River Class / Prestonian Class Frigate








Post WW2 badge


  Source: Government of Nova Scotia Virtual Archives H.F. Pullen NSARM accession no. 1984-573 Box 2 F/34

Click on the above photo to view a larger image


Battle honours and awards:  Atlantic  1943-44,   Normandy  1944,   English Channel  1944



Laid down: 15 Jul 1942

Launched: 19 Dec 1942

Commissioned: 04 Oct 1943

Paid off for refit: 19 Nov 1944

Re-commissioned: Jul 1945

Paid off: 02 Nov 1945

Re-commissioned: 12 Apr 1948

Paid off: 16 Aug 1952 (into refit)


Paid off: 10 Nov 1953

Re-commissioned: 14 Nov 1957

Paid off: 14 Oct 1966

Fate: Broken up at Savona, Italy, in 1967


Built by Yarrows Ltd., Esquimalt, she was commissioned at Victoria on 04 Oct 1943, SWANSEA arrived at Halifax on 16 Nov 1943 and worked up off Pictou and in St. Margaret's Bay. Assigned to EG 9, Londonderry, she made her passage there with convoy SC.154, taking part in the sinking of U 845 on 10 Mar 1944. On 14 Apr 1944 she repeated the process in company with HMS PELICAN, the victim this time being U-448. Eight days later, on 22 April 1944, this time with MATANE, SWANSEA sank U-311 southwest of Iceland. This kill was only awarded long after the war once the records of German and British intelligence became available. 


She was present on D-Day, and for the next four months patrolled the Channel in support of the ships supplying the invasion forces.  On 26 Aug 1944, while operating in the Channel, a US aircraft piloted by 1st Lt Samuel Hansard crashed nearby.  SWANSEA'S boat crew went to rescue the pilot but he had died on impact.  His body was recovered and given a burial at sea with full honours.


0n 01 Sep 1944 SWANSEA and SAINT JOHN sank U-247 off Land's end.


She left Londonderry on 05 Nov 1944 for a major refit at Liverpool, N.S. from Dec 1944 to Jul 1945. It was the first tropicalization of a frigate for Pacific service, and on VJ-Day SWANSEA was assessing the results in the Caribbean. She was paid off 02 Nov 1945 to reserve in Bedford Basin, but was twice re-commissioned for training cadets and new entries between Apr 1948, and Nov 1953. 


In early June, 1949, while the Maingay Commission was still hearing testimony, a group of junior hands in on the SWANSEA, incensed at poor treatment by their commanding officer, locked themselves in their mess. The response was a forceful entry by armed troops, a rapid court-martial of the senior hands, and their sentencing to 90 days' hard labour and dishonorable discharge from the navy. 


In Sep 1949, the RCAF supply vessel MALAHAT, which was returning from a supply mission to Coral Harbour on Southampton Island, developed engine problems. HMCS SWANSEA was diverted from her return to Halifax from her Northern deployment and tasked to rescue the MALAHAT. On 17 Sep 1949 HMCS SWANSEA took the MALAHAT in tow through the Hudson Strait to Goose Bay, Labrador, a distance of 1050 miles, arriving on 23 Sep 1949.


In Jun 1953 HMCS SWANSEA was part of the Canadian Squadron that attended the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II Fleet Review at Spithead. HMCS SWANSEA was rebuilt from 1956 to 1957, as a Prestonian class ocean escort. 


On 13 Feb 1959, HMCS FORT ERIE, HMCS BUCKINGHAM, HMCS SWANSEA and HMCS LA HULLOISE returned to Halifax after a 5 week exercise in southern waters that included a port visit to Kingston, Jamaica. In Apr 1963, 12 RCN ships, ALGONQUIN, MICMAC, CAYUGA, ST CROIX, TERRA NOVA, KOOTENAY, SWANSEA, LA HULLOISE, BUCKINGHAM, CAPE SCOTT AND CNAVs BLUETHROAT and ST CHARLES, took part in NATO Exercise New Broom Eleven, an exercise designed to test convoy protection tactics (click here to see the newspaper article). 


