Escort Maintenance Ship





Laid down: 08 Jun 1944

Launched: 27 Sep 1944

Commissioned: 1944

Loaned to the Netherlands: 1947, Commissioned as HNLMS VULKAAN

Paid off: 1950

Returned to RN: 1950

Transferred to RCN: 1952

Commissioned: 28 Jan 1959

Paid off: 01 July 1970

Fate: Sold in 1975. Broken up in 1978


Built by Burrard Dry Dock Co. Ltd., Vancouver, a modified Fort type cargo ship, HMS BEACHY HEAD was launched at Vancouver in 1944. After the war, she was turned over to the Royal Netherlands Navy in 1947 as repair ship VULKAAN. In 1949 she was returned to the RN and resumed her original name until 1952, when she was transferred to the RCN. She lay alongside Halifax for some years, providing supplementary workshop and classroom facilities until CAPE BRETON was transferred to the west coast in 1958. After refit at Saint John, CAPE SCOTT was at last commissioned on 28 Jan 1959, to serve at Halifax.  In February 1965, CAPE SCOTT transited the Panama Canal from Peru and Easter Island enroute to Halifax. Paid off into reserve on 01 Jul 1970, she was re-designated Fleet Maintenance Group (Atlantic) in 1972, but was sold when the group moved ashore in 1975 and left under tow in 1978 to be broken up in Texas.



Photos and Documents          Ship's company photos          Commissioning Booklet


Organization and Preparation of HMCS CAPE SCOTT for the METEI       HMCS CAPE SCOTT'S Expedition to Easter Island


****    HMCS CAPE SCOTT's missing flags    ****



RCN Memories:  The Boston Bruins play games on HMCS CAPE SCOTT          Black Angus isn't a cow



Commanding Officers


Cdr Francis James Jones, RCN - 28 Jan 1959 - 23 Aug 1960

Cdr A.H. Rankin, RCN - 24 Aug 1960 - 10 May 1964

Cdr Charles Anthony Law, RCN - 11 May 1964 - 10 Apr 1966

Capt Herbert Hartley Smith, RCN - 11 Apr 1966 - unk



     In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice    

     Lest We Forget     

BABIUK, Andrew I.


died - 26 Sep 1965

Cooper, Cal


died - c1965

SEYMOUR, Sidney R.


died - 26 Apr 1966



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten


Adams, Clinton J.

Arthurs, Thomas S.

Baker, Donald F.

Baker, Ernest S.

Barlow, James

Baumhour, Raymond R.

Beecher, Scott E.

Bérubé, Gilbert J. L.

Billard, Robert A.

Bradford, Wayne

Bruce, Donald E.

Burke, Clayton R.

Burnett, Gerald C.

Chambers, Ronald J.

Chauvin, Guy H.

Cipryk, Arthur J.

Gillis, Channing D.

Crowley, Michael J. P.

Denomey, David R. E.

Dixon, Donald B.

Donnelly, Thomas M.

Dowdall, James F.

Dwyer, Rita K.

Eddy, Keith M.

Einarson, Howard G. H.

Eisenhauer, Harry M.

Fisher, Ralph E.

Forbes, Thomas

Galley, Thomas C.

Goneau, Leo A.

Grant, Harold B.

Harrison, Kenneth

Herdman, Robert J.

Holland, William A.

Hutchings, Curwen J.

Instant, Ernie

Jones-Francis, James

Kamermans, William E.

King, Mary O.

Knapman, Norman W.

Krilow, William J.

Kushner, Francis J.

Laidlaw, Glenn G.

Lanoue, Réjean

Law, C. Anthony F.

Lawrence, Raymond

Leck, Glen E.

LeClair, Richard

Lesage, Marcel

Leslie, Gerald G.

Lysne, Jack M.

Mac Donald, Lawrence

MacArthur, Archie

MacDonald, Duncan H.

MacEachern, Allister J.

MacKay, Donald A.

MacKay, Roy A.

MacPherson, A. Joseph

Maidment, C. George

Manzer, Robert B. C.

McKearney, L. Gary

McLeod, Gordon A.

McMaster, Vincent M.

Meloche, Terry

Messervey, Richard F.

Milburn, Robert D.

Moore, Ernest E.

Muir, John

Mullen, Alastair M.

Mulock, William R.

Nieforth, Angus W.

O'Quinn, Michael T.

Olmstead, Garry I.

Parker, Douglas

Pearce, Harvey C.

Pennie, Duff M.

Porter, Alfred M.

Power, Leonard M.

Riddiford, Donald B.

Roberts, Ralph D.

Scott, James E.

Shiers, D. Leonard G.

Smith, David A.

Smith, Robert P.

