Documents and Manuals



1st Canadian Training Squadron - Welcome Aboard booklet

3rd Canadian Escort Squadron - PR booklet - 1958

4th Canadian Destroyer Squadron - Welcome Aboard booklet

7th Canadian Escort Squadron - Fall Cruise 6 Sep - 30 Nov 1966 - Courtesy of Cliff Cottingham

7th Canadian Escort Squadron - Ships Visiting Programme - Montreal and Expo - 1967

7th Canadian Escort Squadron information booklet- 1968 - Courtesy of Bill Dibben

50th Anniversary Atlantic Command, RCN


A Brief History of the Ships of the Royal Newfoundland Navy by Donald (Bud) Rose

A Pictorial Record of HMC Ships Huron and Iroquois Under U.N. Command 1954 - 1955

Album of Modern Naval Craft - by John Player & Sons


Badges of the Canadian Forces -23 Sep 1975

Basic Field Manual - Combined Radiotelegraph (W/T) Procedure - 1943

Breathing Equipment Training Document - 1940s

Building Submarines for Russia in Burrard Inlet by W. Kaye Lamb // Source: BC Studies no. 71 Autumn 1986


BR 98 - Boat's Signal Book - 1944  //  From the collection of Ross Somerville, L/Coder, RCNVR

BR 206 / 1940 - Drill Manual for 3-Inch Q.F. Guns on H.A. Mounts

BR 219 / 38 (Extracts from) - Notes on Gunnery for Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships 1938 - Book 1

BR 219 / 38 (Extracts from) - Notes on Gunnery for Defensively Equipped Merchant Ships 1938 - Book 2

BR 232 - Signal Card 1937

BR 258(41) Handbook and Drill Book for the 2-PDP. Q.F. Mark VIII Gun Single Mark VIII Mounting  // High Resolution copy

BR 642 (J) - Summary of Japanese Warships - Amendment No. 1 // From the collection of Ross Somerville, L/Coder, RCNVR

BR (CAN) 1515 - Signal Card 1944

BR 1736 (42) (1) Battle Sumamry No. 39 Vol I OPERATION "NEPTUNE" Landings in Normandy June, 1944

BR 1736 (42) (2) Battle Sumamry No. 39 Vol II OPERATION "NEPTUNE" Landings in Normandy June, 1944

BRCN 108 - Uniform Instructions for the RCN (1951)

BRCN 1203 (2) - Signal Card 1951 - BRCN 1203 (2)

BRCN 2805 - Coxswain's Guide - dated 01 Oct 1943

BRCN 3029 - Seaman's Handbook (1960)

BRCN 3058 - Manual of Ceremonial Drill (1964)


Business Periodical: T. Eaton Co. - Contacts - 31 Dec 1940

Business Periodical:  National - Burt - Western - Period Record Jul 1942

Business Periodical:  National - Burt - Western - Period Record Aug 1942

Business Periodical:  National - Burt - Western - Period Record Nov 1942


CAF 1985 Navy Pride and Commitment Committee Conference Attendees (photo)

Campaign Stars and Medals - Summary of Qualifying Service and Medals Authorized for service with the Canadian Armed Forces during the Seconed World War

Canada's Merchant Seaman - 1945

Canada's Navy - Courtesy of John Knudsen

Canadair CL-84-1 V/STOL Aircraft - Courtesy of Dennis Cardy

Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service League - Constitution and General By-Laws with amendments approved 1938

Canadian Naval Operations in Korean Waters 1950-1955

Canadian Patrol Frigate Project

Career Opportunities in the Wrens  //  From the collection of Dorothy Vallillee

Careers and Education in the RCN - 1962

Carrier Air Traffic Control Procedures - HMCS BONAVENTURE

Construction of Fire Tugs - Memo - 1944

Ceremonial, Manual of - 1974

Ceremonial, Manual of - 1980

Ceremonial, Manual - Maritime Command - 1984

Ceremony, Manual of - 1993

Ceremony, Manual of - 1999

Ceremony, Manual of - 2004

CFP 152 Seamanship Manual Ch 2 dated 08 Sep 1977

Christmas Festival - birth of an era - Summary of the attack on convoy ONS.18 and ON.202


CORNWALLIS, HMCS - Training brochure sent to the family of recruits

CORNWALLIS, CFRS - Recruit handbook - 1982

CORNWALLIS, CFB - Directory - 1989


Course Notebook (Second World War) - Prob. SLt Course Journal - HMCS KINGS - Sep-Nov 1943

Course Notebook (Second World War) - Steam Engineering Course Notebook - HMCS Cornwallis

Course Notebook (Second World War) - Submarine Detectors Course Notebook - 1943

Course Notebook (Second World War) - Wireless Operator Course Notebook - Class W.S. 4, 1943-1944