SWANSEA was paid off 14 Oct 1966 and broken up in 1967 at Savona, Italy.


U-Boats Sunk:  (1) U-845 (Korvkpt Werner Weber) a type IXC-40 U-boat, sunk on 10 Mar 1944 by HMCS ST LAURENT H83, HMCS OWEN SOUND K340, HMCS SWANSEA K328 and HMS FORESTER in the North Atlantic at position 48-20N 20-33W. Of her crew of 56 there were 45 survivors.


(2) U-448 (Oblt Helmet Dauter) a type VIIC U-boat, sunk on 14 Apr 1944 by HMCS SWANSEA K328 and HMS PELICAN in position 46-22 N, 19-35 W.  HMCS SWANSEA (K328) gained sonar contact, while screening for the escort Carrier HMS BITER D97, & immediately attacked. U- 448 went deep & HMS PELICAN joined SWANSEA following 4 hours of  creeping attacks and having fired 56 depth charges, U-448 with her diesels, batteries damaged & depth gauge broken, as well as a 6-inch hole in the after part of the pressure hull, surfaced into heavy fire from both ships. U-448 was sunk. Of her crew of 51, 42 were rescued.


(3) U-311 (Kptlt Joachim Zander) sunk on 22 Apr 1944 by HMCS SWANSEA K328 and HMCS MATANE K444 in position 52-09 N, 19-07 W. Of her crew of 51 there were no survivors.


(4) U-247 sunk on 01 Sep 1944 by HMCS SAINT JOHN K456 and HMCS SWANSEA K328 in position 49-54 N, 05-49 W



Photos and Documents          Ship's company photos          The Ship's Bell



RCN Memories:  Memories of my Time in the Navy


Wartime memories from a sailors daughter     Wartime Memories on HMCS SWANSEA K328



Commanding Officers


A/Cdr Clarence Aubrey King, RCN - 04 Oct 1943 - 29 Jul 1944

Cdr Arthur Frank Capel Layard, RN - 30 Jul 1944 - 04 Nov 1944 

Lt John Trumbell Band, RCNVR - 05 Nov 1944 - 15 Apr 1945 (*1)

LCdr Georges Albert LaRue, RCNVR - 16 Apr 1945 - 02 Nov 1945

Lt Robert Walter Timbrell, RCN - 12 Apr 1948 - 06 Feb 1949

Lt John Peter Tempest Dawson, RCN - 07 Feb 1949 - 11 Aug 1950

LCdr Joern Eilert Korning, RCN - 12 Aug 1950 - 22 Jan 1951

Lt William Alexander Manfield, RCN - 23 Jan 1951 - 28 Feb 1951

LCdr Joern Eilert Korning, RCN - 01 Mar 1951 - 26 Mar 1952

LCdr James Robert B. Coulter, RCN - 27 Mar 1952 - 15 Aug 1952

LCdr William David F. Johnston, RCN - 14 Apr 1953 - 06 Nov 1953

LCdr C.H. LaRose, RCN - 07 Nov 1953 - 10 Nov 1953

LCdr J.A. Farquhar, RCN - 14 Nov 1957 - 12 Feb 1959

LCdr Gordon Story Clark, RCN - 18 Feb 1959 - 31 Aug 1960

LCdr W.E. Clayards, RCN - 01 Sep 1960 - 17 Jul 1962

LCdr Brian Alexius Hugh Cartwright, RCN - 18 Jul 1962 - 21 Jan 1964

LCdr Donald Kempton Gamblin, RCN - 24 Jan 1964 - unk

(*1) Ship's of Canada's Naval Forces 1910-1981 by Macpherson-Burgess lists John Band as CO from 04 Nov 1944, however, he is listed as the CO of SWANSEA in the Navy List for Sep 1944.



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten


Allard, James A.

Andrew, David J.

Avey, Keith L.

Bain, G. Harry

Balfour, James P.

Band, John T.

Bennie, Frederick A.

Boucher, Ray

Burla, Joseph J.

Bush, Charles L.

Butters, Ian

Campbell, James R.

Cassidy, William J.

Chamberlain, Ivan E.

Chandler, Thomas H.

