Naval Training Base
Commissioned: 1 May 1942 / Paid off: 28 February 1945 Re-commissioned: 1 May 1949 / Paid off: 1 April 1966
HMCS Cornwallis, named after the founder of Halifax, was established in HMC Dockyard Halifax on 01 May 1942 as part of the 1942 reorganization of naval facilities in Halifax, NS. In the early part of the war, base operation and training had been closely associated, principally through HMCS Stadacona. As the size and importance of Halifax grew, this system became inefficient. Stadacona took over all base operations, and training was transferred to the newly established Cornwallis, with plans to move that command out of Halifax as soon as was practical. In April, 1943, she moved to her permanent home at Deep Brook, NS. She was the largest naval training base in the British Commonwealth during the Second World War.
Cornwallis principally did new entry training and seamanship training, leaving officer training for facilities such as HMCS Kings. She also served a number of other important functions. Cornwallis did anti-submarine and ASDIC (an early form of SONAR) training. She also had a number of specialist programs, including accountancy and engine room training, along with a number of specialist facilities, including the HMC Gunnery School and the chemical warfare centre. She would also be a training facility for specialist instruction for the Women’s Royal Canadian Naval Service, or the Wrens, after they had completed their basic training at HMCS Conestoga. After the war, Cornwallis would become the principle training facility for female reservists, once they were permitted to join the RCN(R) in 1951.
Cornwallis was closed as a training facility early in 1945, but after the war became a Discharge Transit Centre for navy personnel to help them return to civilian life. HMCS Cornwallis was re-established as a naval training establishment in 1949, only to become Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Cornwallis during the unification of the armed forces in 1968. At this time she became the home of the Canadian Forces Recruit School, the primary training centre for English speaking recruits for all three elements of the Canadian Forces. The based remained the main recruiting centre for the CF until it was shut down in 1994 and training moved to St. Jean, Quebec. The site is now home to a business park and the Cornwallis Military Museum. (Source: hip's Histories, Gov't of Canada website)
New Entry / Recruit Course Photos Leadership Course Photos Trade Course Photos
The significance of the ship's badge
Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax
Newspaper articles on the opening of HMCS CORNWALLIS
(PJ51) Navy "City" at Deep Brook to Training Fighting Seamen - The Halifax Herald, 08 Jul 1943
(PJ52-PJ53) Article on the opening of HMCS CORNWALLIS - Halifax Herald, 08 Jul 1943 (PJ54) Captain J.C.I. Edwards and G. McClintock, CO and XO of HMCS CORNWALLIS - The Evening Telegram, Toronto, 07 Jul 1943 (PJ55) The gym at HMCS CORNWALLIS under construction - The Evening Telegram, Toronto, 07 Jul 1943 (PJ56) Pal, the mascot of HMCS CORNWALLIS with Wrens Kay Reyburn and Joan Warren and Chief Gunner's Mate V. Burd
(PJ57) Empire's Largest Navy Base was Hayfield Year Ago - The Evening Telegram, Toronto, 07 Jul 1943 (PJ58-PJ61) Training at HMCS CORNWALLIS - The Evening Telegram, Toronto, 07 Jul 1943
(PJ61) Paul James' position indicated in the photo
From the collection of Paul James, Stoker, RCNVR
Courtesy of Gary James
"The Ship's Badge"
(CRN001-CRN017) Postcards that were for sale at the canteen at HMCS CORNWALLIS in the mid 1940s either as souvenirs or for recruits to send to their families
