by all who served in HMCS Ottawa 229 was REGAE REVAEB (Eager Beaver spelled backward). It appears this was an unofficial motto and that HMCS Ottawa 229 did not have an official motto.  The following is from the the Assistant RCN Heritage Officer:


"There is a letter on file from the CO, HMCS Ottawa, in 1957 where he petitions to have the motto "REVAEB REGAE" recognized as the official motto for DDH 229. In his letter he states that Admiral Hugh Pullen told him that Ottawa (H60) and (H31) both used "EAGER BEAVER" as unofficial mottos. In Dave Freeman's book "Designs of Distinction" he writes that Ottawa (H60) had a beaver on its unofficial badge and the motto they used was "EAGER BEAVER". Unfortunately Dave indicates that Ottawa (H31) formerly known as HMS Griffin had griffins painted all over the ship and the crew did not embrace the beaver at all and retained the Griffin symbol as their unofficial badge. Even though it is doubtful that the "EAGER BEAVER" motto was not perpetuated from Ottawa (1st) to Ottawa (2nd) there would have been enough WWII veterans around to promote "EAGER BEAVER" for Ottawa (3rd) especially in light that the Griffon had been adopted for the Naval Division in Port Arthur (Thunder Bay) HMCS Griffon (note change in spelling of Griffon).


The CO's proposal is initially supported by the Ship's Badge Committee but in April 1958 the Naval Historian, E.C. Russell, disagrees and argues that the reverse of "REGAE" is too close to "AEGER" which translates roughly to "sick" beaver. He went on to suggest "EGOR BEOFOR" to avoid the potential embarrassment. The new proposal is supported by the Committee and forwarded for consideration. It is at this point where the documentation trail runs dry. We have no documentation to suggest that Ottawa (229) was ever bestowed with an official motto. The only official motto that we have for Ottawa is "EGOR BEOFOR" and this was accepted as the official motto for Ottawa (341)."



Commanding Officers


Cdr Charles Roger Parker, RCN - 10 Nov 1956 - 07 Jul 1958 

Cdr William Herbert Willson, RCN - 07 Jul 1958 - 28 Apr 1959

Cdr Ian Bernard Morrow, RCN - 28 Apr 1959 - 19 Aug 1961

Cdr Ian Alexander MacPherson, RCN - 19 Aug 1961 - 25 Mar 1963

LCdr Trevor Cole Shuckburgh, RCN - 25 Mar 1963 - 19 May 1963

Cdr Joseph Jacques Paul Cote, RCN - 28 Oct 1964 - 31 July 1967

Cdr Constantine (Tino) Cotaras, RCN - 21 Jul 1967 - 15 Jul 1968

Cdr Pierre Edouard G. Simard, RCN - 15 Jul 1968 - 15 May 1970

Cdr Maurice Henry Tremblay - 15 May 1970 - 07 Jul 1972

Cdr Neil Ronald Boivin - 07 Jul 1972 - 05 Jun 1973

LCdr Richard Lewis Burnip - 05 Jun 1973 - 14 Jun 1974

LCdr Terrance Clifford Milne - 14 Jun 1974 - 30 Aug 1974

Cdr W.J. Draper - 30 Aug 1974 - 06 Jan 1977

Cdr Lionel Charles A. Westropp - 06 Jan 1977 - 23 Jan 1978

Cdr James Ernest D. Bell - 23 Jan 1978 - 04 Jul 1980

Cdr Edward James Michael Young - 04 Jul 1980 - 10 Sep 1982

Cdr R.A.M. Burton - 10 Sep 1982 - 09 Jul 1984

Cdr Kim C.E. Beardmore - 09 Jul 1984 - 11 Jul 1986

Cdr Allen Bennett Dunlop - 11 Jul 1986 - 05 Aug 1988

Cdr M.A. Pulchny - 05 Aug 1988 - 11 Jul 1990

Cdr André Georges D. Perusse - 11 Jul 1990 - 31 Jul 1992



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten
























Irwin, Ernest H.












































Young, E. J. Michael







Former Crew Members


(CC) = Commissioning Crew 10 Nov 1956


Andrews, L., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Arsenault, J.A., PO, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Ashton, Cliff J.