Christie, William B.

Clark, F. Gordon

Cooper, Ralph

Coulter, James R.B.

Crosby, Boyd T.

Crossley, Sidney R.

Cumming, James M.

Cunningham, Gerald

Curry, Victor S.

Daley, Charles G.

Daniels, Robert H.

Davey, William A.

Draibye, Mark

DuPlessis, Harvey

Dyck, Henry W.

Edgecomb, Frederick

Edwards, Charles W.

Edwards, Telson H.

Eldridge, Richard

Elstone, Thomas E.

Elwood, Thomas H.

Faloon, Gary M.

Fane, Peter E.

Fleming, H. Allan

Forrester, Charles M.

Foy, Ronald J.

Gamblin, Donald K.

Gibson, Richard M.

Godfrey, Carl E.

Gould, Joseph F.

Graham, Ron J.

Guthrie, Robert M.

Guy, George H.

Hall, Edward G.

Hanington, Daniel L.

Hansen, Frank A.

Hart, E. C. Mike

Herman, Walter D.

Hutchings, Curwen J.

Hurtubise, Albert J.

Irvine, Robert F.

Jensen, Bob

Johnson, Earl

Johnston, William D. F.

Johnstone, William R.

Kada, Russel H.

Kelly, Robert L.

Kilbride, Gerald

King, Clarence A.

Laphen, Frederick C.

LaRue, Georges A.

Lewis, Keith D.

Lincourt, J. Augustin

Love, Alan T.

Lysens, P. Paul

Manzer, Robert B. C.

Marcoux, Joseph V.

MacFadyen, Steven E.

MacNair, George M.

MacNeil, Steven F.

Manfield, William A.

Mann, Dennis H.

Marlin, Cassam M.

Marsh, Bruce M.

Marsh, Donald J.

Mason, Stanley L. F.

McCandless, John G.

Messervey, Richard F.

Milburn, John E.

Middleton, Maurice

Mitchell, Earl C.

Morrison, John

Muir, Wilson A.

Murdoch, Robert D.

Newton, John D.

Nieforth, Angus W.

Noyes, Joseph L.

Okros, Richard D.

Pallett, Roger A. F.

Patton, Donald J.

Pearson, Robert E.

Perigo, George M.

Pickels, Aubrey R.

Powell, William G.

Price, Stephen R.

Rhymes, Reginald H.

Roller, A. Herbert

Rusk, Harry

Russell, Harold B. A.

Sawyer, Thomas A.

Sellers, Edward A.

Smith, Gordon B.

Spalding, James D.

Stewart, Charles E.

Sullivan, George D.

Swan, Douglas W. G.

Swanson, Harry

Templeton, John A. G.

Timbrell, Robert W.

Tomlinson, Albert W.

Trenholm, George M.

Walker, Thomas H.

Wallace, Sidney R.

Waterhouse, Joseph A.

Woodhouse, Allen K.

Wright, Gordon H.







Former Crew Members


Anderson, Lt, RCN - Second World War 


Angus, Doug - Second World War 


Ardy, G., PO - Second World War 


Bain, J., LS.SG2 - 1960


Bell, R., AB.SG1 - 1960


Browne, Hugh Joseph, Lt, RCNVR - 30 Jul 1944


Buckley, William Barron, A/Lt, RCNVR - 26 May 1945


Carlin, D., OS.SGS - 1960


Cartier, Sans, Stoker - Second World War 


Conn, Herbert Murray Keith, SLt, RCNVR - 23 Apr 1945


Connolly, (?) - Second World War 


Cousineau, Leo E., Surgeon Cadet


Crabbe, A., LS.RS2 - 1960


Crossman, Donald J. 


