This page is for information on the RCN's submarines.  Being a Skimmer, I'm not very knowledgeable on the subject of our subs and will depend on submissions from those who are qualified to speak about them - mainly our submariners. Photos of the subs and their crews will appear on the pages for each sub. What you will find here are course / group photos, specific sub related links and other info. To submit photos, stories, links, sub related announcements, etc, send me an EMAIL.



Submarine Room at the Naval Museum of Halifax



The Submariner's Prayer - RCN          The Submariner's Prayer - RN



1914 - 1918 - Canadian Submarine Flotilla


1955 - 1966 - Sixth Submarine Squadron / Division (HMS Ambrose) -  Royal Navy submarine squadron based in Halifax


1966 - 1996 - 1st Canadian Submarine Squadron


2011- Present - Canadian Submarine Force



RCN Submarines


1914-1920  -  CC1     CC2


1919-1922  -  CH14     CH15


1945  -  U-190     U-889


1955-1966 - Acheron    Alaric     Alcide     Alderney     Alliance     Ambush     Amphion     Astute     Auriga     Aurochs

-  these were Royal Navy subs under Royal Canadian Navy operational control


1961-2000  -  Grilse SS71     Ojibwa SS72     Okanagan SS74     Onondaga SS73     Rainbow SS75     Olympus (Training Sub)


1998 - Present  -  Chicoutimi SSK 879     Corner Brook SSK 878     Victoria SSK 876     Windsor SSK 877


History Makers of the RCN - Submariners:

Maitland-Dougall, William, Lt, RCN


Sherwood, Frederick Henry, LCdr, RCNVR


Books, booklets and other submarine related info and links


A Simple Sailor by Ray Hunt, Capt (N), ret'd - An autobiography of his early years and his life in the Navy ..... as a simple sailor


Ambrosia - Scrapbook of the 6th Submarine Squadron Division at Work and at Play 1955 - 1966


Boomers, Draggers and Black Boxes: The Operational Legacy of Canada’s Oberon Class Submarines, 1983- 1998. by Michael Whitby


Dolphin Code (and its history) - Courtesy of SAOC West


Dolphin Code (same as above ... just not as fancy) - Courtesy of Rob Brabant


Grey Rover / Okanagan Crunch - Youtube video by Barry Dixon


History of the Dolphins - Courtesy of SAOC West


No Body Washes in a Submarine - lyrics


Oberon Class Submarine Occupational Hygiene Project - published by the Centre for Military & Veteran's Health, Australia


Sentinel Magazine 1982/1 - Le requin d'acier - La vie à board d'un sous-marin (The Steel Shark - Life aboard a submarine)


Sentinel Magazine 1982/3 - The Deadly Dolphins - Canada's O'Boats


Submariners Association of Canada - Central


Submariners Association of Canada - East


Submariners Association of Canada - West


Thesis - The Physician Assistant Onboard Canadian Submarines – with a Brief History and Overview of our Canadian Submarines. Copyright (©) by Christopher Brian Robinson, CD, CPO2 Physician Assistant, RCN


Through a Canadian Periscope by Julie H. Ferguson


U-boats in the Royal Canadian Navy 1945-1947  - Re-published on For Posterity's Sake with permission of the Canadian Nautical Research Society and the author, Derek Waller, Air Commodore, RAF, ret'd.



Submariners Name Tag Panel at The Naval Museum of Halifax


The Submariner Name Tag panel at the Naval Museum of Halifax Submarine Room is a creation of Brian Lapierre and Jim Northrup.  There are a total of 381 name tags which have been submitted so far along with the ships badges, Submarine Force Badge, RCN Submariners Badge an the Winston Churchill quote.


The legend for the name tags are:

- Red with Yellow lettering indicate those who gave their lives while serving in submarines.
- Red with White lettering indicate a selected few who served in CC1/CC2/CH14 & CH15 submarines.

- Black with White lettering indicate a selected few who served in submarines prior to CF Unification.

- Light Green with Yellow lettering are a selected few who served after Unification and have passed away.

- The rest are those who have served in submarines at various times during Unification or after and return to Blue Uniforms.


To submit your name tag for the panel - please contact Brian Lapierre at lapo48 (at)