Armed Merchant Cruiser





Laid down: 1929

Launched: 1930

Acquired by RCN: 11 Mar 1940

Commissioned: 04 Dec 1940

Paid off: 15 Apr 1945

Fate: Broken up in 1962


Originally the Canadian National Steamship line SS Prince Henry, but later Clarke Steamship's SS North Star, she was bought on 11 Mar 1940, and given back her maiden name. Like her two sisters, Prince Henry was converted to an armed merchant cruiser, commissioning at Montreal on 04 Dec 1940. She arrived at Bermuda on 15 Jan 1941, to work up, afterward transiting the Panama Canal to take up patrol off Callao, Peru. On 01 Apr 1941 she intercepted the German freighters Munchen and Hermonthis, which scuttled themselves. In May she arrived at Esquimalt and engaged in patrols off the west coast until 24 Aug 1941 when she left for Halifax via Bermuda. In Jan 1942, after brief employment at St. John's as depot ship for Newfoundland Escort Force, she was assigned to patrol duties in the West Indies but was soon again ordered to Esquimalt. Arriving 07 May 1942, she served with Esquimalt Force until Mar 1943, except for the months of Sep and Oct 1942, when she served under USN control in the Aleutians. On 06 Mar 1943, she commenced rebuilding into an infantry landing ship, was re-commissioned on 06 Jan 1944, and left immediately for the U.K. She was present on D-Day as a member of Combined Operations Command and, like Prince David, next took part in the invasion of southern France. She remained in the Mediterranean until Mar 1945, then proceeded to London to refit in East India Dock. On 15 Apr 1945, during the refit, she was paid off, and used afterward by the RN as an accommodation ship first at Portsmouth and later at Falmouth. Sold to the Ministry of Wartime Transport in 1946, she was renamed Empire Parkeston and employed as a troopship between Harwich and the Hook of Holland. She was broken up in 1962 at La Spezia, Italy.



Photos and Documents          Ship's company photos


John Beer's Adventures off Peru during the Second World War


          The voyages of HMCS Prince Henry from the period 07 Jan 1944 till 29 Mar 1945


Burlington Second World War Veteran awarded Legion of Honour medal by France


The Three Princes - The Legion Magazine



Commanding Officers


Capt. Ronald Ian Agnew, OBE, RCN - 04 Dec 1940 - 19 Dec 1941

Capt. John Crispo Inglis Edwards, RCN - 20 Dec 1941 - 31 Dec 1942

Capt. Frank Llewellyn Houghton, RCN - 01 Jan 1943 - 18 Mar 1943

LCdr. Edward William Finch-Noyes, RCN - 19 Mar 1943 - 22 Mar 1943

LCdr. Thomas Kenneth Young, RCNR - 23 Mar 1943 - 23 May 1943

Cdr Thomas Douglas Kelly, RCNR - 24 May 1943 - 29 Nov 1943

Cdr. K.F. Adams, RCN - 30 Nov 1943 - 11 Dec 1943

Capt. Valentine Stuart Godfrey, RCN - 12 Dec 1943 - 15 Apr 1945



     In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice    

     Lest We Forget     




died - 19 Jan 1944



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten











































Paige, John E.

















Vey, John W.












Ship's Mascot







Former Crew Members


SP43 = Ship's Company Photo March 1943


Adams, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Adamson, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Alexander, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Armitage, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Arsenault, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Askin, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Atchison, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Atkinson, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Baker, A.A., Slt (E) - 1943 (SP43)

Baker, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Baker, H., PO - 1943-1944 (SP43) (of Calgary, AB)

Bandas, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Barnes, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Barnett, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Barnhardt, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Beiko, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Belfrey, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Bell, L. - 1943 (SP43)

Bennard, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Bennett, L. - 1943 (SP43)

Bennish, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Bible, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Bisonnette, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Blaney, E. - 1943 (SP43)


Borud, R., Sto - 1944 (of Camrose, AB)

Brinkman, C.T., Lt (E) - 1943 (SP43)


