A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Ships served in: HMCS SAULT STE MARIE - Served in Sault Ste Marie 26 Jun 1943 - 27 Sep 1943 as a SD HMCS SAINT JOHN - Drafted to Saint John 02 Dec 1943. Served in Saint John 13 Dec 1943 - 11 Sep 1945 as a SD, RCNVR. Commissioning crew
(1) Cable Freeman - 1943 (2) two unknown sailors (3) Pete - Halifax - 1943 (4) Cable Freeman - Halifax - 1943 (5) Wilson (left) and Cable Freeman - 1945 (6) Cable Freeman - 1945
(7) Cable Freeman - standing, 1st on right. Dated St John, March 26, 194? (8) Unknown sailor (9) Cable Freeman (centre) and shipmates on bridge to Franklin Park, Halifax - 1945 (10) Cable Freemand and Ernie Gibb near Halifax Public Gardens - 1943 (11) back of photo 10 (12) Cable Freeman at Dutchy Gunns place, Penticton, BC - 28 Oct 1942 (13) Cable Freeman by 4-inch gun on HMCS Cobalt K124. Note the gunshield art
(14) Cable Freeman (left) and shipmate - Halifax, 1943 (15) Cable Freeman, Homer and Ernie Gibb - Halifax, May 1943 (16) back of photo #15 (17-19) US Merchant vessel Joel R. Poinsett - Atlantic 1943 (20) Marine Building, 355 Burrard St, in Vancouver, BC.