Audet, E., LS, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Auger, R., AB, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Austin, T., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Bardy, G., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Beaudry, J.E., LS, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Beaupre, J., AB, Supply Dept., Steward Sect. - (CC)


Beckett, W.M., LCdr, Gunnery Officer - (CC)


Belleville, J.R., LS, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


Beno, Wayne - 1981


Berry, R., AB, RCN - Ordnance Dept, Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Biccum, Terry


Bingham, E.R., LS, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Blaxall, W.G., PO, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Bleski, E., AB, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Book, K.E., PO, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Bouchard, B.J., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Bouffard, B.J, PO, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


Braman, J.R., AB, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


Briand, F., PO, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


Bridges, R., OS, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Brown, W., PO, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Brule, Donald, MS, Supp Tech - 1985 - ??


Burns, K.G., AB, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


Burgess, W., AB, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radar Sect. - (CC)


Cain, D., AB, Supply Dept., Cookery Sect. - (CC)


Campbell, R.G., Slt, RCN - (CC)


Carey, J., OS, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radar Sect. - (CC)


Carroll, G.A., Lt, DSM, RCN - Operations Room Officer - (CC)


Carson, R.G., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Caton, W., PO, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Chartrand, J., AB, Supply Dept., Cookery Sect. - (CC)


Clayton, J., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Clayton, W.G., PO, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Clements, A., CPO, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Cocks, H.T., LCdr (S), RCN, Supply Officer - (CC)


Collier, R.S., LS, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Cook, J.R.M., Ordnance Lt, RCN, Ordnance Officer - (CC)


Cooper, H.W., CPO, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


Corneil, J.R, Midshipman, RCN - (CC)


Corr, W.J., LS, RCN - Comm Visual - (CC)


Cota, R., AB, Supply Dept., Cookery Sect. - (CC)


Cox, B.J.L., PO, RCN, Electrical Dept., Power Sect. - (CC)


Craswell, E., LS, RCN - Boiler Room - (CC)


Crevier, D.A., LS, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Crossan, K.R.W., LS, RCN - Engine Room SDS - (CC)


Cumby, Raymond, RP - 1967


Cupples, A.M., LCdr, CD, RCN, XO - (CC)


Curtin, J.G., AB, RCN, Electrical Dept., Electrical Detection Sect. - (CC)


Dagenais, D., AB, RCN, Radar Sect. - 10 Nov 9156 (CC)


Darling, Michael (Jack)


Davies, G., OS, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Dennis, Myles, OS-LSRM, 1984-1986


Deriger, J.G., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Desroches, J., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Dickens, Chuck, LS.SG - MS.SG - Jul 1982 - Jul 1985


Dolhanty, Brian, AB Clerk - c1983-1986


Donnachie, A.M., PO, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Douglas, J.J., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Drake, J.P., LS, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Droucker, Pat, MS, Comm Tech


Drummond, J., LS, Supply Dept., Cookery Sect. - (CC)


Dube, J.L., CPO, RCN, Electrical Dept., Electrical Detection Sect. - (CC)


Duhamel, Alfe, OS.CV1


Dunphy, Stan, LS Adm Clerk


Dupis, C., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Durnford, G., OS, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Eckstein, E., CPO, RCN - Engine Room SDS - (CC)


Edison, William GH. (Bill), C2ET 


Erickson, E., AB, Supply Dept., Cookery Sect. - (CC)


Ferrari, (Fid), OS, STWD


Finnie, Dave, OS - 1962


Fogarty, P., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Foland, J., AB, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Foldesi, Steve


Fontaine, M., OS, RCN - Comm Visual - (CC)


Fraser, A.C., LS, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Fraser, H., AB, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Freisen, C., OS, RCN - Boiler Room - (CC)


Gardner, M.T., LCdr (L), RCN, Electrical Officer - (CC)


Gauvreau, P., LS, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Gervais, J.A., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Giles, C.E., CPO, RCN, Cox'n - (CC)


Girard, E.H., LS, RCN - (CC)


Gowanlock, F.G., LS, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radio Sect. - (CC)


Grant, E., CPO, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)

Grant, J., PO, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


Guilland, J., AB, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


Guise, J., CPO, RCN - Ordnance Dept, Technical Sect. - (CC)


Hancock, E., PO, Supply Dept., Steward Sect. - (CC)


Hall, D.E.A., A/Cd Bos'n, CD, RCN - (CC)


Harrison, A., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Haynes, R., LS, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


Hayward, Larry, MS, Comm Tech - 1983-1985


Hershaminko, Vic, CPO1, Cox'n - 1983-??


