F - Class Destroyer (RN)


River Class Destroyer (RCN)




Source: Public Domain photo from Naval History Net


Battle honours and awards:  Atlantic 1943-44,   Normandy  1944,   Biscay  1944



Laid down: 25 Jul 1933

Launched: 29 Aug 1934

Commissioned: 27 Apr 1935

Transferred to the RCN: 31 May 1943

Commissioned: 31 May 1943

Paid off: 27 Jan 1946

Placed on Disposal List: 28 Jan 1946

Fate: Broken up at Sydney, N.S., in 1946


Commissioned on 27 Apr 1935 as HMS FORTUNE, she was serving with the 8th Flotilla, Home Fleet when the war broke out, and took part in the Norwegian campaign and the occupation of Iceland in May 1940. She also shared in the sinking of U 27, U 44, and the Vichy French submarine Ajax. On 10 May 1941, while escorting a Malta convoy, she was badly damaged by bombs and spent six months under repairs at Chatham, U.K. In Feb 1943, following two years' service with the Eastern Fleet, Fortune returned to the U.K. for major refit at London, and there on 31 May 1943, was transferred to the RCN as SASKATCHEWAN. She was assigned to EG C-3, MOEF, until May 1944, then transferred to EG 12 for invasion duties. On 07 Jun 1944, she was attacked by U-984 (Oblt Heinz Sieder) but the torpedo exploded in the cat gear, causing no damage to the ship. HMCS SASKATCHEWAN participated in operation "Dredger" against German escort vessels at the U-boat meeting points off Brest and southward. During the night of 5/6 Jul the 12th EG, comprising of QU'APPELLE, SASKATCHEWAN, SKEENA and RESTIGOUCHE, attacked 3 patrol boats off Brest: V715 was sunk but not before hitting QU'APPELLE and SASKATCHEWAN many times with small calibre gunfire. She proceeded to Canada in Aug 1944, to refit at Shelburne, N.S., returning to the U.K. in Jan 1945, first as a unit of EG 14, and then of EG 11. She returned to Canada the month after VE-Day and, after employment as a troop transport, was paid off 28 Jan 1946, at Sydney and broken up.



Photos and Documents          Ship's company photos



Commanding Officers


LCdr Gruffydd Harding Williams, RN - 31 May 1943 - 06 Jul 1943

Cdr Ralph Cyril Medley, DSO, RN - 07 Jul 1943 - 22 Mar 1944

LCdr Edward William Finch-Noyes, RCN - 23 Mar 1944 - 06 Apr 1944

LCdr Alan Hebert Easton, DSC, RCNR - 07 Apr 1944 - 08 Aug 1944

A/LCdr Thomas Charles Pullen, RCN - 25 Aug 1944 - 21 Aug 1945

A/LCdr Frederick Charles Frewer, RCN - 22 Aug 1945 - 28 Jan 1946



     In memory of those who made the ultimate sacrifice    

     Lest We Forget     


LEITCH, Dugald


Killed - 06 Jul 1944



     In memory of those who have crossed the bar    

They shall not be forgotten


Aldred, Frank E.

Atkinson, David

Baker, J. Aubrey

Blaise, Charles E.

Bonner, Frederick A.

Brown, William D.

Burgess, William A.

Cavers, J. Arthur

Chambers, M. Patrick

Childs, Robert G.

Ciz, Michael

Cunningham, C. Edward

Easton, Alan H.

Everett, A. William

Fick, Walter C.

Finch-Noyes, Edward

Frewer, Frederick C.

Gillespie, Alastair W.

Guest, Earlton G.

Hackett, Thomas J.

Hope, Thomas A.

Hughes, Donald C.

Jickling, Jarvis

Kellett, Stan E.

Kilvington, Harry

Lagergren, Donald W.

Latimer, Ernest G.

Lawrence, John S.

Lawrie, John M.

McGregor, Donald

McLean, Alexander

McLean, John P.

Millman, Frederick A.

Murray, Robert G.

Naysmith, David M.

Nichol, John L.

Paul, William B.

Pledger, Clifford W.

Pullen, Thomas C.

Reynolds, Frank C.

Riley, Lennox C.

Robertson, James S.

Romanchuk, William

Saretsky, Roman

Simmons, Herbert J.

Stewart, James

Tefler, John W.

Thibodeau, David

Tupper, Allister R.

Waters, Donald M.

Webber, Reginald A.