Course Notebook (Second World War) - Wireless Operator Course Notebook


D-Day - Force "J" Operational Instructions - Section XII - Outline of Communications (for Normandie Invasion)

D-Day - ONEAST/J.2. Appendix "E" - Section IV - Communications during the Assault (for Normandie Invasion)


D-Day on a Canadian Destroyer - 18 Jun 1944

Damage Control Training for the RCN - Second World War

DDH 205 Class Structural Integrity History 1951-1994


Education in the RCN

Engineering Division Information Brochure 1962 - HMCS STADACONA

Engineering Sketchbook, HMCS CHAUDIERE belonging to ABER2 Ned Memnook 

Emotional Reactions in Survivors of H.M.C.S. “Valleyfield” by Simpson and Wellman. Source: Excerpt from the Canadian Medical Association Journal. 1944 Oct;51(4):316-321; National Library of Medicine website

Entertainment Programme for Commonwealth and Colonial Contingents at the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II


Fighting Ships - the story of Convoy SC.42

Fire Fighting / Damage Control - Breathing Equipment in the RCN circa 1940s (Training Document) - Miner's Safety Appliance (M.S.A.) / A.N.S. Salvus Self Contained Set / M.S.A. Hose Mask / Patt 230 - from the collection of James Senior, A/Wt (E), RCN

Fishermen's Reserve (Special Service) of the RCNR

Fleet Composition - 1951 - Sketch

Fleet Composition - 1962

Fleet Regatta 1983 - Maritime Forces Pacific - Operation Order


Halifax in Wartime - A collection of drawings by Robert W. Chambers

HMC Dockyard Halifax - Employee's Guide Book 1946 (reprint from 2009)

HMCS GUELPH K687 - Night Order Book - 15 May 1944 - 25 May 1945

HMCS NADEN, Naval Barracks - A History of Its work, Senior Officers and Ships by Frederick V. Longstaff

HMCS NADEN - Wardroom Mess Rules - 01 Aug 1964

HMS FLEDGLING - Christmas Menu - 1944

HMS JACKDAW (RNAS CRAIL) Act of Thanksgiving - V.E. Day 1945

HOSAQAMI - Six Decades of the Travels and Adventures of Hosaqami.  The Extraordinary Life of a Totem Pole


Kings Regulations & Admiralty Instructions - Vol 1 (1913)

Kingston Class Information Pamphlet

Kingston Class Patrol Vessel (MCDV) - Naval Affairs Program Briefing Note # 23

Knit, Knit, Knit for the Navy and Merchant Navy - Second World War booklet


Land of the Morning Calm - A summary of the Korean conflict


Mainguy Report (The)

Major Landing Craft - Signal Pamphlet - 1942

Maritime Forces Pacific Information Booklet - 01 Sep 1976

Medical Expedition to Easter Island - Organization and Preparation of HMCS CAPE SCOTT

Meet the Navy - Souvenir Programme

Meet the Navy - Souvenir Programme

Memorandum - MARCOMHQ HALIFAX 27 Sep 1973 - Haircuts

Mounting and Wearing of Decorations, Campaign Stars and Medals - VAC information booklet


Naval Air Anniversary Poster 1957-1967

Naval Assembly, RCN - 1958 - British Columbia's Centenary Naval Review

Naval Assembly, RCN - 1967

Naval Assembly, RCN - 1967 (sketch)  -  Image 1 (1 Meg)  Image 2  (14 Megs) - Courtesy of Neil Kenny

Naval Assembly, RCN  2010

Naval Ledger - 1836 - Halifax, NS - Courtesy of the Naval Museum of Halifax

Naval Monument (The), Dieppe Gardens, Windsor, Ontario

Navy Day - 26 Jul 1952, Victoria, BC (booklet)

Navy Day - 15 Aug 1956, Victoria, BC (pamphlet)

North Atlantic Convoy 1939-1945 - a narrative description of 34 convoy paintings by the late LCdr Eric Riordon, RCN(R), written by LCdr Riordon


Oberon Class Sub - Training Notebook, Chapter 11 - Electrical

Opening Doors - Finding Ways To Deal With The Nation’s Maritime Blindness by Robert James Williamson, CD, Cdr, RCNR Ret’d.