Brissenden, Slt (E), RCNVR - 09 Jun 1941


Brown, A. - 1943 (SP43)


Brown, Norman, Pte


Butler, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Butt, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Button, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Byrne, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Byron, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Cameron, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Cameron, K. - 1943 (SP43)

Campfield, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Carrol, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Cashmore, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Ceminchuk, M. - 1943 (SP43)


Chambers, Allan Langmuir, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 14 Jul 1941


Chapman, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Cherwichan, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Chilton, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Clarke, R. - 1943 (SP43)


Coleman, Albert Robert Ernest, LCdr, RCN - 25 May 1940


Collyer, James Heath, A/Lt, RCNVR - 21 Feb 1944


Comis, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Conrad, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Cook, B.C., Lt - 1943 (SP43)

Corlett, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Coulson, E. - 1943 (SP43)

Coutts, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Cover, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Cox, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Cox, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Crighton, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Crompton, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Crouch, E. - 1943 (SP43)


Crowe, Glen, Staff Sgt.


Cull, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Cummings, T. - 1943 (SP43)

Dabbs, G. - 1943 (SP43)


Dampsy, J.V., Pay Slt - 1943 (SP43)

Darragh, S. - 1943 (SP43)

Davis, J. - 1943 (SP43)


Denton, Ronald Lyman, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 01 Jul 1942


Deville, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Dicenzo, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Dick, J. - 1943 (SP43)


Dillon, Charles Joseph, Paym/LCdr, RCNVR - 12 May 1942


Dixon, D.H., Surg-Lt - 1943 (SP43)

Donovan, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Dooley, M. - 1943 (SP43)

Dortman, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Douglas, J. - 1943 (SP43)


Dowber, Bob, LS


Dransfield, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Dunbar, H. - 1943 (SP3)

Dunn, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Dyer, H. - 1943 (SP43)


Earnshaw, Eric Phillip, Slt, RCN - 01 Jun 1942 (SP43)


Edgar, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Edge, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Edwards, E. - 1943 (SP43)

Edwards, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Elliott, L. - 1943 (SP43)

English, B. - 1943 (SP43)

Evans, S. - 1943 (SP43)

Fashowy, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Findlay, G. - 1943 (SP43)

Flees, M. - 1943 (SP43)

Fleming, C. - 1943 (SP43)


Flynn, James Arthur, Slt, RCNVR - 15 Feb 1944


Ford, M. - 1943 (SP43)

Forkas, O. - 1943 (SP43)

Fox, O. - 1943 (SP43)

Fryer, L. - 1943 (SP43)

Furrness, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Gallagher, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Galland, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Gendle, R. - 1943 (SP43)

George, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Giblin, P. - 1943 (SP43)

Giddens, W. - 1943 (SP43)


Gilmer, George Robert Edward, Lt, RCNVR - 11 Jul 1942 (SP43)


Girard, A. - 1943 (SP43)


Girvan, A. - 1943 (SP43)


Gladwell, Roy Leonard, A/Lt (E), RCNVR - 19 Jul 1944


Godfrey, Frederick Hodgson, Chap Cl III, RCN


Godfrey, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Gommer, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Gordon, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Gracey, M. - 1943 (SP43)

Graff, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Granger, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Green, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Grosz, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Guthrie, K. - 1943 (SP43)

Guthrie, M. - 1943 (SP43)

Hacquoil, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Hall, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Hamilton, T. - 1943 (SP43)

Hamm, F.P., Lt - 1943 (SP43)

Hannan, N. - 1943 (SP43)

Harding, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Harvey, A., Mate - 1943 (SP43)

Harvey, G. - 1943 (SP43)


Hawkins, Doug - Dec 1940


Hazelhurst, F. - 1943 (SP43)


Hendry, John, AB


Herbranson, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Hermann, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Hetherington, E. - 1943 (SP43)

Hill, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Hodson, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Hollingsworth, T. - 1943 (SP43)

Holmes, D.E., A/Pay LCdr - 1943 (SP43)

Hood, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Horgan, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Hoyte, G. - 1943 (SP43)


Hukkanen, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Hulford, S. - 1943 (SP43)

Humble, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Hunger, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Huntingford, S. - 1943 (SP43)

Huppe, E. - 1943 (SP43)

Inglis, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Jackson, J. - 1943 (SP43)


Jarves, B., AB - 1944 (of Calgary, AB)

Jenkins, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Jewell, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Jones, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Joyce, G. - 1943 (SP43)

Kaminski, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Keeler, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Kelly, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Kent, R. - 1943 (SP43)

King, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Koch, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Kolt, M. - 1943 (SP43)

La Plante, J. - 1943 (SP43)


LaFlamme, Paul, LS - 1944 (of Hamilton, ON)


Larson, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Lastic, P. - 1943 (SP43)

Laurie, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Lauzon, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Lawerence, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Lawerence, P. - 1943 (SP43)

Lawerence, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Leckie, E. - 1943 (SP43)

Leduc, H. - 1943 (SP43)


Leinweber, Stutz, PO - 1944 (of Calgary, AB)

Leisk, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Lesage, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Lindsay, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Little, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Liznic - 1943 (SP43)

Lovrie, P. - 1943 (SP43)

Low, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Luduc, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Luke, A.B., Pay Lt - 1943 (SP43)

Lyons, R.B., Slt - 1943 (SP43)

MacIntosh, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Mack, R. - 1943 (SP43)

MacKay, M. - 1943 (SP43)


Maheu, Joseph Mobry, A/Lt (E), RCNR - 29 Mar 1940 (SP43), as LCdr (E)


Mark, J.C., Lt (S.B.) - 1943 (SP43)

Marlow, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Marquis, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Martinuk, Nick- 1943 (SP43)


Mathers, R. - 1943 (SP43)


Matheson, Francis Peter, Paym/Slt, RCNVR - 20 May 1941


Maunder, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Maybee, D. - 1943 (SP43) - 1943 (SP43)

Mayhew, R. - 1943 (SP43)


McAllister, John, Pte


McBride, N. - 1943 (SP43)


McDougall, H. - 1943 (SP43)


McDougall, Hector Alexander, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 02 Mar 1944


McGillivray, Donald Lachlan, Slt (E), RCNVR - 09 Jun 1941


McEachern, J. - 1943 (SP43)

McGowan, J. - 1943 (SP43)

McIntyre, R. - 1943 (SP43)


McIver, W., AB


McKay, J. - 1943 (SP43)

McKie, G. - 1943 (SP43)

McKie, I. - 1943 (SP43)

McLean, J. - 1943 (SP43)

McLean, W. - 1943 (SP43

McLellan, R. - 1943 (SP43)

McWatters, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Meyers, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Mickall, S. - 1943 (SP43)

Milino, J. - 1943 (SP43)


Milligan, L. - 1943 (SP43)

Mitchell, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Mitchell, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Moher, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Moore, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Moore, E. - 1943 (SP43)

Moore, S. - 1943 (SP43)


Mosey, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Muldoon, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Murphy, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Neale, C. - 1943 (SP43)


Nedit, William Davidson, Lt (El), RCNVR


Nelson, G. - 1943 (SP43)

Newsome, R. - 1943 (SP43)


Nicholls, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Nicol, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Nicoll, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Nunn, W.R., Lt - 1943 (SP43)


O'Connor, Herb, Sto


Ocland, L. - 1943 (SP43)

Odlum, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Ogston, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Opitz, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Page, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Paul,, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Pederson, I - 1943 (SP43)

Peerless, E. - 1943 (SP43)

Peterson, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Piffer, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Pitt, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Polkey, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Potttruff, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Prentice, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Pretty, J.M., Lt - 1943 (SP43)

Price - 1943 (SP43)

Proudfoot, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Raible, F. - 1943 (SP43)


Rankin, Bruce Irving, Paym/Slt, RCNVR - 17 Jun 1941


Redhead, R. - 1943 (SP43)


Ridge, Derrick, Lt (E), RCNVR - 24 May 1942 (SP43)