Former Crew Members


Banks, Robert R., Sto (of Amherst, NS) - 1944


Barton, Cyril F., AB (of Saint John, NB) - 1944


Bell, Alex - 1944


Belyea, Holly Dan, AB (of Saint John, NB) - 1944


Brackett, John, S.P.O. (of Halifax, NS) - 1944


Bradley, Bill (of Charlottetown) - 1944. Wounded in Channel action in 1944.


Brooks, Charles Edgar, SLt, RCNR - 31 May 1943


Cartier, Howard B., C.P.O. (GM), (of Halifax, NS) - 1944


Cavers, J. Arthur, L/SBA (of Ottawa) -1944


Desrosiers, Jacques, Lt, RCNVR - 14 Feb 1944


Ennis, Mark - 1944


Fenton, Edward J., S.P.O. (of Halifax, NS) - 1944


Ferne, Harry Curtis, Lt, RCNVR - 31 May 1943


Forbes, Peter Whyte, Lt (E), RCNR - 07 May 1943 (Stand by) /  31 May 1943 / 15 Feb 1944


Fortier, Thomas de Blois, A/Lt, RCNVR - 03 May 1944


Gallant, Joseph, AB (of Halifax, NS) - 1944

Goodwin, John F., AB (of Saint John, NB) - 1944

Green, Lewis, L/Sig (of Saint John, NB) - 1944


Guelenchyer, Nicke, 4.7 Gunner (of Oshawa) - 1944

Hencher, Thomas, ERA (of Halifax, NS) - 1944


Humble, Bob, SLt, Naval Photographer (of Ottawa) - 1944. Wounded in 1944 Channel action. Hit in back by schrapnel

Hume, Lorne, Lt, RCNVR - 28 Apr 1945


Hyndman, Harry Harland, Lt, RCN - 31 May 1943


Irving, Alonza P., LS (of Murray Harbour, PEI) - 1944


Irwin, John Robert, SLt (E), RCNVR - 20 Mar 1944


Kayle, John, Sto (of Fort William) - 1944


Keeley, Charles Douglas, Surg/Lt, RCNVR


Kimber, John R (Jack), Chief Stoker (of Halifax, NS) - 1944


Kitz, Joseph Russell, A/Lt (E), RCNVR - 08 May 1945


Lesslie, William Van Arnam, A/SLt, RCN - 31 May 1943


Levy, John Givson, Lt (El), RCNVR - 24 Mar 1944


Lockhart, Burton V., AB (of Saint John, NB) - 1944


Mason, John Kingsford Herbert, Lt, RCNVR - 19 Feb 1944


McAllister, William Lawrence (Laurie), PO 


McCormack, Leo Patrick, Lt, RCNVR - 31 May 1943


McKeigan, Donald A., AB (of Glace Bay, NS) - 1944

McLeod, George, Coder (of Moncton, NB) - 1944

Millman, Frederick, AB, (of Alberton, PEI) - 1944

Mossman, Hector H., AB (of Milton, NS) - 1944


Murphy, William, AB (of Charlottetown) - 1944. Wounded in Channel action in 1944.

Nickerson, George V., A/PO Tel (of Boylston, NS) - 1944


Phillips, Al - 1944


Pride, James D., PO (of Halifax, NS) - 1944


Rainnie, Phil, L/Sto (of Toronto) - 1944


Richardson, Oscar Billings, Surg/Lt, RCNVR - 31 May 1943


Schonenals, Lloyd, AB (of Goderich, ON) - 1944 - Wounded in Channel action in 1944, Capt No. 5 Oerlikon gun.


Skelly, Doug, SD (of Toronto) - 1944


Sweeney, Claude F., AB (of New Victoria, NS) - 1944


Thomas, William Alfred, Lt (E), RCNVR - 15 Feb 1944


Tucker, Floyd A., AB (of Elgin, NB) - 1944


Wade, John Howard, Lt, RCNVR -31 May 1943


Webber, Reginald Amand, Lt, RCN - 31 May 1943


Whalley, Arthur George Cuthbert, LCdr, RCNVR - 13 Jun 1945


Whitman, George S., Shipwrite 3c (of Beaver Harbour, NS) - 1944


Whyte, William Methvin, Lt, RCNVR - 31 May 1943


Wickett, Francis Dudley, Lt, RCNVR - 31 May 1943


William, Harold Hoslin, Lt (E), RCNVR - 15 Feb 1944


Williams, Thomas H., Sto (of Dalhousie, NB) - 1944



Photos and Documents


Wartime badge of HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70


Courtesy of David Freeman


From the collection of James Robertson

Courtesy of Jim Robertson

Patrick Chambers and shipmates on the gun of HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70.  Patrick is on the end (left) of the gun barrel


Source: Obituary for Patrick Chambers.

