H - Class Destroyer (RN)
River Class Destroyer (RCN)
Commissioned on 23 Oct 1936 as HMS HERO, she saw extensive service in the Second World War, including the second Battle of Narvik, Apr 1940; the evacuation of Greece and Crete, Apr and May 1941; and the Syrian invasion, Jun 1941. As a unit of the Mediterranean Fleet, she also took part in the Second Battle of Sirte in Mar 1942, and, in May 1942 and October 1942, shared in the sinking of two U-boats. In Apr 1943, she returned to the U.K. for a major refit at Portsmouth, and there was transferred to the RCN on 15 Nov 1943, becoming HMCS CHAUDIERE. In Jan 1944, she became a member of EG C-2, MOEF, and on 06 Mar 1944, shared in the destruction of U 744. In May she was assigned to EG 11, Western Approaches Command, for invasion support duty, and was present on D-Day. On 20 and 28 Aug 1944, she assisted in the sinking of U 984, west of Brest, and of U 621 off La Rochelle. During the next three months she was employed in patrol and support duties in the North Atlantic, Bay of Biscay, and English Channel. She returned to Halifax at the end of Nov 1944 for repairs, and a major refit begun at Sydney two months later was still incomplete on VE-Day. CHAUDIERE was paid off 17 Aug 1945 to reserve at Sydney, and broken up by Dominion Steel at Sydney in 1950.
U-Boats Sunk: (1) U-744 (Oblt Heinz Blischke) a type VIIC U-boat, sunk on 06 Mar 1944 by HMCS ST CATHARINES K325, HMCS CHILLIWACK K131, HMCS GATINEAU H61, HMCS Fennel K194, HMCS CHAUDIERE H99, HMS ICARUS and HMS KENIWORTH CASTLE in position 52-01 N, 22-37 W. Of her crew of 51, there were 40 survivors
(2) U-621 sunk on 18 Aug 1944 by HMCS OTTAWA H31, HMCS KOOTENAY H75 and HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 in position 45-52N, 02-36 W
(3) U-984 sunk on 20 Aug 1944 by HMCS OTTAWA H31, HMCS KOOTENAY H75 and HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 in position 42-20 N, 51-39 W
Photos and Documents Ship's Company Photos
Commanding Officers
A/LCdr Charles Patrick Nixon, DSC, RCN - 15 Nov 1943 - 21 Mar 1945
A/LCdr Wilfred. Davenport, RCNR - 22 Mar 1945 - 20 Jun 1945
LCdr G.M. Kaizer, RCNR - 02 Aug 1945 - 12 Aug 1945
They shall not be forgotten
Former Crew Members
Photos and Documents
(CHD001) Article on the newly commissioned HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 // Halifax Daily Star, Thur, 20 Jan 1944 // From the collection of J. Vincent Wesley, CPO, RCNVR // Courtesy of Marilynn Taylor (CHD002) Article on the newly commissioned HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 // From the collection of François Messier, AB, RCNVR // Courtesy of Denis Messier (CHD003) HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 - date unknown // From the collection of Eldred Morton Smith // Courtesy of Paul Smith (CHD004) HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 // DND / RCN Photo (CHD005) Gun crews at readiness aboard the destroyer HMCS CHAUDIERE, Britain, 07 Jan 1944 // Source: Lt Richard G. Arless / Canada. Dept. of National Defence / Library and Archives Canada / PA-143938
(CHD006) Canadian Naval Craft Sink German U-boat // The Halifax Chronicle 01 Jun 1944 // Researched by / Courtesy of George Newbury // Ships mentioned in the article: HMCS GATINEAU, HMCS CHAUDIERE, HMCS CHILLIWACK, HMCS FENNEL, HMCS ST CATHARINES, HMS ICARUS (CHD007) Canadian Warships Rescue U-Boat Crew // Article on the rescue of survivors from U-744 // The Halifax Chronicle 01 Jun 1944 // Researched by / Courtesy of George Newbury // Ships mentioned in the article: HMCS CHAUDIERE, HMCS CHILLIWACK, HMCS FENNEL, HMCS ST CATHARINES // Sailors mentioned in the article: Lt Douglas S. Boyle, RCN of Revelstoke, BC (HMCS CHAUDIERE); Lt Charles Rathget, RCNVR of Toronto (HMCS CHAUDIERE); PO Stevenson; Lt W.W. Spicer, RCNVR of Regina, Sask (CHD008) HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 at Sydney, NS circa Jun-Jul 1945 // From the collection of Marcel Chasse // Courtesy of Robert Chasse (CHD009) Unidentified sailors on HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 // From the collection of Julian (Jim) Miller // Courtesy of Ron Balazs (CHD010) HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 // From the collection of Donald R. Johnston, Stoker, RCNVR // Courtesy of William Johnston
(CHD011) HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 - other destroyer unknown // Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax (CHD012) The capture of U-744 sunk on 06 Mar 1944 by HMCS St. Catharine K325, HMCS CHILLIWACK K131, HMCS GATINEAU H61, HMCS FENNEL K194, HMCS CHAUDIERE H99, HMS ICARUS and HMS KENIWORTH CASTLE
(NP03) Norman Parks on HMCS CHAUDIERE (NP04) Depth charge exploding astern of HMCS CHAUDIERE From the collection of Norman Parks, AB, RCNVR Courtesy of William Kilpatrick
HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 From the collection of ERA Albert Baker, RCNVR Courtesy of Anne Baker
Officers and Ratings - HMCS CHAUDIERE H99
(JF08) A/LCdr Charles P. Nixon, CO (right) with unidentified Petty Officer on the bridge of HMCS CHAUDIERE
(JF09) John Rolfe Ferguson - 1st on right. Remainder unidentified
From the collection of John R. Ferguson, LCdr (S), RCN(R)
Courtesy of Ronald Ferguson
Reunion of sailors from HMCS CHAUDIERE H99 - 17 Aug 1990 From the collection of Julian (Jim) Miller Courtesy of Ron Balazs