Operation Gallant (ICCS) - Jan 1973 - Mar 1975

Operation Torch - The Invasion of North Africa (credit: The Northern Mariner)

Our Navy - A magazine on the history of the RCN up to 1952


Pay and Allowances

Paying-off of HMC Ships by Colin Darlington, LCdr, RCN, ret'd


Presentation of the King's Colour To the RCN Western Command - 30 May 1939  //  From the collection of Sid Dobing, C1BN, RCN

Presentation of the Queen's Colour to the Royal Canadian Navy - 01 Aug 1959

Presentation of Ceremonial Drums to Atlantic Command of The RCN by The Province of Nova Scotia - 01 Oct 1960

Presentation of the Queen's Colour to Maritime Command - 27 Jun 1979


RCN Barracks, Halifax, NS - Instructions for the Information and Guidance of New Entries

RCN Beach Commando "W" by E.G. Finley and Edward Storey

RCN Commandments - From the collection of Alvin Epp. Courtesy of Steve Epp

Recipe Manual for the RCN

Recipe Manual For Navy, Army, Air Force, Munitions Plants, Camps and Schools

Recommissioning of Naval Reserve Divisions 2023 - Background  -  Excerpt from COMDNAVRES Administrative Order

Repairs and Refitting, East Coast - Appendix A to Minutes of the 127th Meeting of the Naval Board 16 Aug 1943 - Source: the fond of Peter Haydon at Naval Museum of Halifax. Insight into the "unsatisfactory state of affairs as far as repairs of HMC Ships is concerned" at the time

Report of Collision or Grounding (Blank form), RCN - Second World War

Report of Proceedings - Convoy ONS-50 - 27 May 1945 - This report includes the surrender of U-244 and initial contact with her by HMCS STONE TOWN after the U-boat was sighted just ahead on Convoy ONS-50, of which HMCS STONE TOWN was escort and the EG Senior Officer's ship.


Sea Boots - Unsatisfactory Condition Report / Footwear Survey

Seamanship Evolution Handbook

Seamanship Notes - HMCS Montreal (RCNVR Division)

Seamanship Pocket Manual - 1944

Seamanship Pocket Manual, RCNVR - 1945

Seamen's Guide to Trinidad

Shop Window - BBC script for entertainment during the Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Sink the Bastard - Friendly Fire in the Battle of the Atlantic. (The sinking of the Allied French Submarine LA PERLE)

SNFL Change of Command Ceremony, Norfolk, VA - 01 Apr 1982

Soviet Naval Activities in Cuba

Stokers - Steam - Qualifications for, and duties of, the rates


TG 301.0 - Visit to New Orleans, Louisiana 01 - 07 Mar 1968

TG 301.0 - Maple Spring 1969 - 07 Jan - 29 Mar 1969

The Flowers of Canada - by Bruce LeCren (originally published in the Nautical Research Journal spring 2020)

The Prince Ships 1940-45 - CFHQ Report Number 5 - 31 Oct 1965

The RCN 1910-1960 - A Brief History

The RCN 1910-1960 - The Royal Canadian Navy (Reserve)

The Royal Navy as a Career and How to Join It - 1936

Tracing the Built Form of HMC Dockyard by Brent Raymond (Nova Scotia Museum Cultural Report 88)


Theses / Dissertations

A Sickly Season: The Royal Canadian Navy and the Mainguy Commission - by Keith D. Calow

C. Anthony Law and ‘an Artist’s Paradise’- by Pat Jessup, MMM, CD, LCdr, RCN.

HMCS UGANDA: ‘Volunteers Only’ - by Naval Cadet Malcolm A.P. Butler

The creation of the Women's Royal Canadian Naval Service and its role in Canadian naval intelligence and communications, 1939-45 by Julie Anne Redstone-Lewis 2007

The Physician Assistant Onboard Canadian Submarines  - by Christopher Brian Robinson, CD, CPO2 PA, RCN

The Rise and Fall of the Royal Canadian Navy, 1945-1964: A Critical Study of the Senior Leadership, Policy and Manpower Management - by Captain(N) Wilfred Gourlay Dolphin Lund, OMM, CD, (Ret'd)


University Naval Training Divisions

University Naval Training Divisions


Veterans Benefits Guide - updated 2022

Victory Loans Campaign Pamphlet (2nd Campaign) - Courtesy of Mike O'Keefe


Wartime Co-operative Shipbuilding by Fraser McKee, Cdr, RCN(R), Ret’d

Welcome Aboard - A RCN public relations booklet - 1963

Welcome Home - Power River District - July 1st, 1946 - The Powell River District welcomes home the men and women of the RCN, Canadian Army and RCAF who served during WW2

Well Baby Health Services - Diet No. 2.  (RCN) - From the collection of Sid Dobing

What's doing in Stadacona and Halifax - A booklet to give men arriving at Stadacona a first impression of Barrack Regulations as well as details of Recreational Activities in Stadacona and Halifax - circa 1950

WOUNDED - Canada’s Military and the Legacy of Neglect Our Disappearing Options for Defending the Nation Abroad and at Home -  An Interim Report by the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence September 2005