Photo Collections


These photo collections are somewhat unique in their content and have have been posted here to tell their story on the RCN



Photo collections:

Annie Campbell photo collection - photos from the First World War

Capital Iron and Metal - photos of ships from the Second World War being broken up

Gary Hopkins, Submariner - A collection of newspaper articles, sketches, and photos from his career in RN and RCN subs.

Joseph Barr Champion Collection - A historical collection of photos and documents from the life of Joseph Barr Champion, RNCVR, RCN, RAN(R), Master Mariner

Mary Lannon collection - photos of sailors during the Second World War

Nick's photo collection - from his time on HMCS ONTARIO during the Second World War

William D. Johnston, Ldg Stoker, RNCVR - photos from William time in Halifax during the First World War - including damaged from the Halifax Explosion; various ships in harbour;  and crew photos of various harbour craft

William Lilbourne Collection - photos of various ships and sailors - most unknown, from the collection of William Lilbourne.  William is a collector of Naval / Military Memorabilia.