Flower Class Corvette
Commissioned at Montreal on 12 May 1941, BARRIE arrived at Halifax on 24 May 1941 and was initially employed as a local escort out of Sydney. On 05 Sep 1941 she left Sydney to join convoy SC.43 for Iceland, but defects necessitated her sailing on to Belfast for two months' refit. She served as a mid-ocean escort until May 1942, when she was assigned to WLEF on her return from Londonderry with ON.91, and she remained with this force until the end of the war. When individual escort groups were formed by WLEF in Jun 1943, she became a member of EG W-1, and continued so except for brief service with EG W-8 in the fall of 1944. In mid-Mar 1944, she commenced a long refit, including fo'c's'le extension, at Liverpool, N.S., working up at Bermuda afterward in August. On 19 May 1945, she left New York with HX.357, her last convoy, and was paid off on 26 Jun 1945 at Sorel. Sold for merchant service in 1947, she became the Argentinean Gasestado but was taken over by the Argentinean Navy in 1957. Converted to a hydrographic survey vessel she was renamed Capitan Canepa. One of Capitan Canepa most important tasks was a survey in 1967 to delineate the contested territorial waters between Argentina, Uruguay, and Brazil. The survey quite possibly averted war. After more than 30 years service to two navies, she was paid off and broken up in 1972.
Photos and Documents Ship's company photos The Ship's Bell
Commanding Officers
They shall not be forgotten
Former Crew Members
Photos and Documents
(BAR000) HMCS BARRIE K138 - RCN photo (BAR001) HMCS BARRIE's gunshield art
(BAR002) HMCS BARRIE jacket patch // Courtesy of Randy Rice (BAR003) HMCS BARRIE’s gunshield art taken in St. John’s NF in 1943 // Roger Litwiller Collection, courtesy Ross Milligan, RCNR. (RTL-REM170) (BAR004) Unknown sailor on HMCS BARRIE K138 // Source: Flickr photo collection of Ron Bell (BAR005) HMCS BARRIE K138 (foreground) conducting a stern fueling from an unknown tanker (BAR006) Petty Officer Howard English watches as the Cox'n, Chief Maxwell Martin repaints BARRIE's badge. OS Dick Elkington mixes paint. Note: This badge was mounted on the bridge face. Click here to view the back of the photo // Ken Macpherson collection // Naval Museum of Calgary // Courtesy of Bruce LeCren
(BAR007) Painting of HMCS BARRIE on convoy duty on display at City Hall, Barrie, ON // Courtesy of Diane Chislett, Barrie Branch President, Navy League of Canada (BAR008) Spray blows over the fo'c's'le and bridge of HMCS BARRIE K138 // Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax
(JW08-JW11) HMCS BARRIE K138 - RCN Photos (JW12) Sailors on HMCS BARRIE K138 with a kite adorned with Swatikas
(JW13) Two sailors on HMCS BARRIE about to cut into a cake (JW14) Sto PO James Wilson about to flash up the boiler on HMCS BARRIE K138 - RCN photo (JW15) Three newspaper articles on HMCS BARRIE and her crew: (1) HMCS BARRIE braves Atlantic storms and war's hazards (2) Ship is Sunk, 14 Rescued 3) Corvette "BARRIE" Boys Passing Through Town Stop to Say Thanks (JW16) Veteran Seamen - Three engine room ratings of HMCS BARRIE K138 - L-R: Sto PO Marould (Bill) Davis, RCNR of Pictou, NS; Sto Harold (Shadow) McMahon, MID, RCNR of Sarnia, ON; and, Sto PO James Wilson, BEM, RCNR From the collection of James Wilson, Sto PO, RCNVR Courtesy of Gail Darby
(DM01) Douglas W. Moore on HMCS BARRIE K138 (DM02) Doug Moore (with cigar) and unidentified shipmate scrubbing the deck on HMCS BARRIE K138 (DM03) Doug Moore on HMCS BARRIE K138 (DM04) A couple of sailors from HMCS BARRIE K138 enjoying some time ashore in New York, NY (DM05) Unknown sailors on HMCS BARRIE K138. Note the sailor with the six-gun