(CRN001) West Gate at HMCS CORNWALLIS (CRN002) Divisions on the old parade square (CRN003) PT on the new parade square at HMCS CORNWALLIS (CRN004) The Band at HMCS CORNWALLIS (CRN005) Gunnery school at HMCS CORNWALLIS
(CRN006) The Gun Battery building at HMCS CORNWALLIS (CRN007) The Gun Battery at HMCS CORNWALLIS (CRN008) Base Commander's House at HMCS CORNWALLIS (CRN009) Marching to daily divisions at HMCS CORNWALLIS (CRN010) Daily Divisions at HMCS CORNWALLIS
(CRN011) The Quarterdeck at HMCS CORNWALLIS - Note the dais in the upper left of the photo (CRN012) Mike, the mascot for HMCS CORNWALLIS leads the march past the dais (CRN013) ASDIC school (CRN014) Monarch Block (CRN015) H-hut accommodations
(CRN016) Marching to Gunnery School (CRN017) Mike - Mascot for HMCS CORNWALLIS
(CRN018) Recruits at HMCS CORNWALLIS during the Second World War // From the collection of Norman Donaldson (CRN019) Photo of a barrack block at CORNWALLIS in 1968 // Courtesy of John Hawley (CRN020) This document appears to refer to Ottawa Division 2/59 // Courtesy of Robert DeWolfe
(CRN021) Dedication of the Chapel at HMCS CORNWALLIS 07 Dec 1943 // From the collection of Dalton Kaye, Tel, RCNVR // Courtesy of Steve Kaye (CRN022) Christmas Menu - 1944 - HMCS CORNWALLIS // From the collection of Thomas Cotnam // Courtesy of Andrea Woods (CRN023) View of HMCS CORNWALLIS viewed from the PMQ area // From the collection of Reg (Smokey) Rhymes // Courtesy of Gordon Rhymes (CRN024) Recruits battle bushfires at HMCS CORNWALLIS - 1965 // Courtesy of Don Ballantyne (CRN025) An undated photo of HMCS CORNWALLIS showing the 2 Wren's blocks Conestoga and Pamona, the Galley, Drill Hall, Train Station and Gym // Courtesy of Dorothy Vallillee, Wren, RCN
(NMoH-CRN-001) ML Q076 at HMCS CORNWALLIS during work-ups c1944 (NMoH-CRN-002) HMCS HUSKY S06 at HMCS CORNWALLIS during the Second World War (NMoH-CRN-003) HMCS SANS PEUR Z52 at HMCS CORNWALLIS during the Second World War (NMoH-CRN-004) HMCS SANS PEUR at HMCS CORNWALLIS with HMS/m UNSEEN, L23 and SEAWOLF secured along side her during the Second World War (NMoH-CRN-005) RCAF Crash Boat Bras D'Or at HMCS CORNWALLIS during the Second World War
(NMoH-CRN-006) HMS/m SEA WOLF N47, L23 and UNSEEN P51 shift berth at HMCS CORNWALLIS during the Second World War (NMoH-CRN-007) HMS/m UNSEEN P51 and UPRIGHT N89 at HMCS CORNWALLIS during the Second World War (NMoH-CRN-008) HMS/m UNSEEN P51, UPRIGHT N89 and UNRUFFLED P46 secured to a buoy at HMCS CORNWALLIS during the Second World War
(NMoH-CRN-009) Wrens on parade at HMCS CORNWALLIS post Second World War - undated
(NMoH-CRN-010) HMCS CORNWALLIS' Band - 1951
(NMoH-CRN-011) HMCS CORNWALLIS Frobisher Block, new entries block, 1948. Looking NE along road that circles base // LCdr David Freeman Collection // RCN Neg # DB-0071-5) (NMoH-CRN-012) HMCS Cornwallis - Aerial View of the Base's Housing Development (NMoH-CRN-013) Detention Block at HMCS CORNWALLIS (NMoH-CRN-014) HMCS Cornwallis early '50s, Main Street on Base // D. Findlay Collection (NMoH-CRN-015) HMCS Cornwallis early 1950s, Physical and Recreation Training School // D. Findlay Collection
(NMoH-CRN-016) The Canteen at HMCS CORNWALLIS early 1950s // D. Findlay Collection (NMoH-CRN-017) Fire hall at HMCS CORNWALLIS (NMoH-CRN-018) Barracks at HMCS CORNWALLIS 1942-43 // Mr. Mackay Collection (NMoH-CRN-019) The Gun Battery at HMCS CORNWALLIS 1942-43 // Mr. Mackay Collection (NMoH-CRN-020) Wardroom at HMCS CORNWALLIS
(NMoH-CRN-021) Rifle and Pistol Range at HMCS CORNWALLIS (NMoH-CRN-022) Communications School at HMCS CORNWALLIS early 1950s (NMoH-CRN-023) Drill with rifles at HMCS CORNWALLIS during the Second World War // Murray Halkett 89.91.84 (NMoH-CRN-024) Seamanship training at HMCS CORNWALLIS on an unknown ship (postcard) (NMoH-CRN-025) Unknown building at HMCS CORNWALLIS - Second World War (postcard) Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax
HMCS CORNWALLIS - Halifax, 22 Sep - 23 Nov 1942 (HA28) Howard Abbott at HMCS CORNWALLIS, middle row, second from left (HA105) Howard Abbott in HMCS CORNWALLIS (HA106) RCN recruits outside barracks at HMCS CORNWALLIS (HA108) Howard Abbott in HMCS CORNWALLIS
HMCS CORNWALLIS - Halifax, 22 Sep - 23 Nov 1942 (HA110) Howard Abbott (centre) at HMCS CORNWALLIS From the collection of AB Howard Abbott, RCNVR Courtesy of Roger Litwiller
Training at HMCS CORNWALLIS (RB01) Raymond Burton (RB05) Raymond Burton and Tom
Training at HMCS CORNWALLIS (TB06) Drill with rifles on the parade square at HMCS CORNWALLIS (TB07) Unknown building at HMCS CORNWALLIS These photos are from the wartime photo collection of Raymond Burton . They have been provided for use on For Posterity's Sake on the page for HMCS CORNWALLIS These photos are not for reproduction, distribution or sale. Copyright Elizabeth Wagner
Royal Canadian Naval School of Physical and Recreational Training
(HB01) C. MacDonald (HB02) Reg Mylrae (HB03) Roy Anger (HB04) Bob Greene (HB05) Johnny Rowland
(HB06) Jim Arnott (HB07) Johnny Altman (HB08) Bill Harmon (HB09) Danny Seaman (HB10) Gus Vickers
(HB11) Red Burchel (HB12) HMCS CORNWALLIS New Entry Sports Award jacket patch (HB13) Reg Mylrae (HB14) Johnny Rowland (HB15) Mike - mascot for HMCS CORNWALLIS
(HB16) Ron Sallis (HB17) Bee (top) - Sallis, Gardner, Lobby, Rowland (horizontal) - Baldwin, Goldfinch, Magnan, Barron, Phillips, Janes (standing) (HB18-HB20) Training Instructors conducting classes on the beach at HMCS CORNWALLIS
(HB21-HB22) Training Instructors conducting classes on the beach at HMCS CORNWALLIS (HB23) The Gang at Deep Brook (HB24) Simpson (HB25) Sallis
(HB26) Bourque, (Summerfield ) Murphy, Burton (HB27) Bourque, Henderson & Charles (HB28) Back - R. Sallis, A. Goldfinch, F. Jones, P. Magnan, I. Barron, R. Phillips; Front - V. Baldwin, B. Gardner, Bee, Park, J. Rowland, L. O'Brien (HB29) New Entry Staff - 1943 (HB30) P&RT School Staff & Qualifiers July 1943-44
(HB31) no caption (HB32) P&RT School Staff - 1943 (HB33) Frank Janes - 1943 (HB34) H.W. - 1943 (HB35) Bill Gardner, Harry Hine, H.W. - 1943
(HB36) Harry Hine - 1943 (HB37) Bill Gardner, Harry Hines, Frank Janes (HB38) Bill Gardner (HB39) - Bill Gardner, Frank Janes, Harry Hine (HB40) No caption
(HB41) H.W. (referee) (HB42-HB45) no caption available
(HB46-HB48) no caption available
From the collection of Harold W. Bee, PO, Training Instructor, RCNVR
Harold Bee was a Training Instructor at HMCS CORNWALLIS c1943-1944
Courtesy of Steven Kaye
(GS15) Canteen at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS16) Dining Hall at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS17) Whaler and boat falls on the jetty at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS18) Recruits on the parade square at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS19) View from the rifle range at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945
(GS20) Base Commanders residence at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS21) Train Station at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS22) Jetty and Boat shed at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS23) OS Walsh's platoon at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS24) Holdstead at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945
(GS25) "Shock" at HMCS CORNWALLIS - c1945 (GS26) CORNWALLIS recruits on board HMCS Toronto 319 From the collection of Gerald Francis (Gerry) Walsh, VS, RCN Courtesy of Mike O'Keefe
(JJJ28) On parade at HMCS CORNWALLIS - PO1 Joly Platoon PO (left side of photo) (JJJ29) PO1 Joly receiving a trophy award at HMCS CORNWALLIS
From the collection of CPO2 Fin Clk J.J. Joly, RCN / C.A.F.