DeNevers, Roy Olaf, Lt (P) (O), RCN - 28 Jul 1950


Dunham, R., OSRMS - 1960


Edwards, David Charles, Lt, RCN - 23 Jul 1949


Fitzgerald, Michael John, Lt

Haney, William Leon, SLt, RCNVR - 29 Jan 1945


Holdforth, Alvert Edward, Lt (E), RCN - 02 Jul 1951


Jennings, Davidson Cumming, Lt (E), RCNVR - Jan 1944


Jones, Norris - Second World War


Kendall, D., OS.SGS - 1960


Knapman, Ronald, AB - 1949


Kummen, Harold Thorvold, Lt (El), RCNVR - 20 May 1945


Lalumiere, J., LS.RM2 - 1960


Laronde, R., AB.SG1 - 1960


LeBlanc, C., AB.RM1 - 1960


MacDonald, "Spuds" - Second World War


MacLeod, Frederick James Gordon, Lt/Constructor, RCNVR - 02 Jun 1945


MacPhail, M., AB.SG1 - 1960


Maloney, Vince - Second World War 


Maxwell, John Wright, LS (S), RCNVR - 11 Jun 1945


McFarren, John - Second World War


Miller, Eldon C., PO - 1949

Montgomery, Mortimer Andrew, Lt (SB) (E), RCNVR - 12 Jun 1945


Norman, Thomas


Parker, John Mulvin, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 21 Jun 1945


Pearson, Donald Edward Thomas, A/Lt, RCNVR - 02 May 1945


Power, George


Rayner, Jim, Bos'n


Roscoe, S., AB.RS1 - 1960


Rusnak, J., P1.RM3 - 1960


Ryan, D., AB.RM1 - 1960


Sharkey, Jack - Second World War 


Smith, Thomas J (Snuffy) - 1953


Stenton, Ken - Second World War 


Sullivan, Joe E., SLt, RCN - Second World War 


Taylor, Gerald (Gerry), CR


Thibault, G., OS.RMS - 1960


Waycik, B - Second World War 


Watson, Herbert Jack, SLt, RCNVR - 12 Apr 1945


Welsford, William Dodge, Lt, RCNVR - 28 Apr 1945


Young, Ron, LS.EM, 31076-H - 13 Nov 1957 - 03 Nov 1960



Photos and Documents



The SWANSEA sketches were drawn by Ken Gray, who was on HMCS SWANSEA K328 during Second World War.  He gave the sketchbook to his friend, Victor Peak, who sailed with him on HMCS SWANSEA. The sketches are published here with permission of Adriane Wiebe so that this piece of HMCS SWANSEA's history can be shared.

This is a PDF file and contains 62 pages of sketches 

HMCS SWANSEA K328 in heavy seas

Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax

HMCS SWANSEA K328 in heavy seas

Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax


Source: Naval Museum of Manitoba

HMCS SWANSEA K328 Circa 1943-44

"This photo is from a box of 110 square format negatives from an antique store on 22 Jan 2015. The dates are from 1943-1945"

Courtesy of John Newton, Rear-Admiral, RCN

Lieutenant (E) John (Jock) Morrison, R.C.N.R., Engineer Officer, HMCS SWANSEA K328, at sea, ca. Dec 1943-Jan 1944

Source: Lt Gilbert A. Milne / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-191231

Petty Officer G. Ardy, of London, Ontario, standing by the gun-shield on which are painted symbols indicating Swanea's U-boat kills

Source: IWM Official Admiralty Collection A24332

Commander Clarence A. King, D.S.O., D.S.C., Commanding Officer, on the bridge of the frigate HMCS SWANSEA at sea, Feb 1944

Naval personnel checking the stowage of depth charges on the quarterdeck of the frigate HMCS SWANSEA in rough seas off Bermuda, Jan 1944

Source: Lt Gilbert Alexander Milne / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-116839


An unidentified sailor removing a shell from its stowage in the 4-inch magazine of HMCS SWANSEA, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, Jan 1944


Source: Lt Gilbert A. Milne / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-191222


Note: The sailor in this photo has been identified as Frederick Alexander Bennie. He has been identified by his daughter.

