Restigouche Class Destroyer




DND Photo

Click on the above photo to view a larger image


Battle honours and awards:  Atlantic  1940-43



Laid down: 15 Oct 1954

Launched: 17 Nov 1957

Commissioned: 04 Oct 1958

Paid off: 15 Nov 1974

Fate: Sold to breakers in 1991


Built by Marine Industries Ltd., Sorel, ST CROIX was commissioned on 04 Oct 1958. In 1959, as a member of the 5th Canadian Destroyer Squadron, she served as escort to HMY BRITANNIA on a Royal visit to Canada and in Aug 1960, with Terra Nova, helped mark the 500th Anniversary of the death of Prince Henry the Navigator off Lisbon. In Apr 1963, 12 RCN ships, ALGONQUIN, MICMAC, CAYUGA, ST CROIX, TERRA NOVA, KOOTENAY, SWANSEA, LA HULLOISE, BUCKINGHAM, CAPE SCOTT, CNAV BLUETHROAT and CNAV ST CHARLES, took part in NATO Exercise New Broom Eleven, an exercise designed to test convoy protection tactics (click here to see the newspaper article). ST CROIX was transferred to the west coast in Aug 1964. On 03 and 04 May 1966, HMCS ST CROIX took part in blast tests off the coast of Long Beach, California. These tests were conducted in order to study the effects of near-misses and help make design changes to prevent damage from such explosions. After the blast on 03 May, HMCS ST CROIX recovered fighting capability in 30 minutes. The blast on 04 May rendered her non-operational and she could not become fully operational without Dockyard assistance. During these tests the ship was fully manned. The impact from the 2nd explosion lifted men 12 inches off the deck; equipment fell from bulkheads and bulkheads were distorted. The only casualty resulted from a clock coming off the bulkhead and hitting a sailor on the hand, injuring his thumb. On 02-05 June 1967, ST CROIX had a port visit in Powell River, BC. From 05-07 June 1967 she visited Port Mellon, BC. She returned to Halifax in 1974, where she was paid off on 15 Nov 1974, into Category "C" Reserve. Her guns and propellers were removed and her machinery spaces made into classrooms for Fleet School trainees. She served in this capacity from 1984 to Sept 1990. In 1991 ST CROIX was sold to Jacobson Metal of Chesapeake, Va., and early in Apr 1992 left Halifax under tow to be broken up.



RCN Memories:  Man Overboard!!          The Poseidon Adventure


Photos and Documents          Ship's company photos          The Ship's Bell


Crossing the Line Ceremony - 1966



Commanding Officers


Cdr Kai Hugh Boggild, RCN - 04 Oct 1958 - 27 May 1959

Cdr William Selkirk Taylor McCully, RCN - 28 Mar 1959 - 13 Mar 1961

Cdr Thomas Edward Connors, RCN - 14 Mar 1961 - 22 Jul 1962

Cdr Donald Cameron Rutherford, RCN - 22 Jul 1962 - 30 May 1963

Cdr Donald MacKay MacLennan, RCN - 31 May 1963 - 04 May 1964

Cdr John Sumner Hertzberg, RCN - 04 May 1964 - 26 Jun 1966

LCdr S. Riddell, RCN - 27 Jun 1966 - 19 Sep 1966

Cdr J.I. Donald, RCN - 20 Sep 1966 - 18 Jul 1968

Cdr James Malcolm Cumming - 19 Jul 1968 - 25 Aug 1971

Cdr Richard L. Donaldson - 26 Aug 1971 - 01 Jul 1973 (note: 1)

Cdr Thomas Stanley Murphy - 02 Jul 1973 - 09 Sep 1974

Cdr P.E. Simard - 10 Sep 1974 - 15 Nov 1974

(note 1: Appointed as CO as a LCdr. Promoted to Cdr on 01 Oct 1972 with seniority 01 Jul 1972) 



Captain for the day


Captain for the day is a tradition in the RCN where during the ship's Christmas celebrations, the Commanding Officer changes places with the youngest member of the ship's company.


Warren Nicholson - 1971



     In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice    

     Lest We Forget     


WITHROW, Maurice S.


Lost at sea 17 May 1961 



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten










































O'Neill, John D.




















Uwins, Lawrence














Yeats, Ronald G.








