They made the Ultimate Sacrifice
RASMUSSEN, Clifford John, OS, V24916, RCNVR, MPK - 13 Sep 1942, HMCS OTTAWA - Son of John Christopher and Gladys Rasmussen, of Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Ordinary Seaman Clifford John Rasmussen, Service No. V24916, RCNVR, 20 years old and was the son of John Christopher and Gladys Rasmussen, of 321 Berry Street, Winnipeg, Manitoba. He was a former Sea Cadet at the age of 12. He went on active service with the Navy in October 1941. He was educated at Britannia, Assiniboine and Linwood Schools. HMCS. Ottawa H60 was Cliff's first ship it was his first trip across the Atlantic.
OS Rasmussen died when HMCS OTTAWA H60 was torpedoed and sunk by U-91 on 13 Sep 1942. Of her crew of 175, plus 50 survivors they had picked up, there were only 69 survivors.
Ships served in: WINNIPEG DIVISION RCNVR - Enlisted 31 Jul 1941 * Commenced Active Service 01 Oct 1941 as an Ordinary Seaman, RCNVR HMCS NADEN - Drafted to NADEN 31 Dec 1941 HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to STADACONA 11 Apr 1942 HMCS CORNWALLIS - Drafted to CORNWALLIS 01 May 1942 * Rated Anti-Aircraft Gun Layer, RCNVR 14 May 1942 HMCS STADACONA - Drafted to STADACONA 15 May 1942 HMCS OTTAWA - Drafted to OTTAWA 15 May 1942
(CR01) OS Rasmussen stops at home on leave // The Winnipeg Evening Tribune (CR02) Service File for Clifford Rasmusen // The Library and Archives of Canada
Second World War Casualty Index