Messdeck of the frigate HMCS SWANSEA, Esquimalt, British Columbia, Canada, 01 Nov 1943

Source: PO Garnet R. Lunney / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-150437

At Sea Aboard HMCS SWANSEA - Feb 1944


From the collection of François Messier, AB, RCNVR


Courtesy of Denis Messier

HMCS SWANSEA's seaboat alongside as U-boat survivors are helped out of the sea and on board the frigate

Source: IWM Official Admiralty Collection A24329


Click here to read the newspaper article from the Crow's Nest newspaper - Aug 1945

Norris Jones, a sailor aboard HMCS SWANSEA, kept a record of his experiences, including the sinking of U-448 in European waters. Jones's entries for 14 and 15 April describe the attack and subsequent rescue of German crew members from the submarine. His identification of U-448 and the details of its eight-week patrol were presumably gleaned from survivors rescued by SWANSEA. Most notably, Jones obtained the signatures and addresses of a number of U-448's crew, which take up much of the page.


George Metcalf Archival Collection, CWM 19830257-001_apr12-15, Courtesy of the Canadian War Museum

HMCS SWANSEA Takes Nazi Prisoners In Second Encounter With Submarine

Crow's Nest newspaper - Jul 1944

Survivor from a German U-boat sunk by HMCS SWANSEA

Crow's Nest newspaper - Aug 1944


The photos in this section are from the World War II collection of Albert Tomlinson, Telegraphist, RCN, HMCS SWANSEA K328

Courtesy of Stephen Tomlinson, Lt, RCN

"A Wee Bit of Ice"




"This is an official photo credited to J McFerran/J Campbell in Fraser McKee's "HMCS SWANSEA Life and Time of a Frigate".  It does not have the stamp that other official ones do and there are a few other "official" or J McFerran shots he has here that also don't have stamps.  However given that there are a few pictures of John McFerran, a Leading Telegraphist with Papa skiving together I can make a guess that he received copies directly from him since they were very likely friends."


"Converted Merchant Ship"


This picture shows what appears to be a merchant carrier converted to an aircraft carrier (possibly HMS BITER as they were part of the same group for a while. Photo taken from HMCS SWANSEA K328

"Depth Charge"

Photo taken from HMCS SWANSEA K328

SS Pasteur, a liner converted to a troopship

Photo taken from HMCS SWANSEA K328

"A Tribal Class destroyer off Pasteur STBD Beam"

Photo taken from HMCS SWANSEA

Quarterdeck of HMCS SWANSEA K328

Photo taken from SWANSEA's crow's nest

Quarterdeck of HMCS SWANSEA K328

Note the depth charge rack just to the left of the centre of the photo

Fo'c's'le of HMCS SWANSEA K328

Photo taken from SWANSEA's crow's nest


"A shot from the Weather Deck facing forward from the STBD beam"

Empty shell casing on HMCS SWANSEA after sinking a U-boat

Two unknown sailors boxing on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Ken Stenton (Chatham ON), John McFerran (Calgary AB), Richard Gibson (Toronto ON) on HMCS SWANSEA K328

"Warmer than usual"




SWANSEA's crew enjoying some relax time either off Bermuda or in the Mediterranean

"Smitty" smoking next to the depth charges on HMCS SWANSEA

PO Tel "Spike" Marlin on HMCS SWANSEA

Spuds MacDonald on HMCS SWANSEA

Richard Gibson on HMCS SWANSEA

Ken Stenton and Richard Gibson on the Fo'c's'le of HMCS SWANSEA

Richard Gibson and Ken Stenton skiving in what was labelled "The Battle of the Atlantic"

"The boys storing fruit in Gibraltar"

Unknown sailor holding a flying fish

(Left to Right) Ken Stenton (Chatham ON), Albert Tomlinson (Montreal QC), Richard Gibson (Toronto, ON). Last man on right and man sitting are unknown

Albert Tomlinson on left. Unknown sailor holding ship's mascot Herman

Albert Tomlinson is on left, Richard Gibson, centre (with white shirt). Ken Stenton is on the bottom right


Albert Tomlinson is on the left, Ken Stenton is on the far right

Painting of HMCS SWANSEA

Artists last name possibly Groul. Dated 1944

VE celebration parade in Halifax NS in 1945.  Albert Tomlinson is visible, second back in the middle rank

RCN Photo




(1) Message from HMS Pelican to HMS Biter re sinking of U-448

(2) Message from HMS Biter to C-in-C Western Approaches re sinking of U-448 by HMCS SWANSEA and HMS Pelican