Sommerville, Wilfred J.

Taylor, Gary S.

Thompson, Ross E.

Trafford, Gerald R.

Tomiczek, Martin S.

Turner, Allan B.

Vandorpe, Romain H.

Walter, John R. T.

Watts, M. Keith

Wenglewick, Raymond

Whyte, Donald G.

Wilcox, Harold R.

Wiper, W. Douglas

Wynnyk, Jar





Former Crew Members


Beno, Wayne - 1966


Boucher, Butch, HT


Boucher, Jacques, AB - 1963


Brannen, James


Breen, Randy, AB - for course



Brooks, John


Clark, Larry


Claxton, Darryl, AB.CK - Served in CAPE SCOTT during the METEI deployment


Horn, Arthur A., ER


Launhardt, Rolf

Mundell, Robert, LS


Nicolson, James - 1960


Paradis, Charles, AB - 1963


Valley, Dave, ER - 1969 - 1970



Photos and Documents




DND / RCN Photo

AB Jacques Boucher (of Sherbrooke) and AB Charles Paradis (of Quebec City) from HMCS CAPE SCOTT 101 chat with a Bermudian official while on shore leave on Bermuda during Ex Maple Spring 1963


The Sherbrooke Daily Record, Sherbrooke, Quebec, Wed, 10 Apr 1963


Research by George Newbury

ET's mess won the cake for the cleanest after CO.s rounds on a Fri, 1960, HMCS CAPE SCOTT.


James Nicolson, back row, 3rd from left


Courtesy of James Nicolson

Left to right: HMCS CAPE SCOTT 101, HMCS Grilse 71, and HMS Acheron


Foreground: HMCS St. Croix (left), HMCS Antigonish (right). Recife, Brazil, Feb 1966


Courtesy of Robert Berbeck



Courtesy of Jim Brannen

HMCS CAPE SCOTT 101 - undated

Plaque commemorating HMCS CAPE SCOTT's deployment to Easter Island 1964-1965


From the collection of Robert Manzer, Lt*, RCN


Courtesy of Robert Manzer, Cdr, RCN

Surg-Lt Berube and Dr. Armand Boudreault, the METEI Virologist in CAPE SCOTT during the METEI deployment.


Credit: Jacalyn Duffin


Courtesy of Robert Manzer, Cdr, RCN

Crossing the Line (Equator) certificate given to Alastair Mullen during the CAPE SCOTT's Easter Island Medical Expedition 1964-65


Courtesy of Jason Price

A pig roast that was prepared by the locals of the Easter Islands for the Expedition members and crew of HMCS CAPE SCOTT during the Easter Island Expedition


Courtesy of Arthur Horn, Mar Eng, RCN / C.A.F.


PO Thomas Galley, Photographer, with one of the locals on Easter Island

The Windsor Star, Sat., 01 May 1965 page 66

Courtesy of Bob Manzer




Public relations pamphlet for HMCS CAPE SCOTT's Medical Expedition to Easter Island (METEI)


This document was originally posted at by George Goodwin in 2007  but the site is no longer active.


Courtesy of Robert Manzer, Cdr, RCN



HMCS CAPE SCOTT was sailing home from a medical expedition to Easter Island and the Galapagos on 15 February 1965, the day Canada adopted it new flag. The ship held a ceremony to haul down the white ensign and hoist the new flag. There were two new flags hand stitched onboard based on verbal descriptions received by radio (the ship had been gone since 16 November 1964). The captain then was Commander Tony Law.


Dr Jacalyn Duffin, Professor Emerita and Hannah Chair of the History of Medicine, Queen's University, and author of "Stanley’s Dream: The Canadian Medical Expedition to Easter Island," is trying to trace the CAPE SCOTT'S flags, without success. She knows one was mailed to Prime Minister Pearson, but checks of the War Museum and the Museum of History were fruitless (the letter to PM Pearson but no flag is in the National Archives).


Can anyone please provide a lead to assist with the search?


If you can provide any information on the whereabouts of these two flags, please send an email to RUNSI (Royal United Services Institute of Nova Scotia)






(DP01) LCdr Duff Pennie (left) supervising the tot issue on HMCS CAPE SCOTT

(DP02) Photo taken on 15 Feb 1965 when HMCS CAPE SCOTT flew the new Canadian flag for the first time. On the left is Dr. Stanley Skornya, Director METEI; Dr Helen Reid, Medical Examination (Paediatrics); and LCdr(E) Duff Pennie, Engineering Officer

Courtesy of Robert Manzer, Cdr, RCN

CAPE SCOTT, the shore office for HMCS HURON while she was under construction - 1972


From the collection of Heinz Gohlish, Lt, RCN