Highman, N., CPO, Supply Dept., Cookery Sect. - (CC)


Hepworth, G., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Hill, D., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Holden, E., OS, RCN - Comm Visual - (CC)


Hooper, J.J., LS, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Howell, K., LS, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


Huggin, R.F., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Hutchinson, D., PO, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Ivey, G., CPO, RCN - Boiler Room - (CC)


Jackson, W., LS, RCN, Electrical Dept., Electrical Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Jacques, Yves - 1968 - 1970 / 1972 - 1973 


Jaworski, R., AB, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


Jobin, G.J., AB, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


Johnson, K., PO, RCN - Boiler Room - (CC)


Johnson, R., PO, Supply Dept., Pay Sect. - (CC)


Johnson, R.L., LS, RCN - Comm Visual - (CC)


Jordan, G., CPO, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


Jones, G., CPO, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


Kekewich, G.A., PO, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Kemp, J.R.P., LS, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Killoran, G., AB, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Kimber, Norman, LSWU, RCN - 1965-1966


Kirk, J.A., CPO, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Kloosterman, Jim


Lacour, A.J., PO, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


LaFleche, G., AB, Supply Dept., Steward Sect. - (CC)


Laliberte, R., PO, Supply Dept., Steward Sect. - (CC)


Lalonde, J., AB, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Lalonde, R., AB, RCN - Ordnance Dept, Torpedo Sect. - (CC)


Lanoue, Robert, AB - 1988 - 1990


Lambert, V., PO, Supply Dept., Stores Sect. - (CC)


Lamoureux, G.J.W., LS, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Larocque, J., LS, RCN - Ordnance Dept, Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Larue, A.J.H., AB, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Laviolette, D.R., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Lehnan, R., LS, Supply Dept., Steward Sect. - (CC)


Lemieux, J., PO, Supply Dept., Cookery Sect. - (CC)


LePage, Brian, PO1, Comm Tech


Llewellyn, C., PO, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Lockau, A.L., CPO, RCN, Electrical Dept., Electrical Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


MacDonald, F.R., PO, Supply Dept., Admin Sect. - (CC)


MacDonald, G.A., AB, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radar Sect. - (CC)


MacDonald, K., CPO, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


MacDonald, Mike, OS-ABRM - 1983-1984


MacLean, D.A., Midshipman, RCN - (CC)


MacLelland, A., AB, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


Macrae, S., PO, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Maloney, D., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Mantha, E., AB, Supply Dept., Steward Sect. - (CC)


March, F., PO, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Martin, G., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Martin, W., OS, RCN - Comm Visual - (CC)


McAfee, Mike, PO1


McAgy, W., AB, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


McCarron, G., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


McClanaghan, B., AB, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


McCue, D., OS, RCN - Boiler Room - (CC)


McGee, J., AB, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


McInnes, M., OS, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


McKay, A., AB, Supply Dept., Supply Sect. - (CC)


McKinnon, J.E., LS, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


McMillan, R.A., PO, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


McNeil, G.J., OS, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


McPhaden, G., LS, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


Melanson, Denys W.