Patrick Chambers on board HMCS SASKATCHEWAN in the North Atlantic

Source: Obituary for Patrick Chambers

HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70 Leaving St John's Harbour.

Source: The photo collection of the late Samuel L. Anderson, CPO, RCN

Published with permission of Bob Anderson.  To view the entire collection, click here.

HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70 departing St John's, Nfld

Courtesy of Erling Baldorf

Patrick Chambers on board HMCS SASKATCHEWAN

Source: Obituary for Patrick Chambers


From the collection of H.J. Simmons

Courtesy of RCSCC Bowmanville


Photos from the collection of H.J. Simmons and John Carpenter




The photos here are from the collections of two sailors. It is known that H.J. Simmons served in HMCS SASKATCHEWAN and it is known that John Carpenter served in HMCS ST Laurent. However, it is not known which ship these were taken from. Did both serve on the same ship at some point, or were they friends and shared photos.  


As it is not known which ship these were taken on - they have been included on the pages of both HMCS ST LAURENT and HMCS SASKATCHEWAN


photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

photo 6

photo 7

photo 8

(1-2) "Hands to Bathe"  (3) Sailors on the quarterdeck of ........ John Carpenter directly in front of 2nd man from left, back row  (4) Sailors on the quarterdeck of ..... John Carpenter directly in front of 2nd man from left, back row  (5) Crew members of .......  (6) Locals trying to sell goods to the crew of .......  (7) Looking aft on .......  (8) Unknown sailor on a gun mount on ....... 

photo 8

photo 9

photo 10

photo 11

photo 12

photo 13

photo 14

photo 15

 (8) Unknown sailor on a gun mount on .......  (9) Torpedo tube on .....  (10-11) Launching a torpedo from .......  (12) Recovering the torpedo  (13) Gun mount on  .......  (14) Sailors by the torpedo tubes on .....  (15) Sailor on after gun platform on .....


Webmaster's note:  above photos 2, 9, 12, 14 and 15 - were from the collection of John Carpenter.  There were included in this section as they appear to have been taken on a destroyer and some fit the sequence of photos that were identical



The photos below are from the collection of H.J. Simmons.  It is known he served in HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70 - and these photos were in a album which included his leave ticket while on HMCS SASKATCHEWAN.  However, a number of his photos (above) are identical to those in the collection of John Carpenter.  It is known John served in HMCS St Laurent H83. While the photos below are not found in John's collection, there is reason to wonder if they were taken on/from SASKATCHEWAN or ST LAURENT.


None of the photos from either sailors collection has their ship's name written on the back - so at this point, until these photos can be positively placed as being taken on one ship or the other, they will be included on the pages for both.


photo 1

photo 2

photo 3

photo 4

photo 5

photo 6

photo 7

photo 8

(1) Torpedo Party, 1944 Standing (L-R): Al Phillips, Jack Telfer, Dan Belyea, Frank Aldred, Alex Bell Kneeling (L-R): John Lawrie, Mark Ennis, Jack Simmons Background (Left) - QM Bill Shill  (2) Looking aft on .....  (3) Four crew members on .....  (4)  HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70  (5) Four crew members on .....  (6-7) Destroyers turning into formation. Photo taken from .....  (8) bow of .....

photo 9

photo 10

photo 11

photo 12

photo 13

photo 14

photo 15

photo 16

D-Day as seen from .....

(10) An explosion in the distance   (12) Ships going in - note the barrage balloons  (13) Ships at anchor - note the barrage balloons  (14) Unknown aircraft carrier and merchant ships  (16)King George V class battleship

photo 17

photo 18

photo 19

photo 20

photo 22

(17) H.J. (Jack) Simmons on ..... Jun 1944  (18) Life below decks on .....  (19) Three unknown crew members on .....  (20) An iceberg seen from .... (21) A convoy as seen from .....


From the collection of H.J. Simmons

Courtesy of RCSCC Bowmanville

Leave ticket for H.J. Simmons, March 1944

From the collection of H.J. Simmons

Courtesy of RCSCC Bowmanville

Newspaper article from the Oshawa Times, 09 Apr 1991

Jack Kimber, HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70,  remembers what it was like to return from war

From the collection of H.J. Simmons

Courtesy of RCSCC Bowmanville

HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70, Rothesay Bay, Scotland

Courtesy of John Coburn


Click here to view the names on the back of the photo

Newspaper article on HMCS SASKATCHEWAN's participation in Operation Dredger 5/6 Jul 1944 off the coast of France