Courtesy of Jean-Marc Joly
(EH15) Barracks at HMCS CORNWALLIS, Apr 1943 (EH16) New construction at HMCS CORNWALLIS, Apr 1943 (EH17) "The Navvies" - Work crew at construction site at HMCS CORNWALLIS, Apr 1943. Ervin Hall first on left From the collection of Ervin HalL, EA3c, RCNVR Courtesy of Susan McPhedran
(MH01) CORNWALLIS platoon photo (MH02) Marven Hatter and unknown friend in front of St-Laurent block in CORNWALLIS From the collection of Marvin Hatter, RCN
(JT01) Portait of Joe Tanner (JT02) Joe Tanner in the barracks at HMCS CORNWALLIS (JT03) Recruits at HMCS CORNWALLIS with unknown Wren - 1952 From the collection of Joe Tanner Courtesy of Steve Hlasny
Running the obstacle course at HMCS CORNWALLIS
Running the obstacle course at HMCS CORNWALLIS From the collection of Gordon A. Broster, RCN Courtesy of Cathy Robinson
(AS10) Alvin Schlosser and friends - HMCS CORNWALLIS - 1961 (AS11) Alvin's bunk - Assiniboine Division - HMCS CORNWALLIS - 1961
(3) Assiniboine Division (4) HMCS CORNWALLIS, Main gate (5) Assiniboine Division Building (6) HMC Physical and Recreational Training School From the collection of Alvin Schlosser, Air Fitter, RCN Courtesy of Judy Malic
HMCS CORNWALLIS on Tour // Naval Tattoo Display at Dorval, Montreal, Quebec, Jul 1962
The Flag Ceremony crew, the Gun crew and the Band practiced all summer long - 1965
The Flag Ceremony crew, the Gun crew and the Band practiced all summer long - 1965
Ceremonial Divisions, HMCS CORNWALLIS, Jul 1965
(GM-CRN-019) HMCS CORNWALLIS band off base - Jul 1965 (GM-CRN-020) The Gunroom with attached beer garden, HMCS CORNWALLIS - 1965 (GM-CRN-021) The Gunroom, HMCS CORNWALLIS - 1965 (GM-CRN-022) Sailing the whalers off base - HMCS CORNWALLIS - 1965 (GM-CRN-023) Out pipes. UNTD Cadets to Friday Ceremonial Divisions - July 1965. Jones in front. A. Geeraert on his left shoulder
(GM-CRN-024) Sikorsky Helo landing in front of the wardroom at HMCS CORNWALLIS - believed to be off HMCS BONAVENTURE From the collection of Gary Medford Courtesy of Gary Medford
Staff Officers and Gunners' Mates - May 1944
Staff Photo - Unknown Department / School - 1945
New Entry Courses during the Second World War
New Entry - HMCS Cornwallis (Halifax) - c1941
Frobisher - HMCS Cornwallis (Halifax) - 25 Nov 1941 - 10 Feb 1942
New Entry (Grad photo) - HMCS Cornwallis (Halifax) - Jan-Apr 1942
New Entry Course photo - HMCS Cornwallis (Halifax) - date unknown
New Entry Course photo - HMCS Cornwallis (Halifax) - date unknown
Hood Division - HMCS Cornwallis (Halifax) - 08 Jun - 10 Aug 1942
Hood Division - HMCS Cornwallis (Halifax) - 19 Aug - 25 Oct 1942
"U" Class, New Entry Course photo - HMCS Cornwallis (Halifax) - 1942
Frobisher - HMCS Cornwallis (Deep Brook) - circa 1943
New Entry - HMCS Cornwallis (Deep Brook) - Winter 1943-1944
Hawke Division - HMCS Cornwallis (Deep Brook) - date unknown
New Entry Courses Post Second World War
New Entry Courses for Wren's - post Second World War
1st Course of post-wartime Wrens
Canadian Forces Recruit School - English Division
Basic Recruit Training Course Photos - Post Unification
7034 7036 7045 7201 7204 7231 7302 7304 7849B
Junior Leadership: Junior Leadership Course 2/66 - RCN(R) Junior Leadership Course - Jun 1967 - RCN(R)
Petty Officers: Leadership Course - 02 Jun 1950 - 20 Jul 1950 Leadership Course - #117 - 06 Nov 1961 - 15 Dec 1961 Leadership Course - Mar-Apr 1964 Leadership Course - Sep-Oct 1964 Leadership Course Red 6/66 - 20 Sep 1966 - 20 Oct 1966 Leadership Course Red 6/67 - 19 Sep 1967 - 20 Oct 1967
Leadership Course - Unknown date #1 Leadership Course - Unknown date #2 Leadership Course - Unknown date #3
Officers: Officers' Leadership Course - Jan 1964 Officers' Leadership Course - Oct 1966 Officers' Leadership Course - Aug 1967
Officers' Leadership Course - Unknown date #1 Officers' Leadership Course - Unknown date #2 Officers' Leadership Course - Unknown date #3 Officers' Leadership Course - Unknown date #4