Rinn, K. - 1943 (SP43)

Robb, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Roberts, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Robinson, R. - 1943 (SP43)


Robitaille, Jean Paul, Slt, RCNVR - 08 May 1942 (SP43)


Robson, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Romphs, R. - 1943 (SP43)


Ross, John Wardrop, Lt, RCNVR - 15 Jun 1942


Rowlands, G. - 1943 (SP43)

Rusnak, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Ryan, T. - 1943 (SP43)

Sandalack, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Schulz, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Secord, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Sharpe, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Sharpe, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Sheridan, R. - 1943 (SP43)


Sherwood, Edward Torrance, Lt, RCNVR - 06 Mar 1944


Simms, F. - 1943 (SP43)


Simpson, W. - 1943 (SP43)


Simpson, William Tyrie, Lt (SB), RCNVR - 18 Mar 1944


Skubiski, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Slessor, N. - 1943 (SP43)

Smith, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Smith, C. - 1943 (SP43)

Smith, G. - 1943 (SP43)

Smith, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Sommerville, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Sparling, J.W., Lt - 1943 (SP43)

Spicer, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Spohr, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Stabell, B. - 1943 (SP43)

Stapley, R.G., Slt - 1943 (SP43)

Stetski, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Stevens, N. - 1943 (SP43)

Stevens, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Stuart, H. - 1943 (SP43)

Sudds, N. - 1943 (SP43)

Sutherland, J. - 1943 (SP43)


Tanner, Bob, Pte


Tarves, T. - 1943 (SP43)


Tate, Bertram Mitford, Lt, RCNVR - 26 May 1941


Taylor, G. - 1943 (SP43)

Templeton, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Thomas, D. - 1943 (SP43)

Thomas. L. - 1943 (SP43)

Thompson, I. - 1943 (SP43)

Trimmer, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Tunna, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Tyson, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Urqhart, G. - 1943 (SP43)

Varin, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Walker, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Walsh, P. - 1943 (SP43)

Warde, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Wardrop, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Watson, S. - 1943 (SP43)

Watt, W. - 1943 (SP43)


Webber, Reginald Amand, Lt, RCN - 01 Mar 1944


Wedgwood, J.A., Slt (E) - 1943 (SP43)


Westwood, E., AB


White, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Whitehead, A. - 1943 (SP43)

Whitely, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Whitfield, W. - 1943 (SP43)

Wilding, J. - 1943 (SP43)

Wilkinson, R. - 1943 (SP43)

Williams, T. - 1943 (SP43)

Winthers, P. - 1943 (SP43)


Wolever, Frank Day, Slt (E), RCNVR - 18 Apr 1944


Wright, F. - 1943 (SP43)

Young, T.K. - 1943 (SP43)

Zawitowski, P. - 1943 (SP43)

Zielke, H. - 1943 (SP43)



Photos and Documents




Peesta - a German "sailor" who escaped internment by transferring to the RCN during WW2


This story is from the Clyde River, PEI blog and has been reposted here with the kind permission of Vivian Beer.  Vivian's father, John Beer, served in HMCS Prince Henry


As a follow-up to the story “John Beer’s Adventure off Peru during WWII“, I recently connected with the daughter of Charles Reginald Boggs, from Halifax, who was also serving on the Prince Henry at that same time in April 1941. Diane came upon my story here, and she recalled her father’s comments about the day of the burning and sinking of the two German ships. In fact, he recorded a bit of the action with his personal movie camera on 16mm film, as the crew and officers captured and took aboard the Germans from their escaping lifeboats.


Diane recalls from viewing the film that the Canadians treated the Germans well as they brought them onboard, handing them blankets, hot drinks and cigarettes. Hopefully, the Canadian Military Archives will soon be converting the reel to digital and putting it online.


