In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar


Robert Hamilton (Bob) Webster 


Petty Officer, RCNVR


Born: 20 Apr 1920, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan


Died: 19 Sep 2007


WEBSTER, Robert Hamilton (Bob)  - Born in Saskatoon Saskatchewan, Bob served in the navy during the war and returned to Saskatoon where he retired from the Saskatoon Housing Authority in 1985. He then moved to Victoria but returned yearly to his beloved prairies. Bob's main love was always his family, especially his wife of 63 years, Bobbi; and his children, Pat, David (Debbie) Ina and Mickey (Heidi); his grandchildren, Chandra, Jessica, Cameron and Carley. He enjoyed get togethers with his many local nieces and nephews and especially his sister-in-law, Yvonne. Bob also loved to return to the prairies each year to visit his nephews, nieces and their families especially if he could combine the visit with a trip to Waskesiu Lake and Little Bear Lake. Bob was a man of few words but he had a great sense of humour and loved nothing more than an evening on the patio with a BBQ, his television sports and visits from family and friends. A Memorial Service will be held at a later date. (The Saskatoon StarPhoenix 21 Sep 2007)


Ships served in:







Below is the wartime photo album from the collection of Robert (Bob) Hamilton, Petty Officer, RCNVR.  While its from Robert's collection, the majority of the photos appear to have been taken by Roberta (Bobbi) Webster or her mother. During the Second World War, Roberta and her mother hosted Royal Navy sailors and Roberta's mother would send photos and letters to their families in England letting them know they were doing. After the war, Bob and Bobbi kept in touch with many of families. A large number of photos in this album are of sailors from the RN and this album may be of interest to those researching RN sailors who were in Canada during the war.




page 1

page 2

page 3

page 4

page 5

- Charlie Evans and Dick Manderson

- Bill Anscombe, Dover England

- Charlie and Dick

- Art Holmes and Charlie

- Bill and I, January 1941

- The Little Skipper

page 6

Letter to Pric and Roberta after the death of Bill Anscombe

page 7

Obituary for Bill Anscombe

page 8

"Oh so good"

Charlie Evan's and Bob McDade

page 9

- Charlie Evans and Art Holmes

- South - SS Cornwallis Puerto Rico

- Phil

* unnamed photo on left is Bill Anscombe

page 10

- Phil

- Bill Anscombe

- Bill O'Hara

- Gunnery School for H.O.  Three X's: Charlie Evans, Dick Manderson, Art Harvey

- Art Holmes

- Phil

page 11

page 12

- "HMCS PATRICK" note: actual name HMCS PATRIOT

- "The Three Musketeers" - Dopey, Jup, Beaner

page 13

- HMCS OTTAWA and HMCS RESTIGOUCHE in lower chamber Miraflores Locks, Panama Canada

page 14

Newspaper clipping on gunnery training

- Top photo below "x" Fen Ellis

- Lower photo 3 X's Fen Ellis, Charlie Evans, Dick Manderson 

page 15

- RCNVR Division Saint John - before they left home

- RCNVR Division Saint John - before leaving for Halifax

- Murray


- Stevens

page 16

- Cape Breton Highlander's Band

- RCNVR Pipe Band

- Royal Marines Band HMS RAMILLIES

- Royal Marines HMS RAMILLIES

page 17

-  Top row: Truman Boyle, Ab Hanley, Art Holmes, True & Ab

- Dick Manderson and Art Holmes in Halifax

- Art, Dick, Ab, True

- Ab, Dick, True, Art

page 18

Lads of the Royal Navy

page 19

- Percy Montford and sister Emmy Montford

- Allen McCarthy

- Roy Payne (Cape Breton highlanders) and Percy Montford

- N. James - SS Cornwallis - South

- Bill Anscombe

- S.S. Cornwallis - Trinidad

page 20

- Article on Percy Montford's visit to Russian port. Percy's brother Walter also served in the Navy and his brother Colin in the Army

page 21

- Dick Manderson and Renê Boudreaux

- Just missed "Bill Tanner" nice back

- Dick & Renê. Dog can't be seen for fog

- Naval Shore Patrol

- Percy Montford, Ken Jones

- Dick and myself, slightly foggy

page 22

- Dick Manderson, Charlie Evans


- Bill Ansombe, Dover, England

- English Lads

page 23

- Believe it or not. Bill and I taken at 10 Canon St. on the roof.  6° below zero

page 24

- Butch McLellan

- Bill Tanner, Officer Steward, HMCS AMHERST

- Percy Montford

- Church Parade - Half blackout

- "Three Cheers" - Dick Manderson

- George Dunlop (right)

page 25

- Bill and I

- Bernard Gagnon and Beatrice Ferris

- Bill Tanner and Bernice Bazinet

page 26

- Lloyd McRory and Pal - HMCS COLUMBIA

- Roy Adley (?sp) - HMS RAMILLIES

- Commander Adams

- Audrey Breen & Joe McGovern

- Dick Manderson, Charlie Evans

page 27

- "Sitting pretty" Dick Manderson

- Bill and I taken on Sunday Afternoon on Mount Pleasant

- Len Seager

- Bea Ferris with 2 unknown sailors

- Bernard & Bea

page 28

- Ed Cromwell taken in Bermuda

- Just our Bill

- Ginger O'Brien

- Richard Deadman

- Happily married - Mr. & Mrs. Fred Collins

- Richard Deadman

page 29

- Noon Hour

- Bill A. (3 photos)

- Musical Interlude

- Saturday afternoon

page 30

- Serious Joe King, Liverpool, England

- Oh so cold "Brr." Bill

- Bill A.

