Flower Class Corvette
Built by Victoria Machinery Depot Co. Ltd., Victoria, BC, she was commissioned at Victoria on 17 Mar 1941. KAMLOOPS arrived at Halifax on 19 Jun 1941 and was assigned to Halifax Force, serving as a local escort until the end of the year. In Jan 1942, she commenced a year's duty as A/S/ training ship at Halifax and Pictou. In mid-Feb 1943, she completed a three-month refit at Liverpool, N.S., and after working up at Halifax, joined WLEF in Mar 1943. She transferred in Jun 1943 to EG C-2, Newfoundland Command, and served with this group as an ocean escort for the remainder of the war. In Sep 1943, she was with combined convoy ON.202/ONS.18, which lost six merchant ships and three of its escort. On 28 Sep 1943, she sailed as escort to SC.143. The convoy was attacked by Wolfpack Rossbach. One merchant ship, S.S. Yorkmar was sunk, and one escort, the Polish destroyer Orkan was sunk. Three U-boats were sunk in the attacks on SC.143. In mid-Dec 1943 she began a refit at Charlottetown, completed on 25 Apr 1944, in the course of which her fo'c's'le was extended. Following workups in Bermuda in Jun 1945 she rejoined EG C-2. She was paid off at Sorel on 27 Jun 1945, and sold her for scrap that October.
Photos and Documents Ship's company photos
Commanding Officers
They shall not be forgotten
Former Crew Members
Photos and Documents
(KLP001) Signalman R. Stanley Taylor, HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 // From the collection of Simeon Mitchell (KLP002) Three unknown crew members on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 // From the collection of Simeon Mitchell (KLP003) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 with a Battle Class Trawler on her Starboard bow // From the collection of George John Sedgwick // Courtesy of Jim Sedgwick (KLP004) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 // From the collection of Wilson Reginald McMurdo // Courtesy of Scott Wilson McMurdo (KLP005) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 with iceberg in the background // From the collection of Nelson C. Dow, RCNVR // Courtesy of David Dow
(KLP010) HMCS ORANGEVILLE K491, HMCS BITTERSWEET K182 and HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 // Photo taken from HMCS BROCKVILLE J270 // From the collection of Sylvio Fournier // Courtesy of Steve Fournier
(KLP006) HMCS KAMLOOPS during pre-acceptance trials (KLP007-KLP008) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 experiencing rough seas (KLP005) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 (KLP010) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176, St Margaret's Bay, NS circe Feb 1942 Source: Flickr photo collection of Ron Bell
(GS094-GS095) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 (GS096) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 following astern of HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 From the collection of George Smith, AB, RCNVR Courtesy of Matthew Smith
(KM148) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 in the River Foyle, Norther Ireland (KM149) On 01 May 1943, CPO Kenneth Medford becomes Cox'n of HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 at St. John's, NFLD. Photo taken by Stoker PO Archie Grove, RCN (KM150) E.G. C-2 sails in line ahead //Photo taken from HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 (KM151) Two unknown sailors by the depth charge thrower, starboard side, HMCS KAMLOOPS K176. One of the sailors is holding an axe for chipping the ice off the ship. (KM152) Stoker PO Jock Campbell on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176. The gun mount, mast and bridge are caked in heavy ice
(KM153-KM157) Survivors of S.S. Yorkmar - Convoy SC143on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 - with notes from CPO Kenneth Medford, DSM - 09 Oct 1943
(KM158-KM160) Injured survivor from S.S. Yorkmar being transferred from HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 to a boat sent over by a destroyer (destroyers carried doctors) - 09 Oct 1943
(KM161) Singsong on the quarterdeck of HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943. Jorgenson playing the Concertina (KM162) HMIS Godaveri U52 (KM163) Unknown frigate circa 1943-1944. HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 in the fore ground (KM164) Escort Group C-2 circa 1943-1944 - photo taken from HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 (KM165) Snowflake (starshell)
(KM166-KM168) Merchant Aircraft Carrier (M.A.C.) seen from HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943-1944 This Merchant Aircraft Carrier is one of the Rapana Class converted oil tankers - 8,000 tons standard, 16,000 tons deep load, 12 knots, 3 aircraft, crew 118 (64 RN plus 54 MN), converted 1942-44. Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Company tankers. No hangar and lift; aircraft maintained and stored on deck. Armament: 1 x single 4 in (102 mm) QF MK IV, 2 x single 40 mm Bofors, 6 x single 20 mm Oerlikon cannons. Vessels of the Rapana Class: MV Acavus, MV Adula, MV Alexia, MV Amastra, MV Ancylus, MV Gadila, MV Macoma, MV Miralda, MV Rapana
(KM169-KM173) Merchant ships in convoy circa 1943-1944
(KM174) North Atlantic Convoy. HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 in the fore ground (KM175-KM177) Catalina Flying Boat flies past HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943-1944 (KM177) Sailor on the far right is an ERA named Pete (KM178) Smoke marker
(KM179) A blimp passes near HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 (KM180) A squadron of RAF Hurricanes (KN181) Unknown aircraft passing over HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 (KM182-KM183) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 in rough seas
(KM184) ERAs on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943-1944. centre: Stoker PO Jock Campbell; remainder unknown. Man in sweater is a Lt. (KM185) Unknown sailors on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943-1944 (KM186) Unknown sailors on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943-1944 (KM187) Kenneth Medford on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943-1944 (KM188) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943
(KM189-190) Unknown Escort Carrier in the Irish Sea c1943-44 (KM191) Unknown River Class Destroyer in the Irish Sea c1943-44 (KM192) Looking aft on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 circa 1943 (KM193) Unknown merchant ship. KAMLOOPS' sea boat on the left of the photo
(KM194-KM197) HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 passing by Moville, Ireland, then transiting the River Foyle C1943-44 (KM198) L-R: CPO Ken Medford Cox’n, CPO Alf Puncheon ERA, PO Jock Campbell ERA circa 1943-1944
(KM199) Track chart showing the movements of HMCS KAMLOOPS from 04 Nov 1943 to 11 Nov 1943. It is not known which convoy, if any, KAMLOOPS was escorting at the time. Also on the chart are two positions 04 Dec 1943 and 11 Dec 1943 which would coincide with convoy ONS.24. In the upper right corner of the chart, there are two markings indicating U-boats, but there is no date with those position markings.
Click here to view a larger copy of the track chart without highlighted track markings
From the collection of Kenneth Medford, DSM Courtesy of Gary Medford
(GH01) Unknown sailor on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 with ship's mascot (GH02) Three sailors on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 - George Hemhill in front (GH03) Sailors on HMCS KALOOPS K176 scrubbing the deck (GH04) Unkown sailors on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176. The sailor in the front row, 2nd from left is a Submarine Detector (GH05) Unknown sailor on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176 about to ring the ship's bell
(GH06) Sailors on HMCS KAMLOOPS K176
Webmaster's note: Looks more like a tug of war than line-handling
From the collection of George Hemphill, LR, RCNVR
Courtesy of Lorne Hemphill