Field of Honour Project
Cemetery, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
The above photos are from the City of Winnipeg
website |
The Field of Honour at the Brookside Cemetery was searched and
photographed in July 2024. The remainder of the cemetery has yet to be
searched for naval headstones. This page was last updated on 29 Oct

Adair, Clayton A.
Leading Cook, RCNVR |

Adams, Percy W.
Stoker, US Coast Guard |

Alexander, Walter G.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Allard, Oliva
Petty Officer, VR-2313, RNCVR |

Alloway, Seth
Able Seaman, RNCVR |

Anderson, Edward A.
Stoker, RCNVR |

Anderson, Herbert
Stoker 1c, V39078, RCNVR |
Armstrong, William G.
Radio Artificer, RCNVR |

Arthur, Charles H. 
Able Seaman, V24520, RCNVR |

Atkinson, Robert
Able Seaman, RN |

Bakal, Arthur
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Baker, Howard
Chief Petty Officer, RCNVR |

Barnes, Howard L.
Acting Petty Officer, RCN |

Barnes, Victor C.
Seaman, MN |

Barnett, Harriet E.
Leading Wren, W2000, RCNVR |

Bassington, Albert W.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Bate, John R.
Electrical Artificer, RCNVR |

Battulo, John A. C.
Stoker, RCN |

Bayes, Albert C.
Petty Officer, RN |

Beaton, James C.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Bellmore, Henry
Petty Officer, RCNVR |

Berry, Robert
Royal Navy |

Berryman, Arthur R.
Boy 1st Class, RN |

Bieson, John,
Seaman, Russian Navy |
Birch, John R.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Blatch, Cecil
Patrolman, RCNVR |

Blick, Joseph H.
Leading Seaman, RCNVR |

Bodrug, George
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Boswell, John

Bowerman, William J.
Telegraphist, RCNVR |

Boychuk, Steve
Cook, RCNVR |

Boyd, Harold
Leading Supply Assistant, V37248

Bradstock, Maurice N.
Writer, RCNVR |

Brine, Bernard R.
Seaman, MN |

Broatch, Byron W.
Captain, RNAS Imp |

Brock, Nicholas (né Boychuk)
Stoker 1st Class, RCNVR |

Brooker, Frederick K.
Shipwright, RCNVR |

Brown, Earl T.
Able Seaman, RCNVR

Brown, John R.

Brown, Robert V.
Leading Signalman, RCNVR |

Bryant, James E.
Engine Room Artificer, RCNVR |

Buckels, William 
Engine Room Artificer 1c, V67942

Budd, William T.
Seaman, MN
Buffie, Albert Edward
Leading Stoker, RCNVR
Byrne, James
Leading Signalman, RN |

Campbell, A. Emile
Leading Seaman, RCN |

Cardwell, David R.
Leading Telegraphist, RN |

Carey, John
Stoker, RN |

Carley, David M.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Carlson, Norman
Able Seaman, RCN |

Carroll, Maurice
Chief Warrant Officer, RCN |

Casey, John P.
Steward, RCNVR |

Chard-Loader, Richard T.
Able Seaman, RNCVR |

Chartier, Auguste J.
Steward, RCNVR |

Check, Fred
Cook (S), RCN |
Chidlow, Henry
Stoker Petty Officer, RCNVR |

Chomiski, Johnny
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Code, Kenneth J.
Leading Coder, RCNVR |

Coles, Manson I.
MN |

Corrigan, Orville, L.
Stoker, RCNVR |

Coultry, Thomas A. 
Leutenant (P), O-16144, RCN

Cranston, William A.
Radio Artificer 3c, RCNVR

Cunningham, H. W.
Chief Shipwright, RCNVR |

Daly, Roy C.

Darlow, William
Able Seaman, RN |

Darragh, Hugh
Able Seaman, RCN |

David, John I.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Davidson, Bryce C.
Able Seaman, Royal Navy

Delves, John P.
Able Seaman, V9744, RCNVR |

Donaldson, John B.
Stoker, RCNVR |

Dones, Alfred
Chief Yeoman of Signals, RCN |

Drobko, Stanley
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Eagle, Frank T.
Chief Petty Officer, RCN |

Enright, James S.
Chief Petty Officer, RCN |

Ericksen, Charles T.
Stoker, RN |
Espade, E. H.
V72474, RCNVR |
Evans, H de La Poore
Lieutenant, RN |

Evans, Hubert A.
Bandsman, RCNVR |

Fedorowich, Joseph
Able Seaman, V63236, RCNVR |

Fenton, Harold
V9848, RCNVR |

Fenwick, Ernest S.
V94209, RCNVR |

Firth, Glenn C.
Petty Officer, RCNVR |

Forshaw, Jack H.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Foster, Charles W.
Engine Room Artificer, RCNVR |