- Scene of Halifax Harbour

page 31

- With best wishes, Jack - Jack Kirby

- "English Lads" of HMS CARADOX

- Andy

page 32

- Ldg Wtr Ray Edwards, Wallasey, Cheshire, England

- Audry Breen & Joe McGovern

- Chief Engineer Herb Thibadeau

page 33

- Danny Munroe & Bea Ferris

- Bernard Gagnon & Danny Munroe

- Andy taken on Lily Lake

- Cousin Andy on board "SAINT CLAIR"

- Jimmy Morrison & Andy on board "SAINT CLAIR"

page 34

- Rennie, Andy and I taken at Lily Lake

- Fen Ellis on board the "COBALT" (photo missing)

- Bea & friend

- Andy and Mother at Lily Lake

- Roy Payne, Mother and Andy

- Roy, Andy and I

- Rennie and Andie

page 35

- Andy (three photos)

- Andy taken in the Valley

- Fen Ellis (photo missing)

page 36

- Dick Manderson

- Me on the roof (photo missing)

- Andy

- Dick

- "Sailor Girl"

- Caffry, Mrs. Shaw and ??

page 37

- Andy

- Mac Sewell taken in Newfoundland

- Andy

- Mother, Bill and I

- Audrey, Mother, Eileen & Bill

page 38

- Andy

- Audrey, Bill & I taken on the roof

- Andy

- Bill & I

- Bill

page 39

- Shiner Wright, Ronald Pennty, Trev Binding - HMS WEDGEFORT

- Mother & Bill tkane on the roof - 1941

- Naval Church Parada

- Douglas Hutchinson, Mum, John Loader

- Leslie Morren - HMS PARRSBORO

- John Loader - HMS PARRSBORO

page 40

- John Loader

- Bernard Taylor, Ollie Colfritts, Derrick Watson (photo missing)


- Doug, Mum & John

- Doug, Alma, John & I

page 41



page 42

- Allan McCarthy

- Mac & Roberta on Wedding Day

- Jack Heath - HMCS SKEENA

- Andy

- Jack & Alma

- Mum, Andy & I

page 43

- Halifax Navy Band in Saint John July 19th 1942

- Andy and Janet, Halifax, May 24 (photo missing)

- Andy, Public Gardens, Halifax, May 24

page 44

- Fen and Audry (photo missing)

- Andy and I

- Bobby McLean (photo missing)

- Andy

page 45

Top left: Bobby Van Ward - Taken July 19, 1942

page 46

Top: Neg # A8655

page 47

page 48

Top left: Taken on the fo'castle one Sunday morning in March about 9,000 miles from where you are (signed) Joe xxx

Bottom left: HMCS MELVILLE J263

Bottom right: Able Seaman Anderson R., V-27802, HMCS ST LAURENT, c/o FMO Halifax NS

page 49

page 50

Bottom left: Andy

page 51

page 52

page 53

page 54

Top left: Gus Boyd, Saint John 1942

Top centre: Bill & Andy, Feb 4, 1943

Bottom left: Bill & Andy, Feb 4, 1943

Bottom centre: Andy & I, Feb 4, 1943

Bottom right: Andy, Feb 4, 1943

page 55

Bottom left: Harry & Roy Rowsell, Feb 28, 1943, Moncton Station

page 56

Top left: Bill & Bobby, May 9, 1943

Top centre: Bill Drummond, May 9, 1943

Top right: Mother & Bill, May 9, 1943

Bottom left: Bill Drummond, May 9, 1943

Bottom centre: Bill & Bobby, May 9, 1943

Bottom right: Bill Drummond, May 9, 1943

page 57

page 58

Centre: Remember Me (signed) Joe xxx

page 59

Top left: Bob Webster, Queen Square, Saint John, NB, June 1, 1943

Top centre: one of the boys and me, just finished a game of Cricket, Nov 1942

Top right: Bobby Horne, June 1943

page 60

centre: With kind regards and happy memories (signed) Jack

page 61

centre: Hello sweetheart (signed) Joe

page 62

Top left: Developer's stamp 30 Nov 1941

Top right: Developer's stamp 14 Dec 1940


page 63


rear cover



Crossed the Bar Index