Anderson, Robert, A/ERA4c, V44333, RCNVR (NL1)
Archer, Percy, SPO, V30068, RCNVR (NL1)
Ayling, Reginald, CK(S), V46754, RCNVR, (NL1)
Baggett, George, ABSD, V43557, RCNVR (NL1)
Bartusek, Milton, Sto 1c, V39395, RCNVR (NL1)
Bedwell, George E. 
Bennard, Albert, Sto 1c, V38103, RCNVR (NL1)
Bennett, Frederick, Sto 1c, V36520, RCNVR (NL1)
Bent, Louis Milner, ERA3c, V48975 - Jan 1944 - Jul 1945
Bergern, Eugene, L/Stwd, V23455, RCNVR (NL1)
Blanchard, Jonathan Ewart, Slt, RCNVR - 05 May 1943 (Stand by) / 24
Jun 1943
Bonnyman, Howard, ABLTO, V11596, RCNVR (NL1)
Boulet, Joseph Ernest Frederick, Ch/Skpr, RCNVR - 02 May 1944
Bower, Frank, L/Sig - 1945 (of Shelburne, NS and Halifax, NS)
Bradley, Byron, Sig, V32198, RCNVR (NL1) - 1943-1945 (of Ottawa, ON)
Buchanan, William, Sto 1c, V37588, RCNVR (NL1)
Butler, Albert, LSQR2, V11288, RCNVR (NL1)
Butters, Ian, Lt Torpedo Officer (1948-1949)
Byers, Lloyd, OSRDF2, V52589, RCNVR (NL1)
Campbell, Ralph, Coder, V18642, RCNVR (Nl1)
Catton, Gordon, Sto 1c, V47306, RCNVR (NL1)
Christison, James, ABAA3, V416, RCNVR (NL1)
Civitarese, Luigi, Sto 1c, V41743, RCNVR (NL1)
Clements, John, L/Tel WT3, V30044, RCNVR (NL1)
Cole, George, Yeoman of Signals, VS2, V14204, RCNVR (NL1)
Collins, Gordon, OS, LR3, V43765, RCNVR (NL1)
Cowhig, Clarence, SA, V10177, RCNVR (NL1)
D'Amour, Albert, ABSD, V42362, RCNVR (NL1)
Dalton, George, Shpwt, V49329, RCNVR (NL1)
David, Charles Frederick, Lt, RCNVR - 24 Jun 1943
Densen, Norman, Stwd, 40907, RCN (NL1)
Donovan, Daniel James, Lt, RCNVR - 05 May 1943 (Stand by) / 24 Jun
Doughty, Edward, L/Sto, V30226, RCNVR (NL1)
Duck, Donald, A.ERA4c, V16806, RCNVR (NL1)
Duffus, Allan Ferguson, Lt, RCNVR - Jan 1944
Elcomb, Frank, A/ERA4c, V6349, RCNVR (NL1)
Emde, Frederick, CK(S), V45685, RCNVR (NL1)
Farley, Robert, SBA, V45832, RCNVR (NL1)
Finlay, James, AB, V38446, RCNVR (NL1)
James Warren, Slt (SB), RCNVR - 03 Feb 1944
Forrest, Archie, Tel, V45582, RCNVR (NL1)
Forster, George, A.ERA4c, V56989, RCNVR (NL1)
Karl Anthony, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 06 Feb 1944
Nelson, OS, V33555, RCNVR (NL1)
Giddens, William, LSVS3, 3354, RCN (NL1)
William, Sto 1c, V11473, RCNVR (NL1)
Gray, Norman, OS, V55308, RCNVR (NL1)
Greenaway, Kenneth, ABST, V43481, RCNVR (NL1)
Greenhalgh, Alfred, SPO, A3180, RCN(R), (NL1)
Grimes, J., (of Sarnia, ON)
Guay, Joseph, ERA3c, A1501, RCN(R) (NL1)
Harley, John Edmund, Lt (E), RCNVR - 01 Feb 1943 / 24 Jun 1943
Heaney, William, So 1c, V42394, RCNVR (NL1)
Henderson, John, OSSD, V54881, RCNVR (NL1)
Hornsby, Edwin, SPO, A3431, RCN(R) (NL1)
Ingram, Charles, Coder, V12956, RCNVR (NL1)
Johnson, Clarence, ABST, V39063, RCNVR (NL1)
Kayes, Sam, AB, Gunner - Jun 44 - Jun 45
Kayes, William Joseph, Slt (E), RCNVR - 30 Jun 1944
Kells, John, A/LSQR3, V11288, RCNVR (NL1)
Kerluck, Steve, SPO, A4171, RCN(R), (NL1)
Kettlewell, Robert, SPO, V33531, RCNVR (NL1)
King, Frank, EA4c, V30935, RCNVR (NL1)
