A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Ships served in: HMCS HUNTER - Enlisted 08 Jun 1942. Commenced active service 03 Aug 1942. HMS GEORGETOWN - 22 Nov 1943 - 11 Dec 1943 HMS PERSIAN - 18 Dec 1943 - 22 Jan 1944 HMCS MONNOW - Served in MONNOW 09 Mar 1944 - 07 Jun 1945 as EA 4c and EA 3c, RCNVR HMCS HUNTER - Demobilized 22 Nov 1945
(1) Petty Officer Ervin Hall, Bristol, UK, Feb 1944 (2) Service Summary (3) Letter from the Recruiting Officer, HMCS Hunter to Ervin Hall, 03 Jun 1942
(4) Newspaper article on Petty Officers donating blood during Navy Week. The Hamilton Spectator 12 Aug 1942. Ervin Hall - Upper photo right side, middle, standing, white shirt.
Photo 4 - The story behind the story - My dad couldn't swim a stroke. All new recruits were expected to swim a 100 yards but the swimming test could be avoided if you attended the blood donor clinic. It is quite possible that all those in the top photo couldn't swim either.
(5) Windsor Boys Join Navy. Newspaper article on Jim Simpson and Ervin Hall departing Windsor for Hamilton. The Windsor Star, Friday, 02 Aug 1942
(6) Boarding house - at / near Cornwallis. L-R: Unknown, Stephens, Simpson, Christie & Hall.
Photo 6 - The story behind the story - My dad's landlady, Alice Isabelle Hattie Walker, became his step-mother. My grandfather travelled to Halifax to see Dad, met the landlady and they proceeded to exchange letters. They married in May 1945 - his 2nd and her 1st.
(7) Petty Officer Ervin Hall, Bristol, England, Feb 1944 (8) Dave Coton, Yeoman of Signals (left) and Ervin Hall. "Two Salts or One Salt and a Half". Note the expanding front on Ervin.
(10-15) Ontario to Nova Scotia - Train Station, Campbellton, New Brunswick - 01 Mar 1943 "The train left Montreal Sunday evening and we were able to sleep on the train"
(10) Train Station, Campbellton, NB (11) Bill Christie, Jim Simpson, Jack Macintosh, Ted Squires & Truman Stephens (12) Ervin Hall (13) Jimmy Simpson (14) Stevy aka Truman Stephens (15) Captain Paul - after arrival in Halifax
(EH15) Barracks at HMCS CORNWALLIS, Apr 1943 (EH16) New construction at HMCS CORNWALLIS, Apr 1943 (EH17) "The Navvies" - Work crew at construction site at HMCS CORNWALLIS, Apr 1943. Ervin Hall first on left
Courtesy of Susan McPhedran