(3) Message from HMS Biter to C-in-C Western Approaches re sinking of U-448 by HMCS SWANSEA and HMS Pelican

(4) Message from C-in-C Western Approaches congratulating HMCS SWANSEA and HMS Pelican on sinking U-448

5) Message from HMS Biter to C-in-C Western Approaches re sinking of U-448 (Part 1)

6) Message from HMS Biter to C-in-C Western Approaches re sinking of U-448 (Part 2)

(7) Message from HMS Bitter to HMCS SWANSEA - poem on sinking of U-448

(8) Message from HMCS SWANSEA to HMS Biter - re: poem on sinking of U-448



Autographs of survivors from U-448

Newspaper article on the sinking of U-247 by HMCS Saint John K456 and HMCS SWANSEA K328

Statistics from HMCS SWANSEA's first commissioning.  She was paid off on 19 Nov 44 for refit


The photos in this section are from the collection of Robert (Bob)  E. Pearson who served on HMCS SWANSEA K328 from launching until the end of hostilities in Europe.  They are published here, courtesy of his son-in-law, Howard Grant.  The photos were taken by Robert Pearson or with his camera, unless otherwise stated. The drawing to the left is a caricature sketch of Robert Pearson, by Ken Gray.

"American fighter pilot we picked up in Bay of Biscay after he had crashed. Poor chap was dead when we got to him."


Webmaster's note: The pilot was 1st Lt Samuel Eugene Hansard

HMCS SWANSEA's seaboat

Lowering the seaboat on HMCS SWANSEA

German survivor in water in carley float (in centre of photo)

The seaboat of HMCS SWANSEA bringing in survivors of U-448

More Jerry survivors

German survivors on the quarterdeck of HMCS SWANSEA after having been pulled out of the water


Survivors of U-845 on the upper deck of HMCS SWANSEA for fresh air

British sloop as seen from HMCS SWANSEA

Webmaster's note: Possibly HMS Pelican

A few empty shell casings on HMCS SWANSEA after the battle with U-845

A few of the boys at #2 gun - HMCS SWANSEA K328

Back row (L-R): Jim, unknown.

Middle row (L-R): unknown, W.Waycik, Bob?

Front row (L-R): unknown, unknown, Vince Mahoney, unknown.

A few of the gang - HMCS SWANSEA K328

Back row (L-R): Bob ?, unknown

Front row (L-R): Jack Sharkey, W. Waycik, Vince Maloney, Jim

Skylarking a bit -  A few crew members of HMCS SWANSEA K328

Back row (L-R): Tel. Edwards, Bob Pearson, unknown

Front row (L-R): unknown, Frederick Alexander Bennie, Beckner, Ferrier

Crew members of HMCS SWANSEA K328

Back row (L-R): Edwards, Connolly, unknown

Front row (L-R): Bennie, Beckner, Ferrier

"U-448 under fire from our guns"

Doug Angus and Townie on HMCS SWANSEA K328

"Cookie" Couart (might be Gouart) on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Robert (Bob) Pearson on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Robert (Bob) Pearson with Townie on HMCS SWANSEA K328

"Blowing up"


HMCS SWANSEA K328 in the Atlantic in rough seas

Telson (Tel) Edwards with a hangover on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Robert (Bob) Pearson on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Jack Sharkey on watch as lookout on HMCS SWANSEA K328

"A Q-boat"  (Fairmile motor launch)

Training sub

Old French battleship Paris, used a barracks in Plymouth

HMCS SWANSEA investigating Spanish trawlers in the Bay of Biscay

Robert (Bob) Pearson on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Maloney on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Hurtubise, Waycik, and Allard on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Connolly on HMCS SWANSEA K328


Looking astern on from HMCS SWANSEA K328

Robert (Bob) Pearson on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Jack Sharkey on HMCS SWANSEA K328

"Our seaboat doing a little visiting"

The seaboat of HMCS SWANSEA K328 rowing towards another warship

Robert (Bob) Pearson on HMCS SWANSEA K328

"A Limey Sloop"

