A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
DOWDALL, James F. - was a P2HT (Hull Tech,) and Ships diver, RCN from 1959 - 1966. Jim served on ships HMCS CORNWALLIS, HMCS NADEN, HMCS CAPE BRETON, HMCS STADACONA, HMCS QU'APPELLE, HMCS ASSINIBOINE, HMCS BONAVENTURE, HMCS LANARK, HMCS CAPE SCOTT and HMCS CHAUDIERE. Jim was MAA for over 20 years with the (MNSNVA) Manitoulin North Shore Navy Veterans Association of Royal Canadian Naval Association. Jim past away in hospital on Monday February 10th, 2 days shy of his 80th birthday. A strong supporter of the RCNA, Navy League of Canada - Sudbury and of the Mountbatten Alumni. Jim was a take charge person when personnel were required for tasks such a event set ups, parades and especially for the maintenance of the Naval Monument in Memorial Park in Sudbury, Ontario. RIP Jim, Your Watch is Over. Visitation will be held February 22, 2020 at RCL Lockerby from 15:00 -19:00 Naval Service at 17:00.
Ships served in: