A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
Service information for:
I joined in 1964 and after basic training and HMCS STADACONA I was assigned to the RP trade. My first ship was the frigate HMCS OUTREMONT. I sailed on it Halifax to Dartmouth (under tow). I believe I was there only until I they found space on the RESTIGOUCHE. Shortly after returning to Halifax from the exercise down to RIO (Jan 1966) RESTIGOUCHE headed across the Atlantic for MATCHMAKER. I was married at HMCS STADACONA 4 days before we departed. That one was my last trip. I always had trouble with seasickness so the crossings almost did me in. When we got back I was able to do a transfer to the Air Force. After leaving the Air Force I joined the Waterloo Regional Police service where I served until retiring as a Staff Sergeant.
I'd be happy to see any of the shipmates if they are in the area.
Ships served in:
Restigouche Memories:
The events took place during our trip down to Rio in Jan 1966.
- One day in Curaçao, the officers were having a cocktail party on the quarter deck and we couldn’t go ashore because of it. We armed ourselves with brooms and mops and walked back and forth under the quarter deck banging on the mortar covers. Shortly thereafter we were allowed to go ashore.
- Below our mess was the ammunition locker which also doubled as the beer storage area. Two of our guys in all their wisdom decided to bust into it and stole a kit bag full of beer. When you are at sea and drunk to the unconscious point you have limited places to hide. They were found on deck passed out in the morning - but I can’t remember what happened to them.