Kupisz, Melvin, AB, Torpedoman - Jun 44 - Jun 45, (of Florida, USA)
Langstone, Glifford, AB, V36721, RCNVR (NL1)
Lavis, Donald, OSSD, V45640, RCNVR (NL1)
Law, Kenneth, SPO, A4047, RCN(R) (NL1)
Lear, Gordon, Stwd, V35959, RCNVR (NL1)
LeClair, Charles, LSHSD, V17434, RCNVR (NL1)
Lee, Douglas, A/EA4c, V45586, RCNVR (NL1)
Lenaghan, Robert, CPO TC, A488, RCN(R) (NL1)
Lindberg, Don, Comms - Jun 1943 - Nov 1943 (of Thunderbay, ON)
Lyon, Hugh (of Stoney Creek, ON)
MacLean, Wallace, SPO, V19059, RCNVR (NL1)
MacLean, Wally, Sto, RCN - circa 1948-50
MacNeil, James, AB, V36106, RCNVR (NL1)
Mason, Thomas, Sig (T.O.), V8289, RCNVR (NL1)
Masters, Robert Earl, ABAA3, V16781, RCNVR (Dec 1943 - Mar 1945) (NL1)
McCurdy, Jack K., AB RAD3 - 27 Dec 1943 - 19 Oct 1944 (of London, ON)
McGill, Allan, Tel, V31281, RCNVR (NL1)
McIntrye, Walter, Coder, V38955, RCNVR (NL1)
McQuiston, John, ABLR3, V42895, RCNVR (NL1)
Montanti, Luigi, Sto 1c, V41389, RCNVR (NL1)
Morrison, Robert John, Slt, RCNVR - 05 May 1943 (Stand by) / 24 Jun
Moskven, Peter, ABAA3, 4473, RCN (NL1)
Muir, Thomas, Sig, V30729, RCNVR (NL1)
Murray, John, ABAD, V518, RCNVR (NL1)
Nadon, Ross, L/Ck(S), V32395, RCNVR (NL1)
Neill, William, Tel (T.O.), V4475, RCN (NL1)
Nieman, Arthur, POAA2, 3459, RCN (NL1) - 1943-1945 (of Calgary AB)
Norman, Cicil, OSRDF2, V48751, RCNVR (NL1)
Ollson, Carl, AB, V17628, RCNVR (NL1)
O'Mara, James, Sto 1c, V31540, RCNVR (NL1)
Petrumia, Peter, A/LS, V30827, RCNVR (NL1)
Pitchford, Ken, AB - 1945 (of Toronto, ON)
Raymond, Harvey, ABRDF2, V19427, RCNVR (NL1)
Read, Lawrence, ABSD, 4220, RCN (NL1)
Richards, Alan John, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 16 Mar 1945
Rippon, thorton, AB, V35889, RCNVR (NL1)
Ritchie, George, A/PO LTO V10324, RCNVR (NL1)
Ross, Donald, L/Tel WT3, V9699, RCNVR (NL1)
Ryan, Thomas, Sto 1c, V33142, RCNVR (NL1)
Sands, James, Sto 1c, V16787, RCNVR (Nl1)
Saunders, Donald, ABRDF2, V23762, RCNVR (NL1)
Serutton, Donald, Sto 1c, V60804, RCNVR (NL1)
Shaw, William Charles (Bill) (of Victoria, BC)
Shepherd, Kenneth, Chief Stoker, V8325, RCNVR (NL1)
Smith, Bernard C. (Barney), EA4 - 27 Mar 1943 - 25 Aug 1943 (of Calgary AB)
Smith, Carleton George, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - Jan 1944
Smith, Thomas J (Snuffy) - 1956
Stapleton, John Greenwood, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 12 Apr 1944
Frederick Roy, AB
Stickney, Charles, O/Sig, V51980, RCNVR (NL1)
Stokes, William Robert A/Lt, RCNVR - 07 Apr 1945
Strachan, Ralph, OSRDF2, V52764, RCNVR (NL1)
Taylor, Roy, ABAA3, V40728, RCNVR (NL1)
Thomson, James, ABRDF2, V31752, RCNVR (NL1)
Thurber, Lloyd, Sto 1c, V12789, RCNVR (NL1)
Robert Stacey, Lt, RCNVR - 27 Mar 1944
Whitfield, Leo, CK(S), V6658, RCNVR (NL1)
Whitfield, William, L/Sto, V17731, RCNVR (NL1)
Whyte, Robert, AB, V1834, RCNVR (NL1)
Williams, Thomas, SyPO, 40808, RCN (NL1)
Wright, Arthur, ABLR3, V2681, RCNVR (NL1
Zuckert, Jim (of Puslinch, ON)