For Posterity's Sake         

A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project


In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar


Victor S. Curry, C.D.


Lieutenant, RCN


Born: 22 May 1919


Died: 31 Jul 1996, Milton, Ontario


CURRY, Victor S. - In Milton, Ontario on July 31, 1996, The Reverend Canon Victor S. Curry, CD, RCN (Ret'd) was called to his eternal home by his Lord. Rev. Canon Curry retired from the Ministry of Colleges and Universities of the Ontario Government. He was very active in the Scouting Movement all his life. After serving as a Lay Reader in Fort Churchill, MB and St Matthews Oriole, in North York, ON, he felt a call to the ordained ministry. He was ordained on the Feast of St Andrew, November 30, 1993 at St Francis at the Point church, in Pt Clear, Alabama. Rev. Canon Curry was a very active minister in a dual capacity. During his winter stay in Alabama, he was Archdeacon in Residence at St Francis at the Point in Pt Clear, under the jurisdiction of The Rt Rev Charles E Morley, and during his tenure in Canada, he served as Canon for the Reformed Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Central and Eastern Canada under the jurisdiction of the Rt Rev Dr Michael Fedechko. In both these positions he was a very humble, giving and loving servant of God. Unassuming but yet most effective. The Diocese has lost an unaggressive but a great champion in our ministry, truly we can join with James Montgomery as he said, "Servant of God, Well Done; Rest From Thy Loved Employ; The Battle Fought, The Vict'ry Won, Enter Thy master's Joy." "TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!! Reverend Canon Curry leaves to mourn an expressive, loving, devoted wife of fifty and a half years, Francis Jukes (Morrison); son - Gerald (Nancy) Curry; daughter - Alexandra (Rick) Gargano; grandchildren - Christopher, John and Venessa. Also left is dear grandson Edward Jones; 1 nephew and 4 nieces.


Victor Curry served in the RCN from 1939 to 1965, initially as a Telegraphist before accepting his commission. He was involved in the deployment of the LORAN installations; working at Barrington, NS, Whitehead, NS, and then Churchill, MB. After the war he accepted his commission. As an officer, he earned his Watch Keeping Certificate; served as a Div O; Flag Officer's staff; Training Officer and finally Area Officer Sea Cadets.


Ships served in:








Victor Curry at St. Hyacinthe, QC - 1941

Victor Curry at Churchill, MB, 1944

Lt Victor Curry, CD, 1950








(VSC001) RCN photo shoot news release for the blessing of HMCS SAGUENAY 206, July 30, 1953

(VSC002) The Blessing of HMCS SAGUENAY, 30 July 1953

(VSC003) RCN Photo shoot news release on the launching of HMCS SAGUENAY 206, 30 Jul 1953

(VSC004-VSC005) The launching of HMCS SAGUENAY, 30 July 1953



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