In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
DOUGALL, Allan Thomas - (W.W.II, Lieut Cmdr (E), RCNVR) in Orillia, May 28, 1995. Al Dougall, cherished and respected by his family: Jean Murray Day, wife of forty-nine years; his sons Allan and wife Carolyn of North Bay; Jamie and friend Leslie of Aurora; David and wife Arlene of Islington; and grandchildren Allan, Carissa, Amy and Fraser. Growing up in Saskatchewan, he graduated from the University of Saskatchewan in Engineering. He spent the war years serving in the Royal Canadian Navy. On loan to the British Navy in the Far East, he survived the sinking in action of HMS CORNWALL. He sailed in several Canadian ships, his favourite being HMCS ST BONIFACE, names after his birthplace. His last service was Chief Engineer Officer in charge of the North Atlantic Fleet. Until his retirement in 1983, he was an executive with Domtar Inc. in Montreal. Loyal and dedicated to his country, company and his family he left a legacy of the importance of hard work and an honourble character. A Memorial Service will be held at the Doolittle-Carson Funeral Home, 54 Coldwater Street East, Orillia, on Saturday, June 3 at 1 p.m. with visitation from 12 noon to the time of service. If desired, in appreciation of the excellent care he was given during his illness, memorial donations may be made to Orillia Soldiers Memorial Hospital Building Fund, 170 Colborne Street West, Orillia, Ontario, L3V 2Z3 (The Montreal Gazette 31 May 1995)
Allan's brother William (Bill) Dougall also served in the RCNVR during the Second World War
Ships served in: RCN BARRACKS HALIFAX - Appointed to RCN BARRACKS HALIFAX 17 May 1941 for Disposal of Under Training as a Prob. SLt (E), RCNVR (Navy List Jun 1941) * Appointed SLt, RCNVR (seniority 01 May 1941) (Navy List Sep 1941) * Listed as serving with the Royal Navy (Navy List Oct 1941) HMS CORNWALL - Appointed to CORNWALL Jan 1942 (British Navy List Apr 1942). SLt Dougall survived the sinking of CORNWALL by Japanese aircraft on 05 Apr 1942. * Appointed SLt (E), RCNVR (Navy List Sep 1942) RCN BARRACKS ST JOHN'S - Appointed to RCN BARRACKS ST JOHN'S 20 Aug 1942 (Navy List Sep 1942) HMCS STADACONA - Appointed to STADACONA add'l for Disposal 06 Dec 1942 (Appointment Certificate) * Appointed Lt (E) (seniority 01 May 1943) (Navy List Aug 1943) HMCS ST BONIFACE - Appointed to ST BONIFACE 24 May 1943 (Navy List Aug 1943) HMCS CARLPLACE - Appointed to CARLPLACE 18 Nov 1944 (Navy List Jan 1945) * Retired List as a LCdr (E), RCN(R) (seniority 15 Nov 1945) (Navy List Apr 1946) HMCS YORK (Retired List) - as a LCdr (E), RCN(R) (seniority 01 Jul 1945) (Navy List Jul 1952) * Last noted on the Retired List at HMCS YORK as a LCdr (E), RCN(R) (Navy List Jan 1960)
(AD01) SLt Allan Dougall (AD02) Lt Allan Dougall (AD03) LCdr Allan Dougall c1945 (AD04) Wedding of Allan Dougall and Jean Murray Day (AD05) Naval Officers' Association of Canada Membership cards
(AD06) Dominion of Canada Registration Certificate for Allan Dougall (AD07) Engine Room Training of Officers Certificate - HMS CORNWALL (AD08) Appointment Certificate to SLt, RCNVR (AD09) Certificate of Discharge (AD10) Authorization to wear War Service Badge - General Service
(AD11) New Staff and New Officers at HMCS UNICORN (AD12) Saskatoon Ratings Ready for Service (AD13) SLt Allan Dougall home on leave after sinking of HMS CORNWALL - The Saskatoon StarPhoenix 09 Apr 1945 (AD14) Lt Allan Dougall Appointed Flotilla Engineer Officer (AD15) Naval Promotions - Allan Dougall appointed A/LCdr (E)
(AD16) Gift to Allan Dougall from the Engineering Department of HMCS ST BONIFACE when he left the ship
HMS CORNWALL sunk 05 Apr 1942 with a loss of 400 officers and men (AD17) HMS CORNWALL (AD18) HMS CORNWALL (postcard photo) / back of photo (AD19) Newspaper image of HMS DORSETSHIRE and HMS CORNWALL under air attack
HMS CORNWALL - The Story of her sinking by Lt (E) Drew, RN. SLt Allan Dougall is mentioned in this article
(AD20) Guests at the commissioning of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 10 Sep 1943 // Photographer Clarke Seaton, News Chronicle Publishing Company (AD21) Article on the Christening (Commissioning) of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332
(AD22) Ship's Company HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD23) Officers of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 These 2 photos are also found on the Ship's Company Photo page for HMCS ST BONIFACE
(AD24) Engine Room Ratings on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD25-AD26) HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 at Port Arthur, Ontario 10 Sep 1943. Photographer Clarke Seaton, News Chronicle Publishing Company (AD27-AD28) HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 - location unknown
(AD29) LCdr J.J. Hodgkinson, C.O., HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD30) LCdr Hodgkinson, (left). Officer on the right unknown on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD31) Lt (E) Allan Dougall (left) and Surg-Lt William R. "Doc" Fraser on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD32) Surg-Lt William Fraser (left) and LCdr J. Hodgkinson (back, centre) on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD33) Lt Lawrence G. (Larry) Hampson on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332
(AD34) L-R: Lt Hugh Barton (Hughie) Young, Lt Lawrence (Larry) Hampson and Walter J. Barrett-Lennard on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD35) Lt Hughie Young on the bridge of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD36) Officers of HMCS ST BONIFACE on the bridge of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD37) ST BONIFACE officers ashore in the Latin Quarter, New York, NY - L-R: J. Hughes, J.J. Hodgkinson, H. Young, W.J. Barrett-Leonard, A.T. Dougall and R. Angus
(AD35) Port Oerlikon gun on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD36) Aft Oerlikon gun on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD37) Forward 4-inch gun, port and starboard Oerlikon mounts on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD38) A few sailors on HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 enjoying a bit of quiet time on the quarterdeck (AD39) Bridge and 4-inch gun of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 as seen from the crow's nest
(AD40) HMCS ST BONIFACE in the Dartmouth slips - May 1944 (AD41) Lt Allan Dougall extinguishing a fire in the ST BONIFACE'S funnel - photo between Apr-Nov 1944
AD42 (AD42) Click on the above image for the story behind the painting of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332
Madam Deputy Speaker, as the representative for the provincial constituency of St. Boniface, it is for me a singular honour to speak on the resolution that is before this House. In particular, I would like to make special mention to the veterans who will be celebrating this evening at the St. Boniface City Hall the 50th anniversary ship's reunion of the HMCS St. Boniface. Their valour and bravery brought glory not only to the country under whose flag they fought, but also to the city their ship's name so proudly bore. St. Boniface is a community rich in 175 years of history of western Canada. Their vessel and its crew stand as proud memorials to this history. (Excerpt from the Legislative Assembly of Manitoba, Thursday, June 2, 1994)