Names of sailors from the Maritimes that are listed in the article:  Fenton, Edward J., S.P.O. (of Halifax, NS); Nickerson, George V., A/PO Tel (of Boylston, NS); Brackett, John, S.P.O. (of Halifax, NS); Barton, Cyril F., AB (of Saint John, NB); Kimber, John R., Chief Stoker (of Halifax, NS); McKeigan, Donald A., AB (of Glace Bay, NS); Cartier, Howard B., C.P.O. (GM), (of Halifax, NS); Belyea, Holly D., AB (of Saint John, NB); Pride, James D., PO (of Halifax, NS); Whitman, George S., Shipwrite 3c (of Beaver Harbour, NS); Hencher, Thomas, ERA (of Halifax, NS); Goodwin, John F., AB (of Saint John, NB); Tucker, Floyd A., AB (of Elgin, NB); Sweeney, Claude F., AB (of New Victoria, NS); Banks, Robert R., Sto (of Amherst, NS); Irving, Alonza P., LS (of Murray Harbour, PEI); Gallant, Joseph, AB (of Halifax, NS); Lawrie, John M., AB (of Halifax, NS); Millman, Frederick, AB, (of Alberton, PEI); Green, Lewis, L/Sig (of Saint John, NB); McLeod, George, Coder (of Moncton, NB); Williams, Thomas H., Sto (of Dalhouse, NB); Lockhart, Burton V., AB (of Saint John, NB); Mossman, Hector H., AB (of Milton, NS)


Courtesy of Noreen Millman


Newspaper articles on operation "Dredger" against German escort vessels at the U-boat meeting points off Brest and southward. During the night of 5/6 Jul the 12th EG, comprising of QU'APPELLE, SASKATCHEWAN, SKEENA and RESTIGOUCHE, attacked 3 patrol boats off Brest.






(IN01) Night Insane As RCN Mangled German Ships - Toronto Star 18 Jul 1944  (IN02) Canadian Sink 3 Ships As Star Shells Light Sky - Toronto Star 11 Aug 1944  (IN03) 6 Supply Ships Sunk By Allies Off France - undated newspaper article  (IN04) Naval Forces Fight in Channel - undated newspaper article


From the collection of Innes Neil van Nostrand


Courtesy of Hugh van Nostrand




From undated newspaper - Account of the action that took place during Operation Dredger


From the collection of AB Dave Christison, RCNVR


Courtesy of Thomas Christison




Article on Operation Dredger 5/6 Jul 1944 - The Albertan 14 Aug 1944


Sailors listed in the article:

HMCS SASKATCHEWAN - LS Dugald Leitch of Calgary;  AB Basil Goodrich of Calgary;  AB Henry Dyer of Edmonton;  AB Lennox Riley of Calgary;  Tel William Romanchuk of Stry;  AB George Clark of Edmonton;  LCdr Allan Easton, CO of Halifax, Lt Alfred William Everett of Winnipeg;  Surg-Lt Doug Keeley;  SLt John Nichol of Vancouver

HMCS QU'APPELLE - Cdr Sandy MacKillop, RN, CO



From the collection of Robert Murray

Courtesy of Ann Haver

HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70 at anchor, Halifax - 22 Nov 1944

From the collection of Robert Murray

Courtesy of Ann Haver

Submarine alongside at Tobermory - date unknown

From the collection of Robert Murray

Courtesy of Ann Haver

Robert Murry (left) and Jacques Desrosiers ashore in Edinburgh, Scotland - Mar 1945

From the collection of Robert Murray

Courtesy of Ann Haver

Robert Murray (left) and Mo in Edinburgh, Scotland - Mar 1945

in Edinburgh, Scotland - Mar 1945

From the collection of Robert Murray

Courtesy of Ann Haver

Canadian naval officers visit Blackpool, Thursday 29 Mar 1945

LCdr T.C. Pullen, Commanding Officer HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70 - front row 2nd from right

From the collection of Robert Murray

Courtesy of Ann Haver

HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70 - date unknown

From the collection of Ron Critchley

Courtesy of Diane Brown

A mess deck on HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70


Aubrey Baker - 1st on right


From the collection of J. Aubrey Baker, RCNVR


Courtesy of Bryan Baker



From the collection of William (Bill) Dougall, LTO (LP), RCNVR


Courtesy of Grant Dougall







(WB66) Unidentified PO on HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70

(WB67) Unidentified PO bringing 2 female guests aboard HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70

(WB68-WB69) William Brown (left) and shipmate with their guests aboard HMCS SASKATCHEWAN H70





From the collection of William Donald Brown, Sto PO, RCNVR

Courtesy of Doug Brown