Flower Class Corvette
Built at Montreal for the RN, she was commissioned at there on 31 Oct 1940 as HMS TRILLIUM. TRILLIUM arrived at Halifax on 14 Nov 1940 and in the Clyde on 20 Dec 1940 for final fitting out at Greenock, which was completed on 03 Mar 1941. In Apr 1941, after three weeks' workups at Tobermory, she joined EG 4 (RN), Greenock, for outbound North American convoys. On 15 May 1941, TRILLIUM was transferred to the RCN and commissioned as HMCS TRILLIUM. She left Aultbea on 10 Jun 1941 with OB.332 for St. John's to join Newfoundland Command. After two round trips to Iceland she arrived at Halifax on 28 Aug 1941 for three months' refit there and at Lunenburg. On completion of the refit in Dec 1941 she made one further round trip to Iceland and, on 20 Jan 1942, left St. John's for convoy SC.65 to Londonderry. After two return trips on the "Newfie-Derry" run she went to Galveston, Texas, for refit from 16 Apr to 23 Jun 1942. Following workups at Pictou, she resumed mid-ocean service with EG A-3 from Aug 1942 until Apr 1943, when she arrived at Boston for a refit that included the extension of her fo'c's'le. This was completed on 27 Jun 1943, after which she worked up at Pictou before joining EG C-4. Late in Apr 1944 she returned to Pictou for a two-month refit, followed by additional repairs at Halifax, and early in Aug 1944 went to Bermuda to work up. She arrived at St. John's 02 Sep 1944, to join EG C-3. On 14 Jan 1945, while escorting the Milford Haven section of ON.278, she sank a coaster in collision and required five weeks' repairs, afterward resuming mid-ocean service until the end of the war. This ship was unique in that she spent her entire career as a mid-ocean escort, participating in three major convoy battles: SC.100 (Sep 1942); ON.166 (Feb 1943); and SC.121 (Mar 1943). She left St. John's on 27 May 1945, for the U.K., where she was returned to the RN at Milford Haven on 27 Jun 1945. Sold in 1947 for conversion to a whale-catcher, she entered service as the Honduran-registered Olympic Runner in 1950, Otori Maru 10 in 1956 and Kyo Maru No. 16 in 1959. Last in Lloyd's Register for 1972 / 1973.
(Note: Although the place & date of foc'sle extension for HMCS TRILLIUM K172 as listed on 27 Jun 43, at Boston, Mass, was obtained from official records, photographic evidence seems to prove this wrong. It is more likely that TRILLIUM'S Fo'c's'le extension was completed between Apr-Jun 42 Galveston TX. source: RCN news magazine)
Commanding Officers
They shall not be forgotten
Former Crew Members
Photos and Documents
(TB05) Gunshield art on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB06) Chiefs and Petty Officer of HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB07) HMCS TRILLIUM K172 - RCN photo (TB08-TB09) HMCS TRILLIUM K172 in the slips for repairs
(TB10) One of three casualties on board HMS TRILLIUM K172 who were killed when TRILLIUM was staffed by a German plane on 12 Apr 1941. Though manned mainly by a Canadian crew, TRILLIUM was built for the Royal Navy. She was transferred to the RCN 15 May 1941. (TB11) Leading Stoker Campbell on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB12) OS Cottrell on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB13) Jack Hollands in the crow's nest on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB14) Bill Owens on the barrel of the 4-inch gun on HMCS TRILLIUM K172
(TB15) "Spud" Gillan with Cook Blakenby on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB16) Unknown sailor as on watch as Quartermaster on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB17) "Spud" Gillan and Frank by the 4-inch gun on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB18) F. Williams and Macmillan on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB19) Ted Brown manning the twin .50 cal machine guns on HMCS TRILLIUM K172
(TB20) CPO Hobday on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB21) Rob Simpson on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB22) "Stokers Day" on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB23) Coder Tooth on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB24) Signalman Aikens at the signal light on HMCS TRILLIUM K172
(TB25) Unknown RCNR SLt on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 about to ring the ship's bell (TB26) Two unknown sailors in a Carley float on HMCS TRILLIUM K172. One of the sailors appears to be checking the ropes securing the float (TB27)
Unknown sailor on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB29) Unknown sailor on the boat deck of HMCS TRILLIUM K172 at St. John's, Nfld
(TB30) Unknown Lt and CPO on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB31) Unknown sailor on HMCS TRILLIUM K172. Not the ships in convoy on the horizon (TB32) Unknown CPO and PO on the quarterdeck of HMCS TRILLIUM K172. Photo possibly taken at St. John's, Nfld (TB33) Two unknown sailors on the quarterdeck HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB34) Three unknown sailors by the 4-inch gun on HMCS TRILLIUM K172. A small portion of her gunshield art can be seen in the upper right corner of the photo.
(TB35-TB36) Unknown sailor transferring supplies from unknown corvette to HMCS TRILLIUM K172 via a plank between ships (TB37) Unknown RCNR Lt, possibly the CO, inspecting the ship by the engine room skylights on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB38) Unknown Chief Petty Officer on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB39) Unknown officer on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 painting the anti-splinter mats on the forward gun deck
(TB40) Unknown Sig on the starboard signal light on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB41) Unknown Tel or SD looking out a scuttle on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB42) Chiefs and Petty Officer of HMCS TRILLIUM K172 // Identified 2nd from right, CERA James (Jimmy) Sands (TB43) Unknown officer and CPO on the lower bridge wing of HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB44) Two unknown sailors on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 enjoying a bit of quite time reading and keeping warm by sitting on the grate of the boiler room hatch
(TB45) Unknown sailor on the boat deck, between the funnel and the boiler room hatch, on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB46) Unknown sailor painting the funnel on HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB47) Unknown sailors painting the ship's side from HMCS TRILLIUM'S boat (TB48) With the shoreline in the distance, the ship's boat is being inspected after being turned out and readied for use as HMCS TRILLIUM K172 heads out to sea
(TB49-TB50) HMCS TRILLIUM K172 (TB51) Aircraft flying over a North Atlantic Convoy From the collection of Theodore (Ted) Brown, RCNVR Courtesy of David Brown