Mercer, R., AB, Supply Dept., Cookery Sect. - (CC)


Miller, S.E., PO, RCN - Comm Visual - (CC)


Milligan, J.T., LS, RCN, Comm Radio - (CC)


Mitchel, Earl, Radioman


Moore, Art D. - 27 Jan 1965   


Moore, C.M., LS, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Morin, A., AB, RCN - Boiler Room - (CC)


Morin, Normand, FC - 1968-1969


Morash, A., PO, RCN - Boiler Room - (CC)


Mulder, Don, RP - 1967


Munro, G.W, PO, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)

Mytruk, V., CPO, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radio Sect. - (CC)


Netzke, Garry, AB/LS.RM - 1983-1985


Nichols, I., OS, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


Nicholson, Mike, OS.RM - 1986


O'Bright, G., OS, RCN - Engine Room SDS - (CC)


O'Leary, R., AB, Supply Dept., Victualling Sect. - (CC)


Obediah, C., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Orr, J.J., PO, RCN - Ordnance Dept, Torpedo Sect. - (CC)


Palmer, J.P., CPO, RCN, Electrical Dept., Power Sect. - (CC)


Partridge, R.M., LS, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Pennington, J.E., PO, RCN, Electrical Dept - (CC)


Perks, R., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Perry, R., AB, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Pettigrew, W., CPO, Supply Dept., Victualling Sect. - (CC)


Pitman, D., OS, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Pouliot, G.J., AB, RCN, Electrical Dept., Power Sect. - (CC)


Power, George


Power, Gerry, MS, Pay Writer - 1985 - ??


Purse, D.C., PO, RCN, Electrical Dept., Electrical Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Quikley, J., AB, Supply Dept., Admin Sect. - (CC)


Quinn, W., PO, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


Rainville, PO1, Met Tech (Weather Witch) - c1984-1986


Redden, W., AB, RCN - P&R Sect. - (CC)


Rees, E., PO, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


Reeve, P., AB, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Ripley, D., CPO, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


Roach, Vernon - 1974


Robinson, P.A., AB, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radio Sect. - (CC)


Rochon, C., AB, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Rockwell, Rod L. (Rocky), LS.ET


Rose, E., AB, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Riley, J.M., LCDR, RCN, Communications Officer - (CC)


Rocheleau, G., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Rose, P.H., PO, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Salsman, R., AB, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Sanderson, D., PO, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radar Sect. - (CC)


Sellars, W., LS, RCN - Engine Room SDS - (CC)


Shellard, R., PO, RCN - Boiler Room - (CC)


Shields, R.W., LS, RCN - Engine Room SDS - (CC)


Shuckburgh, Trevor Cole, LCdr, RCN, XO 28 Dec 1961 - 24 Mar 1963 // 5th Commanding Officer


Sidwell, S., PO, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


Simard, A., OS, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radar Sect. - (CC)


Skakum, T., OS, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Slack, L.S., LS, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Slobodyan, I., OS, RCN, Engine Room, Damage Control & Stability Sect. - (CC)


Simard, Roma, OS/LS.RM, 1983-1985


Smith, C., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Snider, J., LS, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Snow, H., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Sohn, Carl, EW - 1994


Sommerville, A., AB, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Sooley, I., OS, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Steckhahn, A., LS, RCN, Electrical Dept., Power Sect. - (CC)


Steel, J.M., LCdr, RCN, Torpedo A/S Officer - (CC)


Stevens, L.J., AB, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Stewart, R., CPO, RCN - Comm Visual - (CC)


Strong, L., AB, RCN - Radar Sect. - (CC)


Swales, D., OS, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Sweetie, D., CPO, RCN, Engine Room, Shipwright Sect. - (CC)


Swick, J., LS, Supply Dept., Victualling Sect. - (CC)


Tahooey, Larry - 1957


Tellar, J., AB, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)


Thibault, J, PO, RCN, Electrical Dept., Radar Sect. - (CC)


Thibault, J.J., AB, RCN - Comm Visual - (CC)


Till, J.C., A/Lt, RCN, Navigating Officer - (CC)


Titus, Dave J.J., PO1, Adm Writer / Chief Clerk 1984 - c1987


Tracey, D., PO, RCN - Engine Room - (CC)


Tremblay, J.G., LS, RCN, Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Vallentine, Dean, MS, Adm Clk / RMS Clk - Paying off crew


Vautour, Y., AB, Supply Dept., Victualling Sect. - (CC)


Vervette, Brian, LS.RM


Vollick, E., OS, RCN - Engine Room SDS - (CC)


Waekens, C., AB, RCN - TAS Sect. - (CC)


