Bangor Class Minesweeper





Laid down: 03 Sep 1940

Launched: 23 Jan 1941

Commissioned: 30 Jun 1941

Paid off: 06 Oct 1945

Fate: Sold for scrap in 1947


The first of the RCN Bangors, WASAGA was commissioned at Vancouver on 30 Jun 1941. She left Esquimalt on 06 Aug 1941 for Halifax, arriving on 10 Sep 1941. Sent to Bermuda for working-up, she was assigned to Halifax Force on her return. In Mar 1942, she was transferred to Newfoundland Force and, in Jan 1944, to Sydney Force. 


Ordered to the U.K. for invasion duties, she sailed from Halifax on 21 Feb 1944, for Plymouth via the Azores, in company with CANSO, GUYSBOROUGH and KENORA. Arriving at Plymouth early in Mar 1944, she was assigned at first to the 32nd and then to the 31st Minesweeping Flotilla, and was on hand on D-Day. When departing for Normandy to sweep the channel - WASAGA  backed in to the senior ship, HMCS BAYFIELD, causing minor damage to the BAYFIELD'S bow. The BAYFIELD shored it up with bedding and lumber and put to sea to complete the mission. 


WASAGA sailed for Canada on 30 Sep 1944, to refit at Charlottetown, returning to Plymouth on 04 Feb 1945. On 11 Apr 1945 HMCS WASAGA was hit by HMS SURSAY.  The SURSAY struck WASAGA in the seaman's mess. The crew managed to shore up the ship and she made it to port for repairs. In Sep 1945 she returned to Canada and was paid off at Halifax on 06 Oct 1945, to be laid up at Shelburne until sold for scrap in 1947. 



Photos and Documents          Ship's company photos          The Ship's Bell


HMCS WASAGA - Nominal List - dated 15 Apr 1945


The Thirty-First Minesweeping Flotilla



Commanding Officers


LCdr Walter Redford, RCNR - 30 Jun 1941 - 09 Mar 1942

Lt John Buxton Raine, RCNR - 10 Mar 1942 - 13 May 1943

Lt James Alexander Dunn, RCNVR - 14 May 1943 - 17 Jun 1943

Lt John Buxton Raine, RCNR - 18 Jun 1943 - 22 Dec 1943

Lt James Henry Green, RCNR - 23 Dec 1943 - 06 Oct 1945



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten





Former Crew Members


(NL45) - Ship's Nominal Roll dated 15 Apr 1945 


Anderson, Frank, A/Sailmarker, QRIII, A1241, RCNR (NL45)


Ash, Gordon - 1944


Baker, Gordon, SPO, 21729, RCN (NL45)


Bannon, Edgar, SPO, V9878, RCNVR (NL45)


Baril, Jas. Albert, A/L.Ck(S), V31825, RCNVR (NL45)


Blanchard - 1944


Boisclair, Joseph Marc Andre, SLt, RCNVR - Jan 1945 (NL45)


Boulianne, Joseph Ulrie Raoul, A/Wt (E), RCNR - 20 Apr 1942


Boutley, Earle N., AB, V73497, RCNVR (NL45)


Bross, Stewart Richard, Lt, RCNVR - 17 Feb 1944


Broughton, Wally (Fruit) - 1944


Brown, Jas. Francis., A/L/Sto, V1487, RCNVR (NL45)


Buerk, Robert Carter, SLt, RCNVR - 23 Mar 1942


Burns, William F., Sig, V40367, RCNVR (NL45)


Cameron, Chester H., A/CPO.TC, A2352, RCNR (NL45)


Chapman, Cyril C., Stwd, V72434, RCNVR (NL45)


Crook, John J., Sto 1c, V57003, RCNVR (NL45)


Crumb, William E., L/Sto, V32026, RCNVR (NL45)


Currie, Frank, A/SPO, A1885, RCNR (NL45)


Daly, William Patrick, Lt (E), RCNVR - Jan 1945 (NL45)


Deakin, Frank, SLt (E), RCNVR - 08 Jul 1943


Debolt, Howard, B., Sig, V79168, RCNVR (NL45)


Dixon, Thomas G., Stwd, V86963, RCNVR (NL45)


Ellis, William (Bill) (Yank), AB.ST, RCNVR - 1944-45 (NL45)


Favreau, Francis A., SBA, V32362, RCNVR (NL45)


Ferguson, Leslie D., SPO, V22771, RCNVR (NL45)


Foster, Robert James, Ch/Skpr, RCNR - 04 Jul 1942


Gallagher, Hugh - 1944


Gallaher, Bernard F., AB, V37626, RCNVR (Gallagher ??) (NL45)


Garvey, Frederick J. (Fred), AB, RCNVR - 1944-45 (NL45)


Gill, William E., SA, V68934, RCNVR (NL45)


Gillman, William, Sto 1, A5447, RCNR (NL45)


Goudy, William, AB, V54009, RCNVR (NL45)


Graham, William (Bill) EA3c, RCNVR - 1944-45 (NL45)


Hall, Donald, Sig, 3622, RCN (NL45)