Robert (Bob) Pearson and Maloney on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Sea boat of HMCS SWANSEA K328 coming alongside

RCN photo

American destroyer in Plymouth

Spanish trawlers in the Bay of Biscay

"Pooped again"

Looking after from HMCS SWANSEA K328

Quarterdeck of HMCS SWANSEA K328

Battleship HMS Rodney

"Sort of rough out today"

HMCS SWANSEA in the North Atlantic

Allied warship as seen from HMCS SWANSEA K328

Allied warship as seen from HMCS SWANSEA K328

Robert (Bob Pearson looking grim in a snowstorm while on HMCS SWANSEA K328

"Some boys in the mess. Robert Pearson with a cigarette"

Medical Officer Surgeon Lt Mathisen and Sick Bay Attendant (SBA) Boisseau with Ordinary Seaman Higgins

RCN photo

#2 gun at work on HMCS SWANSEA K328

RCN photo

Depth charge from HMCS SWANSEA K328 exploding astern of ship

RCN photo

Another ship's seaboat alongside HMCS SWANSEA K328

RCN photo

SWANSEA's Officers




(1) Lt Anderson  (2 & 3) Lt John T. Band  (4) Lt Millburn  (5) Officers on SWANSEA's bridge  (6) Officer shooting the sun  (7) Lt Joe E. Sullivan


DND / RCN photo

A rescue at sea from cement caisson destined for Cherbourg




DND / RCN Photos

"Bob Pearson. Notice the three Nazi flags painted on gun shield representing three U-boats accounted for"

Newspaper article on the sinking of a 2nd U-boat by HMCS SWANSEA K328

Newspaper article on the sinking of a 2nd U-boat by HMCS SWANSEA K328

"A glider bomb exploding in the water. Too close!"

A glider bomb explodes near HMCS SWANSEA K328

British cruiser HMS Mauritius

Photo taken from HMCS SWANSEA K328


Townie - HMCS SWANSEA's Mascot




(1) Townie - best mascot a ship ever had  (2) Townie (left) the ship's mascot and Herman, the stowaway on HMCS SWANSEA K328   (3) Townie's pups on HMCS SWANSEA K328   (4) Feeding time for Townie's pups  (5) Burial at sea for Townie (Photographer: J. McFerran)


"Higgins resting easy in sick bay", HMCS SWANSEA K328

RCN Photo

Stoker Sans Cartier working in the machine shop, HMCS SWANSEA K328

RCN photo

"Baking Bread" HMCS SWANSEA K328

RCN Photo


HMCS SWANSEA passing the Rock of Gibraltar

DND/RCN photos

The battleship HMS Malaya, photographed from HMCS SWANSEA K328

"Commander Layard. A good captain"

Webmaster's note: Cdr A.F.C. Layard was commanding officer of HMCS SWANSEA from 30 Jul 1944 - 04 Nov 1944

A Spanish fishing trawler

Barrage balloons over an unknown harbour

Trafalgar Square, London during Second World War

Bombed out building in London during Second World War

Outside Buckingham Palace during Second World War

HMCS SWANSEA crew members at the Cloisters at Westminster Abby

Bombed out buildings in Plymouth, England

A SWANSEA sailor

Maloney and Haddow with a friend in Northern Ireland

A couple of clowns - Maloney and Haddow

Christmas in the Mess on HMCS SWANSEA K328

Christmas in the Mess on HMCS SWANSEA K328 in 1943


# 2 gun in action

DND / RCN photo

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Newspaper article on HMCS St. Laurent H83, HMCS Owen Sound K340, HMCS SWANSEA K328 and HMS Forester sinking U-845

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Newspaper article on HMCS SWANSEA K328 and HMCS Pelican sinking U-448

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Survivor from U-448 being searched 




(1) HMCS SWANSEA's sea boat returning with survivors from German U-boat  (2 & 3) U-boat survivors on float by HMCS SWANSEA's sea boat   (4) U-boat survivors being rescued.

Note:  it is not known which U-boat rescue that these photos were taken of.