Fowler, Donald M.
Signalman, RCNVR |

Freeman, Gordon
Chief Petty Officer, RCNR |

Fuller, Viola M.
Leading Wren, RCN |

Furda, Stanley
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Gelmych, John
Able Seaman, RCN |

Glays, Garnet R.
Leading Patrolman, RCNVR |

Goodfellow, Douglas S.
Stoker, RCNVR |

Goodman, C. W. F. (Bill)
Stoker 1c, V86643, RCNVR |

Gottfred, Lorne A.
Lieutenant, RCNVR |

Graham, Adam B,
Able Seaman, RCNVR |
Graham, Robert
Petty Officer, RCN |

Graham, William
Leading Seaman, RCNVR |

Gilleran, Xavier
Able Seaman, RN

Grant, Cyril J.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Grant, James D.
Stoker 1c, RN |

Gray, Robert
Leading Stoker, RCNVR |

Greenlees, William E.
Leading Seaman, RCNVR |

Guinan, Richard
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Gushue, Raymond J.
Ordinary Seaman, C.A.F. (Navy) |

Halek, Gordon
Stoker, RCNVR |
Halliday, Francis J.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Halvey, John

Hardy, Ralph
Signalman, RCNVR |

Hargrave, Roy C.
Acting Stoker Petty Officer

Harju, Urho
Motor Mechanic, RCNVR |

Harrison, William G.
Motor Mechanic, RCNR |

Haycock, Robert R. B.
Leading Signalman, RCN |

Heady, Percival W.
Leading Stoker, RCN |

Hedges, Ablert E.

Henderson, William G.
Able Seaman, RNCVR

Hill, Robert F.
Ordinary Seaman, RCNVR |

Hodgson, James
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Holmes, John
Leading Stoker, RCNVR

Horsfall, Clifford
Stoker 2c, V40851, RCNVR |

Howe, Robert G.
Able Seaman, RCN |

Hughes, Thomas C.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Hunter, John B.
Leading Supply Assistant, RCNVR |
Hutchinson, Boyd
Chief Petty Officer 2nd Class

Illingworth, J. W. 
Electrical Artificer 4c, V24433
Ingjaldson, Victor R.
Stoker 1c, RCN |

Jack, Robert R.
Stoker, RCNVR |

Jackson, Harold J.
Petty Officer, V50186, RCNVR |

Jamieson, Harvey
Stoker, RCN |

Janney, Ernest L.
Sub-Lieutenant, RNCVR |

Jeffs, William R.
Chief Petty Officer 1st Class
RCN(R) |

Johnson, Albert E.
Leading Patrolman, RCNVR |

Johnson, Oscar W.
Leading Cook, RCNR |

Johnson, William S.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Jones, Edward O.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Jones, George J.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |
Johnston, James
Stoker, RN |

Kaiser, William P. 
Ordinary Seaman, V35908, RCNVR |

Kerr, John S.
Cook 1c, VR-2418, RNCVR |

King, Clarence A.
Stoker, RCNVR |

Kirk, Albert
Able Seaman, RN |

Kogen, Andrew
Cook, RCNVR |

Kryzscha, William E.
Stoker, RCN |

Kucharski, Paul
Able Seaman, RCNVR |
Kustra, Joseph J.

Laidlaw, George R.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Lang, William
Engine Room Artificer, RCNVR |

Lavoie, Joseph A.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Ledwos, Michael M.
Leading Stoker, RCNVR |
Lee, Valentine
MN |
Leeman, Hubert
Naval Airman, RCN |

Little, Terence W.
Able Seaman, RCN |
Livingston, Robert C.
V76128, RCNVR |

Long, Joseph E.
Able Seaman, RN |
Lough, Donald G.
Lowery, John Edward
Yeoman of Signals, RCNVR |

Mac Donald, Douglas D.

MacEachern, Sterling A.
Seaman, V24216, RCNVR |

MacLennan, Daniel P.
Lieutenant, RCNVR |

Marner, M. H. (Marty)
Lieutenant, RCNVR |

Masters, Clarence G.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Matthews, Nelson E.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Matthews, Wilfred T.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Mathieson, Andrew B.
Able Seaman, RNR Imp |

Mattson, Ralph H.
Leading Seaman, RCN |

McBryan, Jacob V.
Stoker 2c, RCNVR |

McCarthy, Francis J.
Private Seaman, RN |

McCartney, Arthur G.
Leading Seaman, RN |

McCombs, Robert
Able Seaman, RCNVR

McCort, Charles E.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

McDonald, Kenneth
Petty Officer, RN |

McDonell, Donald J.
Stoker, VR-1407, RNCVR |

McDougall, William H.

