River Class / Prestonian Class Frigate




Post wartime badge

HMCS Ste Therese 309 - Jun 1962

RCN Photo


Battle honours and awards:  Atlantic  1945



Laid down: 18 May 1943

Launched: 16 Oct 1943

Commissioned: 28 May 1944

Paid off: 22 Nov 1945

Re-commissioned: 22 Jan 1955

Paid off: 30 Jan 1967

Fate: Broken up in 1967


Built by Davie Shipbuilding & Repairing Co. Ltd., she was commissioned on 28 May 1944, at Lévis. She arrived at Halifax early in Jul 1944 and, after preliminary workups in St. Margaret's Bay, proceeded to Bermuda to complete the process. Returning n mid-Aug 1944, Ste. Therese left Halifax in late Oct 1944 to join convoy HX.317 for passage to Londonderry. There she joined EG 25 and served with it in U.K. waters until Feb 1945, when she was re-assigned to EG 28, Halifax. She served locally with EG 28 until the end of the war, and on 22 Nov 1945 was paid off at Sydney and placed in reserve at Shelburne. She re-commissioned on 22 Jan 1955, after conversion to a Prestonian class ocean escort as served as a training vessel the remainder of her career.


1966-1967 - HMCS STE THERESE and HMCS NEW GLASGOW WERE tied up at Seward Defence Jetty. The equipment from both ships was being moth balled and stored ashore before they were anchored in harbour in the Black Squadron.


STE THERESE was paid off at Esquimalt on 30 Jan 1967. She was broken up in Japan that year.



Photos and Documents          Ship's company photos          The Ship's Bell


Crossing the Line -Equator - 10 Mar 1959



Commanding Officers


A/Cdr James Evelyn Mitchell, RCNVR - 28 May 1944 - 05 Jul 1945

A/LCdr Alexander Craig Campbell, RCNVR - 06 Jul 1945 - 04 Sep 1945

Lt J. Jackson, RCNVR - 05 Sep 1945 - 26 Sep 1945

Lt G.A. Macpherson, RCNVR - 27 Sep 1945 - 22 Nov 1945

LCdr William Frances Potter, RCN - 22 Jan 1955 - 03 June 1956

LCdr Philip John Pratley, RCN - 04 Jun 1956 - 12 Jan 1958

LCdr Aubrey Ravening Pickels, RCN - 13 Jan 1958 - 25 Apr 1958

LCdr John Burleigh Chapleau Carling, RCN - 24 Jan 1959 - 17 Aug 1960

LCdr A.G. Murray, RCN - 18 Aug 1960 - 16 Aug 1962

LCdr Michael Arthur (Mike) Martin, RCN - 17 Aug 1962 - 02 May 1963

LCdr Peter Gerald May, RCN - 03 May 1963 - unk

LCdr Keith Murray Young, RCN - 30 Oct 1964 - 14 Sep 1965

LCdr Pierre Edouard Gerard Simard, RCN - 15 Sep 1965 - 30 Jan 1967 (OIC)



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten


Adkin, Leslie W.

Anderson, Norman G. A.

Bates, Alan W.

Bernuy, Jacques A.

Burck, David

Cameron, Joseph K.

Campbell, William R.

Carver, Robert J.

Clark, Donald S.

Clark, George

Clarkson, Henry L.

Cluff, Charles T.

Crawford, Galered G.

Curry, Walter

Dale, T. Leslie

Day, Alfred D. J.

Downs, Steve

Draper, William J.

Eastick, David C.

Ebner, Ernest F.

Emberly, William G.

Emberton, Ivor

Etherington, Jack E.

Fahey, Robert G.

Fell, Lloyd A.

Fenwick, Charles W.

Finley, William E.

Forrester, Charles M.

Fox-Decent, Norman

Fraser, Robert N.

Gallo, Mike

Glover, David E.

Good, Jack W.

Goodbrandson, Siggi

Grainger, Robert K.

Haldane, Robert J.

Hall, Gordon F.

Harwood, John

Hawrysh, Frederick J.

Hayley, Al

Hennis, John

Hill, Peter E.

Hodgkins, Frederick W.

Johnson, Kenneth E.

Joyce, Kenneth J. F.

Kahler, Lawrence J.

Kazmiruk, George D.

Kedrosky, Francis J.

Kelbough, Kenneth M.

Kirby, Richmond H.

Kniert, Carl R.

Kostiuk, Bohdan J. P.

Kovits, William C.

Kutzner, Eric H.

Lambert, Ronald G. P.

Larone, Ronald T.

Leeming, Matthew R.

Logie, Robert D.

Mackie, William A.

MacNeil, Hugh M. D.

Martin, Charles R.

Martin, Michael A.

McArdle, Christopher C.

McComb, G. E. Chris

McLean, Donald A. J.

McLeod, Frank T.

McNair, William

McQueen, Leonard

Meadmore, William J.

Miller, David D.

Neill, H. Robert

Nute, Darrel E.

Orrick, Robert C.

Parsons, Harvey

Pesclevich, Thomas W.

Pickels, Aubrey R.

Porter, Henry T.

Prokopow, Thomas K.

Roberts, Joseph A.

Roggeveen, Paul A.

Rumberger, Donald T.

Sauder, Wilton H.

Schauer, Ralph

Schuckburgh, Trevor C.

Scougal, Gordon J.

Seager, R. George

Seibel, Arthur J.

Sexsmith, John R.

Simard, Pierre E. G.

Southin, Howard E.

Stenson, Allan E.

Stuart, George E.

Tyre, James A.