(AD43) Former crew members of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 (AD44) Former crew members of HMCS ST BONIFACE J332 with spouses
(AD56) Invitation to the Commissioning Party of HMCS CARLPLACE K664 (AD57) Somewhere in Quebec City (AD58) LCdr Charles Wright Commanding Officer, Lt Allan T. Dougall EO and Ellsworth F. Large 1st Lt on HMCS CARLPLACE K664 - Dec 1944 (AD59) Lt Ellsworth F. Large and Lt (E) Allan T. Dougall on HMCS CARLPLACE K664 - Dec 1944
HMCS CARLPLACE K664 transiting the St Lawrence to Halifax forcing passage through heavy ice - Dec 1944 (AD60) Barely making headway (AD61) Looking and the bridge and gun mount from the fo'c's'le (AD62-AD63) Looking aft from the bridge (AD64) Heavy ice field ahead
HMCS CARLPLACE K664 transiting the St Lawrence to Halifax forcing passage through heavy ice - Dec 1944 (AD65) From the quarterdeck looking forward towards the bridge (AD66) Still pushing through ice (AD67) The ice is starting to thin (AD68) Clear waters ahead
(AD69) Depth charge exploding astern of HMCS CARLPLACE K664
Photos below are of ships that Allan Dougall did not serve in
(AD70) HMCS SAGUENAY after her stern was cut off in a collision with SS AZSRA on 15 Nov 1942, 50 miles south east of Cape Spear. The SAGUENAY'S depth charges detonated sinking the AZRA. SAGUENAY rescued the AZRA'S crew. (AD71-AD72) SAGUENAY passing a towline through her bullring to an unknown warship
(AD73) Unknown stoker in the boiler room of HMCS WESTMOUNT J318 - Dec 1943 (AD74) CERA in the Engine Room of HMCS WESTMOUNT J318 - Dec 1943 (AD75-AD76) HMCS WESTMOUNT J318 iced-up fore and aft (AD77) Sailors chipping ice of the fo'c's'le of HMCS WESTMOUNT J318
(AD78) HMCS WALLACEBURG at Pictou, NS (AD79-AD80) HMCS WALLACEBURG J336 * Allan's brother LTO Bill Dougall served in HMCS WALLACEBURG
Surrender of U-190
(AD81) Newspaper article showing U-190 entering the narrows at St. John's, Nfld with a copy of her surrender document above (AD82) U-190 passing the anti-submarine nets as she entered the narrows at St. John's, Nfld // RCN Neg # Z-1470 (AD83) U-190 in harbour at St. John's, Nfld // RCN Neg # Z-1474 (AD84) Sailor posing for photo holding up White Ensign and Nazi flag on U-190 // RCN Neg # 1475
(AD85-AD89) HMCS PORTAGE in convoy
General - photos of various ships
(AD90) HMCS VALLEYFIELD K329 - photo taken a few hours before she was torpedoed and sunk (AD91) HMCS WASKESIU K330 - possibly during trials as the ensign she is flying is not a White Ensign. RCN neg # HN390-R // edited / lightened copy of photo (AD92) Fairmile Motor Launch Q058 - c1943 (AD93) HMCS WASAGA J162 taking a wave over the engine room ventilation hatches midships (AD94) HMCS KENTVILLE J312 with submarine HMS SEAWOLF secured outboard
(AD95) HMCS KENTVILLE J312 in the slips getting repairs to her damaged bow (AD96) HMS QUALICUM J138 - a Bangor Class Minesweeper (AD97) HMS GLENARM K258 (AD98-AD99) Allied training submarines off Halifax
(AD100) Bridge of Town Class destroyer covered in ice // RCN neg # H5978 // Written on back of photo: "Dougall 926 4th Ave Saskatoon" (AD101) Ice on a Tug boat - Dec 1943 (AD102) French Navy submarine Surcouf off St. Pierre et Miquelon (AD103) Unknown Corvette (AD104) Unknown Frigate // RCN neg# F835
(AD105) Troopship RMS QUEEN ELIZABETH (AD106) RMS QUEEN MARY (AD107) Troopship RMS QUEEN MARY departing Halifax (AD108) Troopship PASTEUR
(AD110-AD111) Torpedoed tanker, St. John's, Nfld (AD112) Oerlikon on an unknown ship (AD113) .50-Cal on an unknown minesweeper (AD114) Smoke float sitting on depth charge rails on an unknown corvette