Zbitnew, Nestor








Former Crew Members


C1 = crew list sometime during the period of 31 Aug 71 - 02 Jul 73 when LCDR R.C. Donaldson was CO


Click here to view the crew list


Alford, OS (C1)

Baker, K., P1 (C1)

Ballentyne, AB (C1)

Baron, AB (C1)

Barrette, AB (C1)

Bayne, Slt (C1)

Beauchamp, Slt (C1)


Berry, David

Bertram, OS (C1)

Berube, O/cdt (C1)

Bilodeau, Slt (C1)

Binney, MS (C1)

Boseh, OS (C1)

Brisson, AB (C1)

Brown, LS (C1)

Brown, LS (C1)

Brumley, LS (C1)

Buchanan, LS (C1)

Burmeister, MS (C1)

Butlin, OS (C1)

Campbell, LS (C1)

Campbell, LS (C1)

Campbell, R., P2 (C1)

Cantin, AB (C1)


Carr, Rod - 1974

Casey, R., WO (C1)

Chapman, OS (C1)

Chenhauer, LS (C1)

Coleman, J., P2 (C1)

Cooper, D., Lt (C1)

Corbin, LS (C1)

Corneit, J.R., LCdr (C1)

Costintini, Slt (C1)

Cox, LS (C1)

Craig, D., P2 (C1)

Crawford, A., P1 (C1)

Cummings, S., P1 (C1)

Davis, J., P2 (C1)

Dean, OS (C1)

Dickson, Slt (C1)

Dickson, T., Lt (C1)

Doyle, S., C2 (C1)

Dumas, AB (C1)

Dunning, LS (C1)

Dunnovin, Ls (C1)

Dustin, LS (C1)

Eddy, OS (C1)


Edison, William G. H. (Bill), Able Seaman Electrician's Mate

Edwards, Slt (C1)

Emslie, R., P2 (C1)


Evans, David John - 1968-1970

Ewing, AB (C1)

Fenner, D., P2 (C1)

Fetterly, MS (C1)

Fisher, AB (C1)

Foster, M., P2 (C1)

Gadoury, OS (C1)


Gard, William (Bil) - 17 Nov 1969 - Summer 1971

Gautheir, OS (C1)


Germa, Jack, 31968H, RCN - Commissioning crew


Gigvere, AB (C1)

Gilbey, OS (C1)

Giroux, Rock, AB (C1) - 1974

Goodwin, MS (C1)

Gould, R., Slt (C1)

Greenfield, LS (C1)


Greig, W., P2 (C1)

Gunn, OS (C1)

Hall, A., C1, Cox'n (C1)


Hall, D., P1 (C1)

Hamilton, D., C2 (C1)

Handley, AB (C1)

Hansen, W., P1 (C1)

Hanson, OS (C1)

Harmon-Wood, LS (C1)

Hart, Slt (C1)

Harward, LS (C1)

Hayes, J., P2 (C1)

Hayes, M., P2 (C1)

Hearrison, D., P2 (C1)

Heide, MS (C1)

Henderson, AB (C1)

Hendshee, D., P1 (C1)

Hill, MS (C1)

Hillyer, LS (C1)

Hosking, MS (C1)

Howard, B., P1 (C1)

Howardson, LS (C1)


Hughes, Cyril

Hushagen, AB (C1)

Innes, Ls (C1)

Irvine, K., P1 (C1)

Irwin, R., P2 (C1)

Ives, R., P1 (C1)

Jameson, MS (C1)

Jeans, LS (C1)

John, OS (C1)

Johnson, D., P1 (C1)

Johnson, Pte (C1)

Jordan, LS (C1)

Kautz, P. G., LCdr (C1)

Kehler, Eric, LS (C1) - 1974

Kerrie, L (C1)


King, MS (C1)

Kinsey, Pte (C1)

Klemp, Pte (C1)

Knadle, D., P2 (C1)


La Fave, John 33169-H

LaFlamme, AB (C1)

Lane, T., C2 (C1)

Lavalle, P., P1 (C1)

Law, OS (C1)

Lemire, OS (C1)

Lesard, OS (C1)

L'Heureux, Peter, LS (C1) - 1974

Lilgedahl, AB (C1)

Linott, Slt (C1)

Little, J., Lt (C1)

Logan, Slt (C1)

MacLean, AB (C1)

Mailloux, OS (C1)


Mackay, Roy J.