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

U-845 survivors / prisoners getting some air and having a smoke

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

"Smoke Screen"

Crew members on HMCS SWANSEA smoking while being fired on by German coastal guns in Aug 1944

Photographer/Credit: J. Campbell

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

HMCS Matane K444 seen from HMCS SWANSEA K328

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Unknown aircraft carriers seen astern of HMCS SWANSEA K328

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger


Townie - HMCS SWANSEA's Mascot




(1) Townie (left) the ship's mascot and Herman, the stowaway on HMCS SWANSEA K328   (2) Townie's pups   (3) Burial at sea for Townie


(Photographer: J. McFerran)


The body of an American pilot, Lt S.E. Hansard, was recovered from the bay of Biscay after his plane crashed.


Photographer: J. McFerran

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

The bridge of HMCS SWANSEA K328

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Depth charge explodes astern of HMCS SWANSEA. Sailor by rack ready to release another

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

HMCS SWANSEA conducting a stern fueling

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Unknown sailor on HMCS SWANSEA K328.  It is not know if this is a German prisoner or a Canadian sailor who has a German cap as a souvenir

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Unknown sailors on HMCS SWANSEA K328

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Unknown sailors on HMCS SWANSEA K328

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger

Unknown sailor on HMCS SWANSEA K328

From the collection Harry Swanson

Courtesy of Jason Belanger




Newspaper article on HMCS SWANSEA's Northern Cruise circa 1949 with a port visit to Hebron, Labrador


From the collection of Reg (Smokey) Rhymes


Courtesy of Gordon Rhymes


Sailors in the photos:  AB Ronald Knapman, AB Reg Rhymes, PO Eldon C. Miller.


photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

Three articles on HMCS SWANSEA towing the disabled RCAF Supply Vessel MALAHAT


(1) dated 18 Sep 1949  (2) dated 21 Sep 1949  (3) dated 23 Sep 1949


Researched by / Courtesy of George Newbury



"If you look close (just above the gun) you will see the moose antlers she carried for years."

Courtesy of Jim Steel

Thomas Hamilton Elwood on HMCS SWANSEA, Bermuda - 1952

Courtesy of Marcia Sagadore

Newspaper article on HMCS SWANSEA being paid off into refit

The Halifax Chronicle-Herald 16 Aug 1952

Research by / Courtesy of George Newbury


Officers in the wardroom of HMCS SWANSEA


L-R: Lt(E) James Young Clarke, EO, Lt(S) Peter Lloyd Shirley, SyO , LCdr William David Falconer Johnston, CO, Lt Andrew George Malysheff, Cd Bos'n Robert Banting Carson Manzer, LCdr Henri Charles LaRose (CO or XO? ) LCdr Ian Butters( sitting at table).  Photo between 27 Apr and 26 Nov 1953.  Possibly taken during the turnover between LCdr Johnston and LCdr LaRose


Notes: J.Y. Clarke was “later Commandant of Coast Guard  //  Both Lt Commanders Johnston and Charles Larose were CO of SWANSEA  //  “Sitting at table is Ian Butters tormentor of J.Y. Clarke”. There is undoubtedly a story behind that comment  //  Both Cd Bos'n Robert Manzer LCdr Johnston were both next posted to TORONTO on 26 Nov 1953 with Johnston in command.


From the collection of Robert Manzer, Lt*, RCN


Courtesy of Bob Manzer, Cdr, RCN


HMCS SWANSEA 306 in Halifax

HMCS Iroquois 217 in the foreground

Courtesy of Claus Mathes

Mo Sabourin sitting on his bunk in the Seaman's Mess, Forward - Nov 1958

"My first voyage"

Courtesy of Mo Sabourin

Larry Cabana in the Seaman's Mess, Forward - Nov 1958

Courtesy of Mo Sabourin

HMCS SWANSEA tied up alongside a German freighter in Digby, NS - Sep 1958

Courtesy of Mo Sabourin

HMCS SWANSEA 306 - undated


Source: For Posterity's Sake

HMCS SWANSEA 306 - undated

HMCS SWANSEA 305 fuelling from HMCS BONAVENTURE - 18 May 1959


Source: laststandonzombieisland blog