Wallace, R., PO, RCN, Engine Room, Shipwright Sect. - (CC)


Walter, D. Bruce, AB.CA (Cox'n Writer / Ship's Office) - Nov 83 - May 86


Walters, Shane, RM, 1987-1989


Watson, Bryan, OS/AB.FC - Jan 1966 - Aug 1968


Weir, Garry, OS/LS.RM


Wells, E.L., AB, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


White, A.E., PO, RCN - Gunnery Sect. - (CC)


Wilkins, John, OSWU - 1967


Williamson, L., AB, Supply Dept., Supply Sect. - (CC)


Windsor, C.A., LS, RCN - Quartermaster Sect. - (CC)


Young, H., PO, RCN - Engine Room, Aux Machinery Sect. - (CC)



Photos and Documents


HMCS Ottawa 229 at Malta - date unknown

From the collection of Ronald Hurst

 Courtesy of Andrew Hurst

HMCS Ottawa 229 - date unknown

From the collection of Robert (Bob) Theriault

Courtesy of Bob Theriault

HMCS Ottawa 229 - date unknown

From the collection of Robert (Bob) Theriault

Courtesy of Bob Theriault

HMCS OTTAWA 229 with experimental flight deck - 1957


Note: In 1957 OTTAWA was fitted with an experimental deck over her stern to test the feasibility of operating a helicopter from a ship of her type


Photo credit: Shearwater Aviation Museum

Christening of Jacqueline Ann Cummins on HMCS Ottawa 229, 03 Feb 1957




(1)  (Left to Right) Ldg. Seaman, J. “Duke” Snider (In Blues) My Dad, Ldg. Seaman, J.J. Cummins (Civies) Chaplain (Unknown Name) My Mother: Shirley Cummins nee Dowling Able Seaman, Robert “Bob” G. Carson (Civies) Mrs. Helen Carson and baby Jacqueline Ann Cummins


(2) Shirley and J.J. Cummins with baby Jacqueline Ann Cummins  (3) Shirley and J.J. Cummins with baby Jacqueline Ann Cummins


Courtesy of Bill Cummins

LS Robert G. Carson (2nd from left) and LS J.J. Cummins (1st on right)

HMCS Ottawa 229 - 1957 cruise south

From the collection of LSTD1Robert Carson

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

LS J.J. Jack Cummins

HMCS Ottawa 229 - 1957 cruise south

HMCS Ottawa is the outboard ship

From the collection of LSTD1 Robert Carson

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

Key West Florida. (L-R) Robert (Bob ) Carson, Larry Toohey and Jack Cummins

HMCS Ottawa 229 - 1957 cruise south

From the collection of LSTD1 Robert Carson

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

New Orleans. (L-R) Jack Cummins, Al Snider, Laroche Rocheleau and Bob Carson

HMCS Ottawa 229 - 1957 cruise south

From the collection of LSTD1 Robert Carson

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

"Gitmo" Cuba - Crew members from HMCS Ottawa 229

Front row (sitting) LS Robert (Bob) Carson 3rd from left, LS Jack Cummins 4th from left

HMCS Ottawa 229 - 1957 cruise south

From the collection of LSTD1 Robert Carson

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

LS John J. Cummins, HMCS Ottawa 229 circa 1957

From the collection of John Cummins

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

Zippo lighter from HMCS Ottawa 229 from 1957

Courtesy of Bill Cummins 

Leading Seaman J. Cummins on HMCS Ottawa 229 at sea off Bermuda, Jan 1957

LS Cummins served on HMCS Ottawa 10 Nov 56 - 26 May 57

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

Francis J. (Buddy) Pitre sweeping the deck on HMCS Ottawa 229 - 1957

Courtesy of Andrew Pitre

HMCS Ottawa 229 crew members

J.J. Cummins (Seated, far right) and Bob Carson (Standing, back right) at "Gitmo" Cuba

Photographer: Austin T., LSSN, CD (S)

