In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Ships served in: WINNIPEG HALF COMPANY RCNVR - Enlisted 1934 as an Ordinary Seaman, RCNVR HMCS OTTAWA - Served in OTTAWA for training HMS RALEIGH (Mess 27 Collingwood) - Appointed to RALEIGH for Officer Training in 1940 HMS KING ALFRED - Appointed to KING ALFRED for Officer Training * CFR * Appointed Sub-Lieutenant, RCNVR (seniority 06 Dec 1940) HMS REVENGE HMS SOBKRA - Served in SOBKRA as 1st Lieutenant HMS BLIGHT - Served in BLIGH as Gunnery Officer * Appointed Lt, RCNVR (seniority 01 Mar 1942) * Transferred to the RCN in 1945 * Appointed Lt, RCN (seniority 14 Nov 1945) * Appointed LCdr, RCN HMCS SIOUX - Appointed to SIOUX in 1952 as Commanding Officer * Appointed Commander, RCN (seniority 01 Jul 1952) HMCS STAR - Appointed to STAR in 1954 HMCS PATRIOT - Appointed to PATRIOT as Staff of Flag Officer Naval Divisions as Command Training Officer HMCS CAYUGA - Appointed to CAYUGA in 1956 as Commanding Officer HMCS STADACONA - Appointed to STADACONA as Queen's Harbour Master Halifax and Master Intendant * Honourably Released 17 Aug 1965