Also among Reginald Boggs’ naval memorabilia was a news clipping of Messdeck News, a column in a Halifax newspaper during the war, written by Annie Coade (aka Jessie Coade). She provided the public with her own interesting naval journalism. The clipping from November 8th, 1941, features a photo of a German Shepherd dog and his new master Lieutenant W. Gage. My father also had a photo of a German Shepherd in his collection of photos. Well, we were able to solve the mystery of why this dog was on the ship. Here is an excerpt from the transcribed clipping:


Photo of Peetsa and Lieutenant W. Gage from Messdeck News (top photo on left)     German POW with Peetsa (bottom photo on left)


Surpassing in news importance the old “man bites dog” tale is the story of a native of Germany who not only had the run of a Canadian ship, but is the special pal of every officer and man on board. The “German” is a police dog call Peetsa who was captured along with the crew of an enemy freighter and the only one of the company to escape internment.


Peetsa was the mascot of the freighter “Hermonthis” out of Hamburg, which with three other ships of her type were lying in the harbour of Callao, seaport of Lima, Peru. A Canadian ship had a veritable “field day” when the enemy ships tried to escape the harbour, and after much excitement, a lifeboat filled with prisoners gave over its crew. Peetsa, a scared little puppy was the last aboard and, at the risk of his life, Able Seaman Ed Suffern managed to get him on board via a garbage pail.


An enemy Captain, bound for an interment camp, asked that his dog be taken care of. A dog of any country is still a dog, so the pup became mascot of the Royal Canadian Navy.


Not long after when the ship was at a Canadian port, she was compared to the famous dog called Rin-tin-tin. An extraordinary chapter in the life of Peetsa brings forth the fact that she was born in Peru and her seven “babies” saw daylight when the ship touched Peru again for the first time since her arrival on board! A twenty-hour stoppage at that.


Peetsa shows her appreciation to the Canadians who adopted her by showing off a clever trick when asked – and by formally taking care of a white kitten that belonged to one of the messes. In the trick, her foster master Lieutenant William Gage places a package of cigarettes high on a shelf in the wardroom.


Peetsa is nonchalantly curled up in her chair. Suddenly Lt. Gage snaps “roust” and, in a flash, Peetsa is up over the obstacles and brings the packet, unharmed, back to her trainer. She has earned her spot on board.

Infantrymen of the 1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment, at prayer before boarding a Landing Craft Assault (LCA) to go ashore from HMCS Prince Henry off the Normandy beachhead, France, 06 Jun 1944.

Source: PO Dennis Sullivan / Canada. Dept. of National Defence

 Library and Archives Canada / PA-136045

Infantrymen of the 1st Battalion, The Canadian Scottish Regiment, about to board a LCA to go ashore from HMCS Prince Henry off the Normandy beachhead, France, 06 Jun 1944.

Survivors of a capsized Landing Craft Infantry (LCI) being helped aboard HMCS Prince Henry off the Normandy beachhead, France, 06 Jun 1944

Source: PO Dennis Sullivan / Canada. Dept. of National Defence

Library and Archives Canada / PA-132788

(L-R) Able Seamen E. Westwood and W. McIver manning No.9 Oerlikon anti-aircraft gun aboard HMCS Prince Henry off the Normandy beachhead, France, 06 Jun 1944

Source: PO Dennis Sullivan / Canada. Dept. of National Defence

Library and Archives Canada / PA-132793

Eight men from Ontario onboard HMCS Prince Henry before the invasion of Southern France

Source: City of Kawartha Lakes digital archives

HMCS Prince Henry, May 1944, Southampton, England

From the collection of Frank Tucker

Courtesy of Joe Phelan

Sailors from HMCS Prince Henry ashore in Rome


Crow's Nest newspaper - Dec 1944

Sailors from HMCS Prince Henry ashore in Rome


PO H. Baker, LS Paul Laflamme and PO Stutz Leinweber


Crow's Nest newspaper - Dec 1944

CPO Whitney (Joe) Firkens award D.S.M.

