New Entry Recruit Course Photos
Restigouche Division 2/64
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Click here to view the photo with Staff and Recruits numbered for identification
(1) Stokes, J.R. (4) Lammle, Orville (5) Whittaker, Ted (9) Gibson, George (29) Archambault, Pierre (38) Peterson, Gary (39) Williams, James (40) Yaworski, Paul (41) Abma, Rudy (46) Peek, Phil (48) Fanskie, Vaughn (53) Lane, Leo (56) Nichol
The following are in the photo but they are not identified: Borkowski, Mike; Brown, Stan; Bryce, Dave; Clayton, R.P.; Collins, John; Cullen, Richard; Deg, Redge; Dillon, D.; Fournier, Thomas; Gingras, Roland; Grieve; Holland, Jim; Hughes, D.; Kilmartin, Art; Landry, Ray; Lannon, Harry; MacDivitt, D.; Marryott, Blair; Moore, Gary; Neville, Peter; Ogden, Tom; Power, Ed; Proctor, Robert; Ripinburg, R.S.; Schofield, M.; Stevens, Paul; Stott, John; Thibeau, Roger; Thompson, E.; Waugh, John; Zwicker, Bruce
Courtesy of Orville Lammle
Restigouche Division 2/64 Passing out march past
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Courtesy of Orville Lammle
New Entry Recruit Course Photos - Index