Hamelin, Joseph Henry Michael, Lt (E), RCNR - 03 Feb 1944

Hammer - 1944


Hardy, Pater, A/L/Wtr, V30989, RCNVR (NL45)


Harkness, Robert H., Lt, RCNVR (NL45)


Harman, Keneln G., AB, V72991, RCNVR (NL45)


Hayward, Perce W., Sto 1c, RCNVR - 1944-45 (NL45)


Hodge, John Lawrence, SLt, RCNVR


Huardy, Jos. A., Noel, A/ERA 4c, V-56767, RCNVR (NL45)


Jackson, Edward, OS, V82174, RCNVR (NL45)


James, Albert C., Sto 1, V62291, RCNVR (NL45)


Johnson, Richard R., Sig(T.O.), V31078, RCNVR (NL45)


Jones, John D., AB.ST, RCNVR - 1944-45 (NL45)


Jouppi, Matti H., Tel, V77210, RCNVR (NL45)


Lafond, George E.C., Coder, V4710, RCNVR (NL45)


Lahey - 1945


Laidlaw, Neil H., A/SPO, V30307, RCNVR (NL45)


Langham, Harold D., AB, V80641, RCNVR, (of Vancouver) - 1945 (NL45)


Last, Alex, L/Sto, V44486, RCNVR (NL45)


Lee, Gordon Stanley, Tel(T.O.), V34264, RCNVR (NL45)


Little, Ernest Howard, LS.RDIII, RCNVR (NL45)


Lloyd, Thomas G., Sto 1, V35535, RCNVR (NL45)


MacDonald, Ian Huntley, SLt, RCNVR - 29 Jun 1941 (Stand by) / 30 Jun 1941


Marotte, Gerard, J.P., AB, A2408, RCNR (NL45)


Marshall, Frank, A/ERA 4, V45605, RCNVR (NL45)


Massen, Robert L., AB.SD, 4290, RCN (NL45)


McIntyre, Jim (Shifty) - 1944


McLellan, William D., L/Sto, 4703, RCN (NL45)


McMinn, (Half-shot) - 1944


Miller, Bert J., Tel, V43855, RCNVR (NL45)


Mistel, Walter, OS, V58392, RCNVR (NL45)


Moore, Arthur H., OS.RDIII, V76660, RCNVR (NL45)


Morris, John A., SLt, RCNVR (NL45)


Motzney, John F., Tel, V58446, RCNVR (NL45)


Naftel, Frederick Robb Knyvet, Lt, RCNR - 30 Jun 1941

Narraway - 1944


Northgate, Charles OS,V74965, RCNVR (NL45)


Orriman, James Garfield, Lt, RCNVR - 19 Feb 1944


Palmer, Beverley A., OS.ST, V83671, RCNVR (NL45)


Parker, Donald E., Sto 1, V35596, RCNVR (NL45)


Picken, Bruce, Sto 2, V79216, RCNVR (NL45)


Pilon, Gerald A., Sto 2, V82098, RCNVR (NL45)


Randall, Clifford AB.QRII, V35403, RCNVR (NL45)


Redford, Walter, Lt, RCNR - 09 Jun 1941 (Stand by) CO / 30 Jun 1941


Reid, Charles F., AB.RDII, V492, RCNVR (NL45)


Robertson, James, ERA 4c, V67889, RCNVR (NL45)


Scade, Thomas, Sto 1, V54454, RCNVR (NL45)


Scoates, Francis Samuel Eric, Mate, RCNR - 29 Jun 1941 (stand by) / 30 Jun 1941


Sears, Robert, LS, RCNVR - 1944-45 (NL45)


Shrive, Ronald G., ERA 5c, V37787, RCNVR (NL45)


Slipec, Louis, Sto 1c, V12992, RCNVR (NL45)


Smith, Alan George, Sto 1c, V47499, RCNVR (NL45)


Smith, Russell Kenneth, Lt, RCNVR - Jan 1942


Strong, Arthur h., Sig, V61132 (NL45)


Symons, William G., AB, A3825, RCNR (NL45)


Timmons, Herman Patrick, Lt, RCNVR - 07 Feb 1944 (NL45)


Travis, R.E., Sto PO (of Victoria) - 1945


Trimble, AllanW., AB, RCNVR (of Vancouver) - 1945 (NL45)


Turcotte, John, ERA 4c, V45351, RCNVR (NL45)


Walker, James Cowan, SLt, RCNVR - Jan 1942


Weaver, William R. (Bill), LS.QRIII, RCNR - 1944-45 (NL45)


Weldon, Richard Dale, SLt, RCNVR - 24 Jul 1942


Whalen, Reg. J., Ck(S), V70995, RCNVR (NL45)


(Whitey) - 1944



Willer, Kenneth L., AB.AAIII, V33951, RCNVR (NL45)


Wilson, C. Laird, Surg-Lt, RCNVR (NL45)


Wilson, George R., AB.AAII, V24405, RCNVR (NL45)


Wormworth, L., SPO, A2740, RCNR (NL45)


