In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
McMURDO, Wilson Reginald (Will) - Born at Toronto, ON on 29 Aug 1922, he was the son of David Sands McMurdo. He died at Port McNicoll, ON on 20 Nov 1988. His ashes were scattered on Georgian Bay.
Ships served in: ML Q060 - Served in Q060 05 Sep 1941 - 28 Apr 1942 as an OS, RCNVR. Commissioning crew HMCS HAMILTON - Served in Hamilton 05 May 1942 - 08 Jul 1943 HMCS CHILLIWACK - Served in Chilliwack 18 Dec 1943 - 04 Jan 1945 as an AB, RCNVR HMCS HESPELER - Served in Hespeler 29 Jun 1945 - 03 Jul 1945
Shadow box memorial for Wilson Reginald McMurdo
The photos below are from the collection of Wilson McMurdo. He served in Q060, HMCS HAMILTON and HMCS CHILLIWACK. It is not known which of the three ships he served in that these photos were taken on / from.
(RM18) Unknown ship - possibly a Town class destroyer. Photo taken from HMCS CHILLIWACK (RM19) Sailors on HMCS CHILLIWACK with the catch of the day (RM20) Wilson McMurdo (left) and shipmate (right) ashore. Location and person in the middle unknown (RM21) Sailors on HMCS CHILLIWACK - Wilson McMurdo on right (RM22) HMCS CHILLIWACK on the slips in Sydney, NS
(RM23) HMCS CHILLIWACK on the slips in Sydney, NS (RM24) Chipping ice off HMCS CHILLIWACK (RM25) Sailors on HMCS CHILLIWACK
(RM26-RM28) Captured German U-boat U-774. Photos taken from HMCS CHILLIWACK (RM29) Convoy escorts surround U-744 - 06 Mar 1944 - photographer unknown (RM30) Captured crew members from U-744 on deck of HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 for some air
(RM31) Newspaper article from The Evening Telegram, Toronto 14 Jul 1945 on the capture of U-744 (RM32) Newspaper article from The Evening Telegram, Toronto of crew painting a U-boat on their gun shield (RM33) After bandstand on HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (RM34) Wilson McMurdo (right) and unknown shipmate relaxing against the breakwater on the fo'c's'le of HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (RM35) Wilson McMurdo holding ship's mascot on HMCS CHILLIWACK K131. Other sailor unknown
(RM36) Mascot of HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (Webmaster's note: Can it look any cuter?) (RM37) HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (RM38) HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 astern of unknown corvette. There appears to be a minesweeper in the slips on her port side (RM39) Wilson McMurdo (right) and unknown sailor on HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (RM40) Looking out at large swell off HMCS CHILLIWACK K131
(RM41) Sailors relaxing just aft the funnel on HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (RM42-RM43) Unknown sailors on HMCS CHILLIWACK holding a depth charge (Webmaster's note: since the MK VII depth charge carried 290 lbs of TNT, it weighed in the area of 400 lbs. It is most likely that these two sailors are carrying the dummy charge used for training on firing the thrower.) (RM44) ailors on the fo'c's'le of HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (RM45) Whaler from HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 under sail
(RM46) Unknown sailor by depth charge thrower on the quarterdeck of HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (RM47) Wilson McMurdo (right) and ship mates on the fo'c's'le of HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 (RM48) HMCS CHILLIWACK jacket patch
RM49 (RM49) HMCS CHILLIWACK K131 - DND / RCN photo # HSO 343-114A
Click here to view the signatures on the back of the photo
The names here were transcribed from the back of the photo. When not sure of spelling (?sp) was put by the name. A few of the names could not be made out at all. If you are able to make out any of the missing names or correct and of those shown here, please send me an email
G. Feltis (?sp), M. Kirstiuk, L. Ross, R.N. Herd, R.N. Rand, L.B. Taylor, J. Boucher, Z.W. Tucker, R.L. Carlson, R.C. Powct (?sp), B. Lindblom, L. McDonald, P. Benson, W.R. McKenna, J. L. Mather, B. Clayton, J. Jackson, H. Stewart, W. Martinson (?sp), A.W. Lute (?sp), Husson, Wm Belash, A. Lang (Doc), Jeff Wards, John MacNeil, Johnny Crook, Chas. Lose (?sp) (Sabo), R. Dureanel (?sp) (Harpo), R.K. Clutsam (VA), J.L. Allison, Yeo, D. Biletchi, Joe Price (Guchio), Gerald J. Ryan, Freddy McCormick, J. Spence, Douglas R. Walion (?sp), Pele Walsor (?sp), Fred Jones, E.A. Travis
Fairmile ML Q060
(RM50) Wilson McMurdo on Q060 (RM51) Wilson McMurdon on KP duty on Q060 (RM52) Wilson McMurdo on watch on Q060 (RM53) ML Q060
These photos are not for reproduction or reposting without permission of Scott McMurdo