Usher, Ewart S.

Vergouwen, Peter J.

Walter, John R. T.

Wareham, Earle A.

Wright, David L.

Young, Keith M.

Young, Ronald M.

Zabrick, Demetro







Former Crew Members


Ball, Darrell Allan, SLt, RCNVR - 10 Apr 1944 (Stand by) / 28 May 1944


Bauer, Wilfred A. (Wilf), Radar Plotter


Berbeck, Robert, Jan 1961 - Sep 1962


Bradley, Richard Stewart, SLt, RCNVR - 23 Apr 1945


Coombes, Robert Arthur, Lt (E), RCNVR - 14 Mar 1944 / 28 May 1944


Fowler, William Horace, Lt, RCNVR - 28 Apr 1944

Fraser, John Newby, Lt, RCNVR - 20 Mar 1944 / 28 May 1944


Kerr, Henry Kirby, SLt (E), RCNVR - 24 Jun 1944


Mackay, Roy J.


Martin, Charles Raymond, Lt, RCNVR - 28 May 1944


Martin, John Abarbanell, Lt, RCNVR - 14 May 1944 / 28 May 1944


Mitchell, James Evelyn, LCdr, RCNVR - 02 Apr 1945

Montgomery, Richard Alan, Lt (El) (R), RCNVR - 14 Mar 1945


Pendergast, Walter Frederick, Lt, RCNVR  - 21 Feb 1945


Rutherford, Robert (Bob), Lt, RCN, NavO - May 1965 - Aug 1965


Stew, George E., Signalman


Todd, Clarke, SLt, RCNVR - 10 Apr 1944 / 28 May 1944



Photos and Documents





(STH001-STH002) HMCS STE THERESE K366  //  RCN Photos # HS-0753-1R and HS-0753-2R respectively  //  Censor stamp dated 18 Oct 1944  //  Courtesy of Sue Peters

(STH003) HMCS STE THERESE K366  //  Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax





(STH004) Steve and Paul Byron on STE THERESE K366somewhere between Derry and Halifax

(STH005) Standing L-R: George Alexander, Ken Evans, Lorne Thiffault, PO Birchmore - Front L-R: Dyment, Steve and  Dick Bryson

(STH006) Standing L-R: Portington (of Vancouver), Lorne Chase (of Prince Rupert), Andy Boomer (of Winnipeg) and Dick Easterbrooke (of Vancouver) - Front L-R: George Williams (of Montreal), Knobby Clarke (of Hull, QC) and Steve

Webmaster's note: The source of these 3 photos is Google photos.  There is no indication other than Steve on whose collection they are from or who posted them on Google photos




STH007 / DR001

STH008 / DG001

STH009 / DG002

(STH006) HMCS Ste Therese K336 - WW2 jacket patch  //  From the collection of William Finley  //  Courtesy of Shawn MacGuire

(STH007) Sailors on the quarterdeck of HMCS STE THERESE K366  //  (1) Red Fraser (Hamilton, ON)  (2) Don Rumberger (Senlac, SK)  (3) Bill Whalley (Ottawa, ON)  (4) Chuck Marshall (Ottawa, ON)  (5) Spud Ross (PEI)  (6) George Wilkin  (7) Slim Elliot  (8) Moose McKenzie (Toronto)  (9) Ron Brooks (Toronto)  //  Click here to see a copy of the photo with the crew numbered  //  From the collection of Don Rumberger, RCNVR

(STH008) A cold day at sea on board HMCS Ste Therese K366 - 1945  //  L-R:  Moore, Whalley, Evans, Glover  //  From the collection of David E. Glover, LS, RCN  //  Courtesy of David Glover


6 Mess, HMCS Ste Therese K366 - 1944  //  (1) Thiffault, L.  (2) Partington, G.  (3) Nisbett  (4) Blundy, P.  (5) French

(6) Jessup  (7) Bell, G., LS  (8) Hooper  (9) Good, N.  (10) Duckworth, T.  (11) Glover, G .  //  Click here to see a copy of the photo with the crew numbered  //  From the collection of David E. Glover, LS, RCN  //  Courtesy of David Glover



Post Second World War Photos as a Prestonian Class Frigate







STH104 / SH179

(STH100) HMCS STE THERESE 309 - undated  //  DND / RCN photo

(STH101) HMCS Ste Therese - 27 Oct 1956  //  Photographer Walter E. Frost  //  City of Vancouver Archives

(STH102) HMCS Ste Therese - 09 May 1959  //  Photographer Walter E. Frost  //  City of Vancouver Archives

(STH103) The boys of Ste. Therese at Fort Derussy, Honolulu  //  Courtesy of Jim Dobell

(STH104) (SH179) HMCS STE THERESE at the Seward Defence Jetty circa 1966 - 1967. All the equipment from the ship was being moth balled and stored ashore before they were anchored in harbour in the Black Squadron  //  From the collection of Steve Hlasny,CPO2.LT



(STH105) Crossing the Line Ceremony - HMCS Ste Therese 309 - 10 Mar 1959  //   Courtesy of Nigel Whiteley, LCdr, RCN, Ret'd







(DM03) HMCS STE THERESE 309 postcard

(DM03) Dan McLean by the aft gun mount on HMCS STE THERESE 309

(DM04) Dan McLean's friends and shipmates Les Currie and Ray Spies in Acapulco, Mexico

(DM05) Dan McLean (right) at a party with unknown female friend and a friend off HMCS ANTIGONISH 301 - location unknown

From the collection of Donald A. J. McLean, EM, RCN

Courtesy of Dan