From the collection of John Cummins

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

The "Red Room" - Petty Officers on HMCS OTTAWA 229 - 1962


Click here to view the photo with the POs numbered for identification


(1) Unknown  (2) Hamilton  (3) Morrow, Al  (4) Roy, Len  (5) Bendall, Don  (6) Richard, J.V. (Joe)  (7) Hill, (Bunker)  (8) Haskell, Norm  (9) Irwin, Bob  (10) Brophy, Ed C.  (11) Thompson, Ted  (12) Jones, Art  (13) Hoover, Alvin  (14) Gendron, George  (15) unknown  (16) Blades, Bill  (17) Smith, Larry  (18) Clackson, Don  (19) Cartwright, William  (20) Doak, Keith

PO Rick Bridges on watch in the Ops Room on HMCS Ottawa 229 - 1963

From the collection of Rick Bridges, C2RPI, RCN

HMCS Ottawa 229 in her configurations as a DDE

From the collection of Sid Dobing

Courtesy of Brian Dobing




Cdr Joseph Jacques Paul Cote, CO, on HMCS Ottawa

Photo 3 dated 14 Aug 1965

From the collection Commodore Jacques Cote

Courtesy of Louise Cote


Weapons Mess, HMCS Assiniboine 234 - 1968

John Wilkins centre, without shirt

Courtesy of John Wilkins

HMCS Ottawa in the floating drydock.  Date unknown, but this was the drydock before Nova Dock

Courtesy of Tom Price

View of HMCS Ottawa's STBD screw while she is in drydock

Taking photos such as this was frowned upon as they changed the screws from time to time to change the ship's signature.

Courtesy of Tom Price

HMCS Ottawa 229 after her conversion to a DDH

Courtesy of Mitch Cormier

HMCS Ottawa 229

HMCS Ottawa 229 entering Grand Harbour, Malta, November 1966

Other ship's on this deployment, HMCS Margaree 230 and HMCS Assiniboine 234

Courtesy of Don Ballantyne

Doug, Mary and Don Ballentyne on HMCS Ottawa 229

Courtesy of Don Ballantyne

Flag deck of HMCS Ottawa, looking towards the hatch leading down to the bridge

Courtesy of Don Ballantyne

HMCS Ottawa 229 - 4 Mess - RPs

Maple Spring 1967

Courtesy of Raymond Cumby


Back Row, L-R: ?, ?, ?, ?, Raymond Cumby, ?

Front Row, L-R: Don Mulder, Art Moore, ?, ?


RP John Moylan is in the photo but not yet identified

HMCS Ottawa 229 (Foreground) 1967

Photographer: Raymond Cumby

Courtesy of Raymond Cumby

HMCS OTTAWA in Halifax harbour.  HMCS BRAS D'OR can be seen in her cradle at French Cable Wharf (Jetty 6, Dartmouth)

HMCS OTTAWA 229 in the North Atlantic - 1974


Courtesy of Hugh Muir

OS "Fid" Ferrari in the wardroom pantry of HMCS Ottawa 229

Courtesy of Mitch Cormier

Celebrating passing of WORK UPS for HMCS Ottawa 299 circa 1982

Courtesy of Mitch Cormier

HMCS Ottawa 229 during refit at Canadian Vicker's, Montreal - 16 Apr to 26 Nov 1982




Courtesy of Bill Hart

© Bill Hart 1982

HMCS Ottawa 229 at Toronto. Great Lakes Cruise 1983

Courtesy of Bill Cummins

HMCS Ottawa 229 at Toronto. Great Lakes Cruise 1983

Courtesy of Bill Cummins


HMCS Ottawa 229 - Welcome Aboard Booklet - 1984-1986




The bullring of HMCS Ottawa 229


"Just a little pic I took of our Bullring. I got three days Birds for this because I was almost washed overboard trying to get it. Pic's 2 & 3 are where they said I had to be to take pics like that. I think 3 days Birds was worth it!!!"