Mann, AB (C1)

Mayo, E., P2 (C1)

McAllister, J., P1 (C1)

McCallum, AB (C1)

McCambridge, OS (C1)

McDougall, LS (C1)

McGreen, AB (C1)

McIssac, LS (C1)

McLellan, R., P1 (C1)

McPherson, OS (C1)

Mitehall, AB (C1)


Nairne, Craig - Nov 1969 - unk


Oigon, AB (C1)

Orbell, LS (C1)

Ouellette, AB (C1)

Padley, LS (C1)

Palmer, T., P2 (C1)

Parent, R., C2 (C1)

Pearson, AB (C1)

Pelletier, OS (C1)

Peterson, P., P2 (C1)

Phillips, MS (C1)

Piché, OS (C1)

Pickles, D., C2 (C1)

Pike, D., Lt (C1)

Plewa, LS (C1)

Plumb, LS (C1)


Poland, AB (C1)

Portolesi, Slt (C1)

Powell, AB (C1)

Price, MS (C1)

Provenzano, OS (C1)

Quinnett, Cpl (C1)

Ramsey, AB (C1)

Ramsey, OS (C1)

Ramsey, P1 (C1)

Redient, AB (C1)

Redmond, J., Lt (C1)

Regan, P., C1 (C1)

Risdale, LS (C1)

Roberge, AB (C1)

Robertson, J., C2 (C1)

Rocheleau, AB (C1)


Rottier, Adelard Everett, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 06 Apr 1943

Rousseau, AB (C1)

Royle, AB (C1)

Rudhardt, K,. WO (C1)

Rye, LS (C1)

Schelke, AB (C1)


Schleen, Donald C. 

Shaver, OS (C1)

Shaw, B., Lt (C1)

Shepherd, LS (C1)

Shewan, MS (C1)

Shields, J., P2 (C1)

Shumanski, W., P1 (C1)

Sidley, AB (C1)

Smiley, LS (C1)

Smith, AB (C1)

Stephenson, I., P2 (C1)

Strandburg, K., P2 (C1)

Stubbs, AB (C1)

Takasaki, AB (C1)

Teskey, AB (C1)

Therriault, AB (C1)


Thivierge, AB (C1)

Thomas, LS (C1)

Townsend, D., P1 (C1)

Trimboli, LS (C1)

Turner, AB (C1)

Turner, LS (C1)


Turner, Les


Urquhart, LS (C1)

VanCamp, AB (C1)

Waddell, LS (C1)

Waetzold, LS (C1)

Wainman, AB (C1)

Waite, OS (C1)


Wardell, Ken


Watson, Jack E., SN, RCN

Webster, LS (C1)

Weston, Pte (C1)

White, Slt (C1)

Williams, Brian L., LS (C1)


Wills, Al, FC - Jan 1970 - Sep 1970

Yaworski, LS (C1)



Photos and Documents


Welcome letter to the Commissioning of HMCS ST CROIX


From the collection of Alphonse J. Belisle, P1RP, RCN / C.A.F.


DND Photo

Volleyball at sea on HMCS ST CROIX


Courtesy of Hugh Muir

Left to right: HMCS Cape Scott 101, HMCS Grilse 71, and HMS Acheron. Foreground: HMCS ST CROIX (left), HMCS Antigonish (right). Recife, Brazil, Feb 1966

Courtesy of Robert Berbeck






"What am I doing here" - 1966 port visit information for: 

(WM31) Balboa, Panama Canal Zone

(WM32) Rio de Janeiro

 (WM33) Buenos Aires

(WM34) Recife, Brazil

From the collection of William (Bill) McNair



HMCS ST CROIX Christmas Card


From the collection of C1CK John McGowan, RCN


ST CROIX Sailors Bitter Over Weekend Regimen

Newspaper article from 1971 when the crew of HMCS ST CROIX came close to mutiny

Courtesy of Bill Leaman

HMCS ST CROIX 256 - 15 Mar 1960

Courtesy of the CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum

HMCS ST CROIX - Ship's Particulars and Significant Events

Courtesy of Bill Gard



From the collection of Robert (Bob) (Bud) Theriault, P1SG, RCN

Courtesy of Bob Theriault

Joe Lesage (left, rear) playing crib on HMCS ST CROIX


From the collection of Marcel (Joe) Lesage, RCN


Courtesy of Richard Lesage

HMCS ST CROIX 256 - undated

Courtesy of David Shirlaw








(GB-STC-001) HMCS ST CROIX - undated

(GB-STC-002) HMCS ST CROIX - Certificate for ANZAC Cruise 1969

(GB-STC-003) crew list sometime during the period of 31 Aug 71 - 02 Jul 73 when LCDR R.C. Donaldson was CO

From the collection of Gordon A. Broster, RCN

Courtesy of Cathy Robinson