The Daily Colonist, Victoria, BC, 28 Jan 1945

Courtesy of Frank Statham

AB Sherman Jordan's Crossing the Line Certificate, HMCS Prince Henry, 02 Mar 1941

From the collection of Sherman Jordan

Courtesy of Michael Jordan

LCA from HMCS Prince Henry evacuates Greek soldiers during the country's civil war

Crow's Nest Newspaper - Mar 1945

AB Sherman Jordan on leave

From the collection of Sherman Jordan

Courtesy of Michael Jordan

Sherman Jordan - Laundry Day on HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Sherman Jordan

Courtesy of Michael Jordan

Sherman Jordan (right) and shipmate, HMCS Prince Herny

From the collection of Sherman Jordan

Courtesy of Michael Jordan

Landing craft on HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Bernard (Barney) Dunphy on one of Prince Henry's 6-inch guns

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Bernard (Barney) Dunphy (right) with shipmate on one of Prince Henry's 6-inch guns

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Sailors on HMCS Prince Henry - Bernard (Barney) Dunphy, back row, 1st on left

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Unknown sailors on HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Bernard (Barney) Dunphy and shipmate enjoying a couple of cigars on HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Davits and landing craft on HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Davits and landing craft on HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Unknown sailors on HMCS Prince Henry

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

Sailors in one of Prince Henry's landing craft

From the collection of Bernard Dunphy

Courtesy of Kerry Dunphy

LCAs 1021 and 736 leaving Prince Henry

Article on Surg-Lt George Eugene Large, RCNVR, Medical Officer on HMCS PRINCE HENRY - dated 10 Jun 1944


From the collection of John A. Rickard, AB, RCNVR


Courtesy of John H. Rickard

HMCS PRINCE HENRY port side to in HMC Dockyard, Halifax.


HMCS COLUMBIA I49 I93 and HMCS ANNAPOLIS I04 on her starboard side


DND/ RCN Photo





(MB02) 01 Apr 1941 - Bringing German POWs onboard HMCS PRINCE HENRY after she intercepted the German freighters Munchen and Hermonthis, which scuttled themselves.  (MB03) Maurice wrote on the back of the photo "After bringing the Huns aboard, I happened to be on the guard, x marks me after changing. I wanted to kill them all first but later found them to be okay. You can see them bundled up on Starboard side. It happened to be a dark day."

From the collection of Maurice E. Bartlett, RCNVR

Courtesy of Blair Bartlett



Photos from John Beer's draft to HMCS Prince Henry in 1941



(1 & 2) HMCS Prince Henry in the St Lawrence near Sorel, QC (3) HMCS Prince Henry in Bermuda  (4) John Beer (left) in Bermuda - 1941  (5) John and shipmate on HMCS Prince Henry in Bermuda



(6) Postcard John sent home from Bermuda  (7) John Beer (left) and shipmate in Jamaica  (8) Jamaica - 1941  (9) Crossing the line (Equator) ceremony on HMCS Prince Henry  (10) by one of the boat davits on HMCS Prince Henry



(11) John Beer and shipmate on HMCS Prince Henry  (12) Peruvian General visits HMCS Prince Henry while at Callao  (13) Honour guard for the visit of the Peruvian General   (14) German merchant ships off Callao, Peru



(15) German ship's sighted but already on fire  (16 - 19) German merchant Hermonthis fire - crew from HMCS Prince Henry fighting the fire



(20) German merchant Hermonthis fire - crew from HMCS Prince Henry fighting the fire  (21) HMCS Prince Henry officers with German POWs  (22) German POW with their mascot Peesta  (23) HMCS Prince Henry's depth charge rails  (24) First sight of land since Peru. Arriving off BC - 46 days at sea.


Click here to read about John Beer's time on HMCS Prince Henry


Courtesy of Vivian Beer




(WR12) Invitation to OS Wilfred Rafuse while serving in HMCS PRINCE HENRY to a Smoking Concert for Naval Personnel







(GR07) HMCS PRINCE HENRY in Bermuda  (GR08-GR09) Holy stoning the gun deck on HMCS PRINCE HENRY  (GR10) Sailors on the fo'c's'le of HMCS PRINCE HENRY  (GR11) Secondary armament on HMCS PRINCE HENRY


From the collection of Wilfred Rafuse


Courtesy of Steve Rafuse