A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
SMITH, Norman Alfred - died on April 5, 2019, in his 100th year. In his own words, time had finally caught up with him. Norm was predeceased by his loving wife Charlotte Elizabeth (nee Day) in 2009 and late-in-life sweetheart Lillian Maw in 2016. He will be greatly missed by his children Sandra (Eldon), Edward (Anne) and Kenneth (Catherine), as well as his 9 grandchildren and 13 great-grandchildren. Born in Toronto the eldest of 10, Norm grew up during The Great Depression. At the outbreak of WWII, he enlisted in The Queen's Own Rifles and in 1941 transferred to the Royal Canadian Navy where he was deployed as an Ordinary Seaman in The Battle of the Atlantic, serving on corvettes HMCS Trillium and HMCS Arrowhead and the minesweeper HMCS Melville. Norm and Charlotte were married in 1941 and lived after the war in a room off the back of Grampa Day's house while building by hand the family home down the street. He learned all the building trades from his father-in-law as he built the house and he later transferred those skills to his sons. Most importantly, he offered to all of us the wisdom gained in those formative years about confidence, patience and kindness. Norm was a lineman for East York Hydro from 1945 until his retirement in 1980, in the latter years a Foreman. He had a wood shop in the basement and also became a serious amateur photographer, winning many prizes for his nature photography. He and Charlotte were square dancers and enjoyed travelling after retirement. Their home was always open to their children and families and they helped us with every project and supported us through every challenge. Many thanks to Donway Place for providing a friendly and loving environment during his latter years and to Sunnybrook Veterans Centre for very attentive and respectful support over his final few weeks. Pursuant to his wishes, his body has been donated to the Anatomy Department of the University of Toronto. A memorial service for Norm and Charlotte Smith will be held June 8th, 11:00 a.m. at Rosedale United Church, 159 Roxborough Drive, Toronto, with a reception following. In lieu of flowers, you may wish to make a donation to the Arthritis Society by calling 416-979-7228, Ext. 3656 or donating online at www.arthritis.ca (Toronto Star 20 Apr 2019)
Ships served in: