A Royal Canadian Navy Historical Project
In memory of those who have Crossed the Bar
McFARLAND, James Morris Earl - was born 5 Oct 23 in Nelson, BC and was raised in Capilano, BC. He joined the Navy as a Boy Seaman in Vancouver 15 July 1941. He was transferred to the east coast on 19 Jan 1942 and it was there he met Margaret McKinnon. They were married in Mulgrave, NS on 19 Mar 1945. James was transferred back to Victoria where he spent a few more years before his release on 21 July 1948. They moved to Vancouver where he work on the CNR Trains as a cook and then logging camps on Vancouver Island. James die on 20 Mar 1988 in Maple Ridge, BC. James and Margaret had 6 children and 3 grandchildren.
Able Seaman McFarland was a recipient of the 1939-45 Star, the Atlantic Star, the Africa Star and Clasp, the Italy Star, the Defence Medal, the CVSM and Clasp, and the War Medal 1945.
Ships served in: HMS QUEBEC - Served in Quebec (Combined Operation Base, Inverary, Scotland) 28 Feb 1942 - 31 Aug 1943 as an OS, RCN. Rated AB 17 Jul 1942. HMS COPRA - Served in Copra (Combined Operations Administration Base, London England) 01 Sep 1943 - 26 Nov 1943 as an AB, RCN. COPRA stands for "Combined Operations Pay Records & Accounts". HMS GLORY - Served in Glory (Royal Navy aircraft carrier) 05 May 1945 - 26 Jun 1945 as an AB, RCN HMCS UGANDA - Served in Uganda 13 Dec 1945 - 26 Feb 1946 as an AB, RCN HMCS SIOUX - Served in Sioux 30 Jan 1946 - 10 Jul 1946 as an AB, RCN HMCS ONTARIO - Served in Ontario 11 Jul 1946 - 20 May 1946 as an AB, RCN HMCS ONTARIO - Served in Ontario 08 Aug 1947 - 25 Apr 1948