Worrall, Harold, Sto 1, V82091, RCNVR (NL45)


Wyeth, J.K., ERA 3c, V33444, RCNVR (NL45)


Wynne, James G., L/Sig.VSIII, V33123, RCNVR (NL45)



Photos and Documents






WSG0005 / AD93

(WSG0001) HMCS COLUMBIA and HMCS WASAGA praised by Admiralty for bring HMS CALDWELL in under tow  //  The Gazette 27 Feb 1943

(WSG0002) HMCS WASAGA J162 as seen from HMCS QUESNEL K133  //  From the collection of Jim Silvester  //  Courtesy of Jim Silvester

(WSG0003) Article about the food on HMCS WASAGA  //  Crow's Nest newspaper - Apr 1944

(WSG0004) HMCS WASAGA J162  //  DND / RCN photo Negative # E671

(WSG0005) HMCS WASAGA J162 taking a wave over the engine room ventilation hatches midships  //  From the collection of Allan Dougall, LCdr (E), RCN(R)  //  Courtesy of David Dougall







(WS04-WS05) Damage to HMCS WASAGA'S port side after she was hit by the danlayer HMS SURSAY on 11 Apr 1945. The SURSAY hit WASAGA in the seaman's mess. The crew shored up the damage with heavy timbers and used tables to help increase her freeboard.  //  Click here to view a photo of HMS SURSAY

(WS06-WS07) Sailors on HMCS WASAGA J162 circa Sep-Oct 1945  //  Front Row (L-R): AB William Symons, New Westminster; AB H. Langham, Vancouver; AB C.F. Dekuysscher, Rossland;  Back Row (L-R): AB A.W. Trimble, Vancouver; Stoker PO R.E. Travis, Victoria  //  News Release RCN Photo  //  Photographer CPO R. Keegan

From the collection of William Symons, AB, RCNR

Courtesy of George Symons







(FM702) François Messier (left) and Louis Guay, HMCS WASAGA 28 Feb 1942  (FM703) Sailor in Crow's Nest on unknown ship, Halifax 28 Feb 1942 - believed to be HMCS WASAGA  (FM704) Louis Guay on HMCS WASAGA 28 Feb 1942  (FM705) François Messier onboard HMCS WASAGA - 1942

From the collection of François Messier, AB, RCNVR

Courtesy of Denis Messier







(DC02) Chief Stoker Conron on HMCS WASAGA

(DC03) HMCS WASAGA iced-up.  Chief Stoker Donald Conron on the port side of WASAGA by the bridge

(DC06) merchant sailors believed to be onboard HMCS WASAGA

(D07) Damage to HMCS WASAGA'S stern

From the collection of Chief Stoker Donald Conron








(LB05) HMCS WASAGA J162 jacket patch

(LB06) Bill (Buck) Weaver & Gord Ash - 1944

(LB07) Bill (Yank) Ellis - 1944

(LB08) Bill Graham, EA - Plymouth, 1944

(LB09) Hammer, Wally Broughton & Jim McIntyre - 1944







(LB10) Hammer - 1944

(LB11) Jim (Shifty) McIntyre, Bill (Yank) Ellis & Wally (Fruit) Broughton - 1944

(LB12) Jim (Shifty) McIntrye

(LB13) Jim McIntyre

(LB14) Jones, Me (Burton), McIntyre, New'f, Hayward & William Angus MacDougall (front) "Getting a Tan" - 1944







(LB15) Hugh Gallagher and Len Burton peeling potatoes - 1944. "Cook drunk missed the ship"

(LB16-LB17) Len Burton

(LB18) Lloyd Coates, Fred Garvey & Blanchard - Torquay, England 1944

(LB19) (Half-shot) McMinn & Wally Broughton - 1944







(LB20) Narraway, Cyril (Decou) Dekuysscher & Hugh Galloway (front) - Isle of Wight 1944

(LB21) Paul (Tiger) Anderson - 1944

(LB22) Paul (Tiger) Anderson, John Jones, Bill Ellis - 1944

(LB23-LB24) Paul (Tiger) Anderson - 1944







(LB25) Robert Sears, Bill Ellis and John (J.D.) Jones - 1944

(LB26) Ross Milligan - the Buffer - 1944

(LB27) Wally Broughton - 1944

(LB28) Wally Broughton as Quartermaster - 1944

(LB29) Wally Broughton, Paul (Tiger) Anderson, Gord Ash - 1944







(LB30) Wally Broughton, Paul (Tiger) Anderson, Hugh Gallagher, Len Burton & Boswall - 1944

(LB31) Wally Broughton - 1944

(LB32) Whitey - 1944

(LB33) Decou Dekuysscher, Tiger Anderson, Lahey, Aubrey Metcalf & Bisley (front) - 1945

(LB34) Aubrey Metcalf - 1945




(LB35) Jim McIntyre - 1944

(LB36) HMCS MALPEQUE J148 - England 1944 - photo taken from HMCS WASAGA

From the collection of AB.LTO Len Burton

Courtesy of David Burton