Courtesy of Bill Hart

© Bill Hart 1984


HMCS Ottawa - EASTLANT '84


Crossing the Line - Arctic Circle - 22 Mar 1984




(1) Neptune's Herald  (2) The Royal Scribe  (3) The Royal Surgeon  (4) Neptune (led by his Queen) arrives  (5) King Neptune and his Queen  (6) Royal Bear enforcer (PO1 Brian Jackson) and the Sheriff




(7) C.O. presents his crew to Neptune  (8) C.O. receives a royal shave  (9) ..... and a chilly rinse  (10) OS Weir (that's me) enjoying a beer with Carl Sohn in back  (11) Waiting in line for ......  (12) The Jimmy, LCdr Legaarden, doesn't seem to bad off


Courtesy of Garry Weir


Teamwork Tunes

Sketch by Paul Prudhomme during Exercise Teamwork 1984

Courtesy of Dave Upright

Painting behind the bar in the Junior Ranks Mess (Main Cave) c1984-85

Courtesy of Fenton Bates







(BW01) Crossing the Line (Arctic Circle) for OS Bruce Walter - HMCS OTTAWA 229 - 22 Mar 1984

(BW02) L-R: unknown, Bruce Walter, Garry Weir - onboard HMCS OTTAWA 229 somewhere off Bermuda

(BW03) Bruce Walter on the bridge of HMCS OTTAWA 229

(BW04) Bruce Walter on HMCS OTTAWA 229 c1983-86

(BW05) Bruce Walter on the flag deck of HMCS OTTAWA 229 in a Norwegian Fjord








(BW07-BW07) HMCS OTTAWA 229 - Departing Charleston, S.C. - Jan 1985

(BW08) HMCS OTTAWA 229 arriving at Ponta Delgada, Azores

(BW09) Article on the Fleet Review or the 75th Anniversary of the RCN

(BW10) HMCS OTTAWA 229 manning the side for the Naval Review in Bedford Basin







(BW11-BW12) Banyan aboard HMCS OTTAWA 229

(BW13) HMCS OTTAWA 229 taking a wave over the bridge

(BW14-BW15) Sea King in a Norwegian Fjord




(BW16) A 280 alongside in Goteburg, Sweden

(BW17) "An image you never get tired of seeing" Sunset at sea - 1984


Courtesy of Bruce Walter



HMCS OTTAWA NATO Deployment - 04 Aug - 31 Dec 1984


Port Visits:  Lubeck, Germany (04-07 Aug), Copenhagen, Denmark, (10-13 Aug), Aarhus, Denmark (17-21 Aug), Ponta Delgada, Azores (31 Aug-2 Sep??), Hamilton, Bermuda (07-10 Sep), Halifax, NS (20-26 Sep), Charleston, NC (01-22 Oct), Savannah, GA (27-30 Oct), Mayport, FL (30 Oct - 01 Nov), Island of Montserrat (10-14 Nov), New Orleans, LA (20-24 Nov), Mayport, FL (28 Nov -05 Dec).


Lubeck, German 05-06 Aug 1984


Bruce Walter, duty on brow in Lubeck, Germany


Charleston, North Carolina - 01-22 Oct 1984 - Short Work Period



(1) Entering Charleston, NC. OS Walter, SSD Bridge Recorder in bridge window. Photo taken by OSFC Bates.


Island of Montserrat - 10-14 Nov 1984


HMCS Ottawa had to anchor out while at Montserrat as the jetty was not big enough for her to go alongside


photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

photo 6

photo 7

photo 8


(1-4) Island of Montserrat seen from HMCS Ottawa  (5) Bruce Walter on the flight deck waiting for duty boat  (6) Group of sailors waiting for the duty boat to go ashore at Montserrat  (7) HMCS Ottawa at anchor - taken from ship's duty boat which was heading ashore  (8) Bruce Walter by the town clock in Plymouth, Montserrat


Memories of Montserrat:  I remember Montserrat for two things (other than the volcano). The first is that I almost lost my fingers getting them stuck between the duty boat and the ship. Hey, I was a clerk, not a REAL sailor. Didn't know better. The second is when we took a cab to some bar inland. With 3 or four of us in the cab this friggin cabbie went through the jungle like it was a highway. And when he was going to hit a tree I thought, "this is it", but it was a "cork" tree and it just disintegrated when the cab hit it. Never seen anything like it in my life. And it was sort of surreal as you walked out of town. One minute you were downtown, 5 minutes later you were in the slums. 5 minutes after that you were in the jungle......