(DM06) Doug Moore standing by the depth charge racks on HMCS BARRIE K138 (DM07) Doug Moore (right) and shipmates on HMCS BARRIE K138 (DM08) Depth charge exploding astern of HMCS BARRIE K138 (DM09) A blimp on anti-submarine patrol passing over a convoy (DM10) Unknown ship off Bermuda - possibly a work-ups consort - Photo taken from HMCS BARRIE K138
(DM11) Bill Krismous and Kirby shooting dice (DM12) Bill Hudson on HMCS BARRIE K138 (DM13) RMS Queen Mary - Photo taken from HMCS BARRIE K138 From the collection of Douglas Moore, AB, Radar, RCNVR Courtesy of Harold Moore
The Officers and Men of HMCS BARRIE 1943-1945 on the North Atlantic
(HS18-HS19) The Captain, Lt Stokvis, on the bridge of the Barry (HS20) Our Navigator Lt Stonehouse (HS21) Our Submarine Detection Officers (HS22) Our Gunnery Officer - SLt (name not known)
(HS23) The Coxswain (HS24) The Buffer (HS25) The Anti Submarine Detector NCO (HS26) Gunner's Mate Doug Norris (HS27) Radar Operator Joe Bell
(HS28) Signalman Frank Caldwell (HS29-HS30) Our Cooks (HS31) Hank Mk I - Bill Henry (HS32) Hank Mk 2 - Hendricks
(HS33) Bill Harris (HS34) John Smith "Smitty" (HS35) Terry Sheard (HS36) John Cox "Newfy" (HS37) Tom Drobot
(HS38) Jack Moore (HS39) Galagher "Gags" (HS40) Carl Harris (HS41) Perc Purdy (HS42) Doug Norris
(HS43) Robbie Robinson (HS44) Carl Harris (HS45) Sam "Sandy" Sanderson (HS46) Unknown sailor (HS46) Unknown sailor
(HS48-HS52) Carl Harris
(HS53-HS57) Carl Harris
(HS58) Bill and Carl Harris (HS59) Jack and Carl Harris (HS60) Carl Harris and Sandy Sanderson (HS61) Bill and Jack (HS62) Bill and Carl Harris
(HS63) Carl Harris and Jack (HS64) Terry and Carl Harris (HS65) Bill (HS66) Jack (HS67) Bill
(HS68) John "Smitty" Smith and "Hank Mk 2" Hendricks (HS69) Sailors on HMCS BARRIE ready and waiting to go ashore (HS70) Sandy and Jack (HS71) Jack (HS72) Jack
HS73-HS76) Howard Samuel (Sandy) (Sam) Sanderson
(HS77) Unknown sailors on HMCS BARRIE (HS78) Unknown sailors on the gun deck of HMCS BARRIE (HS79) Unknown sailors on HMCS BARRIE (HS80) Unknown sailors taking a break on the upper decks on HMCS BARRIE (HS81) "Hank Mk 2" Hendricks
(HS82) Unknown sailor on HMCS BARRIE (HS83) Sailors painting the funnel on HMCS BARRIE (HS84) Unknown sailors on HMCS BARRIE (HS85) Unknown sailor on HMCS BARRIE (HS86) Unknown sailors on HMCS BARRIE on duty as Quartermaster and Bosn's mate
(HS87) "Ace" Roberton (HS88) "The Preacher" (HS89) Unknown sailor on HMCS BARRIE (HS90) Unknown sailor on HMCS BARRIE (HS91) Two unknown sailors on HMCS BARRIE - they can be seen in the photo of the unknown sailor HS90
(HS92) Unknown sailor on HMCS BARRIE (HS93) Unknown sailor working on the outside of the bandstand (after gun tub) on HMCS BARRIE (HS94) Unknown sailor sitting in an engine room air intake on HMCS BARRIE (HS95-HS96) Unknown sailor by depth charge thrower on HMCS BARRIE in rough seas. Note the sailor is hooked on to a safety line. It appears he is checking to make sure everything is secured. Webmaster's note: The photo caption for HS95 and HS96 says "throwing charges in high seas" but the depth charge is still secured and there is only ones sailor there. There would be a crew of several sailors if they were throwing charges.
(HS97) HMCS BARRIE taking a wave over the fo'c's'le (HS98-HS99) One of the convoys
(HS100-HS102) "Spot" - Mascot of HMCS BARRIE
From the collection of Howard Samuel (Sandy) Sanderson, CPO, RCNVR
Courtesy of Renee Vandenborre Legg