A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
Ships served in: HMCS VENTURE - Appointed to Venture 22 Jan 1944 as a SLt, RCNVR ML Q099 - Appointed to ML Q099 07 Feb 1944 as a SLt, RCNVR (Navy List Feb 1944) - This appointment was amended to Q074. ML Q074 - Appointed to ML Q074 07 Feb 1944 as SLt RCNVR ML Q088 - Appointed to Q088 23 May 1944 as a SLt, RCNVR (Navy List Jul 1944) // Appointed A/Lt 01 Aug 1944 (Navy List Sep 1944) ML Q106 - Appointed to Q106 19 Feb 1945 as an A/Lt, RCNVR (Navy List Mar 1945) // Appointed as XO Q016 as Lt, RCNVR, 16 May 1945 // Confirmation of Lt rank 16 May 1945, seniority 01 Aug 1944 // Appointed Commanding Officer Q106 15 Jun 1945 - 4th Commanding Officer HMCS DONNACONA - Demobilized 25 Feb 1946 as a Lt, RCNR (Navy List Apr 1946)
(1-2) Portraits of Wilbrod Décarie (3) Wilbrod Décarie on leave (4-5) Wedding of Canadian Naval Officer in Hamilton, Bermuda. photo #4 - Wilbrod Décarie, 4th from left, best man. Photo #5 - Wilbrod Décarie, 1st on right, best man (6) Canadian Naval Officers in Bermuda - friends of Wilbrod Décarie
(WD008) Fairmiles alongside - Q106 inboard. The outboard Fairmile is flying 2 flags that appear to have roosters on them - most likely for winning Cock-of-the-Walk (WD009) Q106 in the slips - location unknown (WD010) Q106 alongside - location unknown (WD011) Depth charges being launched from an unknown Fairmile - believed to be Q106 (WD012) Newspaper article Sea Cadets from the Montreal region on Q106 taking part on the St. Lawrence
(WD013) WRENs onboard ML Q106 off Newfoundland (WD014) ML Q106 (WD015) ML Q106 entering harbour
Photo WD014 - Historical note researched by Donald (Bud) Rose: The photo was taken at the RCN Naval Base (Ship Repair / Refit) facilities at Bay Bulls, Newfoundland. Very little can be ascertained from the background but the sky line which is visible is the area between Bay Bulls and Witless Bay to the South. The object you see on top of the hill is the original Town Water Tower for Witless Bay. The structure in the photo was one of the ship maintenance / machine shops. The Base remained in the possession of the Canadian Government after the war. After Confederation it was put on the inventory of Fisheries and Oceans , and subsequently leased to a multi national fishing company. In 1982 this facility was totally destroyed by fire, and yours truly was tasked with carrying out the investigation. If memory serves me correctly - this structure was converted into a warehouse for the storage of 'Cheese'. Cod au Gratin (made with cheddar cheese) was one of their main products.
(WD016) ML Q109 in dry dock Courtesy of Claude Décarie