Courtesy of Bruce Walter



Historical note: On 18 Jul 1995, the dormant Soufrière Hills volcano, in the southern part of the island, became active; the eruptions destroyed Montserrat's capital city of Plymouth.


Click here to see the town clock (seen in photo 8) after the volcanic eruption



MS Harold Fancy during NATO 1984 sail past on board HMCS Ottawa. Balloon lists all the sparkers and comm techs.


AB Roma Simard, AB Mike MacDonald, LS Garry Netzke, LS Brian Vervette, OS Mike Nicholson, MS Larry Hayward, PO1 Brian Lepage, MS Pat Droucker, MS Harold Fancy, OS Myles Dennis, AB Garry Weir, PO2 Chuck Byers


Courtesy of Garry Weir


HMCS OTTAWA 229 c1984-85


Courtesy of Bruce Walter 


HMCS Ottawa, Roosevelt Roads, PR, 1985


Photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

photo 6

photo 7

photo 8

photo 9

photo 10


(1 - 8)  Junior ranks beach party at Roosey Roads.  (1) Edgar Randell dancing up a storm  (2 & 4) Local band providing the entertainment  (3) Lt (N) Jollymore, EO  (5) gathered round the beer cooler - centre looking at the camera, MS Larry Hayward, Comm Tech  (6) James Macdonald, Steward  (7) Edgar Randell (with hat) & ?????  (8) Edgar Randell showing off his skill at horse shoes  (9) Arrival at Roosey  (10) Departure from Roosey


Courtesy of Garry Weir



Great Lakes Cruise - 1985


photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

photo 6

photo 7

photo 8

photo 9

photo 10

photo 11

photo 12

photo 13

photo 14

photo 15

photo 16

photo 17

photo 18

photo 19

photo 20

(1) HMCS OTTAWA 229 arrives at Kingston, ON  (2) Arriving at Burlington, ON  (3) Hamilton Tiger Cat Cheerleaders greet HMCS OTTAWA 229 on arrival in Hamilton, ON  (4) HMCS OTTAWA 229 arriving for one of the many port visits - Midland, ON  (5) HMCS OTTAWA 229 transiting lock 4 of the Welland Canal  (6) Local Boy Visits Home - article on Admin Clerk Daryl Bruce Walter's arrival in Hamilton on HMCS OTTAWA 229  (7) HMCS OTTAWA 229 alongside in Toronto, ON  (8) SLt Morrad on HMCS OTTAWA 229  (9) OS Bruce Walter, a native of Hamilton, ON (10) Ottawa to arrive in Hamilton, ON for a port visit  (11) HMCS OTTAWA arrived in Kingston, ON on 06 Aug 1984  (12) Decals on the door to the fire fighter's workshop - article from the Hamilton Spectator  (13-15) HMCS OTTAWA 229 open to visitors - Burlington, ON  (16-19) HMCS OTTAWA 229 alongside in Toronto, ON.


Courtesy of Bruce Walter


HMCS Ottawa 229 - Great Lakes Cruise 1985

Courtesy of Vincent Pyman


HMCS OTTAWA 299 arriving in New York either 1984 or 1986


Courtesy of Bruce Walter


Undated photo of HMCS OTTAWA 229 decorated for the Christmas season

HMCS OTTAWA 229 sporting a Griffin.


The Griffin was the prominent feature on the badge of HMCS GRIFFIN H31


This griffin was cut by the Hull technicians on HMCS OTTAWA 229 and painted by Darrell Cameron in 1992


The photo was taken during HMCS OTTAWA'S final cruise 20-29 Jul 1992.


Photographer: Dawn Cook Spence

HMCS OTTAWA 229 at St. John's, Newfoundland - 1992


This was OTTAWA'S last port visit before paying off.


Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax


A final voyage .... to the breaker's yard





Former HMCS Ottawa leaving Halifax April 4, 1994 under tow by the Ukrainian flagged tug Sapfir. They arrived in Alang, India on August 15, 1994.

Click on the above photos to view a larger image


Photo source: Tug Fax by Mac Mackay April 2015

© Mac Mackay 1994