McDowell, Alice A.
Leading Wren, WRCNS |

McDowell, John J.
Petty Officer, RCN |

McFerran, John
Leading Telegraphist, RCNVR |

McGee, James W.
Able Seaman, RN |

McGill, Willard H.
Leading Seaman, RCN |

McHugh, James Chase

McKeown, Edgar E.
Shipwright 3c, RCNVR |

McQueen, William
Shipwright 3c, V50144, RCNVR |

McRae, John
Able Seaman, VR-3992, RNCVR |

Metzler, Arthur
Stoker, RCNVR |

Miller, Alfred P.
Leading Stoker, RCNVR |

Monkman, Ortan I.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Moodie, Alfred A.
Ordinary Seaman, RCNVR |

Morfoot, Gordon T.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Mowatt, John L.
Ordinary Seaman, RCNVR |
Murray, Douglas
Leading Signalman, RCN |

Nisbett, Kenneth J.
Coo, RCNVR |

Joseph L.
Leading Signalman, RCNVR |
Oakley, George M.
Leading Stoker, RCN |
Olander, Albert G.
Yeoman of Signals, RCNVR |

Parry, Howard
Ordinary Seaman, RCNVR |

Parsons, Albert E.
Ordinary Seaman, RCNVR |

Paton, Herbert M.
Signalman, RN |

Paul, Joseph L. A.
Cook, RCN |

Paul, Ronald
Seaman, RCN |

Penston, Frank T.
Able Seaman, V9564, RCNVR |

Perryman, Phillip
Steward, RCN |

Peters, Jack
Leading Seaman, RCNVR |

Pidlubny, Gordon T.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Pollard, Anne M. (née Ronald)
Wren Signalwoman, WRCNS |

Porter, James N.
Able Seaman, RCN |
Price, Joseph
Able Seaman, RCNVR |
Quinn, Andrew J.
Cook, RCNVR |

Raine, Christine V.
Petty Officer, WRCNS |

Ramsay, William H.

Reed, Harold E.
Leading Seaman, RCN |
Remnant, Charles A.
V46773, RCNVR |

Richardson, John
Engine Room Artificer 4c, RN |

Robertson, William
Boatswain, RCN |
Robinson, Clifford G.
Oiler, MN |

Robson, Thomas W.
Corporal, RNAS |

Ross, Kenneth E.

Sampey, Gordon S.
Leading Seaman, RCN |

Savage, George J.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Schaap, Cornelius
Engine Room Artificer, RCNVR |

Scholl, James S.
Able Seaman, RN |

Gordon P.
Able Seaman, RCN |

Shannon, Leslie J.
Leading Signalman, RNCVR |

Short, William M.
Leading Telegraphist, RN |

Sinclair, Charles
Engine Room Artificer 2c, RCNVR |

Sinnock, George W.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Smallwood, John G.
Smart, Cecil J. C.
Able Seaman, RN |

Smith, Andrew M.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Smith, Angus A.
Able Seaman, RCN

Smith, Clyde R.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Smith, Glen W. I.
Ordinary Seaman, 58636-H, RCN |

Smith, Louis H.
Engineman, RN |

Spence, Charles H.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Sniatkowski, Dmytro
Polish Forces, RN |

Stadnyk, William
Stoker, RCNVR |

Stewart, Robert S.
Able Seaman, RCN |

Stokell, Richard A.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Sudoma, Peter
Leading Cook, RCNVR |

Sutherland, James A.

Swartman, Eldon H.
Leading Stoker, RCN |

Tattrie, Edward
Ordinary Seaman, RNCVR |
Thorgeirson, Frederick
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Tidy, William C.
Able Seaman, RN |

Tolmie, William
Able Seaman, RNVR |

Tomlinson, William
Leading Stoker, RCNVR |

Tonkin, Harold R. C.
Able Seaman, RCN |

Tullis, Thomas
Petty Officer, RN |
Turner, Thomas R.
Petty Officer, RCNVR |

Vandenheede, Louis P.
Able Seaman, RCNVR |

Walker, James H.
Leading Seaman, RCNVR |

Watson, Frank A.
Able Seaman, RCN |

Watson, William
Leading Cook, RCNVR |

West, Albert
Stoker, RN |

Wheeler, William G.
Able Seaman, RCN |

Wilson, S. James
Stoker 2c, RCNVR

Winsor, Archibald
Petty Officer, RNCVR

White, George E.
Able Seaman, RN |

Whitley, Gordon O.
Telegraphist, RCNVR |

Whittingham, Raymond
Cook, RCNVR |

Will, William
Ordinary Seaman, RCNR |

Wilwand, Earl F.
Leading Stoker, RCNVR |

Wilwand, Robert E.
Leading Seaman, RCN |

Woloschuk, James
Fireman / Trimmer, MN |

Ronald A. Leading Seaman, RCN |

Norman G. 
Ordinary Signalman, V9607

Donald H. Leading Seaman, RCNVR |

Yakubec, Walter
Telegraphist, RCNVR |

Young, Harold J.
Able Seaman, MN |
Zemliduk, John
Stoker, RCN |
Naval headstones in the Brookside
Cemetery, but not in the cemetery's Field of Honour
The Field of
Honour Project